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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. If the emails are coming from an external email address that purports to be a Linden Lab account, then try forwarding them to phishing@secondlife.com, as detailed in this (admittedly old) Wiki page. You can also set up a filter or rule in your inbox to send all emails from that address - unread - directly to trash. If multple addresses are being used then you might need to set other parameters for those filters (such as combinations of words, or a combination of 'Linden' with an attachment included - since LL never send attachments with their emails). I would also strongly suggest that you change your email password, followed by your Second Life password, and set up Two Factor Authentication on your email account. In addition, if you're not too attached to that email address (e.g. you only use it for that SL account) then get a new one and forget that one entirely.
  2. Thank you so much I think it's the reflections on the eyes that really does it for me (they're by S0NG, out at the current Equal 10 event). Neo-Japan has to be my favourite event of the year. Both of the ones I've visited thus far have been amazing, and it's so good to see more male content outside of the usual sweatpants/sweatshirts/sportswear offerings.
  3. A small correction here: you can adjust the permissions given with the partner HUD prior to it being given, and the options include a little bit more than just editing the angle of dangle And it can be very useful for adjusting on the fly (as it were) in cases where furniture animations are built for avatars of specific sizes, when you and your partner are not those sizes. (Trust me: prior to the now delightfully-prevalent animated furniture for m/m pairings, most of us had to adjust m/f poses and poseballs, which are usually designed for a big guy and a smaller woman. We're rather used to that fine-tuning now...)
  4. Syd wanted some attention (by way of my wallet)
  5. For anyone who needs a backdrop, I've just quickly whipped up a batch of them (both fullbright and unlit) in four shades from white to black, and put them out for free at the back of the Hangout: Each one is 3LI, 10m x 10m, and copy/mod.
  6. I look forward to seeing your entry for this theme
  7. Not a line that annoyed me (in fact it amused me immensely) but it probably annoyed the guy it happened to. A few days ago I was in the Catwa store with my fellow CSRs, awaiting the release of a new mesh head. We were just milling around, chatting and people-watching (as you do) while we waited. In one corner of the store was Male Avatar A, who was wearing a Female Avatar B's Beloved Hubby-type group tag. His wife [Female Avatar B] was standing right next to him wearing a Male Avatar A's Beloved Wifey-type group tag. After about 15 minutes, the following announcement suddenly happened in open chat: [Male Avatar A] spanks [Completely Random Female Avatar]'s Boobs Less than a minute later, both Beloved Hubby and Beloved Wifey disappeared in a cloud of swirly white lights. Skell Dagger: I think he got summoned home for a stern talking-to 😉
  8. That's down to the blogger themselves. Anyone can change the end of their URL to say what they want it to instead of that alphanumeric stuff, via their Account section. You only get one shot at it, though, so it's best to change it to the avatar name and then change the subtitle as and when you want to.
  9. Hmm... Just needs a leeetle finishing touch, maybe... /me legs it before Orwar can catch him
  10. The one top-right? Credits are here. Please be aware of the note at the end of that post, as I heavily layered that skin with makeup and then used filters for a slightly more golden glow. I've linked to the Flickr image for the original skin at the end of that note.
  11. Contraption have these SK3L3T0 Arms at their mainstore: The decals can be changed or removed. They're rigged for Jake, Gianni, Slink M F & HG, Lara, and Freya (shown here on Gianni). They also have matching legs currently out at Neo-Japan event.
  12. All taken using the Catwa 'Skell' head in the last couple of months:
  13. Oh, so you don't give a flying crap about how other people may feel? OK then. Have a wonderful Second Life.
  14. *****ty, hot stupid, monkey-headed, vapid, awful rent boy judges you just a liiiiitle bit for insulting not only your friends but also thousands of other people. (I don't usually jump in to 'defend' Catwa in any thread, despite my 'job' in SL, but I would have jumped in had you spat out that much invective aimed at insulting thousands of people who wore any specific brand of head. Jeez. If you don't like Catwa, then fine. But crapping all over the people who do like Catwa heads, who wear them and love them? That's pretty low.)
  15. It's the only part of me that is But yeah, look to see if they have an Omega version of the body skin. Most stores have an option for that. You obviously got the Slink version first but I know you later became unhappy with Slink's hands, and thus switched to Vista. But an Omega skin should sort out the matching problem on the hands.
  16. Does The Skinnery not offer Omega body appliers? If so, then - together with the Omega relays/installers for Slink and Vista - you might find that easier than fudging around trying to match by eye.
  17. I swear, Talli, sometimes I think you're seeing how far you can push the envelope with your pics of your various galleries on here. Interesting, uh, shot there behind you
  18. Glad you've found a solution You should still have been able to edit the shape that came with the Lara body, so I've no idea why that was causing you problems. Only the add-on mesh of the body itself is not editable; the shape should be fine. Regardless, usually a redelivery of the item (all mesh body part creators will have a redelivery terminal in their store) will give you a fresh copy that should work normally.
  19. Is it the original Lara shape underneath the body that you're trying to edit? The Lara mesh body itself is not editable.
  20. As an aside, before I get into the main text of my response: it's very useful to us if - instead of your name - you put in the title of your post the issue that you're having (for example: "Can't edit shape"). We are all just residents like you, so this isn't an official support portal. We can already see your name right there at the side of your post, but we have no way of actually fixing your account for you, other than offering advice that experience tells us might/should work. If you were able to edit that specific shape before, then you may simply need to relog (log out of Second Life and then back in again) and it might now be editable. If you're wearing a shape that you haven't tried to edit before, check that it is modifiable. You should see the permissions listed after the shape name in your inventory. You will usually see only the permissions that an item doesn't have. For example: My Shape (no modify) (no transfer) You can also check a shape's permissions by right-clicking it in your inventory and selecting 'properties'. Beneath the creator and owner names you'll see two sets of permissions: 'You can' and 'Next owner', as shown below: If 'You can' does not have a check/tick next to 'Modify' then you'll be unable to modify that shape at all. If it does have a check/tick against it, you may be having issues with your connection or your viewer or your inventory in general, and a relog might clear those issues. If it doesn't, next I'd suggest checking your connection to Second Life. Power cycle your router, and - if you're using a wireless connection - try wiring up to see if that fixes the problem. Finally, make sure you're in a quiet region that's not full of scripts and other avatars.
  21. Catwa CSR here Yes, they will take the same Catwa appliers, whether they're Bento or non-Bento. As Alyona mentioned, though, always check with a demo (and on a copy of your head - great advice there) because there's a very slim chance that things like the lip texture on the skin might not line up perfectly with the lip shape on the mesh if you're using a head that's shaped differently than the specific one that a skin was created for. It's honestly not that much of a worry, as any discrepancies will be barely noticeable and will probably only happen if you're mixing ethnicities between heads and skins, but it's always best to check.
  22. To be fair, sometimes A, B, and C need to be done in exactly that order. If you did B, then A, then C... well you've ticked all the boxes but it still might not work
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