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Everything posted by ImaTest1488314069

  1. greek Wingtips wrote: I have to admit when I do start a thread in the forums its sometimes is a moan or a dig or a complaint, but I have also given advice too in my threads , but sometimes what I tend to find if its a dig at SL or the 3th party viewers, I find some replies very suspiciously could be persons with a vested interest or employee my question is " should these person when reply disclose if they have a vested interest. No, they shouldn't have to disclose. However, in nearly every thread I've ever seen an employee post in, they have disclosed. Also, everyone has a vested interest in sl, if they want to continue using it. You should probably stop assuming people are employees just because you don't agree with them. You'd probably get different replies if every single one of your threads didn't have some jabs from you, at other people in them. You don't have to agree with all the advice you're given, and I'm sure you get some terrible advice, but you pretty much open the flood gates with your inability to accept that others might have a better answer than you. Eta:-I know you're going to see that as a jab or personal attack. It is, however, neither. I wouldn't think, or feel, the way I do about your threads if the evidence was not right before my eyes in plain text. It is, though, and many have seen it, and commented. I'm inclined to believe they don't all have something wrong with their perception. If I were a betting man, I would wager more people sought fit to answer the way they did, or do, because you have an abrasive personality on the forums. That doesn't mean you're an abrasive person. It means the persona you present to people, in your words, often comes across extremely abrasive. It's difficult to converse with that sort of persona. It's even more difficult to converse and discuss only the topic at hand with that sort of persona, when it tends to throw out jabs at others. Yes people can debate the topic til the cows come home. People would be happy to do so, and only discuss the topic, not the posters. We do it all the time. The only reason in many threads, the topic moves to a more personal nature, is because someone takes it there. More often than not, it's the original poster, the one who started the topic.
  2. sunshine Juneberry wrote: I don't know what the big pain was. I heard all these stories, omg is going to be terrible, DD is awful ect ect. I was putting it off putting it off dreading it, from hearing so many people going on and on about it. When i finally did it, I think it took me about 5 minutes. It was so easy I thought maybe i did something wrong, but I did a few test buys and everything worked. For some people it went swimmingly. For others, it was a total nightmare. We're still seeing the same thing. For some, it's going just fine. For others, a total nightmare. A quick browse of the forums will show us that. I'm glad for the people that had a pleasant migration, but I feel for the people who did not. Many of them were labled as whining, complainers and things like that. They had, and still have, very valid complaints. DD has not been a smooth transition for many. I would say most, but I don't have a way to prove that. I can say without a doubt I have run into a lot of people inworld that had, or are having, a heck of a time with it though. I know I have run into more people that have had at least some problems, than I have people who did not. Both customers and merchants alike, but I believe merchants have taken the brunt of the beating.
  3. PixiWise wrote: Freya Mokusei wrote: ImaTest wrote: That's a pretty clear cut case, if you ask me. LL investigated, found you at fault, and refunded him. You can either appeal to LL via your ticket, or you can learn from it, and move on. LL may reverse that, and give you the funds back, after you appeal. But to be honest, I kinda doubt they will. Those are some pretty slim to non odds and I think slim just snuck out the back door. You did say you refunded him part of the money. They may well see that as admission of fraud, in some form. I don't know, I'm not them, so just guessing here. LL has absolutely no control or involvement in activities that happen outside of SL. If it happened in Skype, you're up **bleep** creek and LL won't touch that with a fifty foot prim. They shouldn't either, it has nothing to do with SL. If you want to use Skype for such things, you do so at your own risk. Of course you also do it in SL at your own risk too, but that's neither here nor there. They can't possibly address an issue that happened outside of SL. This is brilliantly on-the-mark. Others can usually word things far better than I, thanks ImaTest. The reaction by LL in this case is equivilent to what happens when someone uses sneaky tricks to intercept money from purchases made at an SL store, or when people shop on Marketplace and receive only wooden cubes. It is 'clear' fraud, as far as they are concerned. Nothing brilliantly here i see. What you say, anyone can guess. But the question is to discuss why it is done? It is a violation of the rules and laws in the world. If so violate the rules in this life, someone /i mean the support stuff/ decided like that for a minute without seeing the situation to where we are? Why is what done? Why was the money refunded to him? Because LL clearly thinks you did something wrong. Ask them. No one here can possibly answer that question, we don't know. It is not a violation of any rules or laws for LL to give him his money back, if they indeed found you at fault for something. If you believe it does violate some law or rule, please cite that law or rule here. Then we can discuss it. Until then, you're best off waiting until LL can answer your ticket because no one here will have more info to give you. I do not believe for one second that LL did not investigate the matter before giving him his money back. I have NEVER seen, or read, of them doing that. It's extremely rare for anyone to get LL to refund their money in cases where there has been clear fraud, let alone in cases where there is anything remotely questionable. In other words, I side with LL until you have some solid proof they had no reason to refund him. The solid proof would of course be them refunding the money to you, and them explaining. I don't forsee that happening.
  4. PixiWise wrote: I have of course IM with him about and is even more tangled because he actually has another avatar as a second which first wrote a lot, and then wrote again with his main avi of which gave me the money. There were activities in SL and outside in skype too. I dont want to describe in sexual details. He is the real "teft", not me. In other words you sold yourself, or your abilities. He got angry, for reasons only he can know. He reported you. After being reported LL thought it fitting to refund him his payment. That's a pretty clear cut case, if you ask me. LL investigated, found you at fault, and refunded him. You can either appeal to LL via your ticket, or you can learn from it, and move on. LL may reverse that, and give you the funds back, after you appeal. But to be honest, I kinda doubt they will. Those are some pretty slim to non odds and I think slim just snuck out the back door. You did say you refunded him part of the money. They may well see that as admission of fraud, in some form. I don't know, I'm not them, so just guessing here. LL has absolutely no control or involvement in activities that happen outside of SL. If it happened in Skype, you're up **bleep** creek and LL won't touch that with a fifty foot prim. They shouldn't either, it has nothing to do with SL. If you want to use Skype for such things, you do so at your own risk. Of course you also do it in SL at your own risk too, but that's neither here nor there. They can't possibly address an issue that happened outside of SL. Stick by your appeal to your ticket and see what LL says. I wouldn't be surprised if they told you to take a long walk off a short pier though. I'm guessing by refunding him, they've already made their decision. No one needs details, well maybe someone who's super desperate for wank material would like them, but they aren't really relevant to the issue at hand, regardless.
  5. *Since 2005 I have seen less than five cases in which LL handed back a (rather large, to some) sum of money to someone after they reported a person. None of them involved a case remotely similar to this. All involved rl legal issues, or potential ones as well. In every case it was found the person paid, had done something fraudulent. I have seen many reports, read many stories, seen many complaints, of people who have reported others. In all, but those I just mentioned, LL took an entirely neutral stance and would not involve themselves. That is their typical mantra, really. They do not involve themselves in the affairs of others unless law dictates they have to. I am far from a huge supporter of the lab, but I have to believe there is good reason for this. Because of that, I have to believe there is good reason they took his payment back from you, and gave it to him. I don't know what the reason is, I won't speculate either. I will tell you to contact support, follow up on your ticket as asked, if asked, and let LL sort it out for you. I have never seen someone report an escort and successfully get their money back. I have, however, read of many who tried to feeling that the escort in question was not as good as the person believed they paid for. In fact I have a contact that tried that once. Didn't get him very far either. So, it's entirely possible LL has either seen something in the logs, or has reason to believe, you are a fraud, or did something fraudulent. Only they can tell you what it is. No one here can help you. *Eta: I am sure there are more than those less than five, those are simply the ones I know about, without a doubt.
  6. Randall Ahren wrote: It was a popular thread. You provided quite a lot of entertainment. No need to apologize. Everyone should probably thank you for giving them something interesting to read on the forums. Ain't that the truth. Better than yet another thread about how folders are so much better than boxes
  7. Morgann Matova wrote: I don't know if this will help or not, but "Some peoples' children" must be a regional thing. I knew exactly what Sephina meant. No, she wasn't calling them children. (Trying to figure out how to explain it.) Basically refering to your parents (no matter your age, you are always their child) and their lack of raising you with proper manners and social skills. (At least in MI that is what it means LOL) I understand that explanation perfectly, thanks for explaining the phrase. However, it's still an insult, and unwarranted one at that. Someone not wanting to be a person's friend because they've ended the one thing that made them friends to begin with, is neither lacking manners or social skills.
  8. Sephina Frostbite wrote: Note I do not know how to delete groups and picks, if anyone can help me out with that, that would be awesome!!! I use firestorm. To delete a pick, open your profile, go to the picks tab click on the pick you want to remove, and there should be a delete button on top next to the new button. To leave a group, go up top to comm, open the groups, click(once) on the group you want to leave and click the leave button on the righthand side. .
  9. WillyD Lionheart wrote: am i the only one that read the post all the way ? Important dates for this plan: April 2, 2013: Merchants will no longer be able to list unlimited-quantity items for L$10 or less using Magic Boxes. Any active, unlimited-quantity listings for L$10 or less using Magic Boxes will be unlisted. April 16, 2013: Merchants will no longer be able to list unlimited-quantity items using Magic Boxes, regardless of price. Any remaining active, unlimited-quantity listings using Magic Boxes will be unlisted, regardless of price. You may have read it, but you didn't understand it. Read the post again, those dates apply to MAGICBOXES. You can no longer sell those items via magicbox. You can, however, sell them via DD. Which will be easier for merchants anyway. Magicboxes require land, DD does not.
  10. Sephina Frostbite wrote: Please choose someone else to hate. I hate absolutely no one. I don't even like the word, and rarely use it. Pretty strong emotions tied to that puppy and I reserve those emotions for super important things.
  11. Sephina Frostbite wrote: You dont need to be rude. I have dont nothing wrong neither am I left, right nor center, I am me. I never said it was their fault or did I say anythng wrong. If you feel the need to attack me then do so private. I never said anything mean or call out names. I wont have sex so they delete me. I didnt bring any drama nor did I ask for pity. All I did was state my issue as many have and if I can get some land marks. If they feel the need to delete me then they will. I am not crying about it. I wouldnt be a friend so someone so rude to begin with, so you dont have to worry. If you feel the need to pick on someone or "tell it like it is" with out knowing reality please choose someone else. Thank you. You're making a slifestyle change, which is awesome, most people need to do that from time to time. Friends come and friends go and most often our friends are our friends because of a shared interest. When we don't share that interest, we part ways. It happens. Nothing wrong with change at all. I still don't understand what the purpose of calling them all pervs, or in your last post, children was for. But hey, I don't have to understand. Since I'm not the first poster in this thread to state you're being dramatic about it, I'm guessing it's not just my perception being off, though. Which makes me feel slightly better. Since I wasn't attacking, just stating the obvious. I probably could have worded that better and it wouldn't seem like as much of an attack, to you. Regardless, hope you enjoy your new found slife. Let the past stay in the past, it didn't make it to your present for a reason. I wouldn't stew so much on it. It seems like you are. Which is why it's coming off as drama rather than an "oh, haha, lost some friends, oh well, time for a change, got any lms for me?". I'm guessing that's what you're going for. Just seems you're taking the long way round to that objective. Really I wouldn't worry about why they defriended you, it won't change the fact that they did. So, just continue on with your slife. It'll be a lot more fun.
  12. Sephina Frostbite wrote: That sounds nice!! Will do and will be messaging the others as well. I was just ejected and banned from a "friends" house because we wouldnt be having that kind of "fun". Someone Ive known for years... sheesh some peoples children. Really? I can see exactly why you're losing "friends" left, right, and center. Maybe you should just let people move on, as they're trying to. If someone drops you like a bad habit, after finding out you no longer want to have that kind of fun with them, your entire friendship was clearly based on that fun even if it wasn't the whole of your friendship. It's not their fault you're making a slifestyle change. The name calling you're doing is quite childish at this point, though it was the moment you called them all pervs, too. These people are not pervs, anymore than you were/are. They're also not "children" just because they no longer want to be your "friend". I honestly doubt all these people are defriending you for no reason at all. You really should just let it go and move on yourself. You said you wanted a slife change, so go for it. Quit looking for fault in other people and go make your slife what you want it to be. Personally if I were on your friendslist and saw this thread, I'd drop you on principle alone. Yes I know that's harsh, but you're really just acting overly dramatic now and it's not going to get you very far with your new slifestyle.
  13. I much prefer boxes. I don't think I have any specific reason why though. I'm just stuck in my ways and don't mind admitting that, I guess. It's really hard to pinpoint a specific reason. Wearables make perfect sense in folders, for the most part, though. Most items that need to be rezzed don't make nearly as much sense. Being able to see contents isn't always as reliable as you think. There are plenty of merchants who still have those items, in boxes. I bought some stuff not long ago that I thought was foldered, because I could see the contents on the mp listing. Was a bit surprised to see it was a folder with boxes in it. Not saying this is how all or even a the majority of merchants do it. But I do know that being able to see contents, or thinking you can, isn't always what it appears to be. This wasn't the first time I've encountered that. It's happened several times. I'm no longer a merchant, haven't been since 2012. I had both boxes and folders, depending on the item itself. When I first migrated to DD, everything was still boxed. Because that's how you loaded the magicbox. The lab was pressing forward with the migration and made it seem much more urgent to migrate than it really was, too. Yes my boxes could, and many did, have an unpacker script of some sort, but they still came boxed. When I migrated I had 850+ things to move. Taking each and every item, to make a folder some with an ungodly amount of items in it, to upload to mp, to edit the listings would have taken me ages. It was far easier to move the boxes and then slowly folder as needed. It still took me ages and by the time I shut down my shop, I still hadn't finished. My customers didn't seem to have a preference either way. It's probably because I didn't cater to a niche market. I had a bit of everything. I did ask once, when completely and utterly frustrated with DD early on, in my group. I asked people if they preferred foldered or boxed and I got mixed answers. It might have been the thread here that inspired that query of mine. So I'm guessing that's probably how most of sl is too. You'll find varied answers that depend on not only the customer, but also what it is they're buying, what they plan on using it for, whether or not they themselves are merchants, things like this.
  14. I'll be blunt Act like a gardening tool, be treated like a gardening tool. You know, rakes and stuff. If you send mixed signals to people, you've no right being angry when they get confused or decide they no longer want to be sent mixed signals. I'll agree with a previous poster, your profile says the exact opposite of what your mouth is saying. As does your feed, the places you visit and how you conduct yourself. There is nothing at all wrong with it, of course. That's not to say one cannot act flirty, sexy, whatever else he or she wants. It's also not to say that acting that way, or being in certain groups, or having certain pics, is a guarantee that you're DTF. But it is going to make people take a second glance when you then decide to get all offended that they either hint at, or suggest anything remotely sexual That's not them being arseholes, it's you and the message you're sending causing major confusion. It helps to be straight with people. If you're not into the slex side of things, you're not making that choice very obvious to anyone observing from the outside in. You don't need to participate in slex whatsoever here. Plenty of people don't. I happen to be one of those people. I have no interest in that side of sl anymore. But I also don't go posting half nude or mostly nude pics to my feed, visiting sex clubs, brothels, strip joints, or other related places where one could easily assume I'm not there to install track lighting. I don't have pics related to sexual content. I choose to do this so that it will be very clear I am not DTF. I've still had an issue a time or ten from both women and men who wrongly assume anyone in sl is DTF. I politely tell them where to shove it, and move on. At least I know in those cases, it had nothing to do with me or my actions and everything to do with them. It has nothing to do with how you dress, alone. Any tool that tells you that is thinking with the wrong tool. But your mannerisms, your profile, the places you visit combined in with how you conduct yourself AND how you dress, can all lead someone to the conclusion you are indeed looking for a jolly good time, and I don't mean a bicycle built for two around central park. Unless that's your kink, in which case, have at it. We do bare some of the burden when it comes to how others treat us. Not necessarily the largest portion of the burden, but some none the less. Sending mixed signals is a bad idea, sending mixed signals and then being offended when someone picks up on them, is an even worse idea. There will always be people interested in nothing more than slex. You could be wearing the most hideous av on the grid and it will still get someone tingly in the pants. It's inevitable. You can still lessen the effect you have on others and the impression you give, to some degree. Pretending like it's all them being slex fiends and you have no control whatsoever on the impression you give people, isn't going to get you far in life. No I am not saying if you act sexy, dress sexy, occasionally visit adult clubs and such things,you're asking for sex. I am saying all of those things will have an impact on how others see you, like it or not.
  15. Is it possible this is an account that's been reinstated and they use today as it's "rez" date? I'm not sure as when I closed my account I never re-opened it. I just created this one instead. Maybe someone who has done that can let us know. Seems plausible. Or, there is some company, university, some sort of entity out there that is still able to offer legacy names(or a legacy name anyway) to those who sign up for sl through them. That used to be the case, especially for educational purposes. Though I thought tthey were all as good as gone, maybe they're not, or something else has been created along those lines.
  16. Well since everyone else already addressed your actual concerns, I'll address something else in your post. Please know I am not condoning what this guy did, or said, in any way. I am not trying to be mean, but I am going to be blunt and upfront with you. Since this isn't exactly a rare thing. People get in spats like this with others all the time. Maybe someone else reading can learn from this experience of yours too. 1-If someone calls you a liar, ignore it, mute them, do whatever you need to do, but don't engage in childish bickering back and forth. Your response to him calling you a liar was out of line. Sorry, you don't want to hear that, but it's true. If all he did was call you a liar, and din't use vulgarity to do so, then it was extremely out of line. There's no reason to tell someone to eff off just because they call you a name. Especially a name like "liar". 2-Using words, like you did, even if it IS in his tag, can actually very much get you in trouble. Whether or not he is a linden is irrelevant to the issue at hand. If he chose to report you for saying that to him, you could get in trouble. Of course, he would likely get in trouble himself for having it in his tag. Which is why he wouldn't likely report it. However know that he could, if he wanted to, and there is as much potential for trouble for you both. The lab can see all chat logs if they choose to, they wouldn't just need his word as they'd see it for themselves. Just because someone has something vulgar in their tag or profile, doesn't necessarily mean it's a-ok for us to use it whenever and wherever. Just like with anything else. If someone manages getting away with some wrongdoing, it does not mean we're all free to go ahead and do it too. 3-Your profile is open, that means it's likely someone, somewhere, will comment. If you don't want comments, because you can't handle ones that may not be nice, don't put the information out there. It is going to happen. You felt free to call this person what you did, and you justified it by saying it was in his tag, so therefore you're free to comment on it. He, too, obviously felt your profile was open for comentary. Now I am not saying what he said was right, or ok, but it does fall under that same umbrella. That's exactly why a lot of people don't put as much information in their profiles. because it will be open for all to see, and perhaps comment on. Again, I am not trying to talk down to you, be mean, chastise or anything of that nature. I think it's important to be upfront and blunt when needed though. If you're going to involve yourself in a squabble, you're not likely going to come out with completely clean hands yourself if this is how you react. Me saying this does not in any way justify what he said to you. No one should ever be mean to others, imo. But, unfortunately my opinion doesn't much matter in the end. People are going to be mean. They are going to say things we don't like. They are going to do things we don't like. When we respond in kind, we are most certainly stooping just as low as they did. Which basically makes us no better. Please learn from this squabble you had with this guy. That way, should you encounter someone rude in the future, it very well may be easier to deal with. It's very hard to grow a thick skin sometimes. We're all going to be hurt or insulted at one point or another. How we deal with it is really what matters most. It definitely matters a lot more than the specifics of the incident.
  17. It's just a general warning to anyone who still uses magic boxes about one off type items, like your bundles. Yes they can still be sold that way, they're just making it known that at some point, that will no longer work. Anyone who still uses magic boxes at all should be getting the message. But it very well may be a message only going to the people selling those one off type items. Either way, it's still just a general warning.
  18. Dirtnap Mumfuzz wrote: Like Porky, I also find this posting to be condescending and repetitive; not to mention arrogant, unecessary and rather rude. Should I mention vague and not well written? Especially since I already posted a thread of Direct Delivery tips about two weeks ago, and you more or less just took some of the tips from that posting and smattered a few of your own suggestions in with it: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Direct-Delivery-tips-amp-tricks/td-p/1934269 By the way...the two 'tips' you posted in my thread which I addressed, you never bothered to go back and reply to. Maybe that would have been a better idea, rather than becoming self righteous and demanding your own spotlight. So you're offended someone dared to take tips you posted, which of course you were not the first to share anyway, and added them to tips of their own. But you dislike how they worded it, so that makes their thread bad and yours fine. When you did the very same thing, by posting your own tips, most of which you know because others already shared them. That's how we come into most knowledge we have. Me, I'm all for as many threads as we need for folks having trouble. I don't care if they're repetative. I can close threads I don't like. I don't have to read them. Yes people can search, and perhaps they should. We know they won't all do so. We know some aren't as good as it as we'd like them to be. So, what's so wrong with sharing information, as often as needed, in as many ways as needed. It's not like the problems these tips solve are only hitting a person here and there. It's pretty widespread right now, because of the deadlines. Seriously "demanding your own spotlight". That gets you a great big wth were you thinking when you said that, from me. You act as if you're the first, and only to share tips. Forget the fact that these tips have been around since DD first came into play and many others have shared them long before you. Both on these forums and many other websites. Isn't that exactly what you're doing by pointing out you "posted the tips first"? That's pretty arrogant if you ask me. The title of the thread is clear, as is the subject. I can see why some might see the "for dummies" part as slightly offensive. Not everyone is as aware of that series and may not see that the phrase is often used as tongue in cheek. So that part I get. But the rest of what you said, is radiating with arrogance. Not real sure how you can pin arrogance on someone else when youdo the whole "I did it first, you're not nice" bit.
  19. You're always free to sell, leave, abandon, etc... your land, and move to a new location. You don't need the lab to help you do that. Now if you pay a tier or rent to someone else on an estate, you'll most likely be asked to stay until your next tier is due before leaving. Of course you don't have to, but it's in good form to do so. Also, if you're renting from someone else you can always ask them if they have a different parcel you could move to, of the same size and cost. I think most landowners would happily help. If it's mainland, then you don't need to involve anyone else. Just sell what you have now(you could abandon too, but I would try to sell first, personally) and then find a new parcel you prefer. There's tons of land out there open, empty and waiting for someone to grab it up. Might take a little foot work on your part to find just the right one, but I am sure you will.
  20. It is entirely possible your ARs have been acted upon, and you just didn't notice. I am saying this because that's exactly what's happened to a lot of them recently. I watched it happen, or I would think it's absurd to believe it could, lol. The particular griefing you are experiencing is slamming the entire grid, not just a few sims here and there. It is hitting heavy and hard, because those griefers are bound and determined. Thousands upon thousands, and I do mean that literally, of ARs for this particular problem have been sent in over the last week. You are not alone in that one, not one little bit. I know for a fact some of them have been acted upon because I was present while they were acted upon, by chance. I saw them acted upon. However, not even two hours later, it started back up again on one particular sim. The other it took another day or two to rear it's ugly head again. So, yes the AR was looked at, the issue handled as best as they could handle it. But the problem returned. The problem returned relatively promptly because another landowner did not have auto return turned off. So that particular land owner was actually just making the entire thing worse. I find it highly likely that a lot of other mainland areas that are being hit by this particular griefing, have had the exact same thing happen. Even if it wasn't a linden who fixed the problem but rather just another resident who managed getting the object spammer to stop. I find it likely the problems get stopped, but return relatively quickly because someone nearby is enabling it to happen. Whether they're doing it intentionally or not, by not having auto return on and allowing people to rez, that's exactly what they are doing. So I would definitely be checking with each and every other land owner near you. It won't do any good to have, say 12 of you filing ARs, but 1 of you still allowing rez and leaving auto return off. All those ARs will seem futile and you will get more and more frustrated. You can even mention this to live chat. Since you're premium, you can use live chat. Tell them you suspect someone has rez rights turned on with auto return off and that is why you and other land owners can't seem to fix the problem. Let them know it's a possibility. If they can't help you, find another live chat person who can. You don't have to settle with "sorry we can't help you" or "please file a report". Unfortunately you do have to be very persistent with stuff like this though. Ftr. I am not saying all ARs get answered, many never even get looked at I'm quite certain. But I do know for a fact this particular issue is a huge one all over the grid right now and has been really bad for at least a week if not more. I also do know that some ARs have been acted upon and some land owners have been even able to stop the problem on their own too. I'm just telling you this so you know there is hope that it will be fixed. It's not just a matter of them not reading, not listening, and not acting. Well, there's always the possibility it is, but I am guessing given the severity of this issue, that's not the case right now for this issue. It very well may be for others. Support does suck sometimes, and does have its merit other times. I've had mixed experiences myself. And I also know that we may not always, or ever, see the results of our ARs being handled, too. I really hope they can help you solve this problem swiftly so you're not caused anymore stress. But in the meantime, both you and your neighbors really need to dig deep and look around at ALL the land in your area to see where this may be coming from. I'm not saying you aren't, of course. It could very easily be one teeny tiny parcel somewhere-even in what seems like another person's land...but it's actually not. The object spammer could be sitting on a tiny sliver of land somewhere that's not actually part of one of your neighbor's parcels even though it looks like it is. I can't tell you how many times I've run across stuff like that. If you're flying around, or even walking, keep an eye on the top bar and the parcel names. That's how I've found numerous little slivers of land sort of hiding inside larger parcels. It's weird, but it happens a lot.
  21. Miserlie wrote: I dont really know, there usually quite famous around the grid and people enjoy hearing from and seeing them. Times has changed, am i rite ? I'm pretty sure that just like any other area, models are only "famous" within their own community. By community, I mean people interested in that topic. I don't think the general public has any more interest in hearing from them, or interest in their modeling, than they would any other person. Just like some builders are very well known by many creators. Some scripters are very well known by the scripting community, etc. Models fall into that category too. They may be well known in that community, but outside of it, not nearly as much. I've run across more people that have no interest in fashion and modeling than I have that are interested. There were times when it was more popular in the past, but it's not nearly as popular as it once was. I have quite a few friends who model. Some have been doing it since 2005/2006. They'd be the first to tell you, don't consider it a day job. It's likely you won't profit much, especially in the beginning. The people who do, are very few and far between. Or they don't consider all of their costs into their calculations, which is sometimes the case. They get a new skin or a new overall look, and like it, so they don't consider it an expense related to being a model. Even if that was the reason they bought it. Which makes sense to me, whether or not I agree, it does make sense.
  22. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: 48 hours since my original Abuse Report, which was before the weekend. The problem persists. The affected region has over 38000 scripts running and the sim is running at no more than 20% of normal speed. Scripted objects do eventually respond to triggers, but it takes over 30 seconds for a door to open. I very much fear that expressing my opinion on the Lindens responsible would trigger a pile-on by people with no obvious connection to the Labs, making some claim of being a moderator. But I find it difficult to avoid the conclusion that Linden Labs is run by a bunch of programming prima donnas who still haven't realised that Second Life is a 24/7 internet service. (I could replace everything after "is run by" with two simple words.) Sorry you're continuing to have problems. I've had mixed experiences with ARs. It's rare for me to file one. In your case, I would have done just as you did. In fact I have done, just as you did. Twice I've encountered a problem very similar. Once it happened on a Thursday night/Friday morning. That one took until the following Monday evening to be fixed. The other one started on a Tuesday evening and was back to normal by Thursday morning.(before that, actually, but I hadn't been online Wednesday night to see it, I was told it was fine). I am not saying the day it appears to happen plays any sort of role. it very well may not. But it IS entirely possible, that it might. Not that I agree with that sort of process. But we already know there is very, very limited staff on from Friday through Monday morning, so I wouldn't rule that out. Still think they should have people available on the weekends for this kind of stuff. It's a terrible nuisance.
  23. I once angered someone, like really angered them and they retaliated in a similar fashion. Except that they took it many steps past simply posting childish rants and raves in their profile. One of the funny parts is, to this day, I'm still not sure what I did. By the time it was over, neither did the person who went off like a tornado siren. Go figure. Needless to say this person, who was very angry-again I don't know why-took it upon herself to do whatever she could to, I assume "trash" me, including bringing in others to "back" her. Such a fool she was, fool and a tool, really. She thought attacking me, my life, my parenting and my child, would be a good idea. it only served to make her look foolish. Sure some of her trashy friends and people with little to no class may have believed what she said, but I am willing to bet most didn't. Her, shall we say "bravest" move, was attempting to verbally attack my disabled son. Now I could have retaliated back. Because, you just don't go there, ever. I could have sent in numerous ARs. But why bother? I'd simply be feeding her need for attention, and I don't do that. Much in the same way that when my son throws a fit, and acts as one would expect a child to act at times, I ignore him. There's no need to feed into it. I understand being pissed off about things people say. People can be pretty brutal with their words. Some people are very good at getting under your skin. Some people thrive on it. Retaliating back in the same manner, is only going to prove to them you're up for the challenge. I don't think you want to be placed on the same level as someone like that. At least, I'd like to hope you don't. Who would? It not only makes someone look ignorant, but also incompetent . So when you fight back, which is what I gather you're trying to do, you look just as bad. I know, no one ever wants to hear that, but it's true. I have a hard time being empathetic, at times, with people who stoop down to the level of the person(people) they are so adamantly against. I've been there, it can be extremely hard to both hold your head high, and also hold your tongue, when you're being challenged. Or even when you feel like you're being challenged and attacked. Especially when it comes to things very personal to us. For me, it would be my son, and how I raise him. It's difficult for me to swallow sometimes, because people really can be cruel if they so choose. I have to put my bigboy drawers on sometimes though, and I do just that. It's gotten easier over the years, especially now that he's an older teen and we've been on our own since the day he was born. He's much better at ignoring the asshats he encounters too. It's a tough process, but we all have the ability to get there, when we try. I am glad however that LL doesn't go after each and every personal squabble. Even if it seems, and probably is, terrible to you, it really is just an issue between you and this person. Outside of the issue, to everyone around, it's not nearly as bad looking. That's how most personal disputes are, really. It's best that LL lets us handle these things. Could you imagine if they got involved in every issue, just how busy they'd be? Especially with regards to profiles containing things they shouldn't. They'd be chasing their tails nonstop, it seems. When there is so much more going wrong around us that is 100% out of our control they need to be focused on(and aren't doing the most spectacular job at to begin with). I know you think this person should be banned, admonished, told to fix their profile and dealt with by LL. I understand why. I understand the feelings of both anger and frustration you're feeling. But I also know you're probably the bigger person, and have the ability to BE that person, so you ought to. Forget about what LL isn't doing, that you believe they should be doing. Take it upon yourself to turn this into something that really doesn't matter. You could even turn the entire situation around into something good, if you try. Might not seem possible, but I promise you, it is. That will stick it to her more than anything else you, or anyone else, could do or say. Be the bigger person, prove it's not getting to you (even if it is) and that's the best possible revenge you could ask for. You've magically turned her into a meaningless blob of nothing, without even trying.
  24. A-You broke a rule, and you did it knowingly at that. B-I support that land owners have every right to both allow and disallow anyone they want on land they're paying for. Not agreeing with a rule in place does not mean you're free to do whatever you like. If you don't like the rules don't stay on the land that has them. There are literally thousands upon thousands of sims you can visit. Why bother sticking around on one that has rules you not only think are ridiculous, but intend to break? It doesn't really matter if anyone thinks a particular rule is ridiculous or not. It's a rule. There are lots of places with rules I find silly, odd and sometimes even downright wrong, for all kinds of reasons. I choose not to go to those places. If I find myself somewhere that has a rule I don't agree with, I leave. It's not as if there aren't a ton of other places I could go, lol. I find intentionally breaking rules to be, quite often, extremely childish.
  25. You may not mind being subscribed simply by making a purchase, but I believe, strongly, you are in the minority there. Most people I've come across do despise it, and most people I've come across will be annoyed by it. Just searching these forums will give you evidence of that. You can also poll people inworld, and you're likely to find that most do not want that sort of thing. Me, I hate it. Even if I can unsubscribe at any time, it's still extremely annoying to be added to any group, list or subscriber I didn't ask to be added to. Even if the creator only sends me one or two notices when they have a new release, it can still be mighty annoying. A lot of people have messages that cap very easily. Even when you have messages sent to email, you can still cap. Notecards, landmarks, products, messages, they all contribute to that cap of 25. I have all my messages sent to email too, but if I am not on for a day or so, I will cap and I may miss some things. Even if I auto-accept things, I may still cap and will still miss some messages here and there. I don't want to miss messages I specifically asked for, because ones I did not sign up for filled up my cap. I do NOT agree that a person should be automatically added to any list just because they bought your product. I also don't personally care what some other big brands do or do not do. A brand is a brand to me, regardless of size or notoriety, and I've never been too keen on the whole "they're doing it, why can't I" stuff. Any advertising you send me, that I didn't expressly give you permission to send me(ie, by willingly, and knowingly joining your group) is spam, and most likely, unwanted. One of the quickest ways to get rid of your customers, is to annoy them.
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