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Buttacwup Float

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Everything posted by Buttacwup Float

  1. You might have difficulty finding what you are looking for. It is usually rigged mesh that has demos and when dealing with a Lena body (at least the Lush) you are unlikely to be able to wear rigged mesh. Or at least not without hiding your body and getting rid of the Lena shape anyway. Most outfits with appliers are not rigged mesh and therefore no appliers. Not really a direct answer sorry. I have had similar hesitation buying things for mesh bodies.
  2. Linden Lab will soon be launching something called viewer managed marketplace. Once they do that will enable resell of no copy, single sales items. In the meantime you could go back to using magic boxes, though I would suggest waiting. Keep an eye on the Second Life blog for the launch.
  3. technically yes it is possible. In order to place one region next to an existing region you need to have permission from the estate owner of the region you want yours adjacent to. so if you want to attach to the Blake see for example you will need permission from an estate owner who is already connected. that said it is very difficult to get that permission. you have to be very active in the sailing community in order to attach to the Blake Sea region. at least that has been my experience and my understanding.
  4. Add extra air flow, keep the fans clean, keep your case of the carpet and out of the dust. SL is demanding on Ultra but it runs perfectly well with proper maintainance on a machine with the proper capability.
  5. To the best of my knowledge you cannot upload previously saved photos to your feed. The only time they can be added is if you choose to save them there when you perform the initial capture.
  6. i am not experiencing any new lag. Happy to try and help, but you will need to provide more details.
  7. What viewer? Did you try multiple places? Can you be more descriptive on what steps you are taking to reproduce the issue?
  8. Not 100% sure what you are asking. A lot of things have changed in the past 6 months. I am not really sure what issues you are seeing either. I would suggest that you install the latest viewer from LL. And use that as a baseline for performance. There are very few other viewers are up to date with all of the latest code (not to imply latest is better...just most recent. The CDN is only implemented on a very small number of regions right now, but it should make things much nicer for people outside the US when implemented because textures and such will load from a server much closer to you. I dont know if servers have all been colapsed to a single data center. I imagine that would be a very bad idea. Perhaps it is more like they all run out of Phoenix, unless Phoenix goes offline then they swap back to Dallas or somewhere...who knows. Anyway...start with the latest released LL viewer and see how things perform there.
  9. With the exception of haivng land of your own, there is no real reason to have any L$. IMHO time is better spent looking for decent freebies than it is looking for crappy work. 250L$ an hour is just 1$ US. hardly worht the time.
  10. Many pieces of jewelry are over 100 prims alone. when you need to rez things like that visit one of the premium sandboxes from LL. Plenty of prims to work with there.
  11. Welcome back. One great resource for guys these days is The Men's Dept. It is a monthly sale event with a bunch of guy stuff in one place. It is not only good for the items there but also for finding good stores to look at.
  12. Generally you don't. The LINDEX is an exchange. You need to have a buyer and seller at the right level. The vast majority of the transactions are at that 248 level. Very few people sell at those higher levels...
  13. I own a region and spend a lot of time decorating and landscaping. When I am not doing that I like to create new outfits, new looks. Both of those require a lot of shopping time. That pretty much sums up wha I do. I also love chatting so try to keep up with friends while doing other things as well.
  14. That seems an awful lot. Most "models" are really people that stand in stores wearing outfits from that store in order to boost traffic numbers. Sometimes they play a customer service role as well. I don't recall seeing any paying that well. My guess is that you would be required to actually buy the clothes you model with a salary like that. In all things, ask for details, get a notecard so you have the details in writing, and make sure that you don't put yourself in a position where you have to pay to participate in some way. Every L$ that changes hand has to be brought in world by someone using real money. If someone is willing to pay they are getting a higher value back than what they put out...or they are just bad at business. I don't see how paying models makes a return on investment.
  15. Welcome to Second Life. Just a couple of quick comments. You might like a visit to Caledon Oxbridge University. You will find plenty of Victorian era inspiration, and will find a great education resource for Second Life. You might also really enjoy some of the art exhibits at LEA, Linden Endowment for the Arts. They often have a theme that is supernatural, or at least very story driven. Good places to explore. On land, I always tell people you do not need any money to play Second Life...unless you want to have land. It is the one thing that always costs (someone) money. You might find a friend that lets you use their land, but someone is paying. You do not need a premium account to own land, but if you get a premium account you can use a house for free. It is often a straightforward way to get started, but it is not required. If you have land questions please feel free to ask here or IM me I can try to help. There are no built in tools to add ambiance, but nearly anything you can think of can be purchased. As was mentioned, pictures cost 10L to upload as do most assest. I am not the right person to comment on gaming, but I can say there are a number of free games to play around (board game and such), and you often find various rgions doing scavenger hunts and such. Some of these are very story, almost mini game driven. Lastly, some viewers offer the choice to show the UI and/or HUDs when in 1st person/mouselook view. I believe Firestorm offers the most choices in that regard. Best of luck, feel free to ask if you have follow ups.
  16. Look at Trompe Loeil or Barnesworth Anubis. Check some of the sales like collabor88 for good deals.
  17. There are worse things in this world than being addicted to decorating and landscaping. Come feed your addiction at Cool Beans. A simple, single region estate featuring 12 region border parcels each at 1/16th size (937 prims). Each parcel fits a full 64x64 m2 and offers a water view. Parcels can be combine dto provide even more space and prims. The region is very natural and is seasonal. Really, you will not find a nicer looking place to live. Parcel Pricing is 1.55 per prim per week or $1450 L$ per week for each 937 prim parcel. Visit the payment and information center at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cool%20Beans/182/186/402 for more detals. Green boxes are available parcels. Click the box for information and a Landmark. Cool Beans is centered by Cool Beans Coffee, a community hang out and gathering point. If you love to decorate, love to landscape, love to shop this is the place for you. A special note for all of you Gacha addicts. Cool Beans is a great place to live if you need a small home to show off all of your collections, and we allow private yard sales (skybox only) on your parcel.
  18. There are worse things in this world than being addicted to decorating and landscaping. Come feed your addiction at Cool Beans. A simple, single region estate featuring 12 region border parcels each at 1/16th size (937 prims). Each parcel fits a full 64x64 m2 and offers a water view. Parcels can be combine dto provide even more space and prims. The region is very natural and is seasonal. Really, you will not find a nicer looking place to live. Parcel Pricing is 1.55 per prim per week or $1450 L$ per week for each 937 prim parcel. Visit the payment and information center at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cool%20Beans/182/186/402 for more detals. Green boxes are available parcels. Click the box for information and a Landmark. Cool Beans is centered by Cool Beans Coffee, a community hang out and gathering point. If you love to decorate, love to landscape, love to shop this is the place for you. A special note for all of you Gacha addicts. Cool Beans is a great place to live if you need a small home to show off all of your collections, and we allow private yard sales (skybox only) on your parcel.
  19. Alien puppies have invaded your internet? You need to provide some details. Error messages, what viewer you are using, steps you are taking when logging in. Without details you will never get w good answer.
  20. My suggestion is to make your own from various animations in other AOs. start at Orcacul/Kuso and see if you can find some you like there and then supplement with other stands and walks etc as you find them. Especially for a robot you dont need a ton of different anims..
  21. Best of luck in your search. Finding the right land can take time. Just to keep expectations in check, generally the price of full regions bottoms out at 1.30 per prim per week. It is fairly rare to find land at that rate as well. 1.40 - 1.50 is more common. At 1.40 with just 250 prims you are looking at about 1400 L$ per month. Might help with the search to know that the cost to you might be a little higher for this prims. That said you may find the perfect place at the perfect price.
  22. The freeze frame option is still there, and I think still works the same. Take a snap with freezeframe on, andjsut your camera to where you want it and then refresh. You might need to collapse down the preview window. Not sure about the white lines, i do not see them here.
  23. You can find some jobs on these forums. It can take some time and usually you will find that most employers want people at least 45+ days in world. That said. Please keep in mind that it is not uncommon to find jobs paying around 250L$ an hour. That works out to be right about $1 US per hour. If you find a job, make sure its something you really love. The best ways to make money are to either just put it in yourself or to learn to make things people want to buy.
  24. Buttacwup Float


    Yes. You can save a new copy of your shape and then save it along with your outfit. With mesh though its good to pick a default standard size and try and keep your shape as close to that as possible. Helps a lot to have that basis, though it doesn't solve all problems.
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