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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. A wall texture on the outside of a physical prim even if phantom and only on the outside, so you don't see it would work well at ground level up to wall height without annoying the neighbours. That would work over water but you might prefer to use marker buoys instead like these: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/HVW-Regulatory-Buoys/21050118
  2. I think the big Ktaba J-Class boats have the deepest keels... part of the fun is planning your route ahead to avoid the shallows, especially around Nautilus.
  3. They did introduce a problem with region crossings when they moved to the cloud severs. It affects some people and some vehicles, it affects me especially badly on Motorloon's boats, I can reliably have the boat forget I am standing on it and come to a stop within one or two region crossings. For mod boats using avsitter for poses there is a solution with replacement scripts that will work with mod boats. Uggo has a fix for Avsit 1.29 and for Avsitter 2.2. Carla Wetter has also released her fix for Avsitter 2.2. They both deserve a credit because they investigated my experience and came up with a solution. Others report improved performance with the scripts too and the latest boat from Dutch harbor comes pre-released with Uggo''s scripts and a credit to him in the release notes. Unfortunately the MLCC Oceanic like the Loonetta is no mod, so the likelihood of getting those working again for me at least seems remote and dependent on Motorloon coming back to SL. Really Linden Lab should fix the problem, but I am not sure if they have even acknowledged there is a problem I raised it on a Jira that then got closed and hidden from me. I don't really know what I am doing with Jira's so maybe my fault. But it is what it is and there is a problem for MLCC boats and other no mod boats, but at least a fix for mod ones using Avsitter.
  4. The mini-map (Ctrl Shift M in firestorm) is the best tool for navigating and spotting voids. Also by R-clicking it and selecting Show Property Lines, you can see the boundaries of parcels that with a little pattern recognition will help you to recognise rezz areas and linden protected passages when you are in less open regions. As well as bumping in to voids, another possibility is your Power Yacht if one of the large ones using more prims than available, so the region won't let you enter. You are most likely to encounter this problem on residential regions, like those in Honah Lee, Sailors Cove, Second Norway etc. The Blake Sea regions themselves are mostly open water with a few public "mole built" islands and landscaping they will generally have thousands of free prims. A boat using 200 prims or less will generally be okay even in the residential areas, but not always if someone has gone over prim or someone has moored their Mega Yacht there.
  5. There is no need to have a quarter region for your club. Too big a space will make it feel empty even when you have people there. Make your club the size you can afford and enjoy running it, as you build up regulars if they want to contribute to a bigger space then that is something to think about, but until then keep it small.
  6. Well they could be a bit more proactive with regards to infrastructure, the passage they made between route 8A and the wagon road 10 years ago that they never actually laid road on is one glaring example of their neglect with that regard. There must be many other achievable improvements they have considered and then forgotten about. Another thing they could do is declare that for mainland parcels that are on waterways, Bellisseria type rules would now apply to guarantee passage along the waterway. Any builds they put up to not be obstructive to that, no banlines over water and any orbs to have reasonable timers to allow people to pass through. It would no doubt upset a handful of people affected, but the majority would be over the moon because the value of their land and function of it would be protected.
  7. The broken bridge on route 8 in Fenric now has a bridge rezzer next to it put in by the owner of the ERG store nearby. Click their sign and it rezzes replacement section of road for 4 minutes. I think that is cool addition without spoiling the Moles intentions.
  8. The parcel the Osiliers road is on is showing claimed in June 2021. I vaguely remember someone having a Jira request for that to be put in and reporting it on the forum, but I might be mistaken.
  9. They did make a mess of Satori, selling land they had planned for road building, resulting in a patchy network of bits of road linked by teleporting tunnels. It is good they have filled in this gap now. I wonder if they are now considering making the link between route 8A and the wagon road, Maintenance have held a road sized strip of land between the two roads since 2013 I think and still have not put the road in. It looks like 3 years ago a local land owner took matters in to their own hands and somehow managed to make a start on making the junction at the 8A end.
  10. I wonder how he feels about his creativity here still being represented by a collosal replica of his pants just opposite the particle laboratory
  11. Mocha has probably the best examples on mainland of why the +40m height allowance was a bad idea. I hope you have found somewhere better to move to.
  12. From my perspective mainland has been slowly getting better ever since I joined. I only go back 10 years, but since then impassable rivers and routes have opened up partly because the use of oppressive security is much rarer. Neighbours are more likely to build complementary styles, the low flying skyboxes and mega screens surrounding parcels more rare.
  13. it would be nice to be able to lower land a little more. I have some land I can lower a part of so it is bumpy and sort of level with the water so it ends up with little pockets of water, would be nice to lower a bit more so it was useful. I guess it is a slippery slope though, it might help my parcel but then someone else hopeful it improves theirs ends up the same situation as me and needs another extra metre.
  14. They have put some road in, in Ironauld too, but it should be no surprise they would. It is in their interest to put in road access to increase the value and likelihood of people renting their parcels. The parcels around there are a short walk or bike ride to Linden rezz areas for boats, or can just explore the "educational" sights of Zama city by road.
  15. But these large land baron "speculators" are paying tier and for the most part don't seem to put the land up for sale at such exorbitant prices no one would consider buying them, nor is the rent so bad (outside of horizons at least). There is probably some profit made from lower costs at auction, I have never had the patience to get that involved in the land buying process. I don't see the benefits to the "speculators".... if anything they seem to be doing a service to Linden Lab paying tier on land that would otherwise be unoccupied.
  16. Shooting ranges used to be a part of the prospecting tests in my motorcycle club, and I have enough of the GCS system to let loose zombies and whatnot to populate an urban area for shooting practice. Occasionally shooting each other in paintball games and or just orbitting each other, It was fun for a while. Some of the expensive ranges were built for giant avatars so those of us with more realistic proportions would need to rezz a box to stand on to shoot over the barriers, which was cute especially with the Hello Kitty Desert Eagles. The scripted minister wanted us to pay 999L$ to marry us, so we had a shotgun wedding instead. But we haven't used them for Prospecting tests in a long time now, and I can't say I am unhappy about that. Second Life is better for making love than it is making war..
  17. A friend's cat once dragged in a neighbours roast chicken through the cat flap. I expect the neighbours learnt their lesson not to leave the roast to rest on their window sill after roasting.
  18. The SSPBFF tile looks like the fairgrounds, maybe they are using it for planning the next build to go there. Although it looks a bit like an archaeological excavation uncovering a long forgotten mosaic floor from ancient history.
  19. Going on a route that is a circuit is much more satisfying, than going along to a dead end and turning back. Your proposed region would do that and make the LDPW island much more accessible to the Bellisserian explorers.
  20. Routes like this are all dependant on good will and shared interests of the landowners. A parcel could be sold or abandoned land bought and the passage close again at any time. I think any collection of similar maps, likely to get obsolete quickly. It is second parcel I have bought to open up the route.. I bought one in Bressimo a few years back now, the passage remained open for maybe a year before it got blocked again.
  21. I just bought a bit of land in Marachia that opens up a passage across North Nautilus again, at least until one of neighbours blocks it off again.
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