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Parhelion Palou

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Everything posted by Parhelion Palou

  1. Here's an answer I feel is unlikely, but just in case: Show Place in Search costs L$30 per week - has your Linden balance dropped below that level? The likelier answer doesn't have a solution, but there's a Jira ticket: Parcel will not remain in Places in the search. Perhaps there's something there that will help.
  2. If you don't get a start screen when you start Firestorm (just a blank area) as well as search not working, it's possible the antivirus software or firewall on the computer is blocking slplugin.exe. I had to tell my antivirus software to ignore it with the previous version of Firestorm. When I recently upgraded to the latest version the problem came back, but this time the firewall decided not to allow slplugin.exe access to the internet. Firestorm worked fine once I changed the firewall setting.
  3. I went premium when I joined almost 6 years ago so I could buy what was called First Land (512 sqm). I lasted 2 weeks on mainland then sold it and got land on an estate. The $72 U.S. per year cost is more than offset by the L$400 per week stipend and I donate my 512 sqm tier to NCI. I'm still on the same region on the same estate ... it'll be 6 years in late September.
  4. Group members can edit an object that's been shared with the group. They can do anything the owner can do, for the most part. Generally group members won't be able to edit any scripts. ETA: Dres got there first while I was checking my answer in-world.
  5. Zadd Xonfor wrote: Hello everyone. I own a group, and I have differen't roles in them. Each role includes a different tag, for special events etc. I want users to be able to change their tage willingly, but nothing more. I ask them to be able to change their tag, but they say it's blacked out. So I'm guessing they can't? What options do I even have? I also wanted to know if it's possible to have new members automatically get assigned to other roles by default... Help would be appriciated, thanks! Since there's one tag per role, you have assign multiple roles to each user. You assign the roles that correspond to the tags you want them to have. Note that you can only have 10 roles, including Owner, Officer, and Everyone. If this is what you've done, your group is probably glitched and filing a support ticket (as noted in other posts) is the next step. New members are automatically added to the Everyone role. A group member with the "Assign members to any role" ability has to do the rest. If you haven't already seen it, this article may help: Creating, managing, moderating, and disbanding groups
  6. Virtual people have real people behind them. It's wise to show consideration for others. This thread lets readers know how some people feel about changing appearance in public. It's information that you can accept or ignore as you wish. Personal freedom is always limited as soon as more than one person is involved. In SL you can do as you please as long as you stay within the TOS and you're on Linden-owned land. If you're on land owned by anyone else, you can do as you please only if you don't annoy the landowner. The landowner is free to eject/ban you (and that is an unlimited freedom). Back on topic: I don't mind seeing other people changing in public. If they're in the way of a picture I'm taking I can derender them. As for myself, I go somewhere private if I'm changing appearance; doing so in public in SL feels about as strange to me as it would to change clothes in public in RL.
  7. All the SL viewer does is pass the parcel's audio URL to the QuickTime plugin. Once that's done the viewer isn't involved. Since the stream URL isn't changing during a set the viewer can't have anything to do with the delays. Check to make sure you have the latest QuickTime installed. Note: Another possibility for a low-level computer is the viewer is using so much of the computer's resources that QuickTime isn't getting enough processing time for itself.
  8. You're an iPad developer, the SL client is open source, fame (but not fortune) awaits you ... get to it! Even if you're successful, I'm waiting for an iPad with a 24" screen and a decent keyboard.
  9. That's very good news, Val! I hope you get good news about Ajja too.
  10. Linden Lab doesn't do SLCC. Their support for it has been minimal. Given LL's decreased interest in anything in-world, I don't expect it to change this year. The website isn't updated often, but the last I heard SLCC 2012 is still happening.
  11. madman626 Fall wrote: Not to sound mean or hateful but really ? anit we all here to get away from RL don't take this the wrong way but any one that believe its a good ideal to start something like this in sl make me think they couldn't do it in RL so why would any one wanna seek help in sl of all place ,, I not trying to be mean but I always find this very fishy we all can clam to be something we not that why I think like I do. I hope I not upset you but really come on but plz don't jump me because I feel different then you about it and I hope I have not upset you Some are here to get away from RL, some are not. Everyone has their own reasons for being here. There are/were PTSD, autism, and alcoholism support groups in SL, and probably many others. I know of a drug counseling nonprofit that's getting better results from virtual world counseling than real world (though they use a private grid to meet privacy requirements). SL also had a resource center for abuse victims that was very good. To the OP: Do contact Virtual Ability to talk about your plans. The leaders are fine people.
  12. JeanneAnne wrote: <snip> I've noticed that my avatar & those nearby me can be pretty smooth but avvies across the dance floor can be pretty jerky & laggy looking. What you're seeing is avatar impostors, a feature LL added awhile ago to ease the rendering load on viewers. The viewer will properly render nearby avatars and replace the others with crude representations of the actual avatars. You can configure the number of non-impostor avatars you see in the Graphics tab in Preferences. I don't think there is any way to ensure that others see your avatar the way you do. It's fun to have several people take pictures of the same thing then share the pictures. You'll find that, just as IRL, we all see things differently.
  13. Val, I'm sorry Ajja's so ill. I'll keep you both in my thoughts & prayers.
  14. All regions should have the new fly limit now. The rollout happened this morning; see Deploys for the week of 2012-04-23. Inventory changes were made too, so be careful.
  15. Today is the birthday of Gideon Sundback, the man who designed the modern zipper. Today's Google Doodle is about him.
  16. Estate land can be very close to mainland in price. The estate my land is on currently has parcels for L$50 and tier of L$300 - L$375 per 1024 sqm per week. The lower price is for interior parcels. A 1024 sqm interior parcel would be L$50 plus L$1300 per month (around $5.20 U.S.). A 1024 sqm parcel on mainland costs $5 per month and you have to be a premium member to get the mainland parcel. The estate's covenant ensures nobody turns their parcel into an eyesore.
  17. Sassy Romano wrote: Mitigated by setting a Recent filter to show "hours ago" or "days ago" Thank you! This makes the Recent folder much more useful. I guess I should poke around in the viewer more often.
  18. I only looked at the TOS and Community Standards, but I didn't see anything that says you cannot ask for RL information. That said, back when SL was more of a community, it was at the very least considered rude to do so and commonly believed to be against the TOS. Either way, nobody is required to answer personal questions. My response to someone who's persistent about asking for RL information would be to block/mute and ban. To the OP: Sure, talk with adults. We're mostly harmless. :smileywink:
  19. Madelaine McMasters wrote: But the state of your feet makes a big difference. If you rub an oily skin cream on your feet before stepping on the scale, the impedance of the foot/scale interface will be high and it's gonna think you are fat. If you soak your feet in salt water before standing on the scale, you'll make a good, low impedance connection and it will think you are thin. It's important to know things like this so you can convince your hubby (okay, ex hubby) to soothe his dry feet with skin cream before getting on the scale, while you (okay, me) soak your feet in epsom salts. Keeping your composure during the discussion that follows the weigh-in is another matter altogether. What a wicked & wonderful idea! If only I had that type of scale (and someone to try it on). Did you try to convince ex-hubby that the results indicated a fat build-up in the head? I thought the 11 paragraph explanation was quite clear, btw.
  20. Dresden Ceriano wrote: It may well be that there's one skin that has this option set that way by default, but it can be set up to do that no matter what skin you use. The setting to switch the notification area to the bottom right instead of the top right is under Preferences/User Interface/General... near the bottom left side of that window you'll see "Group Notices and chiclets in Top Right". Just uncheck that and restart the viewer. ...Dres Thanks for the information! I've looked past that setting several times while trying to get the notifications out of the top left.
  21. UncommonTruth wrote: I like your shirt too! I wouldn't know the show if I saw it, but its a great name for a doctor :smileyvery-happy: Stunning surroundings, where is that? I love the gnarly old tree behind you, its one of those that make me want to go hug a tree. Maybe with crooked stockings :smileylol: The region is HappyMood. You can also find it by searching on the HPMD store. The forest section is on the east half. They do sell trees, but I don't know about that particular one. Crooked stockings may reach epidemic levels. SL will need a team of stocking straighteners to deal with the issue. :smileywink:
  22. UncommonTruth wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Parhelion Palou wrote: Here's one from the Premium Wilderness: <extraneous photo snipped> /me swoons. Geez Par, that's a li'l too perfect. Couldn't you have left your bowtie a li'l crooked so I could straighten it? I'd wear the seams in my stockings a li'l off center to return the favor. Don't give us ideas Maddy! There will be crooked stockings all over SL! I'm onto Maddy's tricks. She likes to lure people close enough to set them on fire.
  23. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: Parhelion - I have been enjoying the Premium Wilderness areas, too, but I haven't seen such a dashing looking young man there as you. Great look! I'm certainly not young, and if I'm dashing it's to get away from the bugs, but thanks for the compliment.
  24. That show about the Doctor is one of my favorite shows, though I haven't had the opportunity to catch many of the new ones.
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