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Buttacwup Float

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Everything posted by Buttacwup Float

  1. Keep in mind that each 512m parcel is 117 prims. So a 6000 m2 parcel is already almost 1400 prims. So you are not going to find a parcel that is both that big and holds that many prims. Also 1.3 L$ per m2 is about the lowest people sell region parcels ffor if they want to break even and at 1400 prims you would be looking at 1820 a week minimum.
  2. Welcome to Second Life Sam. Don't often see people talking about purchasing full regions/sim so soon after joining. I just wanted to add on to the other good advice here. 1. Don't buy a sim from LL. You can always find them cheaper on the forums second hand from another owner. 2. When you buy a sim from someone it will already have a "tier date" associated with it and that is the day each month the LL will charge you the $295. 3. Ownership of land in SL is always a bit confusing. I think of it like this: Linden Lab has server space which hosts regions or sims which we in Second Life see as land. Land can be mainland, which is owned by Linden Lab and "sold" to premium members to use as long as they a) maintain a premium membership and b) pay the requried tier each month. When you pay for tier on the mainland you are always paying for your highest land usage from the previous month, and always pay directly to LL. Land can also belong to private estates. Any SL user can purchase one or more regions from Linden Lab, which form together into an estate. When you purchase land in this way you have full control over what happens and who is allowed to visit that land. You can break it up and rent it to others. You pay a monthly tier to LL to cover the cost of hosting your region on their servers. It is possible to get a parcel of land without being a premium member or owning a region of your own by renting. On mainland, you can rent a number of prims or space from someone that is a premium memeber. They will set the rules for you and generally as long as you pay them you can continue to use that land. When you rent like this on the mainland you usually have very little control over what happens on that land, it is true rental. You can also rent a parcel from a private estate. This is where it gets confusing, because most people call this buying or purcahsing a parcel, but really it is a rental. The difference when you rent on a private estate is that you generally do have a good deal of control over your small portion of that region, your parcel. You can do a great many things so long as the owner of the estate lets you. Many estates have a covenant, which is basically a document which lays out what you can do on your rented land. One last thing is on pricing. Mainland pricing is done on a tier system based on the highest amount of land you owned in the previous month. See this article (https://secondlife.com/land/pricing.php ) for that pricing. Estates are priced by their owners. A single full region costs 295 US per month (76000 L$) and a homestead costs 125 US per month (31000 L$). Keep this in mind when looking at land. Most private regions are priced by the prim, and a full region holds 15000 prims. In order to recoup the cost of that region the owner would need to charge about 1.27 L$ per prim per week. That gives a good bench mark when looking at land costs. As a land owner, I can say that very few land owners are in this just to break even so consider yourself forunate the closer you get to that 1.27 mark. Sorry for the TL/DR explaination, feel free to hit me up in-world if you have questions.
  3. I apparently just can't stay away. I am looking to purchase one full region. Region will be renamed and moved and must be empty. I know there are many regions returned to LL each day, rather than send it back empty handed give a shout in world (IM or NC) to seanabrady Resident. We can talk details. I will buy a region regardless of tier date so if you have been trying to sell and it is getting down to the wire let me know and maybe we can work out a deal.
  4. I think clubs are hard. There really isn't anything at clubs that ties people together. I think it is about finding the right hangout for the things you love. If there isn't one, start one. It really is about finding like minded folks. I always watch local, and always say hello when I land somewhere new. I agree no one talks back.
  5. Maddy you will need to log in to do this. Maybe try a different viewer. Once you are logged in click World | About Land andnselect Abandon Land.
  6. What new policy? Be specific...you say new policy I think Skill Gaming, but that doesn't seem to be what you mean.
  7. Skins are hard because lighting and your PC can make a huge difference. What is your reference skin?
  8. Depends on what you mean by custom. If you expect people to custom design and texture clothing and or body parts I would guess that you would expect to pay at least $100 US. Depends on the complexity. I could see it running a few hundred or more. If all you need is someone to help fund clothes and make a shape etc, basically a personal shopper it will be much less.
  9. You have not tried everything or likely you would not still be a cloud. So let's start with the basics. What viewer are you using? Have you tried a different viewer? Have you logged into a different region? Have you reset your avatar back to one of the classic avatars provided by Linden Lab?
  10. Keep ARing him and get others to do the same. The only bother option is to give up the land and move.
  11. Welcome to Second Life. First things first. Make sure you have downloaded and installed the Second Life client software from http://secondlife.com. Look for the download link at the bottom. Once you are signed into Second Life through the software you downloaded click on World | My Land Holdings. You will see the name of the property you chose. Select it and choose Teleport.
  12. First ...your entitled to nothing. Demanding an explanation...not going to get you anywhere here. That said. Try this. On your computer, using a viewer that looks bad. Change your avatar back to one of the classic LL default avatars. On a standard viewer you would do that from Me | Chose and Avatar. Make sure you selec a classic. Then remove the clothing and attachments from that avatar and verify things look "normal". After that start adding one piece of your normal Avi on at a time. Start with the shape, then the skin, then hair base and then system eyes. Check after you wear each piece to see which causes an issue. Keep doing that till you are back to your normal look or till you find the culprit. Once you find it, try another item of that btype other than what you normally wear and see if it causes the same thing. See if you can ID an issue that way. I agree though people will never see you like you see yourself. So many people play with such low graphics that everything appears jagged and broken.
  13. It is 100% fair. LL only disallowed people in states with laws restricting skill gaming from entering those regions. If they had thrown in a few extra states just for fun, that would be unfair. As it stands...seems fair. I suggest you write your state legislature.
  14. Its possible that account was carrying a negative balance. If they are a part of any groups its possible that the group has it set so members share liability for the groups expenses. Some group owners don't even know this is possible. If you have not logged in for a while you might need to look back in your transaction history to see when the debit occurred.
  15. Yep. Fatewear and The Men's Dept. You will get introduced to a lot of nice designers through that shop. razor and R3volt are also good.
  16. Restore back to a LL classic default Avi. Then wear your items one at a time. See when it comes back. Start by putting on your default items skin, then shape, then hair base, then eyes. Check after each part has fully loaded. Then get dressed one piece layer at a time. When you find the item that causes the issue see if it goes away when you remove it again.
  17. Are you looking for someone to make something custom, or just looking for a personal shopper to help put together the right pieces?
  18. I agree with what has been said. If you have gotten your look to a place where you are happy then you are set. In my experience people learn more and more about how to do things in world and they pick up new tips and tricks along the way. You explore and see fashions you like on others and talk to them about how they accomplished the look. In short, your own appearance will evolve as you spend more time in SL. One of the great "joys" of SL is looking back at pictures and just through your own memories about how you avatar has evolved. You should consider posting to this thread again 3, 6, 9 and 12 months from now just to see how your look evolves in that time. At the end of the day though, go with what feels and looks right to you.
  19. Go to The Men's Dept. It is a monthly event focused more or less on guy stuff. It is a good place to find new designers. Also Fatewear is often good for finding men's clothing.
  20. Switched to Phoenix? I hope not. I assume what you mean is you switched to the Phoenix view. Regardless there are some options to switch the location of the Chiclets from the upper right to another location. Or you can just drag the HUD a bit. Experiment holding alt and control when camming you should never need a HUD to can. As for the images I am not sure what looks bad in the second. Looks like shadows are enabled maybe.
  21. This type of griefing doesn't happen in most places. The best defense is to simply sit on something. If you go to many of the places where this occurs you will see a lot of people sitting. You can get HUDs with shields, but really grabbing a seat is far more effective. The next most effective thing is to just leave. If your hoping to learn to do this yourself I am afraid I won't be able to help you there.
  22. Its a known issue. Questions about third party viewers are often best made to the in world support groups for that viewer. More details on the defender issue can be found on the Firestorm Jira.
  23. What are you trying to do exactly? Th linden home you get, the actual house, is not yours. The land and house are yours to use but you can not change or move the provided house. So long as you are able to rez new items in the house it is working as expected. You can click World / About Land to verify it lists your name as the owner.
  24. Why not just use the regular system Avi head with the kids Avi? Lots of cute, youthful shapes and the head can be resized some. Keep in mind that very young kids often have a slightly larger head in proportion to their bodies. I don't know what kinds of addons are available but the whole toodledoo system is pretty popular. Have you asked in those groups what people use?
  25. Looking at your profile in world it looks like maybe you are asking how to make appliers for clothing you are designing. The answer to that question is that it depends on which parts you are designing for. Step 1: buy the parts you want to make appliers for, you will need them for testing. 2: look in the package for information on how to create appliers. Some places, like Slink require you to apply with them for a full Dev kit. Lola's are easier as you often just need to put the texture uuid in a notecatd.
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