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Everything posted by lucagrabacr

  1. I'm talking about the categories, not the individual places in them (What's hot now, editor's picks, etc)
  2. It's totally not dead. Lots of people online (average is 40k at once I believe), with 1 million active users, according to LL. Lots of people still buy stuff (even my small niche furry outfit products are bought by a lot of people everyday). It just seems dead because SL is so big that there's a lot of empty places, especially ones that weren't made for public hangout. Don't worry, SL is worth investing your time into. There are many good free stuff if you don't wanna spend a dime until you're sure about staying around on SL
  3. I know it's a pretty subjective personal opinion but I think an update to them would be nice. Like, it's one of the things that new residents usually check when they got inworld, but the thumbnails looks kind of outdated and they just don't seem to reflect / represent SL's current graphical fidelity / limitations at all. Just a thought :)
  4. I know the lindens probably don't read these forums, but like most of the younger people that I know of who never used Second Life before thinks there's something off with the default camera placement. I mean like I'm personally okay with it, used it on my first 3 years on SL until I know how to edit the camera preset on Firestorm through the developer menu. (which is tedious to do) I don't think it'd be too hard for LL or the Firestorm team to implement an easier way to change the camera preset a'la Nirans / Black Dragon Just a thought
  5. God sorry for the quoteless double post on mobile now and idk where to find that quote button rip. Anyway, I was just making a reference to what I've heard some people are saying I like posting in this forum because this is where people actually get my obscure sense of SL humor e .e
  6. I was exaggerating obviously (there are more tweets though!)
  7. That this is literally what people always say when you guys mention Second Life. 
  8. Really late to this I really suck at narrating, so I mostly used text cheers
  9. Trying to see if even shorter videos would help attracting more people to use SL :D
  10. So.. I was Googling to see what people are asking about Second Life, and apparently "Is Second Life safe?" is on top of the list lol. So, oh well :P
  11. Well.. 3 hours and I think my friend had enough because he said had no idea what to do and what I was doing yeah, I guess it's always easier to make people who have interest in SL in the first place to stick around after all.
  12. Those rl friends could have been the next SL millionaire! Joking aside, guiding an rl friend through SL 90 degrees learning curve right now, I hope he stays.
  13. Crap, mobile browser screwed up bad. Ignore the above post I meant to say, "How did you successfully lure and make your friends an active SL user?"
  14. Show them too little or too slow and they would assume SL has little too offer,
  15. Hmm, I guess you're right. I'm just all too used to the convenience of using the mp I guess. Though I'm not sure if it would be easy looking for such specific type of dance in any inworld stores / clubs
  16. Finally, took me two weeks to finish this. Thanks to the awesome people in the video and you forums peeps who helped me when I have questions :smileyhappy:
  17. Alright, I'll go contact the people in the page's contact info to get a clarification then. Thanks for the advice guys
  18. So I found out that in 2007, Second Life / Linden Lab won the Technology & Engineering Emmy Award for User-Generated Content. Now, I want to mention the fact that in 2007 Second Life / Linden Lab did won that award in a video that I'm currently making, but after reading this page on the Emmy's website: http://emmyonline.com/trademarks It says; "1. Emmy honorees or those congratulating them may at any time refer in advertising and publicity to the fact that the honoree has received an Emmy award and may for one (1) year after an award is made, use a replica of the statuette in advertising and publicity which appears in print, by broadcast or over the Internet. *" So my question is, is it okay to mention in my video that SL / LL won that award back in 2007? Thanks Edit: So after rereading the line, I noticed they allowed mentioning. But can I use a vector / silhouette of the statue in my video? (not a replica of it)
  19. Have you ever welcome a new user inappropriately? Here's how I might have done some, oops ;)
  20. Boat seller's bots that are parked on ocean floors to mine data about who use what boat and how frequent to develop better sales & marketing strategies.
  21. What do they think we are doing? I guess a more interesting question would be..
  22. I wouldn't recommend anyone using any kind of built-in case PSUs lol, I just let the store that sold me the case take the PSU and give me a little cut in the case's price, those PSUs have a tendency to fail.
  23. "A normal day in Second Life" is a very different term for everyone.
  24. I have elf ears with a micro-usb tail so I'm not really sure
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