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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Three new regions here would make for much easier link between West and East Nautilus via Corsica. The current routes require navigating treacherous narrow twisty turny diagonal passages through Corsica.. The drawn regions are between Zanuggia and Coviello (putting the channel one region to the west, might even be better). .
  2. My first waterside parcel was a narrow little strip of land advertised with protected waterway access to the Blake Sea. It seemed very reasonably priced for what it was, just 100 prims free but enough to put my Loonetta down and build a little pier with a hut on it place a deck chair and a coffee pot on a stove. I was made up until I tried to navigate out along the passage to the sea. The narrow strip of protected land curves awkwardly and leads straight to a region corner crossing with about 5m spare either side. Banlines along the route and not knowing then about Third party viewers being able to show the passage to follow, meant that it was taking 3 or more attempts each time to reach the open water so frustratingly close. I got a huge sense of achievement when I finally made it to the Blake Sea and proved what it was advertised as was possible, the journey and route I took felt epic even if I was maybe no more than 20 regions away. It was a great introduction, but it was also a lesson learned.... even if your parcel does have protected waterway.... it doesn't mean it will be easy to use it. Always check what you are buying in world and if you are wanting to use the protected waterway or road carefully consider how easy it will be to use if the neighbours put up banlines or security. What might be an easy route now might be treacherous in a weeks time when the owner of the parcel next to the corner puts up their banlines. I abandoned the land when I found somewhere with more direct access. I learnt the hard way that not all protected access is the same and what you might think is a bargain might be overpriced for what it is.
  3. Thank you for guaranteeing that passageway, it is nice to go along there past the old wall
  4. Strangely enough it is the Mowry train station land I have been invested in, the other tier contributor runs a very nice Art Gallery in Whinlatter. There is not a lot of point in keeping the train station there, but if they are agreeable would like to keep the parcel as common land in some form to provide access to the road from Mowry Village. I have reached out to the other tier contributor now to see what if any plans they have, and we shall see what develops.
  5. I give tier to a group that owns some mainland, about 40% of the tier. Is there a way to see who else is donating tier? and if so how do I find who they are so can work out an agreement on what we want to do with the land? You would think it would be pretty basic function, and I am sure I worked it out before but for the life of me now I can't see how to find out who the other tier contributors are.
  6. Someone pointed out to me the other day that as the sun rises and falls 6 times in a SL day, Linden Years are 6 times that of a normal year. That would make someone that has been in SL 10 years around 60 years old.
  7. When someone says modern living I always think of villa arpel, from Mon Oncle 😁
  8. Pretty much standard practice in Zindra and Blake Sea to set parcel for sale to advertise it is available for rent. It does make finding rentals much easier you can browse the map for location of a rental you are interested in.
  9. I hope Chia is okay, she spent hours meshing the area and working on it.
  10. There is certainly more to Horizons to appeal to people than just the adult rating. Without doing some sort of survey it will be hard to definitively tell people's motivating factors for owning land there. For me it is the whole package the landscaping, roads and waterways, the double prim and the adult rating. The adult rating allows me to have a hot tub outside without walls around it or using parcel privacy settings. Not such a big deal really but something that can only be done on adult land. Regardless of horizons though Zindra has always had a higher occupancy rate than other continents. That alone should make the commercial argument to complete the continent and consider expansion in the form of adult rated Linden homes.
  11. This would seem to fit the description of what you want, but you can't just add one region on, the requirements are quite high for joining land to mainland. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Community_Land_Partnership_Program
  12. Sorry ThegamerME, I only just noticed you added a location. My initial thought was the memorial park but it isn't there. It must be a welcome centre of some sort, I will have an explore over the weekend!
  13. Cloned regions are used for making Bellisseria, and were used for making the Sharp Continent. Cloning must be possible and helpful towards putting out regions, even if there is still a lot of work to be done on them to parcel them up, landscape and get them ready for occupation. The bottom line would normally be whether it was commercially viable to do it. As I understand it, A rated land is the most densely populated, the highest priced and highest value mainland. Despite the precious few water linked parcels that would normally attract interest on moderate and general mainland. The experience with Horizons, surely shows there is demand. So there is a good commercial argument to consider finishing Zindra and adding in some Adult Linden Homes.
  14. I don't live at my houseboat, if I did it would be in a skybox away from all the neighbours texture and object lag. My houseboat is set up as a cafe. I have other parcels on Bellisseria and elsewhere set up as art galleries, cafes.. Little interesting places to visit. There are plenty of others that do similar, some listed in the landmark list. If or when patch returns to the "commercial" theme I know I would seriously consider getting one to set up as a gallery\cafe. I might even spare some prims for my alt to have their skybox.
  15. I used to love the old sailors cove, built like a little quaint fishing village with little cafes, ice cream parlours, art galleries and little shops with interesting curios. I can imagine something similar working well in Bellisseria, the community centres and places of interest give reasons to step outside your door and go out exploring a few more could make for interesting places to visit and meet people.
  16. If you are living at ground level at all then you are contending with lag. Just because you don't want doesn't mean others won't .
  17. It seems that the thread has run its course, I know I have been struggling to think of new locations to showcase so maybe now time to wrap it up at least for now. I will tie up the loose end. The last locations I posted were all about Inspire Space Park and its associated areas at Shinda. A lovely place to visit that has delighted visitors for more than 10 years. A big thank you for everyone that participated in the thread, it has been a delight hunting down the locations people have found
  18. The Brenner dinosaurs are replicas of the sort of displays you would see at a museum, but they are displayed on an island out of that context. I would think of them simply as Linden mainland landmarks demonstrating the complexity possible with regular prims.
  19. Have you just updated Firestorm? Have you tried separating them a little more? Have you checked to see if the solid textures have become slightly transparent?
  20. Groups need notices to send out attachments notecards, landmarks, pictures and copy\transfer huds and stuff. If a group is spammy there is always the setting to turn the notification off. Discord is no replacement, it has a different functionality... and I have no idea what is going on with discord either.. I join to do one thing and end up elsewhere, its interface thoroughly confuses me, It is bulk IMs that bother me more than anything, and solution to them is to block the individual - which always seems a bit extreme. Ohh that and shops that use external servers to send messages and you have to hunt down some terminal somewhere to get rid of them, they are the worst.
  21. Kalhene Erika could do with some clothing love. The body fills a niche of a natural looking curvy body in a way no others do and it is crying out for some support for normal clothes: nice tops, skirts and dresses.
  22. Patch and Whirly Fizzle kind of addressed that aspiration on this thread.. It would be great to circumnavigate the Atoll, but until they come up with a technical solution I don't see them doing it.
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