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Everything posted by lucagrabacr

  1. Made this video for people who have little to no idea about the practically limitless customization option of SL avatars :) (ex: non SL users. Might be those friends you've always wanted to drag into SL!) I tried to make it as short as possible, since I don't think anyone who have little to no idea about SL would appreciate being linked to a super long video explaining the matter lol.
  2. Maybe your avatar wasn't completely loaded for the other person? It happens to me sometimes, mesh avatars seeming to float when they haven't finished loading. Have you tried asking to different person and see if your avatar floats in the air too for them?
  3. I was on this thread when I click the Sign In link. But uhm, now I'm not redirected to the blogs section, weird (I hit the reply button and it asked me to sign in) And who said I've been bad this year
  4. It still redirects me to the blogs section.
  5. Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing it up. And yeah I agree, that's kinda stupid lol.
  6. So I was browsing SL stuff on YT as usual, then noticed this Spanish-speaking youtuber which gained quite a lot of traction on his SL videos. At first I thought it was because he's an authority figure on a particular foreign SL community, but when I visited his YT page, it turned out he only started producing SL videos about a week ago, and apparently only signed up around that time as well. Then I dug deeper and found out that the sudden hype apparently originated from another guy, a prominent Argentinian YouTuber who made a video about SL. So I checked the video out but couldn't really deduce what it's all about. Can anyone who speaks Spanish please explain what the video is about? I'm a little bit curious because the video has this "SL is a super mysterious place with super secretive cults and culture in it" vibe lol
  7. You're welcome Rolig and yeah hhaha, I tried to make it real quick to not piss people off with a slow tutorial
  8. Sometimes we just have had enough of sitting in front of the computer all the time. Second Life is great, but what if we want to move around the house for whatever reason while still being connected to Second Life? Text viewer? Good enough, if you don't need 3D graphics. Dedicated 3D mobile viewer? Doesn't look as good as it would be on PC, and can be very resource-intensive as well, draining our devices' battery like crazy, and it won't even run on certain devices. Of course there are some drawbacks; you have to keep your PC turned on, and both your PC and your Android / iOS device needs to be on the same WiFi network as your PC for it to work. If you're okay with those, then this method is definitely for you.
  9. Which took around a week to make, because there are so many things to do in SL that distracted me from actually putting together the video ;) /me whispers in your ear /whisper The video's title is a lie.
  10. Already thinking about how to best use the upcoming immersive lightning of Sansar? :smileyvery-happy: btw I seriously laughed for a full minute when I read those typos lol
  11. http://www.roadtovr.com/project-sansar-screenshots-linden-lab-virtual-world-next-gen-second-life/
  12. Wow I actually had no idea about this at all lol, definitely gotta check them out later, they look cool as hell
  13. Thank you so much for the compliments Rolig, Madelaine! I'm glad you guys liked the video And ah, I'll definitely try that technique to avoid the camera stutters next time! Thanks for the great advice :matte-motes-big-grin: I used Sony Vegas for the typography, btw.
  14. Heya, I bet most people already know about the tips that I'm giving out in the video (except maybe for the third one :matte-motes-big-grin:) but since I couldn't find a single video about it, I decided to make one anyway. Here it is: And yes, I did point out the cons of the methods that I'm giving out.
  15. There are texture mods made for the head which makes the facial features looks different, go check them out on the marketplace. Search for "Venus head mod" and you should find plenty of them.
  16. Hey guys, I've been making some videos recently and used my SL avi as an overlay in them. So I thought about sharing the way to do it to anyone who might be interested :matte-motes-big-grin: (pardon the not-so-good mic quality)
  17. Thanks for the answers guys! I think I understand it a bit more now
  18. Hello, I'm just not sure. A few days or so ago I read a post where someone lost an "expensive no copy item" to their friend because he gave it to them. And people said that's a dispute between residents. What if someone offered a service, but couldn't complete it even though they already got paid? Or sim owner who ejected their renters because the owner deem the resident's behavior "inappropriate" (but not breaking SL's TOS)? Can someone please clear it up for me? Thanks :)
  19. Okay, I've been reading bits about project Sansar for quite some time now, but still can't have a clear picture of what it's going to be. I heard the term "Wordpress of virtual world" a lot, which made me assume that Sansar is going to be some kind of a virtual world platform that people or companies can buy or subscribe to, to make their own VW, which are fully separated from each other with little to no sense of continuity between them. Is this the case? Or is there going to be a sense of centralization or pseudo-centralization at least, where users accross different VW can cross from one to another seamlessly? (if there's not, is it possible that maybe there will be third party services that does this for those people and companies who want to use such centralization service?) I was about to cast some surveys in my website and inworld surrounding Sansar, and how the current SL userbase feel about it, how they see it, and what they look forward to or wish to exist in the platform, but I need a clearer picture first of how it's going to be like. So yeah, thanks in advance for those who are willing to answer my questions :)
  20. I was expecting something more hip like The Second Second Life.
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