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Garnet Psaltery

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Everything posted by Garnet Psaltery

  1. Someone really needs to name a region Loading...
  2. So, I'm getting into Space:1999 RP. What can I say? Although I think I'd make quite a good Venus, too ....
  3. Perhaps you just went to the wrong places on your first day. There are places especially for new people. The one I know best has just celebrated its 14th birthday - it's called The Shelter. You'll find it in the North-West corner of the Isabel region. I'll send you a landmark next time I'm inworld but I think you know how to find a region on the World Map
  4. From the Managing Private Regions section there's this :- The link is meant to go to the part with the heading 'Increasing Land Impact', where you can see that the grandfathered monthly payment goes from $195 to $225 in addition to the one-time fee of $30.
  5. 30,000 ÷ 4 = 7,500. You originally asked for 1/3 region then added 'or even 7500 prim there about'. If you actually want 1/3 region never mind the prims then it's better not to change your mind. I'm giving up at this point though.
  6. You can bet those ugly pixels will be banging before the bubble bursts.
  7. If by 'ya' you mean me, no I haven't got a 30K region. I'm just being helpful.
  8. I got this message just now. I'm special ?
  9. I think the other responders are nearer the mark. I'm just remembering incidents from years ago that got me and many other people puzzled when the message didn't refer to the actual problem. Sorry I can't offer more assistance; I think it's support ticket time.
  10. gez - try advertising for the primmage you need instead of the size - a full region with 30,000 prims can fit you in on 1/4.
  11. What kind of theme or ambience are you looking for? I can fit you in with some parcel-cutting but you'd need to like what we have already, and if it's for breedables I'm afraid I can't. Good luck anyway
  12. I did the same on a limited offer. It's working. You just do what you have to, I suppose
  13. You're in the wrong forum. There's one specifically for homestead rentals.
  14. Just one parcel remaining:- http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Parte Tenebrosa/137/123/21
  15. I presume you don't intend to recreate a genuine look. If a woman walked around in the 50s with a blouse like that there's only one signal she'd be giving out, and she'd probably be arrested.
  16. They mentioned "other virtual worlds" as being risky in that a user's content can be destroyed if the platform owner goes out of business, but I heard no explanation of how Decentraland expects to put ownership into users' hands. The only (slim) advantage I can see is the use of VR but what terrible graphics! This is a bubble waiting to burst.
  17. Did you see Tommy Linden's posting at the top of this forum?
  18. You've got to stop looking so handsome. I can't take the excitement at my age.
  19. I found this article that might help as well as the above excellent answers. The one you want is the fourth error listed.
  20. For once, the error message might actually be correct
  21. You're right! I thought all Linden home regions were General. Pretty sure they started out that way.
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