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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Come to think of it I can think of statues of nudes made by moles in General sims.
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: Rhonda Huntress wrote: Are nipples allowed on G rated sims? I can't seem to go anywhere with someone having their whole chest exposed. It doesn't matter what the rating of the sim is. Even more, they show up in search too. G,M or A, i keep seeing nipples. I could look on a map and anywhere with more than 7 avatars I will see AT LEAST 1 person there with no shirt on at all waving nipples around like they just bought them. So .. is it OK to show nipples in all these areas or should I start a one person AR campaign? Of course they are. Now you change the question. Nevertheless, the answer is yes, it is allowed. If you'd asked if it is allowed to show female nipples in public on G rated sims, then the answer is no, it is not allowed. The only exception is art. Art (not porn pics) depicting the naked female (and male) form is allowed. So far as I can see in the maturity ratings that the TOS refers to it is nudity (without an exception for art) that is proscribed, not nipples of any variety, male, female or other gendered. Nakedness means no clothes, not no bras or bikini tops. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Maturity-ratings/ta-p/700119#Section_.1.2 In the description for general it says: A region designated General is not allowed to advertise or make available content or activity that is sexually explicit, violent, or depicts nudity. Sexually-oriented objects such as "sex beds" or poseballs may not be located or sold in General regions. General regions are areas where you should feel free to say and do things that you would be comfortable saying and doing in front of your grandmother or a grade school class. Institutions such as universities, conference organizers, and real world businesses may wish to designate their regions as General. Likewise their users (and others) may wish to employ Second Life's General search setting to focus and filter search results appropriately. Some landowners and Residents desire a Second Life experience distinct from the activity that occurs in Moderate and Adult regions. Region owners who wish to host this sort of Second Life experience can (but need not) designate their regions as General. If you are a region owner and you feel there is some ambiguity as to whether your content and activities are allowed in General regions, it's probably best to designate your region as Moderate. I would take that to mean the context is important, I doubt exposure of nipples for breast feeding for example in any of those real life contexts would be considered inappropriate, it would be restricting breast feeding that would inappropriate if not illegal. It is not nipples of any form that appear to be banned. What is important is whether the context is sexual. When I was cruise director for topless sailors, a Linden joined us as we were embarking on a cruise from a rezz zone in a General rated area and his only comment was to point out apart from his pirate hat and boots he was not only topless but naked (he was in a skeleton avatar). He did not see any need to refer us to the TOS. I suspect that the Linden policy is left vague so they don't have to make a decision, or can make random decisions to satisfy whatever needs they have at that moment in time. Including nipples in the maturity ratings would expose a can of worms for them just as it is doing others at the moment on other platforms, where a trans man's nipples might be deemed allowed because they identify as male, whilst a trans woman's wouldn't be? what about people that don't identify as either of the two binaries. It is really much better for them to just be vague about it. Quietly banning people from events on mainland only where not doing so might cause them a headache for no stated reason except a vague reference to the TOS, and leaving private estate owners to do whatever they want.
  3. I think the torso and arms look a bit long. Comparing to this picture for example:  You seem to have the torso length of the picture on the left and the arm length relative to the body of the shape on the right. Tweaking them both to look like the proportions of the one in the middle I think, would look better. You aren't far off, but that is really all I can see I would tweak.
  4. If you modify these to alpha masking mode, they can be quite effective as they aren't flat but they are thin and low prim and work well along the edge of a parcel. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/1-Prim-Privacy-Pine-Grouping/4191992 They are modify so you can add other textures to them, I have added a fern texture in the past and reshaped them and they work well together. Also I recommend checking out Tobias Novi's confiers sold in world. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mycenae/102/91/32 Not on Marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/de-DE/stores/15176 They come in clusters of 8 and 16, in a few different shapes and are only 2 prims each and resize easily. They look very good as background planting.
  5. The only difference I have noticed is you can't search for a store name in the first box
  6. You can use a screen wall with a tree texture on it on one side and invisible on the others. Something like this should work: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Forest-Privacy-Wall-full-perms/3638447
  7. Search for "DJ Booth" in the recreation and entertainment sections of Marketplace. I tend to use : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/were-CLOSED-dj-booth/5377015 I am not entirely sure this NightStore one has dj anims.. I made a prim with dj anims and a few dances in that I use behind the decks, so that is not crucial to me... It is very nice. I suggest checking it out in world. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Sound-DJ-Booth-in-mesh-by-Night-Store/4366935 Daffy's Gadgetmania's booths are a bit cartoon like for me, but also worth a look. Pixlights are worth a look too, but check the land impact\prim counts on them. The Ideza booths look nice, a bit pricey perhaps I have not seen them in world to recommend them though. Also I recommend looking at Leety's Club equipment for speakers and for lasers and dancepads if you want to go wild!
  8. The gallery looks amazing, DJRustye has done a great job!
  9. All I can say is it worked for me when I needed it. I can't speak for others experience. I have also messaged Seductive and sent her a security orb left behind as open source by a creator that left SL in a huff over the TOS changes. So she can try that too it says it supports an age ban.
  10. There are probably other options, but this is the product I used when that was needed. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Land-Security-Orb-the-ORIGINAL-since-2006-by-Thomas-Conover/2471709 You can just use it for the age ban and have everything else turned off.
  11. If you are sure you have done all the above, then I don' tknow what could be going on. All I can suggest is you make a support case and detail what you have done to try to fix it. Maybe there is something going wrong at their end. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  12. Have you tried going to a different sim? You may have granted an object on the sim you are on permission to animate you and it is that which is the problem.
  13. tente perguntar na secão em português do fórum https://community.secondlife.com/t5/F%C3%B3rum-em-portugu%C3%AAs/bd-p/PortugueseForum
  14. Sometimes huds get rotated, whilst in edit you can try rotating it to see if you can see it better.
  15. Karen, when someone does an estate ban, for an hour or so an IP ban goes in to place automatically from the Linden end. It was a feature added a few years ago and is useful for creating a cooling off period preventing the banned person from coming back with a string of alts. The estate owner has no knowledge of the IP address, and so they have initiated an IP ban but it is the Lindens that carry it out. You can test it yourself where you are an estate manager by banning yourself and then trying to tp your alts in. It takes a couple of minutes to initiate and lasts for at least an hour.
  16. I just noticed it suggested in an earlier thread that there was a problem with the default Realtek sound driver windows uses that causes this problem. The thread is from a year ago now. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Sound-Fading-in-and-out/td-p/2112233/highlight/true/page/2 Realtek's website seems to be down and that link dead.. So not sure which driver is best to use. Audio_Realtek_6.0.1.7543_W10x64_A from the PC manufacturer's website is more recent than the one windows installed. There is no sound effects tab in the control panel that ObviousAlt mentions. And it hasn't fixed the problem
  17. I have noticed this too recently. Where is the setting to turn this off?
  18. Sort of, but it doesn't revoke permissions to objects that the blocked person may be using.
  19. Can you take a similar picture and show what is under the general tab?
  20. This should help: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Calculating-land-impact/ta-p/974163 Prim is kind of the old way of talking about land impact. What are you trying to rezz? have you rezzed other stuff? You can only have 117 prim\land impact worth of stuff in your Linden Home. If you want to rezz more then you will need to buy or rent land.
  21. Trezz Vyper wrote: Hi, .... Couple of questions (for my piece of mind): Are there scripts which allow; even a blocked avi, to locate another person's location in SL? Are there scripts which can teleport a person to another location withouty their permission? ..... Yes, the scripts on sale here, say they work on any avatar wearing the script. No RLV used. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/JM-Creations-Location-Spy-v10-Detect-you-friends-locations-GRIDWIDE/392285 I suggest they look under Parcel info, and then click the avatar tab. They will see a list of scripted items they are wearing. It may help locate the scripted item allowing their stalker to know where they are and teleport them. They can then use edit to look for suspicious scripts in the object they are suspicious of to remove the script. Alternatively just stop wearing anything they have been given.
  22. For savoury Crepes it is worth trying beer instead of milk like in this recipe: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2015/feb/12/how-to-cook-the-perfect-crepes Lemon and sugar is nice, but spinach and ricotta is my favourite filling. 
  23. There was a discussion in the Server subsection, but if even Karen didn't spot it then it counts as well hidden! And yes... I hope we will see more of this openess from Linden Lab, it is refreshing to be given an explanation. That Sunday evening was so frustrating. A friend had to cancel their wedding because they couldn't get the wedding dress on and most of the guests were clouds.
  24. I can't say I have heard of any of them. Sims come and go all the time.
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