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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. Huh?! The picture in the post you quoted, about the "Annan Adored Light Explosion III", was assuredly taken in LL viewer, as you can clearly see. As for the 2 region pictures above, for comparison, region windlight is server-side: once set, ANY viewer will show the same (when set to use region environment, of course).** If you read my posts even further, in Firestorm, you can no longer even change the region windlight via the region manager; it's hardcoded to a numbered-one, and while you can select a different windlight, you can no longer 'Apply' it. So, my region is showing (a numbered) windlight that apparently is an erroneous 'translation' of the Alien Sky windlight it was set to. And yes, it looks exactly the same wrong in LL viewer (see below). ** Region environments have always been server-side. This was done so by design (so you can still see the envo, exactly the way the Estate Manager/LL intended, without the need to have the specific windlight in your viewer). This, btw, I believe, is why you can no longer Apply a region environment in Firestorm, as the underlying, server-side, code will now just show you its conversion of whatever windlight you had set (based on EEP). Hence, for region environments, it makes no difference whether you watch with LL viewer (as evinced below) or Firestorm: you get to see the server-side environment setting.
  2. And at LV-426, for that matter. 🤩
  3. There's no waiting list, just people waiting. 🙂
  4. And this is what I meant by 'Alien Sky' being off: top image is what EEP made of it, and bottom one is set 'regularly' with FS windlight system. The images may look similar, but are quite different, really (especially sky and mountains):
  5. By 'regular method' I meant opening up region manager, and picking a sky/water from the environments to 'Apply' (which doesn't work any more):
  6. I'm in the same boat as you (no wait, that came out wrong, lol): I woudn't mind just getting a sweet traditional home.
  7. Okay, lol, I had forgotten: as of 1,000m, that windlight was supposed to be "Annan Adored Light Explosion III". Not to worry, that one is messed up too. ☺️ (See below). And 'Alien Sky' (on my landing zone) is messed up, regardless. In fact, have yet to import a windlight that works properly under EEP. In ny 'City of Glass' skybox, it seems '"Annan Adored Light Explosion III" primarily is missing the adored light explosion. 😛 It's all bland.
  8. Dark Helmet: What the Hell am I lookin’ at? When does this happen in the movie? Sandurz: Now. Whatever you’re looking at now, is happening now. Dark Helmet: Well, what happened to then? Sandurz: We just passed it. Dark Helmet: When? Sandurz: Just now. Dark Helmet: Well, go back to then. Sandurz: We can’t. Dark Jelmet: Why not? Sandurz: We already passed it. Dark Helmet: When will then be now? Sandurz: Soon. 😍
  9. Oh NO! Eeek! Firestorm's "hacky parcel lighting" is what's working: EEP is not. Especially per-parcel height settings. I have currently different height zones defined per parcel (for various skyboxes at various altitudes). And even in that vid you linked, I didn't hear the Linden talk about per-parcel heights. So, only 4 global height zones would assuredly break things for me already, for that reason alone.
  10. "It's always about the light", as I quoted a former art teacher of mine, elsewhere. So, mesh bodies is one thing, but messing up light, everywhere, is of quite a different order of magnitude. I would hope LL takes more of a "Above all, do no harm!" approach to EEP here. Would I personally leave SL if EEP -- in its current broken state -- were pushed on everyone, without having Firestorm's windlights available for fallback? Well, like you said, ppl often make threats like that, and then stay after all. So, I probably would not depart in a huff either. But if windlights remained so broken, without the prospect of ever being able to recreate the myriad of windlights I had in effect before, then, I dunno, that would certainly be a biggie. And not something I think LL should make 'light' of (pun intended), as I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be the only one severely bummed out.
  11. Thanks for your willingness to look into this! Soon as I get home, I will set up the region so you can enter, and have a look. P.S. You also, indirectly, answered the question (which was posed on channel, the other day) on whether the FS viewer -- while it has no EEP controls yet -- would still show EEP effects.
  12. ^^ P.S. Both pictures above are taken in FS. The EEP one (on the right) is just without land description, having it default to EEP's region interpretation of 'Alien Sky'. And it looks like the one on the right in the LL viewer too, btw.
  13. @Rider Linden A picture is worth a thousand words, right?! So, let's have a look at things (slightly reduced in size for upload). Now, on the left is a still from my recent 'City of Glass' skybox: meticulously lit up, so as to be absolutely perfect for what I made (with the exact amount of ambient light and skylight transparancy to light up the bedroom carpet just enough). On the right is what EEP made of it. EEP indeed! It looks so grossly distorted, there's no beginning to tweaking it, making EEP, in its current incarnation, completely useless to me, and potentially damaging (should LL ever force EEP-only on everyone).
  14. And I thought my previous 2 posts above were harsh. 🤩 Feeling a lot better now, LOL.
  15. As a fervent user of the FS viewer, I can't say this alleged fail reproduces for me. In fact, all windlights I set (via land descriptions) still look exactly the same as before. EEP is a different matter, but the FS 'legacy' windlight system works just fine.
  16. It really still does need some work, yes. @Rider Linden Let's start with the most egregious (and most obvious) error so far: you can no longer 'Apply' a windlight setting to a region (via the regular method). That's pretty sloppy, tbh, as you'd think something so basic was tested before pushing everything online. Also, the Import function downright sucks. Which is to say, I'm not sure what the guy has been smoking who implemented it, but what gets imported, more often than not, doesn't even remotely look like the windlight I chose. Not even close. As an art teacher of mine once said "It's always about the light." And he was right. Or, to quote a legacy movie, 'Close is a lingerie shop without a front window.' Aka, either you get it right, or the windlight import was utter fail. Like on my own region. I had set 'Alien Sky' (from FS, iirc). When I logged in, though, the other day, my region was set to a weirdly numbered, weirdly looking windlight (presumably your failed attempt at conversion of the original 'Alien Sky' windlight. And I can't even apply the correct one any more. I do see a lot of potential for EEP, though. Especially the idea that even visitors to my sim with LL viewers (ugh) can still see the windlight I intended, is a thought I find greatly appealing. But yeah, it still does need quite a bit of work.
  17. The only monumentally destructive thing I can see happen, is if the FS team stopped supporting their windlight system (via land descriptions). Or when region owners were to disallow windlight parcel-overrides (and you had to buy custom ones from them). The latter, while theoretically possible, is not something I foresee happening en masse, as ppl would just jump ship equally massively, and find a different Landlord (in fact, 'unlocked windlight parcels' would then become a market thing; so, absolutely not to the advantage of Landlords trying to lock you in like that).
  18. Thanks for your help. The documentation could definitely use some polishing. And/or the entire process, really. Cuz you can apparently also do any of these things from the Region Manager. And some of it is (confusingly) also tied in with Experiences, it seems. My blondeness is slowly wearing off a bit, LOL, after reading up on it more, but I'm still stuck on per-parcel height. (Yes, I have several parcels defined on my region, al with like 3-4 different height Windlights) Way I understood is, that you can only set 4 global heights (per region). That kinda sucks. Someone on channel said he thought there was a way to set different height levels per parcel too, though, but I haven't found out yet (something about 'tracking' -- didn't quite get that part). But yes, as Whirly said, you can apparently import 'legacy' windlights (which I presume will be all saved in a windlight directory, so including custom fs windlights). That's at least a good start.
  19. I like your (wishful-) thinking.
  20. Reports of homes becoming available, upon refreshing, are highly exaggerated. But Kudos on you for getting one, after all! Not to be a Negative Nancy, but I suspect the new batch of homes may go even faster than the first time around. After all, this time everyone is on their toes, ready to jump the moment they become available. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  21. So, there are only 4 altitudes for all parcels on the region? That sucks. I need per-parcel heights too.
  22. Personally, I think the 'unconnected mini regions' idea (see above) is much cleaner, as it doesn't have to deal with camming restrictions and such. In fact, all regions are natively unconnected, unless the meta config file says differently. Unconnected really means other regions are simply not just not visible, but truly not there (the latter is relevant, of course, for large environment surrounds that wouldn't be overlapping someone else's region, as there are simply no connected regions at all; it's all virtual, naturally, so 'connected' or not is just a matter of software). The unconnected idea may likely not work for parcels (or not without a major rework). But there's nothing stopping Linden from essentially just creating mini-regions (like homesteads, but then only 1024m2, and accordingly prim-limited). That, to me, would constitute a very elegant solution, and ideal for skybox dwelling.
  23. Or... go the exact opposite route. Which is to say, create many 1024m2 skybox plots, that all act like unconnected regions. For instance, I live on a private, unconnected island: it may very well be physically connected to other regions, but it's not and such defined in the meta-region config (it's called differently, for sure, but I forgot its name). Which means, as to me, there are no neighboring regions: just sea. And I can put up a 1024m3 sky environment box (using mega prims) that -- because of the unconnected nature of my sim -- does not interfere with anyone else's region. This unconnected setup is quite common for private islands, btw. So, tl;dr, the same could maybe be done for skybox plots: tiny 1024m2 min-regions, as it were,, all unconnected in the meta config, that peeps can use for their large environment surrounds, and be ideal for skyboxes.
  24. Isn't there some sort of EEP course for blondes? LOL. Cuz I feel mightily confused. Some folks, on channel, the other day, kept referring me to a large wiki page about it, but I can't say that made things much clearer for me. It starts with creating objects in inventory? Wait, wut?! I don't want to create environments objects: I just want visitors to see the exact windlights I set per parcel (and heights), hassle-free (I have a great many windlights defined, btw, for the FS viewer). If the idea is for me to hand out environment objects to visitors first, then I'm out. Period. I was really hoping LL had implemented a way to do per-parcel windlights that didn't involve having to share objects. But I'm really working under the presumption that I simply misunderstand the entire process, as having to share objects first, honestly, sound pretty dumb. Also, even if I manage to create a windlight object, is there a way I can convert my existing FS windlight settings (on the description of your parcel) to an object? Recreating those from scratch, by hand, seems like almost undoable. I mean, why does the Linden viewer not have an 'Create EEP object from current windlight in effect for this parcel' function? Seriously, someone should be teaching a course on EEP -- a beginners course, preferably.
  25. I can answer that quite easily: 'not enough.' 😛
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