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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. Brenda Connolly wrote: I don't use alts myself, but I've always said this should be implemented, perhaps even as a Premium perk. i vote for this
  2. being able to create alt identities off a master account has been something talked about for ages. is not something that linden have talked about tho. just residents who want this + on sim owners: sim owners usual want it so they can create sim roleplay identities which lets them switch between identities while also having access to sim/estate onwer powers . is just a convenience this for them really wont stop greifing tho as Peter said for the exact reason
  3. friscolives is a pretty cool name i think. has quite a few runs in it Fri Scolives Fris Colives Frisc Olives Frisco Lives Friscol. Ives Friscoli Ves + i quite like Friscoli Ves. sounds exciting. like from north italy or somewhere like that i like Frisc Olives as well. like if make displayname Frisky then can be a frisky olive (:
  4. is getting there slowly. at least for android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lumiyaviewer.lumiya
  5. most storebuy laptops today will run SL okish out the box is just that some of the more advanced rendering stuff wont work very well on the cheaper ones. is same Mac or PC + if you want a Mac just bc you want a Mac then is ok to be like that just buy the best one you can afford. can do your head in sometimes stressing about this kinda thing
  6. Cathy Foil wrote: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 16 wrote: i think you both pretty safe here. the text has been attributed and it would fall under fair use for commentary ____________________________________________________________________________________________ You are probably right 16. Though how ironic that the website itself would seem to contradict you. If that is ironic? What if I credit the creator of the original model? Do I still need permission to distribute my model? Giving credit is a nice gesture, but it doesn’t affect copyright at all. To sell or give away your version of the model without permission from the rights holder of the original model is copyright infringement. while the turbosquid faq text does attempt to answer some questions for the general case, the situational context is that is referring to models made/owned by others and their rules about that when we take stuff out of this context and apply it to a different use case then yes it can seem ironic + under copyright convention it is actual permitted in certain situations to take another persons model/creation/anything and use it, even to profit from yourself the test is that what you do must be transformative. transformative being a state or meaning not found in the original work. providing also that the transformation does not purport to be a property ascribed/passed off as belonging to the original work/author + has been a few court decisions in the USA that touch on the dif between transformative and derivative i think that what turbosquid is referring to is a derived work. eg. "your version of the model" a transformation is not a version of a model. is a whole new work in itself. at least according to the courts
  7. Cathy Foil wrote: P.S. Pamela I really really have a lot of respect for you and admire your creativity and talent but I have to point out the irony that the text you copied and pasted from Turbosquid was copyrighted and you may have just violated that copyright. OMG and I copied and pasted part of the same text from you!!! When will the madness end!!! LOL :smileylol: i think you both pretty safe here. the text has been attributed and it would fall under fair use for commentary
  8. have done some quick tests on my linden home can confirm that is def something different wrong + at ground level: if i stand on my parcel boundary parallel or facing inwards then i can rez on a spot next to the boundary line if i move inwards and turn and face the boundary then i cant pick to rez a spot within 2 meters about + the problem gets worse if i move upwards. like if i stand on my roof (which is about 8 meters high) and face the boundary then can only rez about 5/6 meters inside the boundary. when i swing my camera round so that it is on/outside the boudary facing me then can rez on the boundary so yes. is def a new problem with how the spot to rez is calculated can only suggest that people try moving their camera round until linden fix whatever it is they fixed that wasnt broken + am on beta viewer: 3.3.2 (255742) + ETA: can rez on the boundary when X or Y is small. cant rez on the boundary on opposite side where X and Y is large. so seems def like the whole sim coords have moved at least as far as the camera picking part goes. my parcel is pretty close to the center of the sim. it maybe that the further you are to the edge of the sim then the discrepancy could get worse
  9. can try posting here and see how you get on http://community.secondlife.com/t5/%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%EC%96%B4-%ED%8F%AC%EB%9F%BC/bd-p/KoreanForum
  10. Dana Hickman wrote: 16 wrote: cant be happy all the time. can be content tho. or just accepting maybe. i think that was what Dana was getting at. like the conflicts are mostly in our own heads. so if we can accept that about ourselves then can find contentment. peace even sometimes Not content as I'm always pushing forward. The word is secure... secure with myself, even as flawed as I am. I recognize that even with all the tools I have to accomplish some pretty great things, there still exists only one person in the world who can precisely and systematically undo all that I strive to create, and that person is me. My own worst enemy is always the closest to me, but she's predictable and that gives me the advantage. yes can see now. "secure with myself even as flawed as I am" makes sense to me this does. more than: content with myself even as flawed as I am thanks
  11. Scout Schwager wrote: Yes a company in Indonesia is an issue, I have a lot of issues with non English-speaking programmers and the subesquent lack of good instructions. The market in SL is primarily English-speaking. i think you will find that there are more people in secondlife where english is their second third fourth or even fifth language and not their first is sometimes difficult for some monolinguists from the primary english speaking countries to get their head around that. same on the interwebz generally can be even more difficult sometimes for them when they start conversations with: fts
  12. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Most of alll Play and have fun yes. i think so as well. if is not fun. not fun meaning not happy in that way. when not happy then have a rest for a time. play something else for a while cant be happy all the time. can be content tho. or just accepting maybe. i think that was what Dana was getting at. like the conflicts are mostly in our own heads. so if we can accept that about ourselves then can find contentment. peace even sometimes
  13. nuuuu !!!! i wants some ethical prims say like: llSetPermissionsEthical(myprims) jejejejejejjejeje (:
  14. is pretty deep this. is good what you wrote expresses the content to be alone in a crowd feeling have noticed this with quite a few people who have been in sl for a long time
  15. eyes once i find some eyes that express my avatar then i never change them. is not me if i change after that me avatar. not me me. well is me but not total me. is some part of me that is expressed thru me avatar. if that makes any sense
  16. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: : Can't rez object at { 116.756, 132.152, 37.6252 } because the owner of this land does not allow it. ... Even though I'm trying to drag to the floor inside the house the coordinates in the message are outside of the house and the parcel. So if that's the message you're getting it's a location problem. ^^ this is the biggest reason why you get the cant rez message in linden homes. is a cam position thing. happens when you standing to close to a wall. you cant see the wall on your screen bc is behind your avatar. the camera is actual in the wall most times. so when you drag drop then the object tries to drop on the exterior of the wall on the linden path outside. so is not on your parcel and so fail to rez when you rezzing in linden homes: press Esc key to reset camera to normal. then zoom in a bit to the spot you want to rez. then will be ok is same in any other tight place this. not just linden homes + other main problem with linden homes is that even when you get the camera position ok then it doesnt rez anyways. they can be really slow sometimes. so just have to wait until it does. if it doesnt rez then after a time will get another: fail to rez error. so have to try again if get impatient (like me sometimes) like dragdrop nothing dragdrop nothing dragdrop nothing dragdrop nothing dragdrop nothing then when it does wake up can end up with heaps of copies of the same thing in your house
  17. you could make a e-reader tablet thing. or get someone to make for you not sure how many you would sell though. maybe can just give away as a cool gadgety attachment. lots of people like them kinda things. cellphones, tablets, mp4 players for their avatars. just to wear even if they dont work or do anything + if give away then think of it like a free iApp if you want it to work inworld then can put the pages on a website and use prim media on the tablet to show the pages just change out a short story now and again. can make so is a linkback from the gadget to your website. people can get/buy off there your stories for RL$ for their RL e-reader or kindle or whichever. same other people who find you on the interwebz itself if you a good story teller then i think people will buy them off you RL. if so then can just use SL as a marketing channel at least for that part maybe
  18. yes seems like when that game first came out was kinda played like a gridwide shooter game mostly. just run round and spambite people to make the scores to get higher on the website lists. like level up and all that is a few freshies still try play that way but they dont last long anymore. not by the WAs and infohubs anyways bloodlines players more into roleplay aspects of the whole vampire lycan thing now i think. dont know really bc i dont play it. am still showing up on that game as freshmeat or something bc i dont eat garlic
  19. bloodlines changed their ToS after linden had a chat with them about random spambites. is what i heard most the clan leaders pretty strict with their clan members about spam biting. will get kicked out the clan for spambiting also quite a few clan leaders will also file a complaint with bloodlines against spampires. a spampire can get kicked out of the whole game when that happens
  20. just about perms i always thought it was weird that linden made it so that perms on a single object could only be set: no transfer or no copy. that you cant set: no transfer and no copy is weird because you can set two objects that way. so i not really see the point in not being able to do with one
  21. so far has been 4 different traffic systems brought up in this thread. coins. sploder. fish. and cones. they all kinda have the same objective
  22. yes that one has the go to the website to confirm. it gets your ip address when you do then checks to see if there is another player in the game at the time with the same ip address. if is the same then neither wins anything. it actual told me i couldnt win when i tried that with 2 accounts at the same time
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