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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. check out the shop of who ever made your skin most of the major skin makers theses days have matching tattoo layer eyebrows, hairbases, makeup and dif cleavages styles as well if you want
  2. have been playing with this i think it have to do with compiler optimisations in the beta 3.3.4 viewer can repro the lines on the neck. but not in the official release 3.3.4 + the neck line thingy been going on since way back when windlight came in. used to see it all the time in the old v1 beta viewers but not in the officials + dunno but if is happening in tpv viewer officials then it maybe bc of the compiler settings. dunno exactly just think maybe might be something to do with it
  3. sounds like a issue with inventory. can get a bit laggy sometimes, like the item is still trying to be found somewhere in the database somewhere on some machine somewhere in the datacenter if you right-click on the inventory item and you get a greyed out menu then its still looking for it + if can right-click and the menu is not grey then yes like other people say is a rez problem. thats caused by the sim. like the sim server doesnt know about the box yet, so just have to wait for that + last thing you can try do is Wear the box on your hand. when you do that then the it will rez in the sim, but because is still attached to you then is less chance of it getting eaten by the gobble monsta. after you can see it on your hand then Detach (make a copy if you can) and then rez inworld. should be OK to rez on the ground after that i kinda do this way if am having trouble with important stuff
  4. Solaria Goldshark wrote: Rival Destiny wrote: ...told your rl co-workers when leaving for lunch that you are "...going to rl, back in a bit". Could have been worse...could have told your co-workers you were going to poof for a bit. or logout for lunch. i said that once. shame lol !!! also sometimes when i see something in a shop window my pointy finger tries to zoom in (:
  5. Czari Zenovka wrote: Oh, whew!!! I thought maybe LL had gone from real last names to "Resident" to now assigning us all numbers and I hadn't heard about it yet. :matte-motes-wink-tongue: %89 %3261189 %1051055105 0x283a %1130x3b%
  6. is a sailboat called a Tako. it has a prim text display label thingy on it. name speed and stuff like that. maybe OP worked out how to turn it off
  7. Perrie Juran wrote: Caitlin Tobias wrote: I have been reading this 'wifi' and sl does not work for years now, and I can only say: I have never experienced being in SL with a cable and only used wifi, for over 5 years now. Without issues. Ever. Never a problem. I did katanafighting, I make pics and have done the odd machinima, all on my wifi. I am sure some ppl will have issue, but so have ppl with wired connections. So I was sitting here looking at the computer and realized the dongle was about a half inch from the wall outlet. Moved the computer a few inches and the mouse worked perfectly. Move it back near the outlet and the mouse crapped out again. Move it away and it's fine. So yes, silly simple things can sometimes play havoc with us! Who would have ever thought. these kinda things drive me insane. can spend all kinda hours sometimes thinking is drivers and software and ends up to be something like this. glad you worked it out tho (:
  8. eep !!! i been working off the babylonian calendar plus or minus a 1000 years so yes is maybe best to stay alert. i might be a bit out in my timing (:
  9. one way is can make so your bot is the owner of the land and is the group owner. the land is not deeded to the group. the bot can then flip the land Set to Group. when flipped On then group can build. at regular times the bot unset group. all the stuff goes poof and bot then flips back to Set group. bot can shout the sim to say minutes to go til doomtime just make sure that all your own sim build stuff like permanent fixtures are owned by your bot account and not by your own main account or they go poof as well. + if can afford a 24/7 bot then the bot can stand at the landing point. can autoinvite anyone who comes to join the closed group who is not already a member. if they cause trouble then bot removes from group and auto adds them to his autokill on sight list edit: actually should have said that the bot only has to own the clear sandbox area so can cut that part out from the rest and not have to rebuild everything. give the bot autokill group rights over all your land so it can still do the autokilling anywhere. am assume for this to work that non-sandox lands are owned/set to another group that you own edit more: can even make a HUD and give to your sandbox officers. with the HUD they can control the bot. so can they can order it to do a doomtime on command as well. can also order the bot to kill someone if necessary
  10. also the valve guy is worried that he is going to get eaten by Microsoft, so he maybe be a bit distracted for while whipping up some w8h8 (:
  11. it didnt happened bc i already catched the dwarf who was the star of the show jejejejejeje (:
  12. how to do the basics like walk fly run mod your avatar instructions are in the viewer now some people need mentoring. some dont. most dont. those that do and wants to hang on in SL usually end up looking for help on the Answers forums here if linden did put a Ask A Question Get An Answer option in the viewer Help menu which puts you into the Answers forums then that be pretty good i think
  13. Arkady Arkright wrote: I'm sorry, but I can't find any proof or sense in anything you say, it's just made-up mumbo-jumbo in an attempt to bamboozle others into thinking you know what you're talking about. i dont think anyone is bamboozled. most people know that for an assertion to have any value then there is a context for it. and that within the context there is also a condition and/or association to support it like the computer program i showed. assert(wut <= god). is conditional and associative this. it dont say assert(wut) or assert(god). dunno why you not able to make any sense of this is pretty clear now that you happy to just go with assert(!god). is ok that you do. you not alone in that + when lay people demand scientific evidence of god then it usually goes: assert(there is no god bc there is no scientific evidence of god) is an association here so at least is a start. is still a bit meaningless bc is no explanation of what is meant by "scientific". the assertion is assumptive. it assumes that the reader knows, or should know, what is meant by "scientific". when lay people say this they usually mean "physical" so assert(there is no god bc there is no physical evidence of god therefore logic indicates that we can conclude from this that god does not exist) from lay person pov then this kind of reasoning is close enough and good enough as far as they care. has to do with how lay people generally relate to spacetime. mostly they relate things to space and events to time + scientists dont do this. it doesnt work for them. if they use this approach then they not get anywhere with their peers scientist always use spacetime reference: at time T in space S there was no measurable evidence of god in that what was observed in space S at time T can be explained by other phenomena. therefore we can conclude that god does not exist for this purpose (thing/event) this is whats called a safe conclusion. is way heaps difference between this and lay person
  14. i agree about the boring bit like when someone IMs me and goes: hi! im bored when i get these. i go oh! ok oh! well. and not much engage with them after that. i cant be bothered really being someone elses way out of their own boring if someones says: hi! watcha doing? wanna come and see/do stuff on this thing i made/found? then i say; sure ok most times. like they made an effort so i will as well if no ones calls then is ok. and i do what you do. if i cant think of anything i would like to do then i just sit on a wall and watch the world go by. is amazing what goes past in SL when you do that
  15. Jennifer Boyle wrote: I just noticed that, although my avatar is rendered as a cloud, the shadow it casts is correctly rendered. It seems strange that the viewer knows what my shadow should look like but doesn't know what I should look like. is quite cool the image of your shadow without you like i am here but not and only my shadow marks my passing. is pretty freaky that thought as well
  16. bejjinks wrote: My real objective is to ask whether people of differing beliefs can be friends or not. I used to believe that people of differing beliefs could be friends but the more feedback I get from the forum, the more I begin to doubt that people of differing beliefs can be friends. The more aggressive people are to try to get me to change my beliefs, the more I wonder if it's even possible for a Christian, an Atheist, and a Muslim to have a CIVIL conversation. is possible for atheist, christian, muslim and any other kind to have a civil conversation Carlos Fraenkel address this in an opinion article in the New York Times http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/02/in-praise-of-the-clash-of-cultures/?ref=opinion + Mr Fraenkel discuss at length: taqlid (conformism) as explained by the muslim philosopher al-Ghazali - the authority of parents and teachers. how this works and why he also notes the alexandrian philosopher Galen observation: "Platonists, Aristotelians, Stoics and Epicureans simply “name themselves after the sect in which they were brought up” because they “form admirations” for the school founders, not because they choose the views supported by the best arguments." + bejjinks you also mention friends. much of your writings contain this element. like why cant we all be friends and get along. Mr Fraenkels article is what this is about Mr Fraenkel shows two views on conformist culturalism and then examines them the first view is: that we publicly embrace and celebrate multi-culturalism the second view is: that we publicly be citizens of our nations and celebrate our diverse cultures in private + i think your expressed desire for friendship fits within the first view. asking for friendship is asking for something that some others are unable or unwilling to give the second view is very conformist i think. it asks us to present a neutral face to others no matter our inner thoughts. just to get along and not upset anyone Mr Fraenkel concludes that it is enough for us to just be tolerant. he argue that our tolerance for others can come only after we criticallly and rationally examine our own beliefs and cultural thinking. how much of what we think is due to taqlid and how much is a result of critical and rational self-examination + i think that Mr Fraenkel is right when we are sure about these for ourselves then we are no longer threatened by the thoughts/cultures of others. no matter how contrary they are to our own we find the calm in ourselves. we no longer have any need or desire to conform ourselves to anothers views nor they to ours. we dont need to be friends for this to happen, yet we can have a civil conversation about why we think/believe/conform as we do. and why others think/believe/conform as they do
  17. i have to believe in Santa. i havent got my pony yet. i get a kitten already tho and am really happy about that. but is not the same as a pony (:
  18. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: <snip> Would you have Alfred Einstein sit at the children's table? I sure would. That's where I sit! Mommy !!! i wants to sit with the big kids. i dont want to sit on the mat anymore. is soo unfair (:
  19. here is a paper on SL written by Cory Ondrejka in 2004, which lays out the linden vision not only for SL but also the wider Metaverse and its relationship with the realworld. it helps to explain why SL is made the way it is http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=538362
  20. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: It's not a tax because it's a fee......companies don't charge taxes, governements charge taxes. ^^this
  21. Alicia Sautereau wrote: Yes, because he can hear her in his mind... jejejejejejee (:
  22. in terms of content i dont think they were any better or worse in terms of the software i think they were way better. my main gripe about this one is the amount of whitespace on the screen
  23. now i am totally total doomed eleventy jjejejejejjee (:
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