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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. It beggars belief anyone would stoop so low as to impersonate you to try to make a personal profit, some people have no shame.
  2. well done Claireschen... That makes it your turn to post a location
  3. I am thinking of going fishing today. I wonder what happened to the Crazy I Do you know where I am?
  4. With all those clues finding it much easier: Agrius on the Atoll, near the inner lake. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Agrius/27/206/74 Cool location, I got the right continent but overlooked that area.
  5. More than that 1024m with you in centre I think it more like 9x9 = 81 regions? But a bit less maybe 60 regions or there abouts.
  6. It is a great to see the Pelican build still featured in world, the building has been a welcome destination and party spot for a long time with lots of happy memories wherever it has been located the Bingo Strait, Blake Shore and now South end of Satori.
  7. Brian came to visit before I put the wall up, he does seem harmless and a tireless dancer to my radio.
  8. The road looks similar to that on the West side of the Atoll, but I am at a loss as to where you are. I am in need of another clue to help.
  9. Since I got a parcel on the south edge of Yeeowler I have marked a route out through my parcel and put up a little wall to protect traffic from the banlined parcel in the corner with the zombies. So the route by water from the terminus rezz zone whilst going over private water parcels is clear now. The route across from railway heading north is at Gingivere, right after the tunnel. What I described as a sort of parking lot from memory isn't really very well described, it is clearly a pathway though with the same theme continuing its length to the rezz zone on the road. Here is a photo to show what I mean: I am sorry to hear the person behind the project is unwell, the notecard says they have been moving but that was some time ago. I hope they make a speedy recovery, their initiative and vision have made a nice option for travellers heading North and South across the continents.
  10. If I remember right there is a resident owned railway you can use from Yeeowler to head North into Satori. If you get off at one of the stations before the end it is an easy walk through a sort of extended parking lot from the station to a road. The road at the North of Satori is linked to several marinas and airports where you can resume your journey. Not as good as connected waterways but it is something
  11. I can't think why it would be, if it causes no one else any problems. In a way it is neighbourly because it signals to your neighbours they can too and then everyone is getting a better looking skybox experience than they otherwise would.
  12. Why are you trying to stop them? Everywhere I have lived me and the neighbours make the most of their parcels using sky domes or similar. So long as they aren't overlapping with the neighbours builds and they are reasonably out of sight what harm are they doing? They won't use prim allowance of the neighbouring parcel so long as root prim remains centred on their parcel. Your rule seems to me to be needlessly making work for yourself, to enforce a rule that is an unnecessary detriment to your renters enjoyment of their rental.
  13. Look up Daiz Papp, otherwise known as Oracul, if I recall correctly they have their store at Duso. You can find them on marketplace and in world you can buy the animations for about 15L$ each. I still use their walks after 10 years despite buying numerous Aos from other makes over the years.
  14. I went for a little outside park look with a cafe. Not really in or out of theme. I didn't think I could make much use of the houses provided, unless it was as a small exhibition space. I tried to find something on marketplace that might fit the theme better, but there aren't many options.
  15. I somehow managed after one region crossings to ride a boat up the side of one persons banline and it bounced across the top. The boat poofed from under me as I was bouncing across the top leaving me trampolining. Despite many attempts, I have not been able to replicate that since.
  16. When considering land with protected water access around the volcano regions and the Linden Village, which is prone to occasional and in some cases long term blockages along the protected waterways I would say those parcels with obstructive security settings I can count on one hand. Infact only two examples I can think of. One parcel 4m wide extending maybe 28m into the terraformed waterway creating a wall across half the route between Mare Secondus and the Sea of Fables, that has been there a long time and can't be excused as any legitimate protection of anything of value. It is purely there to grief traffic fortunately marked for as long as I have known it by a crashed vehicle stuck in to it. I am sure the owners must get a lot of pleasure from all the complaints they receive from passing travellers ensnared in their banline. The other is in a wider river running along between the Brenner dinosaur and Mare Secondus. A parcel in the middle of the waterway against a region crossing with security settings that break and eject travellers trying to use the waterway. It is passable using tools available, but only for the prepared traveller that knows it is there and going no faster than rowboat speed. The waterway is effectively off limits for travellers and the forty or so other landowners along the same route, all because of one land owner. The vast majority of landowners along protected routes are considerate to the needs of travellers, that is why they paid a premium for their land in the first place. But, it only takes one person along a river system to be an ass to cause an obstruction that strips the land you have paid for of its value. In the first case, the parcel only needs to be adfarm sized to do that. It doesn't seem like the Lindens need new rules to improve things and bring back confidence for landowners to buy along such routes, they just need to enforce their policies like they did in the past, selectively for parcels along protected routes to increase engagement, the attraction and value of alot of mainland where the value is dependent on the goodwill of others along that route. If they were to do this, the pressure on land around Nautilus waterways might be relieved somewhat with more interest and investment in land adjacent to protected routes spreading around the other continents.
  17. To avoid falling through on region crossings I have found extending prims by a third across the boundary on each side and overlapping generally prevents falling through. Worth a bit of testing and trial and error it is a bit of an art getting the amount to extend over correct, I recall it being a third but 25% might work, something like that anyway. *Qie says by a few metres, I haven't found that sufficient but then I am normally working with 60m sized road pieces when I have had to solve the problem.
  18. okay... the lighthouse you can see in those pictures.... well here is another angle taken from my boat as I return from an excursion in the Gulf of Lauren
  19. I am not sure if they learnt that lesson as such... but the last full continent they made before Bellisseria is going back in time to Gaeta V which does have protected waterway all around it. Gaeta I is incomplete along with the other Gaetas that were part of same planning process never got past the drawing board but from what we know I think they were planned to be circumnavigated. The other continents have protected waterways around only parts of their edges but none create a complete circuit.
  20. I think Nova is adding in an exchange rate or tax calculation to come up with the cost to them. Nova is also lucky enough to be on a private region with a community type agreement with respect to building and parcel boundaries. It is a great situation and one reason I maintain land at the same place. It is not however typical of my experience at other private regions, admittedly dated but most, at least work with defined parcel boundaries and often with large claustrophobic barriers between them. Fine I guess for privacy and living in skyboxes or on sky platforms, but for me unless you find a good estate that looks to try to provide a community space along with the rentals then to me mainland along with all its flaws what I look for.
  21. No they have always been separate from mainland, so far as i know. The North Sea that Eden and Fruit Islanders talk about is the open sea area between the two areas.
  22. Also see the maps on the Wiki for the road maps: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Department_of_Public_Works_Roads
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