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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. DON'T DUMP THAT STUFF! God, there's more than enough butch/macho menswear out there as it is. What's lacking is the stuff that's a little way out of the norm: the stuff that isn't sweatpants, beach shorts, tank tops, sweatshirts, sneakers, denim jackets, leather biker jackets, hoodies, plain sweaters, plaid shirts, jeans, logo t-shirts, and tattoos. All that stuff listed up there is ten-a-penny in SL. It's everywhere you turn, and fills much of every menswear event. What's missing, what's needed is something different from all that. It's a massive gap in the market, and so many designers are missing out because they think that kind of stuff won't be worn. That 'too feminine' male stuff that your husband dislikes? There are hundreds of guys in SL who would jump at the chance to wear it. It's a huge struggle for those of us who don't want to wear the normal/average/boring stuff that we see everywhere in SL, and it's why that 'unusual' stuff gets jumped on so fast by us. Think of how popular the Hotdog store got, literally in the space of about a month. They landed a spot at Men Only Monthly at the end of August this year, several of us male bloggers were all over their jackets that month, and now they're releasing one amazing thing after another and getting into lots of events. Need some inspiration? Check out my 'Howl' Pinterest board for things that I would love to see brought into SL for men. (And, for the love of god, if anyone decides to make some of it please don't rig it all only for Jake and Gianni!) And I will also repeat my well-worn chant: HEELS FOR MEN, PLEASE!
  2. Which is why I have never told my partner how much seeing him do that upsets me. He thinks it's fun and he enjoys it, so I bite down the fear and just laugh with him. I have a very specific, real-world reason why I hate falling. I won't discuss it here, but I'm glad to see that at least one person finds a past trauma of mine amusing. I'm out.
  3. Which is more likely to be remembered (usually over and over again) by the people experiencing it? A one-off fun moment? Or a terrifying few seconds that panicked the hell out of you?
  4. No need to guess where Maddy falls on falling, but what about someone like me? I have a morbid and horrific fear of falling. I still have a kneejerk panicked reaction if my partner jumps off our build platform (because, to him, falling is the fastest and funnest way to reach the ground). Even though it's only pixels, even though we cannot be hurt in SL, my stomach still leaps, I still feel like I'm going to throw up, and my brain goes into adrenaline overdrive. If I'd walked over Luna's bridge and it had collapsed without warning beneath me, sending me plummetting, then you bet I would have been angry. Well, after the initial sheer panic attack was over and done with at least. It's funny to some, but not to me.
  5. What is being requested here is transparency: knowledge upfront that - if you enter an area or location - you will have to accept the experience that will take over control of your avatar, especially if that is the only way you can proceed in the area. In your scenario, above, where there isn't even a request for permission to take control of the avatar, let us picture a possible conversation: Avatar A: "Hey you should visit this cool place. I loved it. It's a space sim and it takes you on a ride through the universe. Here's a landmark." Avatar B: "Oh hey, thanks. I'll go tomorrow." The next day, Avatar B teleports to the landmark location, and instantly (and without warning) their avatar is controlled, their outfit (possibly not saved, although it took them an hour to put it together) is removed and changed for something else, and they're flying helter-skelter through the epilepsy-inducing closing scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey. One seizure later... The alternative scenario would be that - once Avatar B lands at the location - they're in a 'space portal' where they receive a notecard that tells them - if they accept the experience - then their outfit will be changed and they will lose control of their avatar. There would also be a warning that the experience contains flashing lights. This gives them the choice to accept the experience. If they then go through with it, they click the 'space portal' door, accept the experience, and then watch while their avatar changes into the spacesuit and gets into the escape pod... "Don't want to experience it? Then don't visit it!" only works if you know what 'it' is, upfront.
  6. There is no way to change your registered name at this moment in time. However, one of the new upcoming premium benefits will include the ability to rename your account, at a price. There have been several forum threads about it, but you can find a summary of all the pertinent info that we currently know, here.
  7. Blush is right about the blush It's applying to both the cheek (blush) area and also the eye makeup area, so - since they're both vying for position on the lower layer of your face - that blush is removing the eye makeup that you're already wearing. The key to fixing this is the fact that Catwa Bento heads have two layers - lower and upper - plus the Catwa Master HUD. I suspect that the reason why you can't "put the blush on the upper and the shadow on the lower layer" is that - when an applier is applied from its own HUD - it will always default to the lower layer. It doesn't matter whether you have 'upper' or 'lower' checked on the Catwa Master HUD; appliers will always go on the lower when applied from their own HUDs. To fix this you need to save to the Master HUD anything you want to apply to the upper layer, and apply it directly from the Master HUD. As a CSR I never like to assume the level of familiarity that anyone has with their head, so I'll take it back to the absolute basics, just in case. Apologies if you already know half of this, but I figure that someone else might come along with a similar question at a later date, and if they're a complete newbie to using these heads their question will be answered here, too. Normally when I'm helping someone one-on-one I guide them through each step individually as they go. I don't have that option here on a forum, so it's all in one post. First of all, when I ask you to 'clear your face' what I'm asking is for you to go into each tab of your Master HUD where you have makeup already applied, and click the 'clear' button on the top-right of the relevant sections. Clear your face of all makeup. Wear the applier HUD for the blush that you want to wear and click to apply the blush. Open your Catwa Master HUD and go to the 3rd tab (Eyes-Brows-Neck Tattoo). Under the Eyes makeup section, make sure that you have the 'lower' button checked, then click one of the black 'save' buttons under the larger 'empty' boxes. You might see an icon pop into that box, or it might turn all-white (the word 'empty' will vanish). You've now saved to the Master HUD the bit of blush that's going onto your eye makeup area. Now go to the 4th tab of your Master HUD (Blush-Lipstick) and click one of the black 'save' buttons in the Blush section. (Again, make sure that the 'lower' box is checked before you save.) As before, you'll either see an icon pop into the box above it, or it might just turn all-white. You've now saved to the Master HUD the bit of blush that's going onto your blush area. Clear your face of all makeup again. Now wear your eyeshadow applier HUD and apply the eyeshadow that you want to wear. Go back to your Catwa Master HUD, return to the Blush tab and this time ensure that the 'Upper' box is checked. This time, click the box above the 'save' icon that you clicked earlier. This will apply that saved bit of blush directly from the Master HUD. Go into the Eyes Makeup tab and do the same thing: check the 'upper' box and then click the box above the 'save' button that you clicked earlier. Again, this will apply that saved bit of blush directly from the Master HUD. You've now layered your eye makeup and blush correctly It may seem complex when you read all of those instructions, but it's really simple once you've done it a couple of times and have got used to what to click. If you want a simpler, more visual guide, click here. That one's for layering eyeshadow and eyeliner, but the principle is the same. You could just as easily save the eyeshadow to the Master HUD instead of the blush. Just be aware that eyeshadow will often go on both the Eyes Makeup and Brows areas, so - if you have a cutoff under your brows - you're probably wearing applier brows and need to save either those or the brow layer of the makeup onto the Master HUD. One of my fellow CSRs put together a great video showing where each section is on a Catwa Bento head. What I tend to do is always wear applier brows and my hairbase on the upper layer (ie: I save them to the Master HUD and apply them specifically using that 'upper' checkbox'). That way I don't have any issues with makeup removing them unexpectedly. (Omega makeup appliers can sometimes be annoying that way, especially if you hit the 'A' button on them (which stands for 'apply to all locations'). You can get really creative (and sometimes have to!) with the layering when things go onto unexpected areas. As a guy who likes to wear makeup sometimes, I'm often finagling hairbases that also go onto the blush layer, facial hair (blush/lips/hairbase), eyeshadow, eyeliner, brows, and god knows what else on the layers. If you get to the point where your Master HUD is filling up with saved makeup, you can pick up the free Extra Save Slots HUDs from the gift room at the Catwa store. You'll need either the Catwa Head Friends group tag enabled, or the (non-chat) main Catwa announcements group tag enabled. You can get to both groups from the groups list on my inworld profile, to save you searching. (The main Catwa non-chat one is at the bottom of the list.) There's also a free Bento Presets HUD in the gift room, on which you can save entire looks. It will save all appliers on your head (including skin and eyes) in the order that you've layered them, as well as all the tints you've applied to them. It's invaluable for outfit creation. If any of that wasn't clear, or you need further guidance, just post again and I'll do my best to help you out
  8. It's great that you can find so many interesting portraits of Napoleon that you use to portray your real life mood, but this thread is not about paintings. It's about your Second Life avatar:
  9. Catwa CSR here. That's most likely a blend slider issue, and it's easy to fix. Add your Master HUD F from the Catya folder, and go into the third tab (Eyes-Brows-Neck Tattoo). In the Eye Makeup section. (the middle part of that tab) make sure that you have 'Lower' checked/ticked, and then push the blend slider all the way across to the left. If it's already at the left, push it all the way to the right and then back to the left again: Then, check the 'Upper' box and do the same thing. Lastly, make sure that the Blend button on the left actually says 'Blend' and not 'Mask'. That should fix the issue. If it doesn't, then there's another thing that may be causing it. I can see from your screenshot that the makeup you're wearing covers at least three areas on the Catwa head: eyes, brows, and blush. You may be trying to add something else to the eyes. Appliers will always default to the lower layer, so if you're adding something else there it will remove what you already have there. If that's the case, post here again and I'll walk you through how to layer correctly on a Catwa Bento head. For any other questions about your head the inworld support group is called Catwa Head Friends. It's free to join, and we'll do our best to help you solve any other problems you may have.
  10. I just reloaded my Marketplace Account page, and I'm liking what I see! These must be part of the new MP changes. Not only is there a general wishlist, but you can also now add a store to your favourites. That's something I've wanted for a long time.
  11. Yes, there are And, I might add, Skell was deeply unhappy with me. I had to placate him with leather and sequins for a MONTH afterwards. Bloody drama queen...
  12. I... once wore dropcrotch pants. And sneakers. /me hastens to add: In my defence, it was in response to a Monday Meme challenge to 'change your avatar so completely that nobody would recognise you', and... well, nobody would believe that Skell wore dropcrotch pants so-- It's not working, is it? /me slinks off, the tips of his ears glowing somewhat red
  13. If, by 'Viking-sized', you mean he's more of the 'big, muscled bodybuilder' shape, try the 'Aesthetic' Niramyth bodies. Make sure you spend a bit of time with the shape, though. By default everything is maxed at 100, and it gives rise to those ridiculous 'huge muscled body with teeny-tiny head/hands/feet' shapes that are so often ridiculed in SL. I've seen amazing things done with those bodies, by people who have taken the time to actually work with the sliders. You may have issues finding a variety of skins, especially if you're opting for a mesh head as well (most of the Catwa Bento heads contain a Niramyth neck fit, but with skins for the combination of Niramyth and Catwa you're mainly looking at Birth and Nivaro for skins) but there are quite a few stores offering Niramyth clothing, and it's not all 'big gangsta/street dude' stuff. Adam Edelstein in particular offers some great suits and other clothing for Aesthetic.
  14. I see this a lot from certain people in the support group I'm a CSR for. They will publicly announce "MUTED!" at someone, and it never fails to make me roll my eyes. I've even seen that being aimed at people who are struggling to understand what's being patiently explained to them and not just at people who are being deliberately annoying.
  15. They do. I laughed at one of Scylla's witty comments in this thread and it upped her reputation by one. All of the reactions generate a reputation point. That's why you see even some of the most obnoxious, trollish people here have rep point counts: when people laugh (in disbelief) at their posts, or react with the face, those count as reputation. Doesn't matter that - in those cases - the reaction is a negative one; it's still a reaction and the forum counts it toward reputation.
  16. Some likely are, yes. I know of at least one person (still active) who used to post a hell of a lot, and who eventually admitted in a forum post that they posted so frequently because they wanted to 'win the day' (have the most liked content each day - it shows up at the top of your profile) as often as they could.
  17. Behind shaking fingers they're whispering your name... Credits More darkness, courtesy of an amazing skin applier from Vendetta at BodyFy Event. For L$490 you get an all-in-one skin applier for Catwa, Lelutka, and Omega, and a matching body applier for Signature, Belleza, Omega, and TMP is included as a free gift. Plus, Hotdog and Avi-Glam for Dark Style Fair. Skin: Vendetta - Undead* Coat: Hotdog - Frock Coat (dark - one size only for male & female, so try a demo!) Hair: Exile - Storm* Eyes: Avi-Glam - Sinister Eyes (Catwa, Omega, own brand) Additional makeup: La Malvada Mujer - Sunday Morning (gift - Omega) Accessory: Titzuki - Secession Shoulder Fur (no longer available) Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) Piercings: Catwa - Bento Face Piercings* (rigged for Catwa bento Mesh heads) *review copy
  18. I'm glad you mentioned textures, Lindal. It gave me the impetus I needed to start archiving all of mine. I have tens of thousands of the things, and I don't really even build anymore in SL! I started with one of the big stores that I used to buy from, and began loading them by set into a fresh copy of my organiser. I then boxed each set up in a backup box (in case some future SL update borks the scripts in the organiser), and finally deleted the original textures. I only got rid of 1000-ish textures (29 sets in total) but it was satisfying to do
  19. "Had I been crested not cloven, my lords, you would not have treated me thus." --Elizabeth I
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