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Buttacwup Float

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Everything posted by Buttacwup Float

  1. Some where in the box your suit came in is an alpha layer. Make sure you are wearing it. Then get a list of the standard sizes for men. If you don't have one you can IM me in world. You are very likely to need to adjust your shape to get a good fit with mesh. The mesh works fine, you just need to learn how to wear it.
  2. Its a miniature game of Simon. You won't be able to take it off till you beat the WHOLE game! In other words...I have no clue.
  3. Yes resizing multiple prim homes never works like you think it will. It messes with the door scripts, messes with the door sizing and often makes prims seem out of place. What you might try is to find a mesh lighthouse that consists of a single mesh (no idea if that exisits) that could be more easily resized. Might also come in at leas than 80 prims/LI.
  4. Let me tell you what I would do if you tried to "meet" me this way. I would start by ARing you, then I would kick and ban you from my parcel (assuming I was home) and finally mute you. Never once would I talk to you I would just do that. In other words its about the worst way to "meet new peoples" I can think of. Spell HUDs belong in roleplay Sims or other combat zones where that crap is expected.
  5. Nice post, very interesting perspective and read. The key is really finding a community with shared interest. Find out where they like to be and head there. Still lots of social groups around, but the world is so massive and spreadout that you can no longer just explore and hope to find the right areas. I love chatting with old friends and new, and meet lots of people that are the same. Once you find the right group SL can be a ton of fun, though it can be so by yourself as well. As for mesh, I don't see mesh having been a factor. I still can't make things better now than I could before mesh. Mesh for me has made the world look way more awesome and generally perform better than what we had before. Vandris: Feel free to give me a shout in world if your ever looking to chat.
  6. Search time clock on MP. There are already a number of options.
  7. Texture thrashing is a known issue and a bug. l LL has a fix they are testing. In my experience, making sure that HTTP textures is enabled helps with this, but others find it better when off. You might try swapping it. The HTTP textures option is on the develop menu, which can be enabled in preferences.
  8. Izzies released a set not to long ago that I have been using and really like.
  9. And if you want to switch to a default avatar click Me - Choose an Avatar and then select the tab for the classic avatars. Don't use one of the ones from the new style ones. Drag and drop really not a good way to o change avatar parts.
  10. Create a new shape, in your inventory, and right click and wear it. You might also try relogging since you normally wear a little mesh Avi you could just be deformed.
  11. Change to a different shape. Just looks like you have on a poorly designed one.
  12. The amount of Lindens you get per dollar is 100% correct. I have not tried logging in from another country, if it still shows you the purchase in USD instead of CD then you could use Google to search the conversion rate. Also take into considreation that if the charge is done in USD there may be a conversion fee charged by your financial institution.
  13. Usually this means that one of the four basic avatar components didn't load. All avatars must have a skin, shape, hair base and system eyes. Sometimes they just get corrupt and dont work right. What you can try is changing each one of those items, you can do this manually or change to one of the default Linden Avatars. I suggest using a classic avatar as opposed to the new mesh ones. To do this click Me | Choose an Avatar from the top menu. Then click classic avatars and wear one. Assuming that you become unclouded, you can then change back to the normal you.
  14. Go to your Dashboard on the SL website (https://secondlife.com/my/?lang=en-US) and click the Buy L$ link. you can type in there an amount of L$ and have it tell you how much that will cost.
  15. Head over to the Slink Sim. Instead of going into the store though go across the little bridge to Slink West. Lots of shopsbthere with lots of stuff for Slink. Pretty sure I have seen fishnets there.
  16. Give me a shout at b world if you want. I am happy to look at the property for you.
  17. Easiest way would be to make a store on Marketplace. Load your items through the merchant outbox from the Me menu in the viewer.
  18. I am looking for a parcel on a region which meets the following requirements: 1) Must have a wooded/forested feel. Use a nice green terrain texture and not be tropical. 2) Looking for a parcel around 1000 prims. 3) Looking for adult rated. 4) Must be on a full region (not homestead) 5) Wanting a region that is purely residential. If you have a parcel for sale that meets these please let me know either here or preferrably in world via IM. Thanks!
  19. The simplest way to create in world is to just build using the built in tools, and find or create some textures to use on what you build. You can also make things like your own gestures in world fairly easily. DO keep in mind that in order to upload your textures, or sounds or animations to Second Life you will need to have some L$. Each upload costs money. I suggest spending sometime getting used to the world, and exploring the building tools available in the software before branching out. It really helps to have a good understanding of what SL is before you dive in.
  20. Well to start I wouldn't refer to it as SL2.0. Rather think of it as a next generation virtual world from LL. What you invest in now in SL is not likely to carry over into what comes next. Assuming they have a similar land market in the new world, the land you own here is not likely to carry over. They have stated that the plan is to not stop SL when the new service comes out. I would suggest that with almost two years to go before the launch that if you are successful it would be time well spent. Being a landowner and designing islands for people to live on is/was the single most reqarding thing I have done in second life. If you have the money, and the drive and the interest and think you can make a good run at it now then i say go for it. I am happy to help answer any lingering questions you might have on land ownership.
  21. Region: Effington Wood Tier Date: 2014-07-06 Asking Price: $150.00 US + $295 Tier Conditions Region will be empty and flattened upon sale. Region must be renamed as a condition of sale but has no neighbors and need not move. Sale will be completed through the Linden Lab support system. Seller pays transfer, included in the listed price. Due to the proximity to the next tier date and the holiday any agreement to purchase this region must include the money to cover the next months tier as the transfer will not process before tier is due. Agreement must be reached before July 5th or the region will be returned to LL. All Offers Considered
  22. Region: Effington Wood Tier Date: 2014-07-06 Asking Price: $350.00 US Conditions Region will be empty and flattened upon sale. Region must be renamed as a condition of sale but has no neighbors and need not move. Sale will be completed through the Linden Lab support system. Seller pays transfer, included in the listed price. All Offers Considered.
  23. Region: Hyacinth Lake Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hyacinth%20Lake/53/86/24 Tier Date: 2014-06-28 Asking Price: $300.00 I am closing my estate and this is the first of two regions I will be selling. This region will be cleared upon notice of a sale. All sales are closed through the Linden Lab support system. The region has no immediate neighbors and can stay or move as you require. Must sell prior to tier date or it will be returned to LL. Please send questions to seanabrady Resident as a notecard inworld or reply here. All offers considered.
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