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Max Nova

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Everything posted by Max Nova

  1. I think anything the US does now with their current administration will make other countries run in the other direction. The only policy that has come from the US in the past year is undoing all the previous administration did and things to hurt the country and the world.
  2. I not a fan of role play but if you are looking for fun people to hangout with and chat IM me
  3. Welcome to contact me, my time zone is UTC + 7 but I am on at odd times.
  4. Just general ignorance and stupidity by people that do not realise this is an international community and think SL revolves around their little time zone, religion, holidays and ideology. Other than that I find I am more fluent in English than the people causing trouble and although English is not my first language and in most cases it is their only language I make them feel sufficiently stupid and quite insulted and in return they have the good sense to leave me alone. The keyboard is mightier than the microphone :smileyhappy:
  5. I have been using Singularity 64-bit for years now on Linux and never experienced this issue. I have always had at least 4 gig of memory and 2 gig of graphic memory on any PC I used on SL as well; so I'm not sure LL did anything except bring their out of date viewer up to date which is still too out of date to run on my Linux machine without installing dumbing down patches.
  6. I am a trauma doctor turned professor in Thailand, welcome to come and hang out with us, our little group of friends are pretty international but all educated people with common interests. Would love to hear about your work :matte-motes-grin:
  7. LMAO! Nope, they never ever did not even a little! In fact you can see this goes back to 2009: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land-and-Sea-General/Further-Clarification-on-Bots-and-Camping/ba-p/643765/page/20 If you really want to see people running alts, bots and camping stop by your nearest Star Trek sim but be careful because they have guards that will eject and ban you if you try to see them.
  8. Well, I didn't officially get kicked out of my country but when the president said "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." I flead the country and moved to Thailand which is 95% Buddhist thus atheist. That was 1987 and I have not seen a reason to go back as the country has gone to crap because of that sort of thinking. There are now more than 65,000 Amreicans living in the city I live in and about 250,000 Americans living in the country.
  9. The only reason I have not moved on from Second Life is because I have too much money invested in it but I would never tell anyone to get started on Second Life I would recommend another service. I have cut down from spending about $300 US a month on Second Life to $30 US, I'm sure the Lindens don't care or notice but Second Life is becoming a ghost town filled with bots and alts generating traffic that is meaningless, in fact a lot of the sci fi communities seem to be more into "who has the highest traffic" of the day and chase off people that want to play for fear their bots (not set to scripted agent status) and alts will be discovered. I recently canceled my premium membership after 3 years (although it is valid until September) because it is useless. Second Life is like Mac, you pay 10 times more for something mediocre that does not do anything better than anything else and you have to pay for all the extras which others give freely. I do think Second Life is nearing its end or at least I do not believe they will be launching their "new" Second Life grid that uses the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset they keep talking about but quite honestly I would not be interested in that anyway. So, your question... What would you do if SL closed down? At this point save an additional $30 a month and not sweat it a bit. Well, that's one mans opinion,
  10. Hi, Thailand here, I have a lot of friends on SL from Korea, Japan and Thailand. Give me an IM when you are on, we all speak English.
  11. I do if I can, that is to say after I take a copy of the original and if the product is "MOD". I try only to buy products that are copy, mod for obvious reasons. That being said some of the clothing I have has tons of scripts and some sims will not allow you in with a high script count so, it is best to remove them if there are a lot. If you have a decent computer that complies with SL requirements you should never experience "lag" or freezing (unless there is a server problem) however; it seems that at least 50% of the people on SL have non-compliant computers and they will blame you for being over scripted which is in fact crap. Here is a link to the wiki about scripts and lag if you have interest: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lag
  12. Well, first off the LL house is not free, you paid for it and you do not own it. You can buy 512sqm of mainland and get a 10% bonus if you deed it to group but to be honest mainland sucks too many griefers, intruders, junk in the sky and really crappy builds. The only way to avoid such things is to get a group of your friends to donate tier and buy land together then you can build what you want. Or as the previous post said rent a themed place.
  13. Maby if you posted in Tagalog you would get a response. Anyway lots of friendly Thai people here.
  14. I'm running SL on Mint 13 I could not get any viewer to run on 14.
  15. I wish people would just learn how to catorigize properly.
  16. It's kind of like RL, never give anyone the power over your land or money. In the future I would suggest just making a role that gives all the powers of an owner without actually making someone an owner, that way you can eject them and delete the role.
  17. Yes, I am aware of that thank you. I prefer to get a professional to do it so it doesn't look like I did it on a paint program.
  18. Looking for someone to make custom sign textures. Please send Wushin Resident a nc or IM if I am online.
  19. I have a nice 1/4 sim on mainland and a lot of unused prims. I ask people to contribute L$1 per prim per week which it looks like you make enough to pay. My actual cost per prim is about L$1.25 thus I am doing it at a loss but I'm not a business nor do I wish to be. IM me or drop me a nc if you are interested, if not np good luck.
  20. We are newbie friendly, we were all noobs once :smileyhappy: come and hang out with us we are happy to teach and we have tons of really cool free stuff. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Wych/21/160/50
  21. Hangout here if you like we are all friendly, lots of interesting people to talk with. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Wych/21/161/50
  22. Houses from L$25 to L$200 sim has a sandbox, holodeck, pub, club and many more thigs to do and explore. IM or drop a note card to Wushin Resident for details http://slurl.com/secondlife/Wych/21/161/50
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