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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. HooniganDiablo wrote: [...] gone through several troubleshooting pages [...] Which ones? This way we'll skip suggestions already offered in those pages.
  2. I don't really mind a new, much more advanced platform as long as the current one keeps working for long enough AND there's ample time and resources to migrate at least a good deal of what people have invested in SL into the new world. I understand that some things won't, it's a necessary evil because retrocompatibility is a b*tch and shouldn't really stop advances.
  3. That looks pretty much how FitMesh used to show in previous, non-compatible viewers; update Singularity to its current version and it'll probably look as it should :smileywink:
  4. ¿Es la versión actual del Singularity? Ese efecto parece el del los nuevos FitMesh vistos por un visor que aún no soporta esta tecnología; instala la versión actual y seguramente ya no tendrás el problema :smileywink:
  5. I, too, was wary before first using real cash to get L$: how's it done, is it secure, will I mistakenly loose money or overexpose private data? So I sticked to free for longer than really desired since, of course, as a noob I lacked the skills to earn it in-world; I even resorted for a while to the usual “this is just a game, it ain't worth spending anyway” mantra to quell the temptation. Finally I caved in because, though I now have professional skills, they wouldn't cover my expenses unless I devoted all my SL time to work and/or overcharged my clients. I understand all stances about it, though, as long as they're consistent. Some people publicly claim a near-anticapitalist ideology in SL, refusing to spend any RL money on it on the basis that “I'm not putting real money into a friggin' game!”... and then have no qualms whatsoever accepting, seeking or even expecting gifts or services thay may cost money and / or time to others. The underlying mentality is of course one having far less to do with ideology and principles, and much more with plain, simple selfishness.
  6. I love me too :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  7. There's been a volley of DMCAs and counter-DMCAs between several mesh body replacements creators, at least three that I know of, including the one you ask for, which seemingly ended up the worst (account eliminated, product completely removed for the longest time and with least indications of future reopening... ). A similar product is offered by one of the other creators involved in the ruckus.
  8. If you're on Firestorm, go to Preferences > “Sound & Media” > “General” tab, locate and click the “Manage Media Sites” button, then find & remove the club music's stream from the Blacklist. All this assumes that you activated the viewer's media filter, so next time you go to the club you'll be asked again: this time choose to allow it and add it to the whitelist instead, so that you're not asked again about that particular stream; in fact, now you'll see why setting the stream at your house had no effect: it allows or blocks by stream, not by parcel. The only way you would've been able to listen to it is externally, by means of a browser opening the stream's URL, or a stream-capable media player such as WinAmp. Alternatively, of course, you can switch off Media Filter altogether in your viewer, so that all streams are by default accepted and you avoid the risk of accidentally blocking one you wanted. Having Media Filter on is often a user's security choice.
  9. What Perrie said. Plus, if really none of your HUDs are working (or, for that matter, any other scripted objects you may have), maybe the parcel has scripts restricted after all. Are you sure they're not? Keep in mind that sometimes lag and/or SL glitches prevent the relevant icon from updating in your viewer, so the icons say one thing, but really the parcel's permissions are different. Relogging usually takes care of this.
  10. Try resetting the AO's scripts (you may have to momentarily drop the AO on the floor in a parcel where you have rezzing permissions, reset them, then take the AO again to wear it). If it keeps not working, you may need to contact the AO's creator, though it'd be somewhat strange if it stopped working right now; did it work before? If that doesn't get you anywhere, you may want to try any of the viewers with an integrated AO; these are often not quite as featured as some of the best HUD-based ones, but less laggy and very reliable, so much so that they work exactly the same whether the parcel has scripts restrictions or not (unless their HUD-based counterparts, which under such conditions have only limited functionality).
  11. SassyTiff wrote: [...] so like the lolas and phat azz those are just better replacements? Yep. A few “creators” (and that's a charitable term for them) upload mesh replacements actually based on the system SL avatar, with very little improvement upon it (and, in some cases, literally none), probably because “mesh parts” are so popular that they tend to sell on that name alone; fortunately most, including those two you mention, are very visible improvements, at least in regards to cuve smoothing; and you can always try the demos first. Do keep in mind, though, that the replacing often comes with its own problems that, though can usually be minimized (by means of alphas, special texture appliers, tattoo skin blenders and whatnot), are hardly ever completely eliminated. Once you try those things yourself you'll see what I mean.
  12. Most likely the result of your avatar adopting a pose that forces one of the limitations of SL into view: the basic shape of SL avatars is made of a relatively limited number of polygons, and while less strained poses might make it look like it's smooth enough in all its curves, forced ones will show those polygon edges in all their ugly glory. It's largely unavoidable, but you can always... - Go to your viewer's preferences, graphics section, and make sure you have as high a setting as possible (for your computer to deal with smoothly) for avatars, since the lower settings do actually simplify even more the avatars shown. - Try tweaking your shape to avoid large volumes in general... either buttocks, muscles, breasts or whatever; extremely thin shapes will also present these problems because, really, the default avatar was optimized for relatively proportional sizes instead of extreme ones. - Try avoiding extreme poses that will exaggerate those limitations. SL fashion models go to rather extreme lengths to avoid this, and conscious makers of even normal AOs (animation overriders) try to avoid it as much as possible. - Consider (in the future, when you're much more knowledgeable about all things concerning SL and thus feel safe enough to start investing money) looking for rigged mesh / FitMesh body replacements. These are user-made objects that substitute all or parts of your default body with (often, though not always) much more carefully crafted versions, usually by means of more polygons in the key areas, to avoid or at least minimize those ugly spikes and lumps. Rigged mesh butts have, for example, proven rather popular, and though they don't come without their own limitations, they certainly do make for much smoother curves. - Remember that, often, you'll be wearing clothes (skirts, pants) over those parts, which will therefore not be seen; and nowadays many clothes are also rigged mesh, thus contributing to a much more realistic & smooth appearance.
  13. First try going to a region as empty as possible, such as Coelho, to minimize server-side lag. Once there, do in fact log out and back in to make sure the viewer starts trying to load your avatar in such optimal conditions. If that still doesn't work, try wearing a completely different outfit... first from the outfits list at the APPEARANCE panel and, should that fail, by directly dragging the outfit folder in question from your inventory onto your avatar / cloud. The next step, if still no luck, is to either rebake (Ctrl + Alt + R) or, if you didn't have any saved outfit of your own, try virtually any other outfit... even those from the initiar avatar selection (humans, vampires, cars, whatever); or even do a character test. The key is to high-priority force your viewer to make an entire outfit change, including shape, skin, system hairbase, eyes, etc.; it doesn't matter what you choose as long as you stop being just a cloud and load as anything... you can always change back to your usual appearance later, one item at a time if needs be (though, for convenience and perhaps later occurrences of this same problem, you may want to save at least one or two “my usual self” outfits).
  14. Antes de nada, modifica tu post aquí eliminando el nombre concreto del individuo, ya que eso va contra las normas de este foro. Puedes decir “cierto individuo va buscando problemas...” para consultarnos posibles soluciones, pero no está permitido mencionar nombres concretos, la consecuencia es que te podrían borrar el mensaje. Entrando en tu pregunta: hay un par de problemas al respecto. Si el individuo en cuestión publica sus IMs en un medio afín a Linden Labs (léase estos foros, o en chats públicos dentro de SL, o por privado a otras personas), eso va en contra de una de las normas de Second Life y puedes denunciarlo, reportando al individuo con una breve explicación de lo que hace, los IMs que ha compartido inapropiadamente y las pruebas que tengas; no hace falta que te esmeres mucho porque Linden Labs no va a basarse en tus “pruebas”, ellos tienen formas independientes de comprobarlo. Ahora bien: - Si lo que hace es distorsionar las conversaciones, entonces técnicamente no está violando esa norma en concreto, ya que no está publicando conversaciones privadas reales, sino inventándose conversaciones imaginarias; en todo caso es defamación, lo que también es denunciable... aunque más ambiguo, y dependiendo de lo que esté diciendo el tipo, podrían encogerse de hombros y considerarlo una “disputa entre usuarios” (es la forma que tienen de lavarse las manos cuando no pueden y/o quieren intervenir). - Si las conversaciones, alteradas o no, las está publicando en un medio externo a Linden Labs... léase Facebook, un blog suyo o lo que sea, entonces Linden Labs no tiene jurisdicción ahí y no pueden hacer nada. Podrías denunciarlo igualmente, pero la probabilidad de que tomen cartas en el asunto se reduce muchísimo por esa razón. En conjunto, y dado que entiendo que está relacionado con roleplay, mi sugerencia es que aparte de denunciarlo a Linden Labs sólo si se está produciendo internamente, hables con los responsables del grupo o zona del roleplay en cuestión, aportándoles tus pruebas, y les dejes a ellos valorar qué hacer al respecto. Aunque lógicamente tendrán las manos más atadas en cuanto a que ellos no pueden comprobar lo que se dijo o dejó de decir por IM, si reciben suficientes quejas podrán decidir hablar con él y, de ser necesario,apartarlo de vuestra comunidad de roleplay. Si te parece que todo esto es un tanto vago y os deja indefensos a los afectados... sí, en parte es así. No obstante, no olvides una cosa: si yo fuese parte de esa comunidad y el individuo me viniese a mí diciéndome “mira lo que ha dicho Fulanito por IM”, mi reacción sería dudar de él... porque yo TAMPOCO puedo comprobar si esa conversación es real o inventada; así que conmigo al menos no ganaría mucho. Lo que quiero decir es que si está afectándoos a algunos de vosotros, en parte es porque las personas a las que está contando sus mentiras, son unos crédulos y un tanto insensatos, dando por ciertas conversaciones que no tienen modo de verificar.
  15. The website's contacts list isn't quite 100% reliable (nor is the in-world one, in fact, but the website's far worse), so if you still have it in your viewer's list, that's it.
  16. The idea has been studied and may be in some, probably early stage of development; I seem to remember the Firestorm team did publicly release a kind of “proof of concept” about it, but not particularly guaranteed to work.... they called it “pre-alpha” or something like that. So I wouldn't expect a fully working version of it to be just around the corner.
  17. SweetLadyMell wrote: [...] what will Linden do next? Nothing. The sim owner may have banned you, but that doesn't automatically mean he filed an avatar report against you, which is a different thing; are you sure he did both things? Even if he did, his stated reasons may have been... well, stupid; a sim ban is what you get when you break that particular sim's rules; a report is what you get when you break a global Second Life rule; so unless you did that, and chances are a simple outfit mistake wouldn't merit a report. The Lindens would therefore do nothing; and even if they did, they'd just as likely tell the sim owner something like: “dude, ban whoever you want from your sim for whatever reason you want, but don't bother us with stupid reports”. So don't worry.
  18. If the curtain (or the script moving it) was purchased, you'll need to sift through its instructions to see if it has an "access / users restriction" feature, which will usually be done either through menus or a notecard listing the allowed users. If the script is yours, it'll depend on how many people you want to give access to it; if it's just one or two, or perhaps only to those having a certain group active, that's simple enough that you could hard-code it as a condition within the 'touch' event; for more complicated scenarios requiring variable and easy to edit list of allowed people, you could take a look at the LSL library for related scripts that could be quickly adapted to your needs.
  19. No hair can avoid that unless specifically designed by the same creator and / or for the exact same hoodie... and even then, only if they're attached or rigged to move in exactly the same way respect to the avatar. Otherwise, each of the hair's strands would need the ability to detect when they're about to collide with the hoodie, and either retract, bend, disappear or whatever... something that SL current technology doesn't yet have. What you might be able to do, if you observe the hoodie to pretty much follow the same movements as your head (and therefore as the hair) is to create a copy of the hair, and edit the individual parts (strands) of it that poke through the hoodie, moving them inside or making them invisible (transparency=100)... assuming, of course, that the hair is copiable and modifiable. Once done, you only need to wear that particular modified version of the hair when you want to wear the hoodie.
  20. Aethelwine wrote: Luck Inc has been gone from marketplace and inworld a few weeks now, so that can be struck off the list of what is currently available. Utilizator's Avatar 2 is cute and established, but isn't fitted mesh and is a bit anime... also if like me you know someone already using it.. you will end up looking very closely related to them. Slink are just hands and feet at the moment, at least on marketplace. Logo, Evain, Snow rabbit are just heads I think? Tellaq just body building males? I don't know the others listed. And can't see anything obvious on their marketplace stores. [...] Couldn't narrow more from a "full body, or at least stomach"; I don't even know if the OP's a he or a she... Wowmeh has only done female bodies so far, but... stomachs? Unless she's going indeed for a bodybuilder anatomy... *shrugs And by the time the OP shows up to specify, WowMeh and LuckInc. might've been back to business, and Belleza and SLink released their upcoming near-fullbody products :smileywink:
  21. It's a long-standing bug which will never be corrected may eventually be fixed. Meanwhile I'd suggest you to try far faster and reliable direct photo uploading services, such as Flickr, if your viewer allows it.
  22. Phil Deakins wrote: Maybe no, Coby, but it did bring us together so it was very good I'm this close to creating a group for you two alone... ahem... :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  23. Quite a range between full body and just stomach... without being more specific, I'd suggest Vika Store, SLink, Luck Inc., L'Uomo, Utilizator, Logo, Evian, Snow Rabbit, Tellaq and Labyrinth.
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