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Buttacwup Float

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Everything posted by Buttacwup Float

  1. Sorry. But whoever told you that you could talk to a Linden and get items transfered was misinformed. Talking to a Linden will not get you around the permission system. Each avatar is a totally separate and individual account, even when controlled by the same human. In the future it does sound like there will be some inventory sharing on the new Sansar grid, but it is not so in SL. If you want, use the support portal to file a ticket, but I expect support will tell you exactly what we said here. No transfer means no transfer.
  2. LL is not developing Second Life 2.0 but rather a whole new virtual world. I would not expect there to be a deep enough connection between the two to all for inventory to transfer. I would hope everything works sufficiently different enough to ensure than any clothing you do have would not work anyway. In short, the new world is just that, brand new.
  3. That's easy. There is not a way to do it. Each avatar is a separate account and you cannot transfer items between them unless they have the transfer permission. Your only option is to rebuy the item on the new account.
  4. There was a shop called Anbrimations or something like that which had sitting dances, though it had been a couple years since I looked.
  5. I would do a couple things. 1) go to a different region. If there is an issue there you want to rule it out. 2) remove everything except the 4 required components (skin,shape,hairbase and eyes) and if possible even try to change them to something else. A fast way to do this is to switch to a classic LL avi. Once you have get dressed again. There has been some inventory issues so there is a chance your just stuck.
  6. I don't have a good answer for you in terms of a specific place. They do exist but the reason I and many other estate owner don't use them is that having a mega ptim overlaying the whole region causes problems. It leads to questions and issues and generally is easier to manage without the .
  7. In three years..many things. Some of the biggest since SL was new.
  8. I agree with others. This is a social issue and without overhauling the way gestures work, you can't get a technology solution. Just make it a rule that gestures are not allowed and if people insist ask them to stop. If they won't...kick them.
  9. Your new home awaits. Beautiful, well maintained and established region has two parcels open. Cool Beans is a natural wooded, seasonal region purely for residential use. Basic covenant, terraforming (within limits) allowed, residential only. 50L$ one time parcel buy fee. Direct all inquiries to seanabrdy Resident. Corner, sunrise view parcel. Parcel: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cool%20Beans/222/218/23 Size: 7680 m2 Prims/LI: 1757 Price: 2636 L$/week Interior Parcel, cozy and the perfect size to have a well landscaped home. Parcel: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cool%20Beans/103/98/23 Size: 4096 m2 Prims/LI: 937 Price: 1500 L$/week
  10. I am in the US but often around at fairly UK friendly times. Always welcome more people by go chat and hangout. Occasional furry and lover of nearly all avatars....feel free to say hi.
  11. Asking is the best advice as there is no way to find out things like skin and shape. Keep in mind that people can make and modify shapes easily so often there is no way to get them regardless. It's actually unfortunate that people are sometimes unwilling to share where and how they put together outfits. Everybody draws inspiration from others.
  12. Limited quantity items like gacha and breedables work very well in VMM. I moved my entire gacha shop they're worked great. Once the move to VMM is complete magic boxes will no longer work it will be your only choice.
  13. I am older as well, but pretty high on the nerdy scale. Feel free to give a short if you want.
  14. I am just going to assume that this is a funny funny joke. Yes? Was good for a laugh for sure. +1 to the comments in charging a cover charge that's about the only way something like this is anything but a joke.
  15. Most regular AO should work fine with a well rigged mesh body. Try wearing the one you wore before your mesh body. Headed to one of the many AO places (feel free to IM me I. World if you need some landmarks) and try the demos they have there
  16. IM the people at Zemith and ask which hair they used in the promo. Hair is one of the most prolific fashion items in SL.
  17. Phat Azz is a mesh avatar attachment ( in this case legs and a booty) which is ou can wear to replace that section of your body. The appliers put the texture on the mesh part and will not work with just the regular avatar body. Sometimes those items come with regular clothing layers as well sometimes not. The Phat Azz product is no longer available for sale in SL so these appliers are only useful for people that previously purchased the product.
  18. Really depends on what you want to do and how much your trying to make. As for tips...make sure you have invested a little time in your avatar. Pick a time slot where you can work regularly, treat t like a real job that you go to daily. Focus your time working on your job. To many times I have talked to people working to find that they spent most of the time in IMs with friends or browsing marketplace. My only other advice is to consider the pay and time investment. Most jobs in SL pay terribly small amounts of telly sorry on tips. If you only maker a few hundred lindens you are likely only making a dollar or two... Sometimes the best thing to do is set a budget of a couple real dollars a week to buy lindens and just spend your time having fun.
  19. Not sure if you mean the items you bought or the items you sell but with viewer managed marketplace launching soon it really didn't matter. There sorry answer is that if you delete your account you are in effect deleting your inventory and therefore all your marketplace items buying or selling will be deleted too.
  20. sure just give me a shout. I am around a fair bit.
  21. Just curious Sassy: Is your 10 billion number meant to be a serious number or are you just trying to say its a whole lot of triangles? 10 billion doesnt seem realistic, but I dont have a way to actually see how many are in a mesh body. Looking at the mesh it doesnt appear to have even a number remotely approaching that count. To the OP, mesh bodies do take a bit of getting used to. Recently we are seeing more and more fitted mesh that works very well with certain mesh bodies (what I will call the popular ones). Works well, doesnt require quite so many alpha clicks, and is a little nicer than dealing with appliers. I love talking mesh bodies, new items for them and how they work. Happy to have further discussions about specifics in world as its not always appreciated to talk a lot about specifc products here.
  22. As was mentioned there is a version of the SL viewer that will still work. Not for to long to though. Will need to upgrade your OS or switch to maybe CoolVL or Singularity which I do not believe to be switching to the new build tools. I think all the other TPVs plan to switch.
  23. So if it is a mod you need whatever base avatar the mod is made for. Many people with take a base avatar and sell modkits for them, but you must have bother to get them to work. Look in the marketplace listing for the item you bought or check the store inworld to make sure you have the proper base avatar.
  24. Your new home awaits. Beautiful, well maintained and established region has two parcels open. Cool Beans is a natural wooded, seasonal region purely for residential use. Basic covenant, terraforming (within limits) allowed, residential only. 50L$ one time parcel buy fee. Direct all inquiries to seanabrdy Resident. Corner, sunrise view parcel. Parcel: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cool%20Beans/222/218/23 Size: 7680 m2 Prims/LI: 1757 Price: 2636 L$/week Interior Parcel, cozy and the perfect size to have a well landscaped home. Parcel: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cool%20Beans/103/98/23 Size: 4096 m2 Prims/LI: 937 Price: 1500 L$/week
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