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Everything posted by ImaTest1488314069

  1. Being able to make mesh isn't the whole of it. Being able to make effective mesh, is more of the whole thna not, though. Mesh, while complicated in it's own right, is made even moreso when people aren't as clued in on how to create it in a way that will reduce the load on people/the servers. That includes using programs that do it for you. There is a lot of absolutely beutiful mesh out there. There are a lot of wonderfully talented creators out there too. But there is a lot more beautiful mesh with a huge land impact, and a lot more creators who aren't quite ready to take on the task of making effective mesh. The majority of sl is not ready for mesh, despite what people think. As, like I said, mesh in and of itself is not the whole, effective mesh is. Look at some of the mesh clothing out there for a prime example. Beautiful and people love it, but if it had to be rezzed on the ground, the land impact would jump sky high. That's not effective, by any stretch. We should be finding ways to make sl more enjoyable for more people. That includes people with high end systems right on down to people without. Effective builds are part of that. Beauty can't, well shouldn't surpass functionality. You need both, imo. The mesh creation tools out there don't always make effective mesh either. There was one that was taken down not too long ego because the things it was creating were coming out with huge land impacts. Virtually making the product useless. The entire reason many buy those products is to not only make mesh stuff, but make effective mesh stuff. However, when you use them, you're not the one making mesh, youre building with mesh. The program is making mesh for you. Not a knock on the product, as it's awesome and very helpful for a lot of people, but it's not the same thing as building those bits in an outside program by yourself. I visited a friend's store earlier today that was absolutely stunning. It was made entirely of mesh. I mean it was really breathtaking. But the land impact of it was massive. Not only does all that rendering have a cost for customers visiting, but also the landowner/renter in "land impact". The store has been around since at least 2005, that i know of. It was once a store built from prims. I know the owner well. The prim count of the original build was something along the lines of 35-ish. When she moved to sculpts it jumped down to about 25. Now, as mesh, it's 360 something land impact. That's absolutely nuts, considering it's just a basic building and uses no more than 20 prims! Beautiful or not, that building is NOT effective. It's gorgeous and people are of course free to use however many prims they want to for their builds. But store owners, and sim owners need to, or should, take into account their customers as well. That store takes ages to load now, because of the high rendering cost. She's getting ready to strip it down to a sculpt store again, because she's received many complaints about the lag and slow rez times. So, yes, mesh is wonderful, but it's only as wonderful as it's impact, in sl. Sl is one place where rendering cost truly matters, unlike some other virtual environments, or dare I say it, games. Taking only what works for you into consideration is a really stupid move made by way too many content creators. You have to consider the experience(s) of others as well. Mesh in sl is awesome, can be awesome, but can also be detrimental if not used wisely. As for Rod..I honestly don't think Rod has any clue what SL is really like these days. I think he's guessing and thinks he's doing a good job at it, based on his responses. If he and his staff actually had to spend any measurable time in sl and deal with the same things residents do on a daily basis, his tune would be different. The little bit he, and staff, DO visit sl,. it's always for some news story, some show, something that puts them in the limelight. It's never just because. It's never to check out an actual problem. It's never to visit sims that aren't already well known. That speaks volumes to me, about him. If he can't be bothered to utilize the product he wants us to, what's that really say about his faith in the product to begin with? Not much, if you ask me. Love the dude, but, he's got a long way to go before I'd believe a word he says. I love news stories as much as the nest person. But I love people who have faith in their products and their customers even more. If I were the man behind the curtain, you can bet your butt I would make my staff spend time inworld and I would do so myself too. Not just for publicity either. I doubt he's that busy he hasn't a few moments to spare here and there. If he is, he's doing something seriously wrong. I'd want to know how the users are experiencing things. Having them tell me via posts here, elsewhere and on JIRAs does nothing. I'd want to SEE it and FEEL it(ok as much as one can feel in sl). You can't do that without coming in. Sorry, you just can't. I miss the days of seeing lindens inworld regularly, lindens that seemed to care. Even if they didn't really, they did a great job of pretending sometimes while they worked on issues. Now they don't even do that. How they can call this progress is beyond me. Progress is the product of the whole moving forward. Some areas of sl progressing while others aren't-or worse going backwards, is not progress of sl. I love sl, I'm going nowhere. Sl has come a long way. But we've a very long way yo go and it would do Rod well to really get to know the people that put food on his table, and to quit pretending we don't.
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: Lucky cat, yes, but I'd rather she didn't sleep on my bed. It's a single bed and she takes up quite bit of the bottom end where my feet want to roam. She has a whole bedroom of her own with plenty of comfy stuff in it where she spends a fair chunk of each day. I won't shut her out of my bedroom though. And I'd prefer she didn't sleep on me when I'm watching TV because it gets quite hot under her. Also, when I'm concentrating on doing things on the computer, I'd rather she didn't sit on the table next to me and stare and meow at me, looking for strokes and petting - which she always gets. Apart from that, she's fine lol. Be glad she isn't an inquisitive little sugar glider that never holds still. I have two of those on the desk right now. One is sitting on part of my keyboard, tapping buttons because he thinks he's cute. The other is taking pens and pencils out of a container and playing fetch with the dog on the floor-who's just as dopey. I'm pretty sure they're actually chipmunks in disguise. Normally they are sitting on me. On my head, on my lap, on my arms while I type. Apparently I am their own private jungle gym. I also swear I can hear them laughing at me and snickering under their breath when they infuriate me to the point that steam rolls out of my ears. Did I mention they pick locks? Because they do. Or, rather, they've figured out how to open any cage I've ever put them in. Short of using a padlock, I've tried everything. I gave up tring, and now we're all much happier. They like to steal the bed too. For critters that tiny, being able to take up half the bed is a skill worth having. They have their own room too, they're just snots. They also like to torment my son by messing with the brakes on his chair when we go outside. I'm fairly certain sugar gliders aren't supposed to be this social, or ornery. But, we love them anyway.
  3. Mute, ignore and run far, far away from here.. er her, run far, far away from her It's probably a dude being all paranoid, and stuff. Don't sweat it, and don't try to make peace, it's not worth the headache. She doesn't want peace with you anyway. But you might want to take her name out of your post. That's gonna get you RIC'd.
  4. chrismignon McDonnell wrote: And how people are going to make money on your back If people are making money on my back they must be really little people. I'm not that tall, or that muscular and I think I'd notice people on my back.
  5. Funny all the people that were whining and bitching about how horrible LL is are nowhere to be found now.... Doubt we'll see any of them eating that crow they've served up for themselves though. Glad to see the TPE that really care are working through the regulations to continue service for those who need it. I knew they would.
  6. Kaysaari Farshore wrote: So I went to this place with product campers and camped for 5 or 6 hours for an item while I went to bed. I was not awake when the accept-discard-block window came up. My logs say I recieved the item but I can't find it in my inventory - I've tried several suggestions from the groups I was chatting to about it (rezzed an item at a sandbox, looking in received items, lost and found, objects, etc), but nothing's worked so far. The store clearly states they do not redeliver freebie/camp/MM items but I REALLY wanted this one and you can't get near the camping chairs (I was just lucky). I looked to see if you could file a ticket but it said you can only do that if you're premium on the wiki - is that information up to date? It seems kind of unfair. How is it unfair that you went to bed, did absolutely nothing at all to receive an item other than sit somewhere for hours while not even at your pc, failed to be online when the accpet/decline box popped up....and ultimately did not get the item. If you're looking at local chat logs to see if you received the item, they will almost always say you've been sent something, what they won't always tell you(if at all) id whether or not you've accepted it. If you have it so you must accept all items that are sent to you before they'll go into your inventory, then that's exactly what happened. You weren't there to accept the item, therefore, you did not get it. I know you're going to see this response as rude, and also, unfair, but you'd be wrong on both accounts. It's neither rude, nor unfair to state the obvious. The obvious being you mucked that up for yourself by not being there. If you're going to "camp" for things for hours on end while being afk(not saying this is a bad thing, but it is what you did, and what many campers do, it's why they often camp), then you need to set it so the items don't need to be accepted by you. Else you're going to continue to run into this. Wanting something badly doesn't mean you're going to get it. It sounds very childish to say "I wanted it, it's not fair I didn't get it". Creators don't have to do things like camping, free gifts, group gifts, mania boards, lucky chairs, things of that sort. Though they're just as helpful to them as they are to us, the consumer, they aren't obligated to make certain we meet the requirements to receive their gifts. Filing a ticket isn't only for premium, but even if you did, it would do you no good. You're not "owed" anything. You didn't pay the creator for a product not received. Aside from that, it would be a resident to resident dispute and LL doesn't pay attention to those(for good reason). I am going to guess this creator has that rule, for a very good reason. There are probably a lot of people, who have done the same thing. Either they've failed to accept the item, or declined it even. It happens and yeah it's not pleasant, but it's hardly unfair.
  7. Poenald Palen wrote: Of course, if you have it seeable they can copybot it, and transfer it to others and then their truly would be/is a always another store to get the exact item as n00bs or those unkowing sell the stuff they get to n00bs and those unkowing...or maybe both don't care because they are laundering money for an out of world transaction and just need some quick stuff to get money flowing AND look as if there are legit prices. Not sure if this si happening, but it answered why some cronic offenders offend cronically....maybe for cronic? Yeah, maybe...then again they could be troll lawyers or competition a) copying the items and getting you to file take downs and then b) reporting you to the IRS for earnings issues after infiltrating your life OR maybe they find out you don't earn hardly anything and then continue on hurting you because they are evil people...or because they need money laundering channels.....I mean, the stuff isn't worth so much anyway, especially at a deep discount.....right? So, we end up with worry and payment info on file and all that stuff arguments. Then again, this whole supposed second life may simply be a mirage and I am stuck in the 13th century and spent way to much time playing with an abacus and thought of all that might become of computing devices or I could be a time traveller even....wait...why do I feel horse turd on my legs....oh no..../me disapears in a flash of light and leaves a huge burning hole in the ground "for the love of Thor what is happening!" Wtheck did this have to do with anything that was asked, or posted, in this thread? As for the OP, good topic, imo. Sometimes, as creators, people fail to stop to think about the end product from a consumer point of view. I don't think it's all that hard to get stuck in that kind of mindset. Especially when one is in a creative sort of mood and busy, busy, busy taking care of business. It's rarely intentional, I don't believe, but it does happen. I didn't use, and wouldn't use a vendor script, unless I had to. Most of my stuff was fairly easy tos ee what was included. Between the text on the vendor pic, and being able to see the contents of the vendor itself. If something had specific permissions, such in the case as one person replied, an item that IS modify but a scipt inside would cause it to seem not modify, I'd make that known too. I only did this through trial and error though. Which is how I think many, most probably, merchants find their way. The whole copy/mod or mod/trans debate could go on for years. There are both benefits and downfalls to each and it would depend entirely on the product at hand. Not even always the type of product, but the actual product. What works well for some merchants(and therefore customers) as copy/mod might not work so well for others. As you said, though, there are always other places to go when one doesn't meet your needs.
  8. OfficialSensation wrote: Hi Alicia Sautereau, Please do that and tell us what you solved after. First of all, you are off topic, and second you are here for fame/publicity, you can send us a message directly if you want threat or just talk to us do not make a public show. And to answer your threat/reply , we do not use any of their music files, artists’ names, label names, Streams, Downloads, software, designs, drawings, Logos and trademarks. PLUS: Not to mention your nick, event name and charging for it.... Our nick ( is just a name), event name( used in real life in hundreds of clubs), charge( linden is not real money f room what we knew) A piece of advice in future, don't get in topics that are not for you. SENSATION SL TEAM Be part of the night, Dress in white. Your reply right here will be why most who could, and would, have helped you....will choose not to. You might want to rethink your public presence a bit more. If you're going to attack people that are keeping your proverbial butt out of the rl legal fire, you'd best brush up on your communication skills. Right now, yours suck. I know of several people who lend out land to all sorts of causes, both paid and unpaid. I'm always happy to pass on posts and requests to them. What I won't do, is promote someone who acts like a childish little brat when given advice, such as you've been here. You, your "company"(we'll use that term loosely) are the one(s) looking for fame and publicity. It would do you well to remember where your roots stand. How you did in another virtual world doesn't matter here. No one cares. No one will care. Even if you were to take this rl, no one would care. You care, and that's wonderful. People in sl don't care how things in other virtual worlds go. In fact, many are pretty sick and tired of all the comparisons we see, so when other virtual worlds are mentioned, we ignore it. Personally, I'd leave that tidbit out in the future. I can totally understand wanting to mimic something you love. A desire I think many have, at some point in their lives. Whether or not you should do it, depends on the situation. In this case, I think you should cease, immediately. Find your own niche. Find your own thing. Find your own idea and run with it. Don't take what's already been done and try to recreate it somewhere, like here. As successful as you think it might be, I can almost guarantee you'll be wrong. You'll find it's more hassle than it's worth. Not to mention it's a totally low blow, lacks any amount of creativity and, well, it's just cheesey, at best. It says absolutely nothing good about you, that's for certain. However, if you start from fresh, if you use your own idea(s), if you make your own product...you'll only be limited by your own imagination(s). I haven't the foggiest how many of you there are, but I would hope it's more than one person. In which case I am guessing you haven't exactly put forth a "should we really do this here?" question to everyone else. Anyone with any amount of searching skills can see that things other virtual worlds or sites allow to happen, won't fly here. RL copyrights and trademarks are taken seriously in SL and always will be. Yes some get away with breaking them. Some people get away with breaking the law in RL too. That doesn't mean you should. The other virtual world you were in, shouldn't have let you. They broke rl law as much as you did and personally I'd be ashamed to be the owner of that world. Knowing I did nothing at all to prevent, or stop you. I have no doubt you were reported there too. Long winded, yes, I know. My guess is you'll get bored a few sentences in and not continue reading. Personally, I don't care. It'll just show how inexperienced and juvenile you really are. So I'll leave you with this... Grow up, come up with your own idea, create your own product and quite trying to piggyback off the success of others. That's one of the biggest downfalls in, well, most industries these days. People just lack creativity and originality and it's really such a shame. Carbon copies are just not that attractive anymore. They're boring, overused, played out...I could go on.
  9. Fabz Bing wrote: yes i limited the amount too 1 x so basicly 1x10 scrolls in 1 prim ... and i use the magicbox so yeah i only have 1 of each listing so i hope it wont get taken down for spamming Easiest way to do this is to number the box. It will show as a one-off and once bought it will be "unavailable" on the mp. Basically put your scrolls in your boxes. Name your boxes whatever it is you want to name them, but add a number on the end. So something like this.. 10 Kraftie Scrolls of Fortitude-#1(place 10 scrolls in here, pick up the box, put in your MB and list), then continue on. I would NOT flood the MP with these items. Only list a few boxes at a time. I'd probably stick with 5 or less each time. It literally takes minutes to list them, so the convenience of using MP to sell will negate the inconvenience of the couple minutes it takes to list. You can load your MB up with all the boxes you want, I just wouldn't list them all at once. Also, keep an eye on them so when they sell you can remove those listings, and make a new one. The listings will not be removed for you when they sell. It will simply say unavailable. That little tidbit WILL annoy people specifically looking for what you have. I also wouldn't do as some do and simply edit an existing unavailable listing, to add a new associated item. But I suppose that's personal preference.
  10. TootsieToes wrote: I know I can make them. It's odd to me whom ever made the presets postioned the sun wrong. This would suggest that the rest of sl is somehow "right".... One of the wonderful things about sl is that it can be made to look however we want it to. Most of those windlight settings aren't ones you'd see in rl either. So why should the sun, stars or moon position be any different?
  11. Dani86 Aldrin wrote: Hi, I became a victim to someone (whose name I won't bring up here) who harassed me and repeatedly nagged me by offering me a job as a prostitute to earn lindens. I ultimately rejected, and told her in her face that I was reporting her. She threatened to me that if I say anything to her, she would report me to Linden Labs. I did not do anything wrong at all. I am an innocent person, and I fear for my future in SL because of this person. Needless to say, I blocked her pronto, as well as her so-called friend. I also didn't say anything else to her, and filed an abuse report, but what I ask is, how long does it take for the folks at Linden Labs to process my report? Just to let you folks know that people need to respect others, regardless of how they look. If they look different, that's no reason to bully or harass or intimidate that person. Golden rule: If you hate the person because of how they appear or how they act, don't take it out on them. Being respectful to others is as easy as replacing hateful messages with a simple word like "Hi" or "hello". I seriously cannot wait for cyberbullying laws to come into effect globally someday. What you described is nothing more than two adults who can't get along. It would not fall under any cyberbullying laws or rules, even if they were in place. Of course it's not nice to be mean, but sl offers you all the tools you need to both prevent it and block it. So you've nothing to fear whatsoeve. I do think your response to someone just being mean, is a bit over the top. You weren't bullied, you were annoyed and could have stopped it the moment it started. Even if the lab took your report(or the other person's) seriously, they wouldn't tell you the outcome. They never tell people the outcome and it's for very good reason. People abuse the ability to file abuse reports all the time, which plays a part in why they don't rell us the outcome. I share the sentiment of others. As much as I too look forward to cyberbullying laws that can and will help a lot of people, I also dread it. Because it will bring people out of the woodwork left and right. They'll be calling everything under the sun they don't like, bullying. Which will truly make it difficult for people, especially children, who are really victims of true bullies. I'm more interested in cyberbullying laws for the sake of minors and adults who, for whatever reason, cannot defend themselves, and cannot prevent future bullying. I am not all for laws that tell Mr Smith and Mr Jones to stop calling each other names and yelling. Those two, should and do know better and shouldn't need Mr Judge to step in.
  12. First, I don't think your entire video was all bad. There are some good points. I can understand why you see it as art. Art comes in many forms, and we all aren't going to like every bit. We have different tastes, different likes and dislikes, and that's what makes the world go 'round.(ok, not really, but it sounds nice) You do take your shots from some interesting angles, I'll give you that. The video would have a lot more merit, however, if you could determine who your audience actually is. I can honestly say I have no clue who you were presenting for. It's very difficult to make anything that will appeal to all, much less a video like this. So when doing things like this, or rather when editing things like this that you've created, it's a good idea to know who it is you're presenting it too. If it's just the general population, as in, nothing of any special interest, then skipping out on most of the effects would be the best. Not because they're terrible, but because you will very, very quickly lose your audience. They have no reason to stick around when it's all over the place. Not only will some come back and say wth did you just make me watch, but they may even decide your work isn't worth looking at ever again. I know, even if they did say that, you probably wouldn't care, most people wouldn't. But you should care. Art is meant to be shared, imo. Unless you're only making it for yourself, of course. The music does not fit with the effects, the video subject or any of the angles you used. It's not bad music, I happen to like it actually. It just does not make a fitting theme. Well, really the video has no real theme. I think that's part of the problem with the video. The music, the angles, the effects, none of it pairs up too well. That's the sort of thing that makes people wonder what it was you were going for. To be honest I don't see this video as being a comparison or even a somewhat mirrored image of rl London. Again, not because it's necessarily bad, but because you just have no meeting of the minds between the two. There's no real definition saying "this is what the video is about". It's just lacking that extra something. I'm not certain what that something is specifically though. I just know if I had seen the video first and then read the thread, I'd have no bloody clue what you were going for. All in all not a terrible video, but not one I'd tell others to check out either. I'm not being mean by telling you this, or putting you down. I am just giving you some constructive criticism that may help you when you decide to do more videos. I can quite clearly see it's something you enjoy, and I think you should stick to it. Personally I'd do a bit more research on that sort of subject(video creation) as I'm not quite certain you're there just yet. That's likely why it's difficult to tell where you were going with the video. Of course there is always room for improvement, for all of us. There is one bad note though, that I simply must throw out there, sorry. The video, or at least the first part, seems like an ad for a store, more than anything else. Not just an ad for a store, but a very bad ad for a store. I'm guessing that's not where you were going with it though. It's the first bits of videos, like that, which should be captivating enough to make us want to continue watching, I didn't see that here. Perception, like most things, will vary person to person. What you see in your work, others very well may not. What you believe is crystal clear, others will think looks like a jumbled mess of who knows what. Keep at it, and I'm pretty sure you'll do great things with your skills. That all said, having your partner, friend, or self come in here to chastise people for insulting you, was a bit of a thumbs down for your own video. People will see that and, well it probably won't bode well for you as far as gaining exposure is concerned. Yes I realize people may have been rude, may have insulted you and may say things you don't like. Acting like a child in retaliation isn't any better though. We're all guilty of it, we all act like immature kiddies from time to time. We all, also, from time to time, need someone to tell us to knock it off. If you're going to put things like your work out on display for the public, you have to grow a thicker skin..The both of you. Creators deal with this all the time. I don't just mean creators within sl either. You have to accept that others won't always respond in a kind manner. You have to accept that others won't always see it your way. You don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it. You also have to accept that by putting yourself, and your work, out there for the public you will be judged not just on the work itself but also how you respond to commentary.
  13. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Wasn't really directing that at you in particular. Just making a joke about them promoting "your world", then taking our products, our money converted to fake money, our tier, all of our sinks and sucking some who knows ... 70% of the global pie unto themselves and then disclaiming away all liability which they can mostly only manage because of the "fake" nature of the world, it's products and its money while we get the smallest piece of the "economy". At any rate, going more in depth would just be a thread derail, I'm waiting for government to do the defining and for the TOS to reflect something like reality.. But regardless of the TOS and their rights or profit, claiming no guarantees, no liability and the ability to change any thing at any time ... just a bit on the ludicrous side. Like I said, just providing a punchline to the whole thing. Isn't this pretty similar to what some inworld creators do, though? They take the customers' money, apparently as much as they can get. They string customers along for ages with promises of improvements, new products, changes and whatever else have you. Yet they rarely, if ever, actually change. Not all creators or merchants of course, but there are plenty of them. Sometimes they're the loudest voices when they, themselves, feel wronged. In those cases we always say buyer beware. It's always up to the customer to either allow or disallow this action. We tend to tell people "you should have known better", "you shouldn't have waited so long" or "it's your fault you just kept paying for subpar product" and all other sorts of nonsense answers. But when it is us on the other end, when it is our head being pushed down by the boot of the man, we feel differently. Or at least when we feel it is our head being pushed down. Personally I believe if you have, or you are, committing the same(or similar) acts you're complaining about, you haven't a leg to stand on. The lab is certainly not the only business to leave customers hanging for months on end. They aren't the first business that has, is and can, cause an issue for any potential secondary business branching out from them. I definitely do not agree with a lot of what the lab does, but I absolutely loathe seeing merchants and creators who have some prety crappy business sense, acting as if they can (or worse, do) do better than them. Especially when those merchants and creators have really made a mint off the customers they've left hanging. Much in the way the lab does. I'd hate to see the lab come in here and complain about, or worse bash, merchants who are treating their customers poorly, when they, themselves, are doing, have done and likely will do, just as bad. There are plenty of merchants that hold pretty tight to the "my product, I'll do what I want with it, you can like it or leave it, but I won't make you whole after the fact". The lab, it seems, has the same sort of approach sometimes. It never bodes well for anyone. Merchants who behave this way have very little to no room to complain about things they, themselves, have done, or are doing.
  14. GingerHenderson wrote: So let me summarize my experience so far to this lesson to make sure I got it straight...It's buyer beware in SL..Check- Yes, much like rl..Citizens don't have any rights in SL..Check.. No, incorrect, actions taken depends entirely on the situation at hand.and most important of all, crime really does pay in SL..Check. Not entirely true.. This is no different from rl. Some people will benefit from the misfortunes of others. Some people will benefit from scamming, stealing, and all that nasty stuff, too. Why you think sl couldn't possibly have these same problems is beyond me. It is after all humans running these avs. Am I missing anything else? Bolding mine.. Yes you are missing something. You're missing that you are not alone, this sort of stuff happens. You're missing all the wonderful advice given to you. You're missing the fact that continually trying to put words in the posts of others that were never there in the first place makes you look as if you're not actually looking for a solution at all. You're missing a very important lesson all parents should teach their kids. That would be the old "two wrongs don't make a right". That includes both serious issues and not serious ones(by whatever standards you choose to judge). You will never gain any sympathy from people when it comes to others breaking TOS when you do so yourself. Sorry, but, that's life. You're also missing the fact that, at least some of us, have said we are truly sorry you are going through this. Most likely because it's happened to a lot of us before. The fact of the matter is you've been given wonderful advice, you're simply choosing not to accept it. The lab rarely looks at these forums and even when they do, they reply even less. Which is why people tell you to file an abuse report. Your AR on this person will probably actually serve no purpose at all. Only because you're not the original creator. We do have rules when it comes to that kind of reporting. Those rules make perfect sense, when you don't tie in your own personal experiences. They're in place for protection, ours and the creator's. Much like many rl laws can be put in place to protect us, no matter how stupid they sound. Even in those cases, people will still break those laws. LL is no more capable of controlling what every resident does than your own town, city, state, country, whatever have you. Being utterly frustrated and pissed off at the situation doesn't mean you too get to break TOS. It also doesn't mean your complaints aren't valid, either. They very much are. I hate when people get ripped off, personally, and it happens. I hate it even more when they're given advice and rather than taking it, thanking the people that offered the help, they continue to rant and rave and throw a verbal tantrum. In an attempt to negate anything said. I do know what fuels such actions and why people get so angry in their posts, I would just rather see people actually taking the advice given and not shooting it all down. Sometimes it's theraputic to complain. Sometimes it's not. I'm pretty sure this is turning into one of the times it's not. These threads CAN be very helpful, for a lot of people, in many cases. In this case, if you continue to get more and more hostile in your posts, this thread won't be one of the helpful sort. There are a lot more people that read here than ever post. You have to take that into consideration too.
  15. This feature used to be on the JIRA site. God only knows if it still is, but I know I voted for it when MP first came to be. Sigh, I miss the days lf Slex and Xstreet....I digress. It's a great feature suggestion and to be honest, I don't think it's nearly as difficult to enable as it might seem. I can tell you exactly how I would like it, and what I think would be ideal. Whether or not they could be, or can be, implemented is an entirely different subject. Having a tab, link, checkbox, whatever have you, on a person's profile. This would be on both the inworld profiles and the web, thereby excluding no one from using/seeing it. The link would take you to the person's wishlist page. No need to be a merchant, no need to create a special account for MP. The link would simply allow folks to see what's on your wishlist. In theory, as a security measure(of sorts) they could make it so you can determine who can and cannot see your list. But to be honest, it's not a priority in my mind, so I put very little thought into that side. When people get to your wishlist page, they can look through what you've got there, add to cart(or, the smart thing, buy individually, since the cart can be just plain stupid at times). This can be accomplished easily as part of this is already on the MP to begin with. When folks click on your item(s) in your list, they are taken tot he product page. There, they can use the "buy as gift" option. Voila, done. Now personally I'd prefer the wishlist page itself have "buy as gift now" for each item. But I doubt that would happen if they implemented this idea. Not when they have an existing gift option available. It's a great idea and I do believe in theory it works like a charm, and we know in practice at least some of it already exists, and it's doing not too shabby too. So, no reason not to implement it. Unless of course they really just don't have time to add nifty things right now. Which is probably exactly what they'd say, and what they're thinking.
  16. TakSunem wrote: Its her account name! And is already banned! In the actual alts profile she states VERY clear that she is the Manager: "I am the management avatar for Orgy Island and its affiliated groups. If you need assistance, please IM or send a notecard to the current owners Taksunem Resident or "my partners name." She is in NO way associated with my sims and are banned from them! Ok, I'm not trying to be mean by this, but I will be blunt. You're blowing this way out of proportion. I am guessing this person can easily see how much she's annoying you. It's also extemely probable that she's enjoying it very much and it's fueling her. So, stop making a huge issue of it, and I bet it'll go away on it's own. You are extremely worked up, and it shows. You're not helping your own self at all in that right. If you've really sent that many ARs and nothing has been done, it's very likely the lab sees nothing wrong. Well, nothing that breaks TOS, specifically. It's possible they haven't read all the ARs yet too, but it's less likely than they simply don't believe it's a violation. You just pasted what she has in her profile, which while it names her own self as the manager, it sends potential sim visitors and whatnot to you, the sim owner. Do you not find that even remotely odd? If it was/is someone hell bent on destroying you and your sims, that's not the route she'd take. It just wouldn't make sense-not worded like that anyway. Now someone who is just messing with you because it clearly gets under your skin, it makes perfect sense. She's thoroughly annoying you, but staying within the boundaries of the TOS(we can only assume, of course) and she's not harming your sim(much as we hate bad words, they do us no harm unless we let them). In fact you could easily turn this around into something good. Think of it as free advertising for your sim, good PR even. Whether her words are positive or negative, is actually pretty irrelevant. You, and your staff know the truth, as will anyone that might by chance ask questions should they be given false information from this person. No one likes being griefed, bashed, belittled, defamed, etc..It's just not very pleasant. But it also doesn't have to be the end of the world. It's entirely possible to turn it around, if you decide. Or, you can sit there, pissed off as all get out, accomplishing nothing even remotely constructive. It's clear the person isn't going anywhere anytime. It's probably best you stop giving her so much attention. That is, if you want her to stop, or go away. Be the bigger person and you'll soon find the real problem is pretty dang tiny, and shrinking by the minute. The reason the lab doesn't get involved is because this kind of he said she said, nanny nanny boo boo, you're a poopie head kindergarten crap goes on ALL the dang time. It would be a non-stop uphill battle and would cause nothing else to ever get done. The lab doesn't have time to deal with petty stupid crap. Sorry, but, that's what it is. I know you're thinking "if it was you or your sim you wouldn't think that". You'd be dead wrong. I have had such experiences, more than once. I learned my lesson the first time. And, thus far, this person hasn't done any real damage to you, your sim, or your staff. I am not negating the fact that you feel attacked by them. But, come on. There are real problems out there. You don't need mommy to send this little girl to the timeout chair for you. Use your tools available inworld, mute, ban, ignore(tell your staff to do the same). If need be, get up out of your chair and walk away for a while.
  17. GothGirl Demonia wrote: Its not impossible for them to do it the only content it would break is huds and things that use keys like Qhud, Xhud, and so no which use avatar key for automatic update and purchase checks otherwise its possible to transfer all inventory asset data and restore they simply don't do it nor do they provide good account protection. I am not 100% sure of this but 7.2 of the Second Life TOS I believe would allow Linden Lab to give any item away created by any user as long as its on Second Life Servers to any user that is on Second Life service without being able to be sued, not sure if it would include this or not but just saying. http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php#tos7 Heck I wish Linden Lab would give users the ability to legally transfer items to new accounts and or to another user for example you buy a license copy of an item at a store in RL such as a game software, or movie you can legally give that copy away to someone else. However to do this process for legal reasons, and security purpose they should require Real Life ID and so on to be provided to them. Bold red is mine. I'll state this a bit clearer for you. The lab DOES restore inventory when able, or absolutely needed-but only to the account/av tied to that inventory. It is, however, at their discretion. You believe because yours wasn't restored that they must simply not do it, period. You are incorrect. They have, many times over, and will continue to do so if/when the need arises. I have personally had my entire inventory restored ages ago when something happened to some compromised accounts. I know they can, and do. In fact a linden walked me through the process, back when they had lindens that were allowed to talk to us regular folk that is. You have also completely missed the main reason why items cannot, rather should not, be transferred from one account to another. The reason why this is important is because of the permissions system we have in place. They can no more violate it than we can. I know you're going to say "oh yes they can, it's their system", which I suppose sounds valid to you, and may at it's base, hold a bit of truth, without any context. But that's not how the lab looks at it. I'm not saying they haven't broken their own rules, I know they have. But on the permissions of items, no, never once have I heard them break their own TOS and willingly hand a product over to another account just because they asked. It doesn't matter if the two parties involved give consent. This is from that section of the TOS "You agree that by uploading, publishing, or submitting any Content to or through the Servers, Websites, or other areas of the Service, you hereby automatically grant Linden Lab a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicenseable, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the Content solely for the purposes of providing and promoting the Service. You understand that this license enables Linden Lab to display, distribute, promote, and improve the Service. You agree that the license includes the right to copy, analyze and use any of your Content as Linden Lab may deem necessary or desirable for purposes of debugging, testing, or providing support or development services in connection with the Service and future improvements to the Service. The license granted in this Section 7.2 is referred to as the "Service Content License." In this instance described in the OP, this does not apply. In the instance of simply wanting your stuff sent to another av, this also does not apply. The ONLY times this part of the TOS applies is when the lab themselves are promoting SL, to fix bugs, to analyze, for testing purposes, improving the service, etc... Those are the only times they have right to distribute anything you create at their discretion. However, it does not give them right to use anything in your inventory-which is an entirely separate issue. It only gives them right to use what you have created, not anything you own. So no, they couldn't just take things our of your inventory-even at your request-and give them to someone else. You didn't make it. Therefore, as far as TOS is concerned, you're simply a licensed user. The creator gave you license. You can't then transfer that license to the lab, to distribute. Only the person who created the item, by agreeing to the TOS, is allowed to give that permission(which they do, by agreeing to the TOS). Might seem clear as mud but it's really not. At least not when you actually read all the fine print before clicking the little I agree button.
  18. GothGirl Demonia wrote: Its not impossible its just they don't do it. Just like it wasn't impossible to restore my inventory that was deleted by an unauthroized hacker they just did not do it. Restoring a person's inventory(there is a multitude of possible reasons this would arise) is absolutely not the same thing as transferring the items to another account. While it IS possible to find out whether or not you own both accounts, it will still take manpower and resources they really don't need to be wasting on things like that. Plus, again, we have the permissions that will most definitely get in the way. It sucks to lose things. It sucks moving from one av to another. I did it when I closed my shop, and deleted my other account, after transferring what I could. It can be a bummer to go looking in your inventory...oh, crap, it's not there. But, such is life. I knew the perms on the things when I bought them. By buying them, I am accepting those permissions terms. No trans means, no trans, period. As an aside, the lab has restored inventories for people before. In fact they probably do it more often then people realize. Sometimesnot all assets do live through the restoration, but for the most part it's pretty effective. There just has to be a damn good reason for the restoration. They will not however transfer, for all the reasons already stated, and then some, I'm sure. Unless of course you put it in your will in the event of your untimely death. But that requires legal documentation, and probably isn't as easy as it seems. I am betting the reason they didn't restore yours has nothing at all to do with them, and their abilities. If I were in charge of such things, I wouldn't restore your inventory either. But I should probably keep those reasons to myself. I'm sure at least some readers know exactly what I mean
  19. xichas Neox wrote: i am not saying that it is a good defense in front of a court, i am just saying that, fiscal haven´s are outthere and despite the efforts, i never seen no one getting punished as it should for using them. i don´t think that the real money launderes would come to a virtual world to do money laundry when they have fiscal havens, and offshore accounts. Criminals have a way of doing things...in ways unsuspected. Actually, that's typically the point for many of them, but I digress... It's probably not wise to assume they wouldn't use something like online currency. When in fact, it was, at one time, a very easy way for people to launder money. Now, it's being more closely monitored. That would not be happening if the extent to which criminals would go, didn't extend into online currencies. It did, it has, and it will...so laws, better monitoring and stiffer penalties are then put in place. That's pretty much how most things work when it comes to new laws, and new precedents. I know for a fact that people launder money on the internet all the time. If you're really interested, or seriously believe they don't use the net, you should look it up sometimes. It can be a fascinating read, if you're interested in such things How criminals pull off jobs like that has only gotten more creative, the same way as it's done off the net. The world is full of brilliant people, some choose to use their brains for good, some not.
  20. madman626 Fall wrote: I did not say there was a evil plot ,,that my point is why would they allow anyone selling there's L$,, my thinking is that LL wants to control it all (L$) wish they could . why are they even talking to them then if something not up, , see LL don't have to been talking to them in the first place,,, like you said add services to the Lindex accomplishing the same thing with out having to pay anyone to buy a company. but why are they talking to them that my point for good of them ?,,, naw something is up . Maybe to help the residents who really need those TPEs? Or perhaps they do actually care, more than you think. Perhaps they enjoy working with the TPE owners and would rather not kill off that relationship with them. Maybe because in the long run it benefits them as much as us to allow TPE to exist, as long as they're all compliant. There could be any number of reasons. The fact that they do not HAVE to let any TPE exist, yet they are trying to do so, speaks volumes about them. But not the sort of volumes you're assuming. LL has always been in control of the Lindex and nothing will ever change that, until the day sl goes belly up. Which means they will always have some control over who and what, they create a relationship with. This would include any TPE, and it's owner(s). . I think you're negating your own argument though, lol. Should probably quite while you're behind.
  21. Good god, or goddess as the case may be... The lab is damned if they do, damned if they don't. Now I am far from a fan boy of theirs. I have always been very vocal about the things I dislike as much as the things I like. I would not likely be the first, or even 100,000th person to defend them, on any given day. But for crying out loud, cut them some friggen slack until you actually see something that suggests you ought to do otherwise come directly from them. We haven't, so therefore the assumptions about their motives in this particular case are about as useful as a limp noodle in a sword fight. Sure thye give a laugh here and there, but you'll accomplish nothing of any real value. They may be money hungry, they may make terrible decisions, they may need a hell of a lot of work to get into tip top shape, but not EVERY move they make is motivated solely by how much they can and do make off it. It does happen, on occasion, their motives aren't even voluntary. Such as when they have to comply with US laws. Regardless of how they, or we, feel about those laws, they have to comply. The same sort of principle applies in other places too. Not every single move they make is to their benefit. You've been around long enough to know that, most people in the forums have really. What is it with people always trying to make the other shoe drop when sometimes, there really isn't another shoe TO drop. This is why the forums, and occasionally inworld, get all abuzz about nothing. Rumors, whispered secrets of scandals, blahdy blahdy blah. For once, I wish people would stop looking a gift horse in the mouth. I know it's an unreasonable wish of mine, but that won't make it go away. LL has said, and the third party exchanges have also said, they are trying to find a medium that will, hopefully, make SL still accessible for as many as possible. No matter what decision is made in the end, some will still be pissed off. Some will still either have to find alternative methods, or just not purchase and possibly leave. That is inevitable at this point. It's pretty probable that the reason the lab hasn't said anything about working things out with the TPE owners is because the people that could say it, have been rather busy trying to get it to work. Who knows? None of us, that's for certain. All the speculation flying about, just makes things worse, though. As with most issues, when we toss in our opinions it slowly becomes less and less about the topic...and more and more about us. We're all guilty of it, but you have to admit some take it a wee bit too far. I for one am happy for the folks who do need a TPE. I happen to think it's quite awesome both the lab and the TPE owners are doing what they can to allow those folks to continue on as best as possible, or they are trying to anyway. I also happen to think it's pretty commendable on both ends. Regardless of how much, or what, they make or get out of the deal. It's awesome for the folks who have no other way and that is exactly how I intend to look at it. I will look at the benefits because in the end that's really what matters most. Since that was the primary cause for an uproar, one would think people would be a bit more, oh, I dunno...happy, about it.
  22. Miss Toki wrote: That really sucks, because if they were still alive being the shops and if i was still able to purchase the items then i would just rebuy them on my new avitar It might sound like it sucks, but it really doesn't. The fact that the lab won't transfer these items for you, is actually a very, very good thing. If they did, it would leave a gaping hole for people to take advantage of, and they already do that enough as it is. The lab would have to make certain you are who you say you are, you own both accounts, you haven't been hacked, etc... A long and time consuming process. They already can't deal with real issues, griefing, technical problems and such. Adding on the burden of this sort of thing would only compound that. Can you imagine just how many people, especially hackers, would take advantage if the lab chose to move assets from one account to another? It's best they take a neutral stance on that sort of thing and just not involve themselves. Like others said, you can always find the creators and see if they'd be willing to sell you another skin. I wouldn't dare ask if they could just send it, because they too likely won't have any way to determine you are indeed a former customer. At least not after 3+ years, and not if they've closed up shop. Odds are they don't have records that far back, or just don't want to look through them if they do. They may be able to sell you that skin, perhaps even a little cheaper, but I wouldn't expect that either.
  23. Fusionbolt2000 wrote: Well, I just want to say, that I really wonder, cause I found sex objects (rubs, baths, toilets) in a GENERAL rated sim, that's not allowed in there, now is it? I did of course not use them, I just want to point out something that shouldn't be there that I found while exploring maps You really should stay out of people's homes. You won't run into problems. You also won't soil your virgin eyes by accidentally directing them to the vicinity of things that will undoubtedly scar you for life. We wouldn't want that. Though that'd be a great niche market for sl! Cater to restoring the long lost virginity of all who accidentally laid their eyes upon something they should not have, and whatever other body parts they used too. Or, keep wandering where you don't belong and enjoy the swift kick you're bound to get. I think many people take a "trespassers will be shot, survivors shot thrice" approach to this sort of thing. Few will welcome your curiosity with open arms.
  24. SNAKE Topaz wrote: the thing is, you can't delete the bridge folder of a viewer you are logged into. If you want to delete the bridge, you should log in from another viewer (not Firestorm), Official SL viewer is a good choice. Is this a new, I'd say feature but it's hardly a feature, so, new bug? As of 2 weeks ago I was able to not only remove the bridge but also delete it, while still being logged in, without any problems. I had to do it for a no script zone. I only know, because that was when I did it. It's still not on. I didn't have to relog, or go to another viewer either. I did it while logged in, without any problems and went about my day. You do have to disable the brdge in preferences though, or it just rebuilds itself.
  25. If you're wearing one to improve how you look to yourself, knock yourself out. If others don't like it they can turn it, or you, off. If you're wearing it to improve how you look to others, you can't. It's not worth the effort to try. You can't control how they see you, in any way. You will rarely, if ever, look the same to everyone around you as you do to yourself. That's because there are a million and one, and then some, ways a system can render, based on what we tell it to do. It's not even all up to what we choose in our preferences inworld either. How people have their computer set up can, and likely will, have an effect. So what looks fabulous to you can easily look hideous to someone else.
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