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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. Dillon Levenque wrote: i have been known to yell a lot, often in very uncouth language you will go to hell if you swear. is true. is in the commandments and before you go to hell the nuns will punish you for that. so you will be in big trouble two times is no commandment says: you shall not throw stuff so i am go to heaven
  2. thanks i will try that next time and see if will help
  3. you should encourage him to contact all the landowners. i would if was me he will say to them: "allow u on there land" he will def get his ownself banned from just about every land in SL for saying like that (:
  4. LittleMe Jewell wrote: I can imagine it is extremely frustrating to the home owners trying to work around the issue. can be. i really only get mad when i spent my stipend on something i been waiting to get for ages. and when i get home it wont rez. am not good to be next to then. i start throw things. boxes, laptops, sofas, chocolate cakes, peanut brownies, people, the whole house even. and thats just in reals jejejejejeejejeje (:
  5. yes is 2 different problems the 2nd one that brenda is describing as well, also happens on my linden homes sim some days. is a pita as well that one you try to rez and it just doesnt. so you do again. and again. and again. sometimes nothing happens and have to relog. other times is like a big delay then you get upto one for each time you tried. but sometimes less dont know why. it just goes like that sometimes when is happening combined with the 1st problem then can make you a bit crazy
  6. i am agree with this if you have to go then go and not look back and hold no regrets can always come back one day some day and start over again i have personal done this 2 times now on SL. just delete my accounts and went done something else for a time been back this time for over 1 year now. is different now than the other times. am more relaxed and i not stress out or get badly upset anymore like i used to when things dont go the way i think they should
  7. LittleMe Jewell wrote: 16 wrote: so anyways i can haz ur stuff ??? Hey - I asked first :matte-motes-sunglasses-2: q; (: seems like OP has heaps. so am happy to go halfs. you can have first pick if you like. is ok. am quite happy just to add to my already mountains of craptacular stuffs
  8. linden seems to be paranoid about money laundering. gift cards are one of easiest ways to do that other people in USA say that the Green Dot (?) Visa debit card works OK for SL. am not sure how that exactly works but i think you can top it up at some shops in the USA
  9. is currently a problem with how the server decides the spot to rez stuff that is dragged from inventory (raycast) linden are aware of it. and are workingonit. they tried to fix something else and end up breaking the raycast for rezzing the fix at the moment is to move your camera view: hold down ALT key and left mouse then zoom to change the view angle away from your parcel boundary. i have linden home and is what i have to do eta: away meaning: the camera is looking into the parcel from the boundary
  10. yes anything that can be done in a viewer can be done with a bot program as the controller
  11. is probably bc you said "downhill" and "craptacular" in your OP people are really literal on here unlike me. i interpret that to mean having a really amazing and wonderful time. is a gift that i have so anyways i can haz ur stuff ???
  12. the stock was priced at what people were prepared to pay for it on opening day. and they did pay the price. about 575 million trades worth the stock market isnt about value. is about prices. they not the same thing is same when you go to the veggie auction market at 6:30am in the morning yesterday get a lettuce for $2. today costs $2.20 bc someone else today wants the lettuce more than me. it not change the value of the lettuce. is still just lettuce same as yesterday. tomorrow if that person doesnt come to the market then i will get for $2 or even $1.80 a stock, like lettuce, is priced at whatever someone else is prepared to pay for it at a given time + can know what you saying about growing the worth of a persons savings or investments. again tho is only worth something when is realised. like sold/converted into something else until it is then is notional value, or equity if you like
  13. it makes the governments debt repayments less is how the USA government, and lots of others, done it after the second world war. what they done was print money by issue government bonds and then sell the bonds to their own citizens and the local banks, investment and pension funds. then use the money to pay off foreign creditors. in some cases the banks/funds got strongarmed into it by regulation so basically convert the foreign debt into a domestic one. as much as you can anyways then what the governments done was ease/print more paper money to create inflation internally which devalue what they owed to their own citizens, banks and funds the citizens kinda accept that way of doing it and buy into it bc they know they have to pay for it somehow. either can buy the bonds or pay more taxes. so buy the bonds bc one day maybe someday i might get some of my money back which i dont if have to pay more taxes. so appeal to self-interest but disguise/promote it as being in the national interest also people buy into it bc wages/salaries/benefits denominated in your own currency can go up in dollar terms when is more paper dollars in circulation (in value terms they actual go down relative to other countries currencies). but as people dont get paid their wages and salaries in foreign currency then is not as noticeable can only do this way tho if you got your own currency and have total control over your own economic and fiscal policy and central bank
  14. clean up your computer using a program like this one: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner use this program to do a total uninstall of every viewer on your computer then use to clean out the computer caches and registry both after that then reboot and dl a new copy of official viewer install the official viewer and when that starts ok then reinstall any other 3rd party viewers if you want
  15. whats really odd about this article is that that they seem to be saying that the laws only prohibit wagering on a sporting event/contest poker (and blackjack if not autoshuffle after each hand) is determined to be a contest. like has an element of skill in it can be argued that mechanical games like roulette and slots are lotteries bc they are games of pure chance and are maybe legal? if so then sploders and lucky whatevers are legal and games like we got now in SL that have some kinda skill element are illegal? dont think that was the intent of the lawmakers but seems like that maybe this could be the result
  16. is good idea lots of people find it really hard to do with only small amount of prims you will help people heaps by doing this well done (:
  17. Anaiya Arnold wrote: A lot of those folk who lost out were probably just confused, overwhelmed, stressed out people who work really hard for the little they can save and were desperate to not be the worthless shmuck who missed the golden egg and so went on to live a hard life, never getting ahead only to have a retirement spent in poverty, watching their children struggle while not being able to help them, all the while regretting that time they could have got in on the golden egg but didn't. can understand that as well. about those kinds of people just say to them people who did buy FB shares then just hang onto them for a year or two or more and see how it goes. can only lose money if you actual sell them for less than what you paid for them + if FB the company, not necessarily FB the social network, can make a good transition to mobile over the next 2 or 3 years then will be ok i think. specially if they can get FB credits working on the mobile which are convertible to RL cash so can buy stuff with your phone in realworld shops as well as online so if FB can leverage their social network users onto mobiles and onto that path then they will right up there with companies like VISA and Mastercard who trying to crack that market as well. going forward that market is way bigger in terms of revenues than adverts will ever be
  18. wrable Amat wrote: He/she who care the least wins ! can you add my name to this list please thanks
  19. Marianne McCann wrote: Princess Gata wrote: I seem to be having a bit of an issue with the TOS rule of not naming offenders and abusers. I feel that unless they are known about then they can continue to hurt others until someone finally gets enough on them to make an official report. There are, among kid community, quite a number of vulnerable and easily abused grown ups who can easily fall prey to some less desirable characters. I believe that there should be people in world you can go to who have lists of names of all potential abusers. Bringing this here in the hope that others will agree with me and we can make a peaceful campaign for change. I'm afraid I cant agree. So-called "Naming and shaming" leads to far more troubles that it solves. If you don't have enough evidence to file an AR, then you really don't have enough evidence to be "naming and shaming." I'm sorry. ^^ yeah that
  20. the logical thing for Greece is to exit out of the euro and go back to the drachma + the big problem that the euro countries have is that they not in control of their own currency when the bad times came a few years ago, USA and Britain revalued their own economies against other nations economies by print more money - quantitive easing. euro countries couldnt/cant do that if cant revalue your economy by quantitive easing then can only do it by reducing your costs. cut to deep then deflation sets in. to offset the effects of deflation then must be able to inject inflation to maintain equlibrum. can only inflate by more costcutting or more borrowing if cant ease/print more money all the european governments and lots of their people are now waking up to this + i think Greece will leave the euro. same with Spain and Italy and France as well eventually. and be like Britain. in the European Union but not in the euro
  21. ~perfectly flawed~ is inspired by ot3p and is the title on one of the sl fan groups is no official vid for perfectly flawed on youtube so here is a dude who done it on classical guitar
  22. 300 is pretty consistent week after week i have one of them premium businesses tho which runs at a loss. so i get a weekly subsidy off the linden government to not make stuff and oversupply the market with piggys and chikkins i think is some kinda evol plot to subjugate me by making me depend on the government or something just to survive. is terrible bc is like corrupt my soul to keep taking handouts. one day i am going to make a uprising and a chikken army. so we can be free
  23. ps i went !!! raaaaarh !!! again 2 times more last night i came 74 out of 79. and 92 out of 92 is soooo unfair !!! i had to eat nearly a whole block of chocolate to cheer myself up. caramello (:
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