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Serinda Darkheart

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  1. I search for her name/names and that is the only one that turns up. Still being newish to SL I wasn't sure if searching for names like that mattered or not..because as you said, that name may exist. I know sometimes new people don't show up in searches so I very well may have gifted some new person with awesome mesh avi, slink, clothes and hair galore. Thank you for responding as well. I guess I just hoped there was some way that I was not thinking off to retrieve my things. Lesson learned...next time give the alt cash and let her do her own shopping *smiles* Thanks again
  2. True. And a very good point. I guess I was just hoping there was a magic button *sighs*. Thank you for replying
  3. I sent some gift to my alt using her shortened name and not to her full name she started with plus resident. Either way she is the only one named that name and it says it delivered all items but nothing is showing up. Did I do it all wrong even though it recognized and accepted the name on the marketplace? Can I get those items/lindens back if it never arrives in her received. I wouldn't even bother if it was something small but i sent several thousand lindens worth of gifts to her and now feel like an idiot. Any help or advice would be so appreciated. Thanks
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