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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. Anaiya Arnold wrote: In an ideal world, every capital investment would be profitable. No investment would lose or be sour, and further all investments would return maximally. That would be a zero waste game where due to what was being invested in, the economic growth, the real material wealth of humanity, increased to its maximum potential. A world where because every investment is a good one, humans are not wasting their effots and resources on projects that fail to add or even retain the value of the input. Conversely all instances where investments lose are a net lose for the human race as a whole. i am not disagree with this sentiment while our societal institutions: laws, justice, workplace, education, trade, etc continue to reinforce the adverserial way then we stuck in a endless loop of the winners and losers game some people argue that this is the natural order. that we are built this way. that we just animals with a base urge to compete. that survival of the fittest is how the rewards are best distributed and all that we also got minds tho with which we can think and we have the capacity to exercise self-control if we want to. like we dont have to play the winners and losers game on either an individual or even a societal level. is the ability to exercise self-contro,l and equally important able to adapt our environment, that makes humans the number 1 animal on the planet other animals not able to adapt their environment on the scale that we can. is why they still act like animals and follow their base urges. is a point that quite a few people who into the whole human animal survivalist thing kinda miss seems like + ps i just write what i did about all this earlier above bc i try to understand how the stock market game is played and why it goes like it does. also i dont like market speculators, big or small, who try cash in on other peoples hard work after the work has all been done. so when they get buried in a stock market game of their own design then to bad and i not cry for them ever
  2. good day ??? YUUUSSS !!! well a good evening i went on pkr the 3d poker game i played in 2 fun money tourneys. i dont ever play for real money. just for funs i came 3rd in one. and i win the other one. . wooohooo !!! ima osssum !!! (not really ( was about 70 people in the first one and over a 100 people in the second one i was play like a monsta. raise reraise raise check raise allin raise raise slowplay then ALLLIIINNN on the turn !!! rraaaaarrr !!! before last night i always play like a pitty pat. just check and call and try to get lucky on the cards. never win anything before am going to try again same way tonight !!! RAAAAARRR !!! is way more fun jejejejjeee (:
  3. no one lost 18 billion dollars. is a ledger entry + the only people who lost money were those who jumped into with their few 1000s (some 10s 1000s even) on opening day trying to make a quick fast buck on it stagging off the backs of others peoples hard work. when it didnt stag they got done over. now they bawwing about it good job. couldnt have happened to a worse bunch of people + dont know what they bawwing about anyways. if they were actual investors then they wouldve understood what 79% of market analysts were saying last thursday: this IPO is not going to stag. on the fundamentals and with an optimistic projection for potential growth the value of the company paper is in the $28-30 per share range from our POV some of the more conservative brokerages and funds who work only on fundamentals had put it at $15-17 before they would look at buying it themselves for their funds and clients was all in the papers and journals all of this. if anyone looking to invest cared enough to read so if you an proper investor best to wait until the mud settles if you not have any shares already. and is many investor investors doing exactly that. waiting. unlike sentimental fb user investors and fast buck merchants they are quite unsentimental are market analysts. is the punters who are sentimental + you keep going on about underwriters. they havent made anything out of this. they will be lucky to get out with only a mild scalping is a thing which happens in some IPOs (not all) that some call the 'green pool' which is separate from the main pool. the green pool is for when shares stag so as the underwriter you can keep feeding the market (and get a market bonus on top of your fee). the underwriters have to buy the green pool off the company at a fixed price seems like the underwriters werent able to unload the green pool on opening day and got caught with it. so they now feeding it into the market since and cutting their losses + the only people who are happy and have every right to be are: the fb founders and investors and fb staff who believed in the company right from the start and have worked really hard over the years to make it the successful social network that it is was acknowledgement day, bonus day and pension day all rolled up into one for them was last Friday. good for them. the astute ones will have unloaded some on opening day (thanks JP Morgan and others who underwrote it giving them a guarantee) and are now today happily buying them back for less so all them founders and investors and staff able to, who did that, end up with a cash bonus and get to keep all their shares as well. courtesy of JPMorgan and other underwriters and the bawbags. had it stagged then those same people would now be wooting about their awesome and how everyone else is a donk. bawbags are like that + as for all founders/investors/staff and such who havent/didnt sell any of their shares then they havent lost anything either. last Thursday their shares were worth $0 on the public market if they cash them out for $30 or even only $10 someday oneday for their retirement or to buy a home for their families or whatever then thats still a whole lot more than $0 + ps: if you want to point the finger at anyone about the price. point it at the dude who turned up on Wall Street in a hoodie. after he wandered into the meet, the starting price went up from what the underwriters themselves were recommending. is not just a pretty face under that hoodie that hoodie dude plays hard ball. he is def a big game player
  4. can see your point just say that marketing and promotions people draw images of stuff. engineers actual make stuff + philip linden wanted to make some kinda zen utopia something something. he didnt really know exactly. neither did we at the time m linden wanted to make a reallife like connection and relationship. he knew exactly what he wanted to make. it just wasnt what we wanted much at all rodvik linden wants to make entertainment and he is actual making it now + if we dont want rodvik-like entertainment or m-like connections or philip-like utopia then we pretty much stuffed i think. not linden lab, us is not rodvik who will fail. same like M not fail or philip even. they didnt fail. we give/gave them a Fail rating if we give rodvik a Fail as well then will be game over. linden will end it i think
  5. hope so will be cool if they are just say again i dont know nothing. am just guessing
  6. Ceka Cianci wrote: the next big thing will be................................. another announcement of next year there not being a tier increase......or decrease..hehehe yes lol the when-all-else-fails good news annoucement strategy
  7. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: but lindens do have value because there is a market for them..a place that gives them real world value.. Perhaps. Why then did you agree when the Lindens said they had no monetary value? Coercion? If so - does that invalidate your TOS agreement? In whole or in part? Are there any legal precedents that apply? in Korea maybe. has been some court rulings there about virtual currency http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/01/116_58775.html
  8. i was reading on arianeb blog. she do quite a lot of research and commentary on 3vws on a post "3D Virtual Worlds vs. MMORPGs" she said: (have chopped out the bits i think are important) "I have spent 9 years exploring 3D Virtual Worlds, and 8 years playing MMORPGs. For the longest time they felt like two different experiences. 3D Virtual Worlds are a creative outlet, while MMORPGs are a mostly cooperative gaming experience. It seems that recently they have been merging." "In the last couple of years, the growth in 3D gaming has been in free to play MMORPGs. Not only do they attract a crowd with new gaming experiences, they have co-opted the social model of the 3D Virtual Worlds, creating central meeting places, and free “bases” you can decorate and host private gatherings. They also have special interest groups you can join in game to meet like minded people." "“user created content” is in and of itself the thing that attracts many to 3D Virtual Worlds in the first place." "content creators are seriously outnumbered by both socializers (especially since most content creators are also socializers), and gamers. Now that MMORPGs are working to appeal to both of the latter groups, it is only the content creators who feel that 3DVWs are the better way to go. For everyone else, there is simply more things to do in an MMORPG." + this an important conclusion i think "3D Virtual Worlds are in a slow decline. It is the competition with free to play MMORPGs that is doing it. The MMOs are incorporating the stuff that makes 3DVWs popular. If they are to survive, the 3DVWs need to start incorporating what makes MMOs popular. They are just starting to do that. The merging of the two genres seems inevitable." + seems like linden has come to the same conclusion. so experience permissions and mmorpgs capability for user/creators is why i think linden is maybe making a mmorpg-like entrance to SL for newbies. like a showcase of what is possible. which is world viewer educational as well. with quick portal exit outs to normal SL for them that not want to play a mmorpg game to get started if they arent then i dont know why not. is what i would do anyways if i owned sl + can find arianeb here: http://arianeb.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/3d-virtual-worlds-vs-mmorpgs/ is some good stuff on that blog
  9. Honeysuckle Humby wrote: She hasn't asked any more about sl sex or babies so maybe she was just being inquisitive because of what she had heard outside of SL. She was happily trying on new clothes in her new home when we parted company and I am pleased that she now has a base of some sort in PG land and seems happy enough with her lot as it is in SL at the moment. \o/
  10. is mostly bc zynga revenues are closely tied to facebook at the moment about 60% of total revenue comes from only 3 facebook games. facebook can murder them anytime they want to after the current agreement runs out. many analysts think they will and look to partner only with game companies that will use fb credits exclusively. something that zynga has always resisted doing (exclusively) also zynga are a lot like linden in revenue source. they both have lots of registered user accounts but the bulk of the revenue comes from only a small proportion of those accounts. WSJ calls them whales. companies that depend on whales for the bulk of their revenues make market analysts nervous + zynga also got hammered by both market pros and retail investors at the same time on the same day the retail investors who are on fb and play zynga games. when they finally got the chance to buy fb itself. they sold out of zynga and bought fb with the money + ordinary people who bought into fb did it mostly bc they actual use fb. if you a regular and passionate user of something and you get a chance to own a bit of it then most people do that if they can afford it. is not an investment really from a strict investment pov is the same thinking with SL really. if linden ever decide to go public then i will buy some shares. just bc really. dont really much care if it goes broke one day some day maybe. just be happy to know that about 1 or 2 pixels of my parcel i actual own for reals. i probably even make a sign pointing at them (:
  11. was assume that when honeysuckle sent the girl a teleport request, the girl wasnt able to take it bc if you put in a under 18 birthdate on the signup page then the system automatic register you as G only. and you cant go to any M or A sims even if you wanted to if you want to change your birthdate on an account then you have to file a ticket and explain why so based on that then i said that girl was at least honest about that much + i tend to give G only accounts the benefit of the doubt to start with. if they keep going on and on about sexxors then i say they actual cant do it anyways on SL bc of their G rating so might as well stop wondering about it most genuine G only accounts, like actual real teenagers, dont need to be told to stfu after the first time if they not shut up then is all bad news for everyone after that. they either a actual real teenager with some kinda rl problem which they cant or wont let go of. or they a faker
  12. suggesting that you will maybe unplug your computer if the provider not say yes usual works pretty good when you a big customer
  13. Sy Beck wrote: The Next Big Thing = Marketplace working perfectly for 24 hrs. raaaaarrrrr !!!! this a conspiracy thread !!! dreaming of a perfect anything is not good for you. you will get some kinda virus. like sniffles. if you think like that. is true !!!
  14. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Several years later we havent seen a new xfactor lol I think that's when they thought vampires were gonna be the next big thing what you havent been fanged to death enough already ??? jejejejejjjeje (:
  15. ps add something else to my conspiracy has been reports of Linden Homes shortages recently. is also a whole bunch of sims sitting waiting for Moles to put homes on for a while now. if the Moles are not doing that? and new premium accounts (who have actual paid money) are waiting for Homes then what are the Moles doing instead? like they cant all be on their holidays
  16. Hitomi Tiponi said in other forum that linden are going to announce the The Next Big Thing soon linden had a big inworld meeting the other day Damien Fate who has been involved in newbie welcome/orientation islands in the past, made a comment a while ago about the current newbie welcome islands that he helped make. he said then that while he couldnt say there was a Big Thing coming Tateru Nino on her blog has also just recently mentioned a Big Thing she is involved with. she cant say either earlier this year linden put a vid up on utube about Experience Permissions showcasing them. Temp Attachments in particular. is pretty cool how it works in the vid is this the Next Big Thing? new welcome orientation islands that are fullon experience permissions immersions with proper learning stuffs and tuts? i hope so dont know for real. am just guessing
  17. that people actual bother to announce in the open chat that they have muted someone xx: mute u xx: and u mute xx: and that 1 over there mute xx: u as well mute xx: o.m.g !!! another one mute xx: chit !!! missed one mute xx: who else needs a good muting??? anyone ??? mute + me: stfu k !!! oh wait !!! mute jejejejejeeje (:
  18. the reason you cant pick your own linden home is that the ones on the edges by the parks and waters get gobbled up first. which always happens in a land rush. longtime accounts end up with them all. leaving only the sim interiors available for newbies random allocation is more fair i think
  19. you made some good points i think + just add the main difference between pre-2008 and now is the capability of the tools to make stuff. having to use 3rd party tools to make stuff that on a quality level is comparative to at least the medium standard of stuff available today for purchase sculpties and now mesh are total domain of 3rd party tools. prims are cool but the complexity of the shapes that can be made is quite limited compared to what you can do with mesh and scuplts. at least in terms of prim cost (altho the new LI thingy is trying to address that) the skin/clothing designer in the SL viewer doesnt compare at all to what you can do in a paint program. altho back in the day when you did use the designer then the output was about equal to the medium quality point at that time + i think if SL is to regain the creative glory days then we need better builtin tools so that newbies can learn straightaway how to make stuff of medium quality. like a paint skin/tattoo editor and a simple prim to mesh convertor would be good i think eta: and a texturiser for the prim-to-mesh-convertor. one you can load textures onto but also hand paint on directly
  20. Honeysuckle Humby wrote: I tried to TP her to my sim but she could not come. if she couldnt come then she put in her real age when she create the account. so at least she is a basically honest person have ran into some newbie under 18s who have done that and still wants to chat about sexxors and stuff like that. they mostly just being nosey. just like they are in reals. is a big topic for them is sexxors. just like it is for older people. in any environment to them i just say SL sexxors is boring and is really only for creepy old guys who cant get a gf in reals. they usual go ewwwww!!!! hahahahha !!! (yes i know. but we dealing with a under 18 teenager here) then i start chat to them about making avatars and outfits. them that wants to do that stay. them that dont pretty much leave and not come back if they dont seem interested in outfits and clothes then it kinda gives me a guide to who they mostly likely are in reals. is very rare to find a teenage girl (or boy even) not interested in making over their avatar. so when they not then i am pretty reserved with them. i not make a fuss. just refuse to chat about stuff that is not G-rated if they say they are under 18 and they are on a M or A sim then i refuse to have anything to do with them at all. to be on those sims then they lied about their age on the signup. so they can stay right away from me. real under 18 or fake
  21. it gets better with symbols like you can be: 0.0 >.< \m/ /w\ c(: 8{) @ch00 1% n**b !!! o.m.g !!! and my fav (which i would try to get) \o/ jejejejjeje (: + ps is funny how the divide between old names and new names people goes more old names people seem to care about it. way more than new people seems like can actual see this in the jira about it. of all the 1,000s of people asking for last names to be brought back, about 93% already have last names. Only about 7% of new name people cared enough to find out about the jira and vote
  22. the subeditor makes the claim in the title which is not supported in the article subeditors are awesome like that. jejejejeeje (: + what the newspaper article actual says is the reason it didnt stag was bc the IPO issuers did their jobs properly (for once) some quotes: "After finally coming on stream the shares briefly surged by almost 20pc, only to fall back to their $38 initial offer price as a widely expected glut of demand was offset by the weight of those selling." "Retail investors were among the biggest buyers" "Analysts suggested the shares might have failed to spark in the same way as previous high-profile tech IPOs because underwriters were too aggressive in pricing the deal."
  23. was about 575 million trades $38 x 575 million = $21.8 billion the underwriters would be in major trouble if they were the only ones who thought it was worth $38 or more + am not saying that they werent supporting the stock. all underwriters do this. is standard practice. but they will only do this up to a point. i dont think their point is $21.8 billion tho. more like 50 or 100 million maybe on an IPO of this size
  24. agree if your pension fund is using a passive indice tracking portfolio allocation method then its performance can suffer sometimes as the general market mood fluctuates. the decision to use that method tho is mandated by the pension funds constitution. not by the law. a constitution changeable by the pension fund/members
  25. George Orellana wrote: Disappointing debut for FB, proves that it was overvalued. The closing price shows that the company got the valuation right. Was a uptick to $42 as investors filled out their portfolios and it ended the day 23c up. Thats pretty much perfect The initial offer price is more about gauging investor interest than anything else. When a stock falls or rises way too much either way after opening then it means you got your numbers wrong and you dont understand your market. If was me in charge of the IPO I would be pretty happy with what happen + Where the price goes from here will now depend on the usual boring stuff like how much money the company is actual making
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