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Everything posted by ImaTest1488314069

  1. We are definitely going the demo route first. Always. So far I think she's loaded up on about 40 different demos. Has a couple favorites, but finding something specific is a bit of a challenge. Any search we do gets us pretty vague results. Search being what it is, both inworld and on marketplace. Hopping all over the grid, while fun, can be tiresome. Thanks for all the suggestions so far. They're all landmarked and on the list to visit.
  2. I know such a loaded request. Admittedly, I'm not the best person to ask for something like this. I don't usually shop for female anything. Being that I'm not one. I'm helping a friend tho. We've got her a great shape, ok we made it, I'm cheap. So regardless of what skin we get im pretty certain we can make her shape to fit it well. You ladies, and gents, seem to be very good at finding things. So I'm drafting your minds. I'll list the criteria we're looking for. You list some great stores or skins. Fair deal? I thought so too. She's looking for a skin that fits this profile Tan-not overly tan, not spray on tan, just tan. Think perhaps a hispanic/italian mix? I don't know if that's a good way to desribe it, but sounds reasonable in my head. Something tan but not dark. tan. Maybe an olive sort of undertone. Man this is hard to describe. On the makeup front, less is more. She does not like overly done eyeshadow, lipstick, blush, or really anything. Slightly pink but not bubble gum pink type lips. Slightly red but not cherry red. Does that make sense? Pretty colors but at least slightly muted so they don't across looking like, too much. On the eye shadow front the same thing applies. A sublte sort of makeup look. On the body hair, eh hem, none, or scant amt. Don't want to go into details there, but you get my drift. Well defined skin but not overly muscular. She's not a body builder. She has a chest a bit larger than average I suppose. Does not use mesh or prim breasts. The skin should have at least some defined cleavage but not overly done. No body oil or shine unless its extremely subtle and realistic looking. She does not have a huge rear, or hips. She doesn't have a pouty face. Her face is more on the round side. She's about I suppose what one would call average size. Not overly tall, not overly short. I don't know if these matter, I'm throwing them in. Cost isn't massively important, but it does matter a bit. So, best value for money is always welcome. But we're not looking for a freebie or anything unless of course it's awesome. I've seen some awesome that's for sure. Sorry that was long. I'm really just looking for ideas so we can gather up some demos and stuff for her. I'm getting a tad lost just wandering to and fro. Thanks
  3. Asia Nightshade wrote: Okay thanks I will do that. Another one I thought of would be good if they made you have a premium account to get on the Adult sims. This would generate more income for them and cut out a lot of kids getting in. I do realize it wont stop it though. Sometimes ideas that sound great in theory, backfire when put into practice. That's exactly what would happen if they required premium for adult sims. It sounds like a greta idea, but could never work. I definitely don't have the actual figures, but I can take a wild guess that the majority of residents don't have a premium account. It was different some time ago, but these days, I'd bank on the majority not having premium. Making people go premium to get to certain lands will not only not generate more profit for the lab, it will slow business on those sims to a screeching halt. It ould inevitably hurt thos emerchants, club owners and venue owners more than it would help the lab. That, in essence will hurt the lab, and the entire grid. Even people who have no association whatsoever with adult land. It most definitely will not cut down on kids getting in. Although I do have to say that while we all know plenty of kids do get in, I know not everyone who claims to be a kid, is actually a kid. People have interesting ways of enjoying their online experiences and I've run across at least a few in my day, who pretend to be someone they're not. I don't just mean in RP purposes, either. I have one friend who does it all the time, he drives me bonkers, but I've known him for 30+ years in rl, so I live with his weird behaviors as long as he keeps them far away from me. On the other suggestions it would definitely be nice to have some of them implemented. Of all the most useful, imo, would be the group bans. I'm quite glad that's being worked on, it's been needed for a very long time.
  4. Enrique Carrasco wrote: I tried uninstalling and reinstalled the SL viewer. Same problem Perhaps a different viewer would be beneficial to you then. I would opt for firestorm or probably singularity. They seem to be the two most popular. I don't like the labs viewer and neither does my pc. I use firestorm, personally. But you do need a complete uninstall and simply removing the program won't give that to you. You need to remove any and all files associated with the program. Such as those in application data which often linger after an uninstall. Why? Who knows, they just do.
  5. RedKoopa wrote: I'm 22, and I don't have a single speck of ink on me. I honestly, hate tattoos. I once went to a beach with a guy 6 months ago and I dated him until I realized he had tattoos. Game over. I think not dating someone because of something like a tattoo is really just a scapegoat. I'm quite certain there was some other reason(s) really at work there. Otherwise you'd be a pretty shallow person and I prefer thinking most people aren't that shallow. Then again, lots of people don't date certain people because of physical attributes they do not like, I suppose. I like, or dislike, people for the people they are, not just how they look. That said, I like tats. I may not always agree a tat is done well, or looks great on a person, but if they are happy with it then I am happy for them. It is their body after all. I prefer tats that have some meaning behind them, personally. I have tats. I have several actually. All have strong meaning for me. All are very, very well done. Most were designed by me. I have never just wandered into a shop and said "gee I think I'll get a tat" and picked one off the wall. To be honest I'm not sure why anyone would. As that tat wouldn't really have much meaning, I don't think. Maybe I'm wrong tho, and it does. Who am I to judge? The place I get my work done does not do "off the wall" work. They do have some books of prior work, but they will never repeat a tat exactly. Unless of course there is a specific reason two(or more) people want the exact same tat. It's still done on custom basis though.
  6. Greendot cards only work sporadically. There is no set in stone rule about any of them, regardless of where you get them. Some people have problems with some cards, and some people don't. The only way to know what will or will not work is trial and error. It sucks, but that's what we've got to work with and it's been this way for a very long time. I'd criticize the lab for not knowing which will and will not work, but I honestly can't do that. Because billing has always been helpful to me. I've had troubles with certain cards before that even billing believes should work, but for whatever reason it does not. So, it's not necessarily their fault all the time either. I have one greendot card that used to work, then stopped working. I got another one, like an idiot without thinking about it, and then tried using it one day. That card worked. Both cards were from the same place. Both cards had plenty of funds on them. Neither card anywhere near expiration. There was just no rhyme or reason. The billing department couldn't even figure out why. Neither could the issuing company.
  7. You're not alone in this. What happened to you is not an isolated incident by any stretch of the imagination. All the people so very much against this new TOS and the halt placed on TPE owners will disagree, however. This is one of the positive effects of the new TOS and halt. As much as people don't want to believe, or see it, this sort of thing does happen. The new rules, prevent it from being able to, and it's a very good thing. It might not matter to the others who have had nothing but a good experience, but it matters tremendously to the people that have had bad experiences, or worse been bent over and violated without so much as a dinner or kiss on the cheek. We all know these cases exist, we've seen complaints on these forums, other forums, blogs and the web. Though a lot of them got removed here, eventually, typically for naming the TPE I can bet. There are plenty of horror stories out there. I'm not saying whether or not the new rules are a good, or bad, thing. I am simply saying there are some pros, and this happens to be one of them. I really hope the person who owns that TPE makes you whole again. I can imagine how frustrating this is to you. The money amount doesn't much matter to me. No one should be screwed out of their money, it's just not right.
  8. have you.. turned it off and back on again? Ok, joking aside, that wasn't nice of me. So, really, have you tried restarting your pc? In case something is just, well, stuck. I had that problem once, still don't know what caused it, but just a pc restart fixed it. If that doesn't work, I would honestly go directly for a clean uninstall of your current viewer and install of a new one. I don't know which viewer you use, but it would apply to them all anyway. You can try to manually clear cache, if you know where you have it stored, but not everyone does. Typically-in windows-it's stored in the application folder under second life(or your viewer of choice). I store mine elsewhere tho. You can safely manually delete anything in that cache folder and it won't harm your viewer, or pc. But sometimes even that isn't very effective. For a problem like yours, I wouldn't opt for this fix, because I don't think it would work.
  9. Melita Magic wrote: How about you? What now? Nothing changes for me. I'll live my slife the way I have since the beginning. I also happen to believe that the sheer number of people who won't be able to buy, or sell, $L at all, is smaller than some might be trying to make people believe. Not that even a small number is a good thing. I have a feeling we're going to see that not nearly as many people are directly affected as some are saying, and therefore, won't leave. But I'll sit back and take a wait and see approach. I did find it funny one of the people I saw complaining about now not being able to get lindens, doesn't buy them in the first place and never has. I'd rather hope that person is alone in that, but I'm smart enough to know they're not. People do tend to get worked up over things they find as an injustice or wrongdoing. Even if it doesn't have any impact on them at all. I don't know if the lab does or will have any plans in place for those really affected, or not. Part of my wait and see approach. And it's not nearly as unfeeling or abrasive as it sounds. It's not that I don't give a fig about others, or things that don't directly affect me. It's that I believe the issue isn't, or I should say, won't be, as bad. No one can possibly know with any amount of certainty, yet, though.
  10. Good god.. No wonder people stopped complaining about my lengthy posts. Summer break already?
  11. Ok, I've read some replies, and talked with some people. I get that these TPE may need to return money manually. That much, makes sense, at least more sense than anything else I've seen. Depending on the type of system they have, how it works and how they'd handle such issues. My question then would be....why are they not doing it? Over 24+ hours and not a single person has said "X TPE has returned my money that was sitting in their account, yay", or anything like that. In fact, as more time goes on, we're getting more and more people saying their money is in limbo. Which again puts me at....why. Or rather, why are people saying they are not doing this. It's probably asking a lot, but I would really love to see one, or more, of the TPE owners actually come to the forums, or somewhere, to answer that type of question. We may not all understand why the changes took place, and to be honest if I am 100% certain of anything, it is that. But they really could shed some more light on things. That's not to say they aren't busy, I'm sure they have their hands full too. But they certainly aren't coming out of any of this looking like victims, which they would be if this was an all of a sudden change no one ever suspected could ever possibly happen. If they indeed have customer money in their "hands" so to speak, and had absolutely no way to return it to it's rightful owner, I would venture a guess that someone would say so. But no one has. People have even spoke with the TPE owners, not one of them has said they can't. I have spoken to someone, outside the forums, and since this is second hand knowledge I'll let you do with it what you will. But, one particular TPE owner did suspect a change like this was in the future, because his legal team told him so, a short while back. When asked to halt trading actions, he complied. Any money that had been placed in their system was rightly sent back to the customers it came from. For the short while that terminals were still inworld and people were trying to cah out like mad men, all monies were instantly refunded. So, I am guessing that other TPEs could very well do the same. They in fact, may have done the same. Which tells me the amount of money in limbo, if it exists at all, is likely minimal. I do believe this source is credible, but that's just my opinion of it. So I would take it with a grain of salt. I just have no reason to believe otherwise. I'm not a gullible man, but sometimes things are more reasonable than not. Unless someone who owns a TPE or has money sitting in limbo wants to correct me on that, I'll continue believing that bit, was added for effect. It certainly was effective too, it got a whole lotta people hot under the collar, and there's not even a shred of proof it's true. At least everything else people have said, makes sense, and is true. This bit, however, does not. I know,it's probably a minor complaint most don't care about, given that the other complaints are all pretty important. But, for me, even minor things matter. I don't much care for people blowing things way out of proportion, or flat out lying, like that. What people are saying about money just sitting there, or worse, lost, makes not just the lab look bad but ALL the TPE owners look bad too. That's not cool, imo.
  12. Umm, their site, sites I should say, make absolutely no bones about being upfront. There is so much documentation and information out there on the web about them, what they do, how they operate and such. I am going to guess you read nothing before signing up. If you had read, you wouldn't have signed up. The only people that sign up are either A-people like yourself who don't read fine print, medium print or even bold print, or B-people interested in doing exactly what they do. I'm sorry if you believe that opinion is mean, but it's truthful and sometimes the truth hurts. Very few would ever support what they do. So it's not a matter of being on their side or something. It's a matter of wanting people to take personal responsibility. That's not to say you haven't, obviously you know now that was a bad idea. Don't be surprised if the lab makes you jump through hoops to get the account back, though. I wouldn't complain if they do, it's for your benefit after all. It's also not to say I don't feel a little bad your account was hacked. Because I am human and I do, a little bit. But the rest of me is a reasonable man that says you should always, always, always read the fine print before you click yes, I agree, continue, or whatever other terms they come up with. When we don't, this sort of thing happens. The reason this happens, is that they know there are people who won't read. We make ourselves targets. It doesn't mean we deserve what we get, all the time, but it also doesn't mean we don't deserve any of it. Sometimes, we need a swift kick in the pants. Sometimes those swift kicks are really a boot up the rear end. You won't know beforehand which one you'll get. It's best not to take any chances if you'd prefer your butt stay safe. Especially when there is no reason to NOT be informed of them. There's just way too much information out there, way too much. All readily available, all seconds away from your fingertips. Even on their own site, lol.
  13. Dresden Ceriano wrote: I have to assume that TPEs can't give them back their unsold L$ because LL told them to stop operating in SL. But, like I said, I don't really understand it myself... hopefully someone will come along who can put it in a way that will make it perfectly clear. ...Dres I sure hope so. I really just can't see the lab having an issue with all lindens being returned to where they came from. If that is the case, I would love to see an explanation as to why. I do understand them telling the companies not to take any more exchanges. But not returning the ones that haven't yet gone through makes absolutely no sense. It wouldn't be the first time the lab made I move I didn't understand, I'm far from a fanboy of them. I just really can't wrap my head around the idea thta the lab has told them all "no, keep other people's lindens". because that's what this amounts to. That's just plain stupid, really. And, if I am not mistaken, that would open the lab up for potential legal issues. As they'd be fascilitating the unlawful hold of property... or some such garbage using much better legalise. I'm sure there is a legal precedent for something of that nature. Something like that, would hold the lab 100% liable, and we all know they'd prefer to be 0% liable, for anything. So intentionally making themselves liable, doesn't seem in character, at all. Even if they were liable due to following US law, it wouldn't remove liability(and this particular law, as we know, does not, it actually adds liability, hence the entire problem). Sigh. Maybe I should just let people answer. Hopefully someone who owns one of the exchanges can come along and answer, they'd probably have the best one. Or even someone who has money sitting in limbo, that has spoken with the exchange holding their money. They'd probably know too. All I can do is guess and my guesses will only get worse, I fear.
  14. I understand why people have a problem with the policy, that isn't what I don't understand. What I don't understand is, IF a halt was put into place, and it was as we all know. Why then was money NOT returned to it's rightful owner. Why on earth is it still hanging in limbo? There is NO reason for these exchanges to not simply send the money back to where it came from and be done with it. Yes I know there is a "no more trading in L" halt put out. But I fail to see how telling these companies, which in actuality are more individuals than actual companies but we'll not banter semantics....is stopping them from simply reversing what was already sent in. That's not trading lindens, it's not working as an exchange, nothing of the sort. I also can't see the lab having a problem with these companies sending the money back. I rarely support them on any decision they make, but even I can see they'd be beyond daft to say "no, you cannot return that money to it's own you must hold it foreverrrrrrrr". That makes no sense at all. It serves absolutely no one. Not the exchange, not the lab and certainly not the resident(s) in question. Now if it benefitted the lab, it might make more sense for them to say such a thing, because they do look after #1 and to them, that's them. But, in this case, it wouldn't serve them well, at all. I don't think the money amounts matter, well they don't matter as far as my search for understanding is concerned. The amounts themselves are irrelevant to the question of "is money really sitting in limbo, or not" and "if it is sitting in limbo... why the hell is it doing that". Money amounts don't matter in either question. People are claiming these companies, these exchanges, are much faster than the lindex. I wouldn't know personally, I've only ever used the lindex to be honest. But if they are so much faster, money would not be hanging in limbo. It would have been sent in and traded out, within these "minutes and seconds" people are claiming. It would not be sitting, over 24 hours later, still in limbo. Now, if people are really exaggerating those claims and these companies don't actually cash out that quickly, money sitting in limbo makes much more sense. But try asking someone who says their money is hanging in limbo, and I guarantee you'll get the same kind of head **bleep** to the side I have gotten. Or worse, they'll tell you to eff off as you must work for the lab. Yeah I don't get that one either. No one seems to know the answer, it seems. No one can seem to answer why, an exchange that works within minutes, has money sitting in limbo for over 24 hrs. Which leads me to one of two conclusions-and to be frank, tho my name's not frank, I don't think either of them are completely right either. Tho they may be partially right. It tells me either people are lying about how fast these exchanges swap out their money for whatever currency it is they choose. Or they are lying about having money in limbo at all because it makes the argument against this halt seem more credible. Like I said, I don't believe either answer to be correct, but it's the only conclusion I can come up with if someone can't give me an actual answer. Hence, my search for understanding. The argument against the halt is pretty credible without all the "woe is me my money is gone, it's never coming back" stuff I have read. I'm sorry to say that so harshly, but, without any sort of information to back up that type of claim, it just sounds poor. Ok, maybe I'm not sorry, I could have worded that much worse. I just do not understand all this money being in limbo mumbo jumbo. Not when the argument for these exchanges seems to be, well the main argument, that they work instantly, or at least on a far more efficient time frame than the lindex. I'm quite certain they do move on a faster time frame, which leads me more towards leaning in the direction of "no money is actually up in limbo right now, people are just pissed and this is what they're saying because they're so pissed". If these exchanges move swiftly and people only use them to swap out linden for cash(or their currency as it were) there is no reason for a hold time on any money amount, at least no hold time this significant. So, that would mean, no money has been lost, misplaced, left to live on it's own in the world with nothing but the ink on its back, or anything remotely like that. I'd rather know the actual answer than be left to my own devices and come up with conclusions that probably aren't accurate at all. My mind is a bit of a wanderer when left to his own self. I talk too much, but hopefully this clarifies my concerns a bit more. If not, Ill try later.
  15. Ok, forgive, but this will be a long winded post, again. Also, please bare with me while I try and explain what it is I don't understand. Thanks. Firstly, I have read every single post, thread and discussion on this topic on the forums. I have not skipped a single one. I have read countless other posts, discussions, blogs and such on other websites too. That said, I am clearly missing something. I understand most of the complaints about this new TOS. I may not agree with all of the complaints, but I do believe I understand all that I have read, pretty well. Except one complaint that is troubling me and I cannot for the life of me find an actual answer. So while I appreciate any and all input and I won't tell people get out of my thread :p I will ask that if you have personal experience it would probably better answer my question than anything or anyone, else. I have seen quite a few people, not just here, complain about money they are now out. Money that is sitting, basically in limbo with these exchanges. I have not yet seen one person explain why the money is still sitting in limbo. I have also not seen one person explain why they are angry at the lab, or worse angry at people who might support some of the lab's recent changes. In an effort to basically lay the blame, squarely on the shoulders of the lab. I understand why they are angry about the changes, yes. I understand that fully. I don't understand why money the exchanges are holding onto, is 100% the responsibility of the lab, though. Now, I do get that the money would not be sitting in limbo if there was not a halt order in place. Please don't attribute my ignorance on this to that, it's not the case. I do get that. What I don't understand is why people aren't angry with the exchanges. Why people are not demanding they return those lindens stuck in limbo back to the proper account. Why people are saying it's all the lab's fault. It's pretty clear to me that while people may not like the changes made, they have been made. The halt is in place. The lab is telling those exchanges to cease. It stands to reason that any money sitting in there that was waiting to be paid out, ought to be returned to their rightful owners, right? Or am I really that daft and that's not how it works? I have read a few people very, very angry about being out money, or losing money, because of this halt. When, as of yet, I don't believe anyone should be out any money, except those who run the exchange, perhaps. Well, in their fees anyway, since now they're out 24+ hrs of customers. But no resident that uses the exchanges ought to be out anything, yet. That's not to say people won't be, being forced to use the lindex. But that's an entirely different topic, tho related, still different. What money have people lost? Why are the exchanges holding onto money? Why is there money left in limbo at all? Why aren't people who paid out to these exchanges, which from what everyone has said is a relatively instant payout, getting their money? If these exchanges offer faster delivery, there should be NO money in limbo, period. There should be NO customers out money, yet. Yet being a very key word, the key word, even. So, can someone explain that part please? As I said, I do understand everything else and I'll reserve my opinion on the entire matter for another thread. My concern is with this talk of people being out money, or having lost money, since this new policy was put in place. What money? And even more importantly, WHY are people out money? I'm not being argumentative, I just want to understand. I've been able to understand everything else just by reading, except this, because no one has answered the question yet.
  16. sunshine Juneberry wrote: ImaTest wrote: The edit option on reviews has been gone for quite some time. I don't know exactly when they eliminated it but I do know it's been gone well over a year and a half. I only know because I tried and was unable to, whereas before we were. I just looked at a review i edited, the date shows as January 23, 2013 Hey I never claimed the MP works as it should at all times. I know for a fact the option did not exist when I attempted to edit a review a year and a half ago. Else I wouldn't have said so. Just as some people are having a hard time even leaving a review at all all of a sudden, while others are not. I also know the whole review system aside from the general complaints, has had a buttload of problems for at least the last two years now.
  17. I'm pretty sure a lot of this has to do with the fact that at least one exchange has had several complaints made against it in recent history. I know at least one has been shut down over the years too. To be honest, I don't blame LL for not wanting to protect us against fraud other people, or companies, commit. It may or may not be a choice I'd make if I were in charge myself, but I can fully understand it. It's a liability issue to make yourself responsible for the misgivings of others and could easily cost them a decent chunk of change. I don't know that I'd choose to cut off the opportunity entirely to customers, but I might change the way things are done. But this wouldn't be the first time their wording is more than vague, and confusing as all get out. It's pretty predictable of them, actually. I'm trying to look at it from all angles. Which is why I'm reading about it, and others' perspectives on the matter, including the lab's perspective.
  18. The edit option on reviews has been gone for quite some time. I don't know exactly when they eliminated it but I do know it's been gone well over a year and a half. I only know because I tried and was unable to, whereas before we were.
  19. I have never cried at any commercially created film. I've been sad, probably as near to crying as one can get without shedding an actual tear. Not really sure why to be honest. It's definitely not a macho thing. There is one movie that makes me cry though. It turns me into a blubbering mess. I'm not allowed to watch it while my son is home, and especially when he has friends over. It's a compilation of videos and pictures of him. I cry the most when he took his first real step alone at age 7. I wasn't there when he did it, it was during a therapy session. I was down with a nasty virus and not able to be near him for about a week and a half. I was so grateful they taped it for me. News stories sometimes make me cry, depending on their content. Like the current news, the three women found, after 10+ years of being held captive in Cleveland, OH. That had me pretty choked up for them, their families, and that sweet little 6 yr old daughter. I can only imagine the horror they've all been through. I think news stories tend to have a bigger impact because I know they're real. Ok, most are.
  20. I think the MP is just messing up right now. I tried to leave a review earier and had a bunch of error messages before I gave up.
  21. Simply using your post as a jumping off point Trinity, don't mind me Personally I get much more satisfaction in a, shall we say verbal tug of war, when I let someone win every now and again. Or, let them think they have. Even haters have needs to fill and while they may choose some of the most bizzare ways to do it, even downright cruel sometimes, it's pointless to try and tell them they can't or they shouldn't. Hence why I thanked this person for calling me gay I'm fairly certain that was not the response expected, or even requested in the very thinly veiled attempt to engage in an icky conversation I had(still have) no intentions of joining. Sometimes it's best to just let them talk and see where they end up taking themselves. Sometimes not. I know we're all taught from a very young age that standing up for what's right, goodly, honest, in the world is the best thing to do. But what people don't teach us, what we don't learn until well into adulthood in most of our cases, is that sometimes that's not the answer at all. So, again, I say, to the OP, thank you. Feel free to insult at will(I apologize to any will in the audience) if it makes you feel better about your station in life. One can only imagine the demons that must lurk. I'm pretty demon free, so, I won't judge.
  22. Zenephobe wrote: You are gay, in the bad way. Why thank you, thank you very much.
  23. Zenephobe wrote: The video doesn't really fit my taste, but I do appreciate the sentiment. ...Dres Fortunately, the video was not made for you. p.s. that's pretty ballsy of you to think you represent all gays. Pretty ballsy of you to assume he did. I share his opinion. Not everyone is going to like the same style music, or videos. It means nothing more than our tastes, as humans, are different.
  24. When I give freely from the heart, regardless of what it is I am giving, I set no expectations of a return, of any sort. A lesson I learned in rl a very, very long time ago. When there are expectations of a return on the part of the giver, the giving wasn't done freely. That probably sounds a bit more harsh than it should, but I still find it to be the best philosophy when it comes to relationships with others. No matter how big, small, long or short, if I stick to this philisophy there is never any disappointment on my end. If I don't, I leave room for possible disappointment. When that happens, I don't feel so good about myself. Knowing I cannot control the actions, thoughts, feelings or words of another, I stick to controlling my own. I cherish the friends I make. I cherish the ones who stick around as much as the ones who up and leave. It's not often a person just ups and leaves with no clue, or warning, they intend to do so. It happens, but not often. We usually just choose to ignore any clues, or warnings. Usually because we have an invested interest in the person. The invested interest is because of the expectations we set. So, that's my advice, don't set expectations. Life life freely. Give of yourself freely. Let the world give itself to you as freely as it wishes. Be happy with what you receive in return. Don't focus, worry or even think about what you're not getting in return. You'll only disappoint yourselves. Others aren't the ones disappointing you, it'syour expectations letting you down. A relationship that has expectations on either side, isn't an equal relationship at all, imo. A rough life lesson to learn, yes, but if I hadn't learned it, I'd still be a very bitter man. I was left a very long time ago to raise a newborn son, by someone I had no reason to believe would ever leave, much less leave her son. I was angry, for a long time, then I realized how pointless it was to be angry. I can either accept this, or not. But either way, I had a life to live, and a life to raise. Since then, I've eliminated my expectations in others and simply taken life, and people, as they come. Life is much happier now.
  25. I'm pretty sure this is at least your second flounce. I'm just too lazy to go look for the other(s). I know you're not really going anywhere. No one has ever been told they can't say an ill word about the lab or SL, on these forums. In fact, there are probably more posts doing exactly that than there are all other topics combined. So your assumption that people can't say a bad word about either, are completely off base. You're simply angry that people don't agree with you on a topic you started. People disagree with you that the lab should cater to people with less than perfect systems. In doing so, those people somehow magically caused you to assume they were employees of te lab. Which you openly accused them of. Not only that, but now you've started another thread, carrying that assumption somewhere else. You're only doing that, because you're butthurt, which is why people believe it's a stupid topic. Condensed version-stop being butthurt and acting childish when people don't agree with you, then you'll have less to complain about and more time to enjoy SL.
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