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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. It’s far from the worst I’ve seen, but if you go with Hugo, you definitely want to edit the included shape: the head is much too small, the nose a bit thin, and the eyebrows make him look naïve, almost perplexed –not the kind of countenance you want for a wide appeal. If your main interest in it was its muscle definition, Marianne’s suggestion of Tellaq is a good one –in fact this Hugo reminds me of their style, but they have far greater variety; other stores with good, muscular types are Labyrinth, Delphian, Bad@zz, Prodigal and Samurai. But if “overly bulky” isn’t a special requirement –and that might partially depend on which kind of customers you’re targeting–, you might find that those, perhaps with the exception of Prodigal, feature somewhat boyish and not overly realistic faces, certainly not the rugged type; again, it’s up to you to know if your clients are going to be concerned with your face at all (ahem), but if you think they will, perhaps it’d be useful to sacrifice some “bulkiness” in favour of a more interesting face; that’s where Marianne’s suggestion of Aeros comes in place, and I would add Redgrave (specifically, the “King” skin) and Nivaro.
  2. It looks a bit weird, indeed; do try another skin, just to be sure, but mainly I would try different Windlights and, if enough of them don’t show those lines, play with the one you were using to try and minimize the shadows. Alternative, you might want to go to Debug Settings and try “RenderShadowDetail” to a lower value than the default 2 –I think you may have to relog for this change to take effect, and be aware that, while this may fix the problem without even changing your Windlight setting, most things will look kinda different, so it may not be a setting you want to leave permanently changed.
  3. SLGo! is a service that basically does the 3D rendering part of SL remotely, on relatively powerful computers, and they stream the resulting image to you, in near real-time and therefore with low enough input that it becomes essentially as playable. You still need a heck of a fast connection, even more so than with regular viewers because you won’t be downloading just select data (textures, mesh, etc.) whenever necessary... rather, it will be a constant download of relatively high quality video (720p, to be exact), with enough framerate to make it fluid, and in fact some additional margin to let you actually control it SL-like with unperceptible input lag. But if you have such a fast connection and it’s just your computer that is underpowered, SLGo! makes sense; that’s why the service was offered also to portable devices (mobiles and tablets), most of which certainly lack the horsepower to render SL natively with the same quality as a full-fledged computer, but still might have fast connectivity. There’s a lot more that could be said about SLGo!, but now it’s largely academical because it’s going to go away. About your situation, I don’t think you need to worry yet. First, you’re not on XP; second, even if you were, there still are some viewers that will keep supporting XP for some time –as long as they possibly can, I reckon; third, with enough fiddling it might be possible in a pinch to install a newer OS on your laptop, perhaps bare to the bones in terms of software, drivers, utilities, visual effects, etc., but still. Until recently I had one that was, oh, I think easily 10+ years old, and I managed to install Windows 7 on it and make it actually usable... including an SL viewer. It obviously didn’t give me sky-high framerate and visual quality, but it did work. And finally, by the time that no viewer is longer able to support either XP or Vista, which may still be at least a couple years into the future, I suspect that the inherent hardware requirements of SL will have grown by themselves enough that you will essentially have to upgrade your computer –and therefore sticking to Vista will become unnecessary as well.
  4. I’ve come to believe that, besides reporting them, using a movelock is the best possible solution. Even sitting down, though it’ll have the same effect, still signals that you’re there, and some will keep trying just to see if they can at least push you into complaining, insulting them or whatever, because to them that means that they have at least managed to annoy you, which is better than nothing. In other words, if they can’t grief you, at least they’ll troll you. But if you don’t visibly react *at all*, not even sitting because the movelock makes that unnecessary, it gives the impression that you simply went AFK before they ever came, and anything they do would amount to exactly nothing because you’re “not even there”. It actually frustrates them more, and makes them give up sooner :smileywink:
  5. Depends on how long the potential jail sentence, and how many amenities during it.
  6. I’ve had my share of weird conversation starters, though none quite like that yet. Yours, though, has made me think of how some socially challenged individuals may either behave normally or, if they’re simply of the “too shy to speak” kind, once they decide to take others’s suggestions to “charge ahead” a bit too enthusiastically.
  7. Let me try: “... therefore no one must seek to be freed from of lag.”
  8. So let me see if I got this right... you’re basically offering “think tank” services, only with much more emphasis on the “tank” part than the “think”?
  9. AliciaMarieJames wrote: I do talk, however... you forget one vital element of a group which is inclusiveness. There are people in active groups who stick to those they know and keep everyone else at arms length. Take me for instance, I'm shy and quiet... I get that. I don't do over-the-top in anything. I'm a wallflower and a home body most of the time in SL. I've joined groups in the past and for some reason or another, I don't feel apart of the group. Right now, I feel the way I do because I can't do squat in SL but shop and make outfits and the feeling of loneliness I get when I join a group... only to leave seconds later due to it being quiet, non-inclusive or dead. So, basically... that leaves me without any groups to join or friends to make. Yes, I’m aware that people (either in groups or sims) aren’t universally perfect in the “inclusiveness department”. Do notice, however, that I say “people”... meaning, basically, “the rest of the world”. And I think you’ll agree that changing the whole world’s attitude isn’t an easy task; realistically, you only have the power to change yours. Of course, changing yourself would be pointless if “the rest of the world” were absolutely non-inclusive, because then no one would ever be... “included anywhere”, no matter what. But that’s clearly not true; people are included (perhaps not everyone, everywhere, always, but it does happen); people do engage in conversations with others, which sometimes makes them feel as “part of the group”; and people do make friends. It happens; it’s not even a question now of how much or how little, the fact still is, it does happen. Therefore, the possibility exists, which takes us back to what can you make -on your end- to make it happen. Based on your answers and reactions so far I could’ve guessed that you’re not interested in how to make it happen, or even discussing the issue at all... except that the very title of your thread, and in fact the only part explicitly posed as a question, is “Why am I so lonely in SL?”. So unless you were actually just asking the question to be told the cause but not any solutions (or unless it was just a rethorical question, and not an actual one), I have to understand that you really want to know how, not merely why. Let me put it this way, Alicia. I, too, often go to places, or read in groups, without participating at all. And since I don’t, it’s quite rare that people talk to me in these situations, and therefore I, too, don’t feel quite “included”. What I don’t do, however, is to regret that I feel that way... and I don’t do that because I’m fully aware that it was my own choice not to do much, if anything at all, towards being “included”. Much less do I blame “the others”, or think that there’s anything particularly wrong with them (even if there was with some of them, but then again, no one’s perfect). And you know how I know that? Because the instances where *I* stepped forward and participated in whatever conversation or activity was going on, I was included; there was no mysterious “bubble of isolation” somehow put by someone around me that would make my efforts vain. I simply talked, and I was answered to. I talked some more, and soon I was engaged in lively conversation with some people; and some of those people, after several such conversations, became friends. And believe me, I’m not particularly skilled at anything, including socialization. I simply never loose sight of the fact that, to make it happen, *I* have to make it happen. And if and when I don’t do that, I own my choice and the consequences. I don’t blame the world for its faults, at least not before I acknowledge mine and try doing something about them to see if it improves my situation with “the world” somehow.
  10. AliciaMarieJames wrote: [...] Nearly every group I've been in... or every sim I've been on has always made me feel lonely whether it's an adult group / sim or not. [...] I don’t know of any group or region specifically designed to make its visitors feel lonely; a few may be moody in nature, but I haven’t seen any who’d keep sending to every visiting resident messages like “you’re alone in the world... nobody cares about you... other people around you are just illusions...”; not for anything, it’d just defeat the purpose of creating it in the first place, because few -if any- would stay long enough to bother. Now, yes, the previous paragraph was a bit ironic, but it was also to point out a fact: groups and sims really aren’t designed to make anyone feel lonely, so if you do feel that way, why do you think that is? What happens when you go there? When you engage in the conversations taking place there, are you somehow ignored even if your contributions are just as relevant as those of the rest? Or, if no one is talking at the moment, do you begin a conversation (either in open chat or with someone in IM) and, when you do that, you are consistently ignored without any discernible reason? If you do all those things and are, in fact, ignored, do try telling us a few examples of how you try to engage in conversation, perhaps we can help you pointing out possible reasons for the apparent lack of reaction of others. And if you do none of those things and are one of those who essentially wait passively for others to talk to them, maybe it’s time for you to realize that that “feelig of loneliness” is far more the result of your own choices than the nature of the world around you.
  11. Marcus Hancroft wrote: [...] Today, I went to one of my normal hangouts, and there was this dude there who was a complete wreck. He was wearing a pair of glasses, and the left side of those glasses were tilted up into his forehead. His prim chest hair was hovering out from his body about three feet, he was wearing a females prim pregnancy belly which was this really pale white, while his avatar skin was very tan, and it was WAY too small for his gigantic body! [...] Only thing left for him to wear would’ve been a big, fat “I WANT TO CATCH YOUR ATTENTION” banner over his head. Didn’t seem to need it, though.
  12. Not really a script suggestion, but perhaps setting the object surface texture during the vibration lapse with a motion-blurred version of the “static” one might increase the realism of the effect.
  13. Merit Coba wrote: [...] 1 In SL different laws apply (the law that a person is innocent until proven guilty is suspended). 2 You don't need to check sources. 3 The end justifies the means.[...] I doubt they’d use those exact words... few except the most hardened cynics want to sound *quite* like that. Otherwise, yeah, those are three of the many unwritten rules of SL... come to think of it, of RL too, but it kinda rings even truer in here, I guess due to the fairly popular “nothing matters much in SL” attitude of so many residents. However, much of the spread of this (and other) warnings aren’t *completely* because of that “not a big deal” mentality; there’s also a fair deal of the mindless, Facebook-like attitude of “passing chains” without barely a second thought... you know, the typical “there’s a lot of children dying of this or that... publish this in your feed, if you don’t it means you’re so cruel you want children to die!!”. Many people barely dedicate enough thinking to it to rebel against the blatant stupidity of it, they just pass them and move on to the next inane thing. In here, in the case of these “warnings”, many just don’t pause enough to think about what you said: that these things are an accusation without proof or, for that matter, source-checking, and that they could potentially affect an innocent resident; it’s not that those who pass these “SL warning chains / hoaxes” don’t care about that... it’s more that they don’t actually make the mental effort to realize it in the first place. In other words: welcome to SL. There isn’t that much you can do about it... you can post about it here, and you can argue these things in the groups where the warnings are issued; and one or two residents might realize you’re right and refrain from passing it on; then again, five or six others that did pass it on will be offended on the basis of the “good samaritan / conscious citizen that got chastised by a contrarian (that’d be you) when they just had the well being of everyone in mind”. And you’ll have a very hard time snapping them out of it :smileywink:
  14. Funkyk wrote: [...] this time around I have started selling my "body" in Adult rated areas. Is this a mistake? I personally have mixed emotions on this [...] It’s unlikely we can help much, because we don’t know what those emotions are, and though we could try guessing, it’s always better if you elaborate.
  15. arabellajones wrote: I have been told that I am only allowed to connect to SL for 86400 seconds per day! Is this true? Yes.
  16. ¿Puedes decirnos las especificaciones de tu ordenador (interesa sobre todo la marca y modelo de tarjeta gráfica, el resto pues si las pones también, mejor), y concretamente qué visor has descargado? El “visor” es el programa que te permite conectarte al mundo virtual Second Life, está el oficial (descargado de esta web) y los alternativos, como Firestorm, Singularity, etc.
  17. There’s this, but it’s admittedly brief. Other than that, it’s just gathering from many different sources, blogs and help groups over time.
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: Ren Toxx wrote: tako Absent wrote: [...] especially pg stores who sells fitted mesh body [...] While probably in violation of TOS, the nudity rule at those stores is generally given the “look the other way” treatment for very practical reasons.... <snip> And you know this how? Because of the lack of massive booting from them.
  19. While others offer graphics cards suggestions, I’ll tell you that there’s a way to kind of “extend” your card’s life, by essentially “throttling it” when the extra mile isn’t needed. Now, many modern cards have their own protection and tools against overheating, but I’m talking about viewer-side settings; most of them are available as Debug Settings, but some viewers may let you access some of them through their normal preferences or even, as Firestorm, add them to a customizable Quick Settings panel. First, there’s making sure it won’t ever give you more FPS that your monitor could show anyway due to its refresh rate. This is accomplished by setting DisableVerticalSync to “FALSE”. Then there’s the throttle for when the viewer is either minimized or at least not the active window (for example, if you’re browsing the Internet externally); at that moment you probably don’t need the viewer to give you anywhere near the full FPS your graphics card is capable of, and something along the lines of 1-2 FPS would be more than enough to make sure everything of importance (IMs, and a leisurely refresh of in-world view) still comes through. You achieve this by setting BackgroundYieldTime to a rather high value... you might want to experiment, I use a value of 600 (milliseconds). There’s also moments when, even if actively using the viewer, you might want to throttle the FPS to a level that, while still usable, doesn’t make the card go into overdrive; this will be especially true for graphically laggy sims where, even if it’s able to give you for example 50 FPS, it starts going noisy and hot, and perhaps you could throttle it down to a more manageable but still perfectly usable 20 FPS. This may differ depending on the viewer, but Firestorm has a debug setting called MaxFPS that, if used along toggling on the “Limit Framerate” checkbox in Preferences > Graphics, works exactly as intended. And then there’s numerous other settings that you can toggle on and off depending on the situation; Linden Lab is actually dabbling with this idea of different profiles of graphics settings to change them “live” (without needing to relog), but until they implement it, it’ll depend on what viewer you use. Again, Firestorm has perhaps the most convenience about this, with its Quick Preferences panel. As for the settings to change, they vary a lot... I have everything from antialiasing & anisotropic filtering, glow, local & attached lights, avatar physics, particles, animated textures, # of non-impostor avatars, objects & avatars LOD, draw distance, and of course the whole ALM (projected shadows) section.
  20. There supposedly is a device that, perhaps in addition to other tricks (alphas, invisiprims and maybe animations), uses some sort of teleport bug to make sure that not even the tag is visible; I did ask, out of curiosity as you do, but I guess the product’s creator would rather not get into details, to protect his design. The funny thing about those things, at least when used for griefing, is that the more they hide the avatar, the less they hide the cowardice of the person controlling it. But I guess griefers are beyond grasping that particular concept.
  21. tako Absent wrote: [...] especially pg stores who sells fitted mesh body [...] While probably in violation of TOS, the nudity rule at those stores is generally given the “look the other way” treatment for very practical reasons; some of them make it difficult enough, in terms of lag and shopping procedures, that going home to check the “private goodies” is simply too cumbersome an option. But indeed not all people look at it that way. While I was there doing my puchases, and though I myself had gone the trouble to at least use underwear in respect of the rule, I found it somewhat amusing to get a couple IMs from the opposite gender with what seemed to me like not so much out-of-place as actually a bit oxymoronic praise for “my looks”... it was the exact same body that everybody else was wearing, not even yet customized or anything, but whatever.
  22. LordSpyro wrote: [...] The thought of not being able to recongize someone for a name change can simply be fixed by ASKING THEM WHO THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [...] And trusting that they don’t lie in their answer.
  23. http://manual.audacityteam.org/o/man/audacity_selection.html#selbar
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