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Teagan Tobias

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Everything posted by Teagan Tobias

  1. How about someone in charge with an oversight team that changes that has full view of all reports and fillings.
  2. Just a question, what would it take to create a Second Life Better Business Bureau. Someplace where you can look up a seller or store and see if someone has reported them? And could that even be done? Helps for finding problem businesses in RL, why not SL.
  3. Searching for something in world is the pits. That makes the MP the perfect search engine, and if there is an in world store I would rather go there. But a lot of the time there is no in world store. And I have no problem purchasing from the MP and like that I can add Copy Modify to my search and that I can add an upper limit to what I am willing to spend. It keeps the really expensive trash out of my results. I am of the opinion that the very expensive items are detrimental to SL and is the number one thing that drives new people away when they take there first look at around. This is my opinion and what I firmly believe. Creators complain about ripped off content, but when you make it so lucrative for the thieves its like a personal invitation to them. And because they can't seam to find a way to stop it, it only grows. Make it less lucrative for the thieves and they will go away. The opinions above are just that, opinions, and I am entitled to them.
  4. CAPAL wrote: ah yes, I had created a suggestions collection thread and it was gone all of a sudden. Already asked about that one in the feedback section, but still didn't get an official answer Because there were some good suggestions that could have been easily implemented, it had to be deleted.
  5. Oh my, I picked a random person from this thread and looked on the MP. In my opinion, the photos of the items for sale, trying to be polite, stink. (RL hobby is photography) My first conclusion is that you have content thefts here looking out for what you may be attempting to do to stop them. But my second conclusion is that, some of the things to look out for are relative and subjective. And I may not be a creator but to leave out any part of the problem is not coming up with a solution. And that is what you should be discussing, a solution, what are you going to do. The people in these forums are a very Very small drop in the bucket of the people on SL and putting something here is not an answer. I am sure you have a group, or you better have, that all creators can let each other know what they see as ripped so the appropriate creator can take action and the rest of you can AR the culprit. I like SL and it is in my best interest to have a solution to this, because some of you create some very outstanding things, a bit pricey IMO but still very nice.
  6. Flea wrote: Another huge clue is that the quality of the advertisement images doesn't match the quality of the mesh product being sold. Great, now I need to be an art critic too. It not going to happen.
  7. I am assuming your a creator, to you its obvious. To your trained eye, its obvious. To you that can see what style things are created in, its obvious. But to me it does not matter how often you say, its just so obvious, well, no its not obvious. Many things you see I don't understand because I don't work with it like you do, and that is the case with a lot of customers. Your living in your own little world now as a creator, I am not part of it no matter how many times you tell me, oh its so obvious. How many time do you need to be told, no its not. A lot of people just do not have the ability or talent that you have, maybe this post is just your way of rubbing it in, most likely not but its starting to sound like that.
  8. I have not mentioned it before but have seen something close said by others, so I will say now, I have never played any on-line game, none, ever. My First Life and my Second Life are about all I can handle and I don't have time for mind numbing games. So if and when any reference is made of items ripped from other games, as I have seen, it will go right over my head. I think that is where some are saying, its so obvious you should know. Well no, its not obvious, and no, I don't know. I am that (as said by Dresden) “poor dolt that just wants to buy nice stuff and play with it”, well kind of, I don't like the dolt part. And I think there are others like me.
  9. I think the bottom line here is that not you, or anybody else, can tell me, or anyone, how to KNOW if something is stolen. If I don't have “cretin knowledge” that you have about something, then what you see as stolen, I have no clue about, its just another product for sale to me. And because I don't create anything, then your going to know things that I will never know. And it looks like one of those things is if something is stolen or not. But that is not my problem as a customer, its not something I should be asked to deal with. Oh by the way before you purchase this item please spend the next three hours Googling it so you know its not stolen... NOT!
  10. Arken Soothsayer wrote: Are you kidding? Search market for "Witcher", there's an easy one. Kidding? No, not at all, and what is a “Witcher” and why would I want one? And how would I know its stolen? I looked and see nothing that says, I'm stolen.
  11. Arken Soothsayer wrote: I didn't say stealing was ok. And I don't believe there are many people who don't know that they're buying ripped content. I don't think the people buying are a problem at all, not even kinda. I can't even tell the permissions on a lot of items, I had problems just finding the price of some things today, and I've been here for almost six years. So spell it out for me, how do I KNOW something is stolen, tell me exactly how to tell, and none of the maybe this or could be that stuff, tell me exactly how to tell that something is stolen.
  12. Arken Soothsayer wrote: One thing the thieves usually use is really bad marketplace pictures. Just a plain low-res screenshot, on no background, or a really poor one. Kinda gives it away. You could make and texture this awesome mesh, but you're unable to make a nice pic for it? Most of the rips I see are from very popular games. Any gamer knows, this stuff is ripped, rigged, and thats it. The problem is more the people buying it, than the should-be-hanged people stealing and selling. Bolding I did. Now that is the most sensible thing I have seen on here yet, stealing is OK, but buying something that you don't know is stolen, from a reputable dealer [LL], now that is a crime that needs serious punishment! (you most likely don't recognize sarcasm, but this is what it looks like)
  13. Czari Zenovka wrote: Teagan Tobias wrote: Madeline Blackbart wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: One even said that I was lying, because "if this stuff really was stolen, LL wouldn't let him sell it". Wasn't sure which emoticon was more appropriate, so used them both. Goes to the point that a good number of the SL customer base has no clue about all this. That and the customer base doesn't care to know either. Which just propagates the issue. Stores in world have become to hard to find, and when there is only one LL store, the Market Place, the customer has only two options; 1) buy from the MP with confidence. 2) don't buy from the Market Place, or any place, at all. If there is a problem with stolen items being sold on the MP, the customer is the last place to put the blame, if even blaming them in the very smallest way, or at all. I didn't see anyone blaming the customer, in fact Tari specifically stated that while it was "Buyer Beware" (or words to that effect), that the onus for legitimate content rests squarely on the creator/merchant. The statement: That and the customer base doesn't care to know either. Which just propagates the issue. I could be reading it wrong, but its not that the customer doesn’t care, the customer has no way of knowing. So the customer is not propagating the issue, they have nothing to do with it. I am not going to investigate every little part of an item to see who made it.
  14. Madeline Blackbart wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: One even said that I was lying, because "if this stuff really was stolen, LL wouldn't let him sell it". Wasn't sure which emoticon was more appropriate, so used them both. Goes to the point that a good number of the SL customer base has no clue about all this. That and the customer base doesn't care to know either. Which just propagates the issue. Stores in world have become to hard to find, and when there is only one LL store, the Market Place, the customer has only two options; 1) buy from the MP with confidence. 2) don't buy from the Market Place, or any place, at all. If there is a problem with stolen items being sold on the MP, the customer is the last place to put the blame, if even blaming them in the very smallest way, or at all.
  15. If you do install Adblock, look in Tools, Adblock Plus, Filter Preferences... and UN-check; Allow some non-intrusive advertising. Having it checked was causing me some problems.
  16. I would say paint over them. This could be a never ending story. Paint over them, more get caught in the fresh paint, paint over them, more get caught in the fresh paint...
  17. General reply: IMO. Selling mesh you made from a blank is wrong. The fact that so many “creators” use blanks and then take out there crayons and color it is just wrong. No you did not create it, you colored it, lower the price by about 80% or create you own stuff.
  18. Holds hand up, I don't like mesh, well for the most part. What I really don't like is the very poor way MOST of the mesh clothing fits. But through demos I have found a couple of stores that some how do it right. I think that over time mesh will get better (clothing) but until then demo demo demo. Side note, there is one TPV that has a mesh deformer in its test viewer. Kokua 3.6.1
  19. Yes, that is what I thought, SSA was not removed from LaTigre. Another project was added. This is the server side experience project Scheduled 2013-07-10 for RC LeTigre New Features Enabled server side appearance.
  20. Vania Chaplin wrote: LL put SSA in Magnun RC and took off from LeTigre - I have no idea why they remove it from LeTigre. I see where SSA was added to Magnum and a new test was put on LaTigre but I do not see where it says that SSA was removed from LaTiere. Could you point that out to me please.
  21. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: My home is on a LeTigre region. Logging in my avatar rezzes instantly since SSB was released last week. The objects take longer to rez than my avie now. Both rez fast, but now my avie rezzes faster, and not even a hint of a cloud. Oddly enough sim crossing to my neighboring sim was seamless. Didn't even notice I crossed regions. Never used to be able to do that. I log onto a LaTigre region and today I was a white cloud with the message, your clothing is still downloading, then I showed up from the cloud as a completely gray avatar, then my mesh clothing came into view in full color but my avatar was still gray. Took another ten seconds or more for my avatar to get color. All in all about 20 to 30 seconds or so to get out of cloud and to my avatar. I have a six core PC, GTX 550Ti, 8 gig memory, Win 7 64 and I am running the latest LL viewer from the day it was posted. And my neighborhood is on fiber. It does not always work as advertised. But do not get me wrong, I am not complaining about SSA/SSB, I think it is a good idea, I am only saying how today was.
  22. I guess the biggest thing I don't understand here is that you had a PayPal account, and you did not like PayPal. Why on earth would you start another PayPal account, and then another one, and from the sounds of it, then another one. Its still PayPal, what happened before IS going to happen again. PayPal is a bank account, if you don't have a problem opening bank accounts, go to your bank and open another bank account and use that for PayPal.
  23. If you closed down a PayPal account, why didn't you remove your bank account from PayPal in the process, that is your job, not up to them. Go to profile and under the bank account click remove (just looked and it is an option). Sounds to me that you have created your own problems. If PayPal thinks the old accounts are still active, log on and remove you bank, I think there is a, I forgot my password, thing in PayPal if you need it.
  24. My biggest aversion to these games and what keeps me on SL can best be summed up in the words of the famous actor, Johnny 5... No disassemble.
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