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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. pretty much yes about the hunting part is quite a few real people actual do play this game most times (not everytime) you get something off them if the amount the venue is paying is greater than the number of avatars present when it pays out i dont think they work very well for the venue owners tho. is not the kinda traffic you really looking for. people just play it to get money. dont really care much about where or who it comes from
  2. this one i think http://tracker.vudu.sl/ if you go to the places on the list and click the device then can get free money off them
  3. i since find out that his name is a take out from a movie. is why he is allowed to have it i just wanted to know really. am nosey like that. now i know. so is ok with me as well
  4. as a company linden have decided to diversify their product lines by making other products in addition to sl from their pov as a business competing in the ever crowded online entertainment industry, it makes sense + main upside if linden are successful with the other products then will be better for the company, and us (SL) as well + main downside risk to us (SL) is if those other products turn out to be unprofitable for linden
  5. why do people use symbols instead of proper letters so we can know what they saying ??? oh! wait ooooooooooo !!! q; (:
  6. why you wont date me when i am partnered and i profess eternal undying love for my partner on my profile ???
  7. how can i stop people knowing that i bought stuff off them ???
  8. ps how have you managed to hold on to your first name?
  9. sorry my bad. is not traffic traffic like the old way is how many avatars are on the sim right now this minute that gets shown on the Whats Hot Now eta: my bad
  10. sometimes people will do this to make their affairs/business more private create a temp account create a group with that account create officer role with all powers possible officer can create roles, add other accounts, buy sell land for group etc invite main account to group and assign officer role delete temp account
  11. the bots are coming back bc linden are pimping sims with traffic counts on the viewer 3 startup page: Whats Hot Now seems some sim owners are managing their bots so that their venues stay on the 25 avatar limit. which seems to be the cut off to get on the Whats Hot Now listings not all sim owners are doing this of course, many are on there legitmately. but when a venue consistently shows on the list day in day out hour after hour with a traffic count of 20-25 then yeah
  12. now that has been lots of chatter i think i have played this game + i was at these shops. is a device. it says click to get free money so i click and it says i have to join the group. then it says i have to go to a website to get my work permit so i do that then it says please work your shift and you will get your pay so i wait and is no boss comes to tell me what my job is so i just stand there until my shift ends i get 113L wages. woot!!! this a easy job on the website is a list of lots of other shops where i can work. so i go to them. the boss never comes there either. so i just stand round doing nothing again and get paid wages by them as well more woot!!! i <3 this job + anyways. after a time i think i will work twice as hard for my employers and get even more pay so i log in another account at the same time. click. join the group. go to website. click for work permit it then says: you greedy little pig !!! i got the sack and lost my work permit is so unfair !!! why they sack me ??? i was willing to work double shifts. triple even. i am a really hard worker. can ask anybody. is terrible what they done to me. should be a law or something to protect workers rights i think. i am outrage (:
  13. woohoo!! cool. thanks again (:
  14. thanks everyone (: yes can see now what happens when the timer goes to fast + innula, can see how your way is better. so i will change to that way if is ok if i add a stoptimer in the timer event (like i done below) then when the getperms fails then the timer stops yes? and it never starts again until is restarted in runtime_permissions yes? timer(){ if(llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStartAnimation("express_smile"); // change time to 30.0 to make go slower llSetTimerEvent(30.0 + llFrand(10.0)); } else { //need to ask for them again // stop timer so only goes again when perms actual granted llStopTimerEvent(0.0); llRequestPermissions(wearer,PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); }}
  15. you cant remember the password. and you havent got access to the email address? can you remember the answer to the security question? if not then the account is pretty much toast
  16. yes the inworld device is vending a service. thats what is being sold. a service for an establishment fee and an ongoing service fee the device permissions where changed to reinforce this, seems like, to actual prevent people like the OP onselling the device itself to someone else as if it was a product
  17. ooo! necro just like to say that i like it when people know i am cam them. is exciting jejejejjjjee (:
  18. it gets worse i have a sl kitten (had). if i dont feed it then it extorts me to go and buy it food. if i dont do that the kitten gets sick and lies down and moans pitifully and says i am a bad person in the chat i end giving it a nice funeral with flowers and everything
  19. yesterday i made a big mess with attached media seems like. i made a jira about it and hope will be ok i been going thru all my stuff to see if the problem maybe was caused by something else somehow i not want to muddy up the jira if has nothing to do with what happened when i flew from one sim to another the script said: cant resolve/know who is the owner something like that. dont know exactly bc i crash straight after. when i relog then no error so i just wants to know if anyone knows what happens if get this error? like if it doesn't know who it is asking permissions from then what happens? like can it make a leak or something? default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(3.0 + llFrand(30.0)); } timer() { if(!(llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION)) llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); else llStartAnimation("express_smile"); llSetTimerEvent(3.0 + llFrand(30.0)); } }
  20. dont know about this product exactly but quite often stuff when rezzed will have nocopy and notrans set example: a person makes a animation. sets perms to nocopy trans is set this way so that if you use in your own product you have to buy multiple copies of the animation. one for each copy of the thing you are selling person buys the animation and puts in their own prim thingy. and sets their thingy to: copy notrans when is rezzed then viewer says is: notrans and nocopy if you take the anims out of the thingy then the thingy shows: copy notrans. the anim is: nocopy trans. which is how the 2 different creators set them originally so if the thing is set this way and is of no use to you anymore then can rip it apart. and maybe can use the anim or whatever else is inside for other things
  21. JohnMiddlefield wrote: I have done my research. I know what the concurrency levels are, and they have been deteriorating since the advent of Viewer 2. can also show other correlations over the same period bot policy real world economy increase in mobile devices providing other forms of entertainment games like minecraft and others that allow modding increase in people building on soas rather than in SL proper and then uploading increase in marketplace use by both creators and shoppers without the need to log inworld to do that linden not dropping prices of tier and so on + is not just one thing. i think is quite good that despite all these things SL is actual still doing as well as it is
  22. Sebastian Saramago wrote: I believe that one day we will be able to perform separate task by allowing each side of the brain to control one eye and one hand independently as if you were two individual people simultaneously. i think i am already like that. you should see some of the stuff i try to make. i think tho is a bit mixed up. like my eyes dont seem know which is the left one
  23. i think that was V2. the worst of both jejejejejjejeje (:
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