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Teagan Tobias

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Everything posted by Teagan Tobias

  1. I don't even have a FB account so I get left out completely. Could be that is why I have not heard about it LOL.
  2. ZyklonBee wrote: So with "Wowmeh" off the grid.... What other full mesh avi creators are worth looking at? Looking specificly for Female Avi In another forum I have been following Chip Midnight, I think that is the spelling. He has out a mesh avatar now. Look up CMFF.
  3. Vivienne Schell wrote: I doubt that the new avatars will be better looking as their new newbie mesh avis. Just create a new account and go for the proof of what Linden Lab is willing and capable of to do. Or better do not, it might destroy your illusions of a company which knows what "the noob" wants in a shocking devastating way. You don't need to create an account, I think there is a tool in the tool box that lets you pick any of them at any time, I'm pretty sure but not online right now.
  4. DesperadoReprise wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: they have no intention of closing SL after the new platfrom is launched. Ebbe has said that LL will close SL as soon as it becomes unprofitable. That sounds like a death sentence to me. "is there going to be anything left?" (I did the bold) This statement is true for all corporations, every business or organization, when it is no longer profitable they go out of business. It has always been true for Second Life too, when it is no longer profitable it will close. There is nothing new about that.
  5. As has been stated, you will vote by using or not using. For me, when I get my ID for SL2 and log in, the first two things I will look at is my avatar and my name. I need to keep my name, and if my avatar is a lot better, and that is A LOT BETTER, than my SL1 avatar, then I will keep looking around. Each step into the new world will determine if I stay or not, but that first step will make or break it for me. Not that other parts of SLTNG will not have as much say in me staying or not, like at least some of my mesh inventory needs to COPY over, and yes I said copy, just in case I can't stand it and need to go back to SL1, I need to keep my inventory and not have it in a place I can't stand. (I only purchase copy items, and its still Linden Lab, and they own everything.) I don't care if we vote on parts or not, but if LL does not at least talk to us, a lot, then it will most likely be DOA.
  6. Filed against a mesh body builder, not knowing OP business, could effect, as people wait to see the outcome. Is mostly past now but new items coming out could have a lot of peoples attention. Thinking of all possibilities. Maybe, maybe not.
  7. I don't sell things and have no idea what is going to happen, but... there is another “thing” going on that may be effecting your sales. Could it be in part due to the (what is being called false) DMCA that has taken place? With the Ebbe announcement and the DMCA and it being summer, could be everything all together is the problem and it will settle down shortly. But like I have seen others say, after everyone else is gone, I will turn the lights off, if it comes to that.
  8. Tari Landar wrote: Nope...and nope... Do not like. Will not buy clothes modeled by such shapes for fear the clothes actually look like that(mesh, that is, and I have found some that actually do...so..). I like human porportions, personally, because my av is a human. What tickles others' pickles, is none of my concern. That is just ugly, IMO. I also do not purchase from stores with models that look like that. If there is even the most remote possibility that my avatar will look anything at all like that from putting on clothing in the ad, I run away as fast as I can, poof, I'm gone and no purchase.
  9. The ToS allows you to take photos of your avatar, so you can print the photos. What part of the ToS says it can't be printed in 3D?
  10. I don't think its Linden Lab, its the US banking system. I bank with some of the largest banks in the US and I have never seen anything faster than five days. Even when I move money from my checking to my PayPal it tells me 5 days. I don't think Linden Lab is the problem.
  11. Its all about what you see of your self. What others see is never going to be what you see, unless they have a super computer, and then they need to be paying attention to you, inspecting you. Like the add on feet and hands, I know they are used because I see the gray feet and hands when they arrive or when I arrive. But after that I can't tell you what avatar has the add on feet and what ones don't. Get a good pair of shoes and 99% of SL will never know the difference. And FGS don't go spending hundreds of lindens on them, its just not necessary, no one can tell (some maybe, but very very few). Spend your money if you like, it is fun and that is what SL is about, fun. Shared Experience is a Myth.
  12. Those funny unreadable names is why I have never turned on display names. I don't RP so I have no use for temp names that change so often. I always laugh when I am out and about and see, so and so is now known as what ever. I like my name and feel so sad for the people with the newer names in SL. But disposable names are not for me, but that's one of the great parts of SL, you can do it how ever you like, you just can't get a real name any more, so sad, so very sad.
  13. I don't like the look of glue or to many cans of hair spray you get from mesh hair. I also don't like the flexi hair sticking through my body. But short flexi hair, shoulder length or so, to me looks and feels the most natural. I keep trying mesh hair demos thinking like hair has always done, it will get better. But recently I tried on a mesh hair and standing in front of a window the hair looked like my invisi-prim shoes looked on some dance floors, together with the slimed look I was not impressed. It looks like I'll will be using my flexi hair for some time to come.
  14. MESH avatars are hard to find clothing for, DEMO DEMO DEMO!!!
  15. I had to turn on NoInventoryLibrary to get the avatar. I have had it off for years. But setting it to false and then clicking on the avatar, it loaded in my inventory and worked right away. And the modify shape is unusable. I logged after setting it, don't know if that was needed or not but I did.
  16. I tried to try it but I can't get a “People” avatar. I got the toolbox button and opened it and clicked on an avatar under people and nothing happens. I get a circle of dots blinking and then nothing. Is there a trick to getting one of the avatars?
  17. Have you ever see the Blue Man Group. Well the person is the shape and the blue is the skin. Just like you in RL (real life), your skin covers your shape. Same in Second Life.
  18. LOL, If I do it right it works a lot better. Not perfect but much better. Thanks
  19. Market place > apparel > women's 812543 items. Searched for skirt NO DEMO and got 330 items, first 10 on the page of 12 are DEMO. Searched for just skirt and got 170353 items. Does not work, for me anyhow.
  20. Sassy Romano wrote: Nad, using NOT demo can give some respite. Does not work for me
  21. DEMO's should be removed completely from the market place. The only place you should see them is on a product page. See the product, want a demo, click the demo on the product page. I have said this or similar before, your talking to a brick wall, give it up. It would be a great step in retaining new users. Look you can play SL without spending an arm and a leg.
  22. I have been here over six years and have seen store after store after store disappear. Now I get a demo of a product and to modify I need to go to a web page. I don't think so, as I have seen over and over and over, stores disappear, needing a web page to modify something is not only a bad idea, its just down right stupid (IMHO). Unless I am missing something and... no, I don't think I can be missing that much. What made someone think that was a good idea, that is my question, why such a bad idea was thought of as a good idea by someone. Can anyone answer that? I guess maybe I could be missing something here but I don't think so.
  23. MAINT-3520 Renaming an inventory folder can result in a different folder being moved inside another folder. OMG I'm not crazy!!!
  24. First: If a third party is handling the forums, has anyone filed a JIRA about the spam. Could it be that LL pays so little attention to the forums they just don't know. Possible??? Second: If a third party is involved, can we find out who they are and complain directly to them?
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