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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Relying on the goodwill of others whilst not extending that goodwill to your neighbours, is so obviously selfish, it should not need pointing out. But it sounds like it resolved itself. If it is the area I am thinking of then I spoke with the landlord and their renter at the West end of the route because they blocked a cruise I planned and had spent hours and in the past spent a lot of money on land to help to create. The outcome was constructive at least for now. It is sad and I don't think a very clever system that we have to gamble on investments to open routes up like this. It should really be obvious to those buying the parcels they are paying a premium for them because the value of their land depends upon access, access that their neighbours collaborate to achieve.
  2. Knowing me I would move my folder of stuff into the floor doing that šŸ˜ But very useful to know!
  3. Thanks for looking it up for me. It has been a while since I played with bulk adding animations to furniture, AOs or dance balls, when the problems with lost files were driving me potty until I found that method.
  4. Dragging things into boxes solution comes up a lot in threads like this. It sounds so simple, and easy. But unless you are only dragging 10-20 or so items at time, stuff gets lost and doesn't transfer. If you are checking that everything transferred across then after a few batches you end up waiting and waiting for the box contents to update so you can check everything went across. I think there is a function in firestorm that will reliably copy things across in to boxes, but I don't recall what it is off the top of my head. From my experience of boxing things up and pitfalls of potentially losing your stuff, it is much easier to just bite the bullet and start deleting things. If you are going to box things up then look on the firestorm wiki for the way to reliably copy stuff without losing things.
  5. I knew someone with 450,000 items in their inventory. I have managed to keep mine to under 210,000 (so far) without much problem, I just organise into sub-folders every now and then to keep it relatively flat. This 350,000 limit must be a new thing, if it is actually real.
  6. I remember one of them was tall enough to add in two additional floors and with enough space outside for a hot tub, patio seats and some plants. Easily my favourite old style Linden home.
  7. What is an animesh attachment? Why might I want one or even two of them. I have an animesh dancer, but can't see any benefit to wearing them, and so know a bit what animesh is, but clueless what benefit it might be in this context.
  8. 2048mĀ² homes could be interesting, but until then for me at least the premium package is not very enticing.
  9. Was there any mention of being able to use the tier for more than one Bellisseria home?. Maybe two 1024mĀ²s or four 512mĀ²s?
  10. Anyone interested in Sailing should join SLSA for information on events secondlife:///app/group/2ee60bcf-94c1-3916-272e-406c46d3db4b/about (paste link into chat in world to get a link to the group)
  11. A better photo from someone with more talent
  12. This photo was taken of me on one of our Easter cruises - hehe
  13. I have only just spotted this thread. Lovely photos everyone ! A friend is busy scripting this Machichaco model Ixeya made. It is on display at Sailstice\Expo now and should be released... soon.
  14. I love this track by John Coltrane's Wife Alice Coltrane. I keep coming back to it and always as fresh as ever.
  15. Pink Floyd St Tropez had me thinking of Kevin Ayers from around the same period. This tune always fun :
  16. I recall watching a TV programme about a revolution in Jazz caused by 3 seminal works in one year, 1959. One was Dave Brubeck's Time Out, that Take Five is taken from. Take Five amazing tune. The album itself contains lots of influences from Eurasia and Turkey, it sold incredibly well for a modern Jazz record. Another of the three was the Shape of Things to Come by Ornette Coleman. To be honest he progresses into a freeform style that loses me later on, but this album is exquisite and the first track here made it as a much copied standard. And finally Kind of Blue - Miles Davis: A stunning perfect album
  17. I think I might have missed a few pages browsing this on my phone, so I might have missed a reference to it. But there is the Cult of Ruth Eternal in Secondlife. It is not exactly secret, but the wiki has an outdated address for the Temple to Philip Linden, so does require searching or special knowledge to find.
  18. Last post for this evening... some prog rock with Gong
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