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Echo Hermit

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Everything posted by Echo Hermit

  1. Greetings, Mel There is a high demand for Premium Linden Homes currently. I advise you to keep trying.
  2. Welcome to Second Life Answers, Julie If you are able to, you can try reverting to an older version of the driver. Sometimes there are clashes and incompatibilities. What driver do you have? How long have you had it? Things wear out, especially if they overheat, which can happen quite easily - do you blow out your computer with compressed air on a regular basis? It is advisable that you do, to get rid of any dust bunnies. If you wish to add more to this thread, in lieu of an Answers button, you can do so by clicking on "options" at the top right hand corner of your original post and "edit".
  3. Welcome to Second Life Answers, Liz2 You can add your shop to your profile picks, and also, you can look in the land details, and click on the option to advertise. Also, some people do find it useful to have smaller shops within busy malls, and give out landmarks to main stores. It can be hard to become established in this big world, but many have become 'famous' names, and from tiny acorns do large oak trees grow. Other suggestions will follow, and I wish you lots of luck. (NB: You will note that some people on these forums do make use of their signature line to advertise their wares - you may wish to do that also - the more you can put the word out, the more the word will spread.) Edited to add also: have a couple of decent freebie items, refresh them on a regular basis, and then you can join freebie groups and give SLurls out, so that people will come and pick up the freebies, and some will also wish to purchase more of your items if they like them enough.
  4. Worry not, pixeltrashion. Please check your graphics card has got up-to-date drivers installed. Also please check your internet connection is stable - be on a hard-wired rather than a wireless connection wherever possible. Because of the disconnections, it does seem the information that relates to your avatar may be all over the place server-wise, so please do clear your cache. You can do this prior to logging in on any viewer, by using the menu options at the top of the log in screen. It is also advised that you change your start login location to a quiet, empty location, such as Furball or Quarrel. And then you will need to just log in and wait, allow your avatar's inventory and information to all come together.(Go make a cup of coffee and have a wander round for half an hour is what I usually do). Once your inventory has fully-loaded, you should be able to get your avatar back to normal, either by sliding a bald base across from your inventory to your avatar. If this does not work, then I advise you go into the Advanced menu and do a character test. This will just take your avatar back to a basic look, and then from there you can build up your avatar once again with your favourite skin, shape, clothing, HUDs, etc.
  5. dd Temin wrote: Hers is the Lindens response....Case: 01553045Avatar: dd Temin Type: Report an offline RegionStatus: Waiting for Customer Acceptance Hello dd,With the specific kind of issue that happened with the region, this can be a consequence because of how the region's visibility caching works - this is a known issue that we are working on TJ Linden That's superb, dd To know that LL are aware of a problem and are working on it. This is reassuring for all. Thank you for sharing this with all here.
  6. Lysinderia wrote: Every time i log onto SL i get log off mins after..when trying to sign back online it would tell me region logout process. whats the deal with that im confuse is there a reason or why it would be happening Welcome to Second Life Answers, Lysinderia If you are being logged out from the same region all of the time, it may be a problem with that particular sim/server. The fact that when you try to log back in you are getting a message telling you that the region is still logging you out suggests this may be so. Therefore, please change your login start location (there should be a box to the right hand side of where you input your usual name and password log in details). Type into the start location box Furball or Quarrel (these are just empty water sims) and you should be able to log in there. Ensure your connection is stable, always try to use a hard wired (not wireless) connection to Second Life, and do please check the drivers for your graphics card are up to date. These things can minimise sudden log outs. You can add more to this thread by clicking on "options" at the top right hand corner of your original post and "edit".
  7. Ayesha Askham wrote: Oh yippee, the forum bug is back...at the third attempt..... @dd: This sim-to-sim visibility bug has been promoted, it seems, from Magnum to Main Server now, without any comment from LL. Your remarks really would be better in the Release Deploy thread. Snarky comment from some others is what I'd expect in place of reasoned remarks, though from Echo, the resident formerly known as.....*eek*......*thump, splash* Oh so glad it's not just me; it took seven attempts for me to be able to log in here today. Glad you agree the OP should be posting in the Deploy thread. I think *eek" .....*thump,splash* should certainly be the name of my next avatar/alt
  8. Welcome to Second Life Answers, HarryXavier Be very careful when notifying friends of anything; some may see it as being spammed. You might be wise to just put a link to your blog on your profile 'about' section, where friends are most likely to see it, if they are interested enough. Of course, in conversation with friends you can just bring up the subject of blogs. Maybe your friends also have blogs they would like to share with you. Maybe you have a group that your friends are in. You could easily then send out a group notice to all the group members, so they would see you have a blog also.
  9. Greetings, Jim6477 Yes, you can abandon your Linden home and use that 512m towards your tier allowance. You can also request to purchase just half of that abandoned plot, by submitting a support ticket to Linden Lab. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Be specific with Linden Lab about how you'd like to join the land to your own land, and give the location of the land which you wish to buy. Much more information about land, tier fees, how to manage land, etc., is available on the official Second Life Knowledge Base. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043
  10. The official Second Life viewer 1.23 is no longer available for download. However, approved third party viewers which use the same code are available. I use Phoenix, and have been doing so for a couple of years now, you may wish to try that. A full list of approved viewers, with further information, are available. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Downloads
  11. Welcome to Second Life Answers, Gaudi Please double check your land ownership details. https://secondlife.com/my/account/land.php?lang=en-US If you have no land, it should look like this ... Please note, if you have only recently got rid of any land that you owned, you will still be charged for the peak land holdings you had during your charging period. For example, if your land fees were paid from 3rd of the month to the 3rd of the month, and you abandoned your land on 4th, of the month, you would still be charged for the whole of that month for owning land. If you still fully believe you should not be paying any monies, you can ring, for free, the billing department: Contacting Linden Lab billing support If you have a non-technical issue related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab billing team at the following toll-free numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance (not free): 703-286-6277 Billing Support is available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week in the US, UK, and Canada and 7 days a week in all other countries listed above. Other useful link about buying and selling land, including fees etc. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043
  12. dd Temin wrote: After doing region restart this morning Sunday Nov 18 at 5:30 am Pacific time..........the region has not come back on line. Normaly this process takes 5 minutes...........its been 2 hours.... Possibly something has gone wrong......with latest server version update? Need help Mastro... thanks This region is private island on main Grid (Agni)..........name of region is Meridas. I am about to follow Heart right out of this thread, but as someone who has been in SL for six years, you will know then that Maestro is not the only Linden in the world/on these forums, and also Linden personnel do not live here 24/7. The correct procedure is - as you know - to contact Live Chat or submit a support ticket, and WAIT. The world - Second Life and Real Life - does not revolve around any one person, as frustrating as the waiting can be at times. Also, if you believe there is a problem with the latest server update, it would actually be more appropriate to sound it out on the weekly deploy thread; did you take a look there first?
  13. Hello again, Dakota. Ouch! This sounds like an unfortunate case of 'one of those things' and you have done all you can I feel. Unfortunately, sometimes people have very little notice when a company (and this happens in real life too) or organisation goes belly-up, and there are often casualties along the way. As you have already filed a fraud complaint and nothing has come of this, I do feel you must write off this bad experience and try to find a new rental company, or purchase some land of your own. You will see here on the forums some regular advertisements for long-standing rental companies. Maybe you could take a look. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Parcels-for-Rent-Estate/bd-p/ParcelsforRentEstate
  14. I feel it would be very useful if you would go into "options" at the top right hand corner of your post and "edit" to add your computer's full specifications. It does sound like there may be issues with your graphics card and/or connection, but in this moment, we can only guess.
  15. Wow, that looks like a challenge for anyone's graphics card - thank you for providing a screenshot. This isn't a new problem, for sure. Some people unfortunately take great delight in attempting to spoil the enjoyment of others, by searching for land that has no auto-return on it, on which they dump their self-replicating prims. Lindal's advice is absolutely correct. Linden Lab can do nothing unless they know about each incident as soon as possible, and so an abuse report must be submitted for each incident. It is no use trying to contact the person who has rezzed the objects. For us who choose to live on the mainland, we need to be good neighbours to each other, and ensure we all have auto-return on our land. This will help to minimise the griefing attacks.
  16. Just to add to other perfect answers from valerie and Irene, if you click to open the Firestorm Viewer and are getting a "crash report" message immediately, please just click the "X" in the top right hand corner of that, and the Viewer should start to process correctly. Also know that when you downloaded the latest Firestorm viewer release, you needed to uninstall the previous version of it first. Otherwise, as val has requested, please edit your original post to give us more idea of what is happening when you do attempt to log in.
  17. Hello again, Dakota LL don't always send out a confirmation email when you create a new account. As long as you can remember your log in details, you should just be able to bring up a viewer screen and log in with your new avatar. If you cannot, what is happening? Do you get a message on your screen?
  18. Greetings, Dakota Always keep this link handy... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/bake_fail Although written for Phoenix viewer, it applies to all viewers. As I said in my post to the OP, the ruth avatar/cloud issue can easily be fixed, but what may work one day, may not always work another day.
  19. Welcome to Second Life Answers, Creed Always have this to hand ... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/bake_fail And know that what works one day to fix your av, may not always work the same the next day. I have a notoriously bad connection, so the ruth/cloud issue occurs on a regular basis. On some days, just me waiting a few extra minutes, or flying upwards can help my avatar to appear. Other days it is a case of "ctrl" "alt" "R" will fix it. But when it gets to the stage yours is at, "cannot change appearance..." sometimes if I just do a character test, it will force my inventory to load and all is ok again. On rare occasions, I do find that even that does not work, and it does mean I have to clear cache, and relog into a quiet location to wait for the inventory to fully load. Just know it is a common problem for some people, and easily fixed. Patience, willpower, self-belief all help enormously.
  20. Jerry00Devou wrote: After just two years of absence,i'm back in sl,and saw that there is a huge change in many sims,sadly it's in the negative way because there is less people than before and less action and a decreasing of fun,it's just what i think after 5 days of playing,it's different,i don't know what you think but it's just what i see. Welcome back to SL. There have been changes, just like there are often changes in real life. Shops/bars/clubs close, others open, people move on, and new people arrive. Evolution. Personally speaking, I have been sad at the loss of two very old favourite sims this year, plus I do not get along with the official Second Life Viewer, and mesh, to me, is like the emperor's new suit - sometimes barely there, and not as great as the mesh sheep would want the others to believe. BUT there are many positives. There only appear to be less people than before because Linden Lab changed the policy on bots, and so there are still probably the same real life people behind avatars logging in these days, instead of the soulless beings that took up a lot of the dance spots, camping places, and generally cluttered up the sims/servers saying nothing to anyone. As for fun, take yourself to the Destination Guide and pick up some from there. This has replaced the 'Popular Places' tab (which had been rigged by traffic bots) - real life recommendations have led to a very full list of places to explore, shop, roleplay, dance, listen to live music, etc., and depending what you prefer to do, this could be the start of a very fulfilling and fun chapter of your Second Life, second time around. I advise you to log in and get stuck in. Use the search feature to find like-minded people/roleplay areas/etc. Second Life isn't dying just yet .
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: Marmar Karu wrote: So gadget Would that mean i would have to contact my LANDLORD everytime someone does this to have them banned. I mean as i have stated. I RENT THE HOME..NOT THE PARCEL.. So i do not have rights to land rights. All i can do is place out an orb with eject only.. wow truly am shaking head in disbelief at how important a button is to so many. When as you point out,you an do it by other means. How about allowing those others to slowly find it out. AH NM this only proofs that many truly do not think about anything but their own self interests. Not how it could help and I did say could help many from being griefed. Oh and also if I AM PAYING for the home. WHY should i leave,because someone thinks they can come on SL and do whatever they damn well please. Everyone whom you see answering you here is Anti-Griefer. So it is not that we are "against you." Linden Lab gives us two things here, tools for navigating through the World and tools to give you privacy. As has been stated by many here there are more tools to accomplish the "TP TO" than just the silly button in a Viewer. If you take away that button, the griefers will just use the other tools. Really, the Viewer is not giving you anything that LL has not made available for us to do. If your Land Lord or Lady has failed to make available to you the privacy and security tools that LL has made available, then you should take it up with them. In an ideal world, both SL and RL, it would be wonderful to never have to deal with idiots. But both RL and SL are not ideal worlds. I have lived on the Mainland for over five years now and can count on one hand the number of times I had trouble because I make use the tools that are available. And in all those instances I was able to deal with them swiftly with the tools. But on a side note, if your home is in a Moderate Rated SIM, and your Land Lord or Lady allows you to boink in your home, and they DO NOT have parcel privacy enabled, then they are in violation of the Adult Content policy. If you can see what your neighbors are doing or if they can see you, it's a violation. So the real issue here is your Land Lord or Lady failing to provide you the tools to be private in your home. As far as public places go, we have the Abuse Report, which all of us here I believe will agree LL needs to act more swiftly on. But that is an issue to take up with them. Very nicely put, Perrie. To the OP, I am sorry you are going through such a miserable phase in your SL. This issue with the 'TP to' facility though, are you absolutely sure this is how the griefers/visitors are entering your personal space? If you are living on an Adult-rated sim, it might just be that people are clicking on the world map, and aiming for your green dot. Or maybe you are living somewhere where there used to be a club, and they still have an old landmark for it. In your shoes, I would consider moving. As with Perrie, I have lived on mainland for most of my five years as resident in SL, and can count the griefing/invasions of my personal space on one hand.
  22. Marmar Karu wrote: I honestly feel this tp to button only allows for more griefing in Second Life. The button should be either removed or at least have a drop down that will allow you to agree to them tp-ing to you. Its about respect, which at this time i am seeing an increase of people with no respect for others privacy at all. As a massive fan of the TP to feature, (especially when I am touring events such as Burn2 with friends), I would be extremely sorry to see this useful feature go. The majority of people in SL do respect the personal space of others.
  23. Nah, I'd say, judging by the Christmas hat on the soft toy, the parents have decided to tape up her gob to stop her asking Santa for any more pressies. :matte-motes-wink-tongue: "Any more of that noise, and the bear gets it. "
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