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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. One of the things the viewer does when (properly) closing is to save its cache to disk; a forced closing may therefore corrupt it. So yes, you should reload your inventory cache; I’m aware that there are recommendations against it, but the proper ones take into account when it is needed and when it isn’t, and this seems one of the times that it is.
  2. You should forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.
  3. Did you ensure that Singularity’s maximum bandwidth setting is at least as high as with your previous laptop?
  4. I’m not personally concerned about this issue: if I get a different one in SL2 but am still able to do what I do, then that’s fine with me; and if my friend “John X” from current SL changes his name to “Mike Y” in SL, he’s still going to be my friend. However, not preserving names in SL2 might lead to many dishonest people pre-empting those of current SL users for scams, in a manner similar to when display names were introduced and some tried labelling themselves as “Emilia Redgrave” or “Jessica Chung”. So yes, it might be the best option; it will be a pity because they’ll have to preserve a HUGE number of account names that haven’t been used for years and would likely stay that way, names that may be desirable for new users; I doubt that can be avoided, unless they devise a sort of extended period for “current users to reserve their name for SL2”, to try and weed out the actual unused accounts.
  5. The store has been in such “temporary” state for long before the mesh body was even hinted at; apparently they thought it operative enough to leave finishing it as low priority -not completely unreasonable, if they chose to focus on their mesh body project instead.
  6. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/slurl_proxy
  7. As Gunner said, part of the realism may own to its author using high quality viewer settings; you can do that or even better if your computer (and especially the graphics card) is powerful enough. As for the surroundings, eventually youʼll find far more impressive ones than that. Why arenʼt all sims like that? Three words: money, taste, and time. Good decoration items have to be searched carefully and most arenʼt particularly cheap; and even if they were, youʼd also have to pay for terrain fees -which would increase in rough proportion to the number and quality of decorating items you wanted to use. As for taste, if you were lucky youʼd have a friend thatʼd help you with suggestions -otherwise youʼd have to hire a decorator.
  8. Also check out the in-world shop “Dura”; they have several hairs styled quite like that.
  9. In that case, a more powerful graphics card may be the foremost consideration; I refrained from mentioning it because, considering what you have, moving to a sufficiently higher model would land you in top of the line -and therefore rather expensive- models; not to mention, such an expense may only yield results for SL itself, unless you also use other 3D-demanding applications.
  10. http://malefashionfeed.info/ However, lately I've found male SL fashion groups in Facebook to be more informative and frequently updated.
  11. millekarnille wrote: [...] Like when I buy whole sets, some parts of those sets are full bright, while others aren't. It would help to know either what some of those sets are, or whether others see them as you do. After all, they may indeed have some parts set as full bright.
  12. As a plug-in question more than a suggestion of my own, would an SSD disk help?
  13. You've probably given it all to an unkown resident that happened to have the same username as your alt's display name. It cannot be undone, and it's unlikely that Linden Lab will ever enable such a “magic button”, considering just a few of the ramifications. At most, if you know some of the items were transferrable you can always contact this resident and politely ask her if she could give them back to you, so you can then re-send these to your alt. It will of course depend if she's online anytime soon (many accounts are dormant, dead or otherwise not used anymore), and willing.
  14. I choose whatever looks best to me for the type of clothing I want to wear at any particular moment, and isn't overly expensive. I can think of no other preference worth having.
  15. Splatulated wrote: [...] how do i turn off notices completely except the ones that show up in local chat already That is answered in the link Theresa gave you.
  16. Tiara Montale wrote: [...] They'd probably have a class action lawsuit on their hands if they DID try to shut the game down.[...] They can do it whenever they want; I'm no lawyer, but I'm sure they've made their terms of service state so in one way or another. It's another thing that they will do so. According to the idle rumour-mongers, they've been about to do so for about the five years I've been in SL at least.
  17. Ren Toxx

    Please help

    Layered clothing items can be “stacked” on top of each other, in two different fashions: If they are of the same type of clothing -and therefore represented in your inventory with the same icon-, for example if they're both of “shirt” type, or both are “undershirt”, or both as “tattoo”, then you can wear up to five of each type, but they will show in the same order you wore them. So, if your lingerie was for example of the “undershirt” type and so was the cleavage enhancer, but you were already wearing the lingerie, the cleavage enhancer will show on top of the lingerie. To fix this, you can either take off the lingerie, wear the cleavage enhancer and then wear the lingerie again (with the “Add” option instead of “Wear”, otherwise it would be replaced instead of added on top of it), and they will show in the correct order... or, alternatively, you can change the wearing order in your appearance panel, though this is a bit of a more advanced procedure. If, on the other hand, lingerie and cleavage enhancer were of a different type of clothing (for example, one as shirt and one as undershirt), one type will always show on top of each other no matter what order you tried wearing them on. In this regard, tattoos are always the innermost layer, then undershirts, then shirts, and finally jackets are always the outermost (there's a similar structure to clothes affecting the lower body). Since sometimes this is the case, many clothing / body items designers try offering their products in as many clothing types as possible, so that customers have the most flexibility. In this case, for example, it is possible that either your lingerie may come in an outer layer type (for example, shirt instead of undershirt) and/or the cleavage enhancer in an inner type (say, tattoo instead of undershirt), so that by wearing each of the items -or both- in these other types, if available, would also solve your problem.
  18. Welcome to SL. Clothes are often packed into a single object item for several reasons, but this you will easily solve by going to any place where you're allowed to putting objects on the ground (“rezzing” them), as distinguished by the fact that in the upper side of your Second Life viewer's window you won't see the symbol of a blocked cube anymore; such public places where anyone can rezz objects are often called “sandboxes”, so you only need to look, ask around to people, or search (Ctrl + F to open the search function) for one. Once there, drag the object item from your inventory and drop it onto the ground; then right-click on the ground rezzed object and choose “Open” from the menu that will appear: this will give you a folder (with the same name as the object) containing all the unpacked items you wanted to wear. After doing this, you better right-click again on the rezzed object and this time choose “Delete” (since you will often still have a copy of this object in your inventory, in case you need to do this again later... if you don't, because the object wasn't copyable, then choose “Take” instead of “Delete”), since sandbox owners will almost invariably expect you not to leave any clutter behind.
  19. gusbenedito wrote: [...] Should I close my SL account or keep it alive, without logging in and switch to other games? That depends on whether you will ever change your mind about Second Life or not, and I think it's a fair answer that if you don't know that, we're even less in a position to know. Logically, though, if in a doubt you should keep your options open, which means not closing it.
  20. Ren Toxx

    Modify hair

    Right-click on it and choose “Edit”, then go to the “Texture” tab where you'll be able to tint it; if for some reason you can't begin editing it that way, go to your inventory, find the item of the hair you're wearing, and right-click on that item, perhaps that'll allow you to enter edit mode.
  21. I always liked Humanoid. There's also MyAnimation and Abranimations.
  22. Splatulated wrote: [...] isnt there simpler way ofjust finding out who i recently IMd with D: ? Maybe. Open the folder where the logs are saved, as Ariel showed, and then simply order the files from most recent to less. One of the last will be the one you're interested in, just keep opening them and perusing them until you find the one you wanted.
  23. /me mightily tries avoiding the temptation to answer “business as usual”.
  24. Perrie Juran wrote: For someone to go to the extent of photoshopping pictures would seem crazy to me but then again this is SL and crazier things have happenned. Only a seriously deranged invidual would actually go that length, and more likely on a personal revenge of some sort (enough to, in fact, not care about money) than for routine extortion of random people. Just the skills and effort necessary to produce a believable enough fake SL capture would easily surpass the few bucks's worth this person might realistically hope to extort from almost anyone. This is just a less common variety of the classic “I know some Lindens” threat by a person who, in all likelyhood, knows most people won't be credulous and inexperienced enough to believe it and so they'll call his bluff; but as long as a few fall for it... And yeah, as someone said, there's a chance of him being just a standard troll not truly interested in actually carrying out the extortion, as much as enjoying the would-be extortee's reaction. It's a strange way of trolling because many people will mute him far sooner than they'd do the more common jerk trying to derail conversations, but... *shrugs
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