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Teagan Tobias

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Everything posted by Teagan Tobias

  1. Supersatan3 wrote: They accused me of poaching the prospective auctionees. I denied it. The owner says that I hit up on his alt, which I didn't. My only guess is that someone I've pissed off made some stuff up in retaliation. I just want my money back at this point. Hmmm, so the owner has alts making bids to drive up the selling price, sounds like a sound business practice to me.
  2. It could be part of a numbers game, it looks better to see that 45 million people have accounts in SL than to see a much smaller number. As of 2016-04-22 01:55:01 there are 45771015 total residents. I have worked around some databases that don't like things to be deleted, so there may be that kind of a problem. Only LL can tell you for sure.
  3. I must admit it has taken some getting used to but I like mesh. But you need to be careful, it depends on what avatar your using, I use the classic avatar and have yet to find any fit mesh that works. So stay away from fit mesh unless you have a mesh avatar, and even then make sure the mesh is made for your avatar. Yes, its a bit more cookie cutter but it should fit (I have been told) and be easier to use. And mesh hair, to me it looks like something out of the 50's, like you used two cans of hair spray to keep it in place, and the longer mesh hair looks like it was glued to your back, okay if you stand still but I like to dance, not good for that. I use a shorter flexi hair and it looks more realistic than anything I have seen, it moves around like real hair, really nice. The one really big thing is, try a DEMO for everything!
  4. Some think SL is a game, some don't. Its up to you to decide what side of the fence you sit on. I for one look at it as a game.
  5. I don't think I can name very many clubs even though that is just about all I do in SL. But I don't follow clubs, I follow the singers. Find some entertainers you like and go where they are, you'll find you like your time spent at what ever the club is better than just going to that one or two clubs and taking pot luck at the entertainment.
  6. I spent a lot of time at the bottom of the sea when I was in between homes. Some people don't like it when you sit down there. One time a very large boat stopped overhead and started to sink. I was by a large rock and the boat sank to the bottom and bounced around some several times hitting the rock and valley walls I was in between. They never said anything, they just tried to crush me with their boat several times and then left when they couldn't get to me.
  7. What Pussycat said, but if you go with a face light, remember its a face light, not a street light. A bright face light is the number one rudest thing anyone can do in SL. It destroys the environment for everyone around you, very Rude. My video card is getting kind of old and I set world – sun – sunset, that helps smooth out the lines for me, but you can never make others see you like you see yourself.
  8. Janita39, you asked, “Can Mesh people see me ok?”, and yes they can. But if you go someplace and see people that just aren't there, those are most likely mesh avatars. They can see you better than you can see them. (if you have the classic avi) For me, I will not go mesh, at least not for a long time, I just don't have the money for it, or the patients for all the appliers and additional parts and doohickeys that I just don't need or have the talent to deal with. And the worst part is the mesh hair, looks like you've been ridden hard and put away wet the way the hair sticks to you. My short flex hair is by far better looking, to me anyhow.
  9. Teagan Tobias

    Jaggy face

    Also, check to see what your LOD factors are set to. Set them to something like 4 and it may help some. RenderAvatarLODFactor RenderVolumeLODFactor
  10. Amara Bandalora wrote: If your friend has poofed, most likely they have deleted their account. The groups may still show on their profile, but in the groups themselves they will be gone since their account no longer exists. Yes you can hide groups from showing on your profile, but there is no way to hide yourself within a group. Hope that helps. That may have helped Silvera, but now I'm confused. You can look at profiles of deleted accounts?
  11. I still see sploders around and people using them. No skill to them, add your money and when it splods you may get more back or not. But they are still around, but I don't know brand names, I have never used one. And I am in a State that can't get to skill gaming.
  12. When I am looking at the Forums and log on to post a response, my log on take me to the Blogs. I then half to navigate back to the Forums and find the thread I was in. More than once I couldn't. The Question: How do I log on to the Forums and not the Blogs? Or, how do I log on so I am not tossed out of the Forums?
  13. I still have flash on my computer, but its an older copy, I'm not a lawyer and can't read the license so don't agree to it. When anything comes up that uses flash, I get a gray screen with a red circle with a slash through it in the middle of the window. It tells me that flash is blocked, but I can click and allow it to run if I like, something like – keep blocking or allow to run. Don't remember the last time I allowed it to run and I guess I should just uninstall flash all together.
  14. Don't sign in, the only ratting you can get it General.
  15. Saw this, thought it was relevant. Article name is, and is on yahoo... Windows 10 is spying on almost everything you do – here’s how to opt out And the link is... https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/windows-10-spying-almost-everything-opt-130502898.html
  16. Giggles, my comment got deleted for saying that, good luck to you girl.
  17. Ah yes, the ANSWERS section. I have posted there before and I got a quick response. My overall experience was excellent and I know where I will post any time I have problems that need a quick and accurate answer.
  18. Marianne Little wrote: When a new round of Collabor 88 opens, it is 50/50. And those without a mesh avatar all wear mesh feet, hands, breasts, mouths, hair, ears and clothes. Around in SL I am sure there are few who wear other things than freebies. It is so much free content in system clothes and free and cheap skins. I am sure that those with invisiprims has their graphics set on low. Then the invisiprims still work, I have heard. There are users who can't see themself properly. Maybe they think SLis supposed too look like Minecraft? :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: I have never heard of Collabor 88 so I'm not sure how that plays into this. And I don't have a mesh avatar or any of the mesh parts. I do have mesh feet but not the expensive ones, I'm not spending 200L on feet hands or any other parts. I do like the mesh clothing but find it hard to find good fitting clothes and clothes I can afford. And your most likely correct, there are people that can't see them selves correctly and just have no idea what is mesh and what is not.
  19. Well, I've given it some thought and looked around. 50/50 is out of the question. There are people that can't even dress them selves much less have any “level of artistic eye”. I still see people wearing 2005 high heels, complete with bling. And why are people still using invisiprims. I see Mesh clothing that does not fit. I may say that 5% can tell the difference, but they are the builds that are selling the mesh bodies. No, mesh bodies for the most part can not be identified by the general public, I've tried, I can't, most people can't.
  20. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Teagan Tobias wrote: 99% of the people around you will never know. I say this because the only places I go there are 20 to 70 avatars and I have yet to be able to pick out a mesh body. I can't agree with that opinion. I can spot... the lack of a mesh body... almost instantly rather often. Once you get used to having a mesh body, you start to see all sorts of flaws in the default SL body. Subtle areas that in total add up to quite a lot. Okay, but your part of the 1% I was talking about. But a lot of people in SL just don't have the PC power or the knowledge to pick out the mesh bodies. So still, a very large majority of SL will never know, and again its more for you and your lover and not the people around you. But please, keep spending money, it keeps my SL going.
  21. Just remember that mesh bodies are for you and your lover. 99% of the people around you will never know. I say this because the only places I go there are 20 to 70 avatars and I have yet to be able to pick out a mesh body. And I keep my setting almost maxed out. So if you like spending money, go for it, but its only for you, not the people around you.
  22. Most of what I do in SL is go to live shows. There are upwards of 50 people at some shows, I have yet to see a mesh avatar. Its not that there not there, its just that I can't tell if the avatar next to me is mesh or not. And you would think with that many people around I would see at least one mesh avatar over the last months, but I just can't tell, I know they are around me but they don't stand out. And my viewer settings are between high and ultra high. So keep in mind that the mesh avatars are more for “you” to see and not so much for others to see, unless you pole dance naked a lot and expect people to cam close. I stay away from the mesh avatars because, one, they cost to much, and two, they are just not worth the trouble, and three, they are just not that great.
  23. I don't know about the Hover height, but you avi height will change with what shoes you have on. Always look at you height with no shoes on and it should not change. I say this with no particular knowledge other than having seen so many height detectors say your height includes your shoes and then taking my shoes off and getting a different height. The Hover may be effected in the same way, don't know.
  24. Right now I am using Kokua and it does support RLV. I'll take a look at that, thanks.
  25. I've never used Firestorm so I'll take look at the xml file, thanks for the reply.
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