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Teagan Tobias

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Everything posted by Teagan Tobias

  1. Nova Convair wrote: SL viewer installs and runs fine. Kokua (the actual 3.7.12 release) runs fine. But I don't use the auto update. I don't waste my time with bugged crap. I always download and install manually. No clean install needed, but that may be different for others, so do it and get infos how to do it. Agree about auto update, I never have that turned on. I had a problem with 3-7-12 and Nicky Perian confirmed it to be a problem and suggested I try 3-7-15, that worked. But now I have 3-7-6 and 3-7-15 both clean installs and both get the message “Kokua Release Version has stopped working”. And I have been using both for weeks now. And like I said, I was logged on earlier today with no problems and it was after the SL updates that they both stopped working. Also, LL viewer works and Black Dragon works.
  2. Not sure if its the same problem, but, I have been logged in for several hours today before the SL updates. After the updates I am getting “Kokua Release Version has stopped working” and I can't get on SL with Kokua. I have booted and tried two different versions of Kokua and still can't log on with it. The SL viewer does work.
  3. Data wrote: I've set my preferences to "I want to access content rated: general, moderate, adult". I've re-logged. The in-world search still won't let me check the adult box. This is an account without payment info on file. Is this working as designed? One of the viewers I use changes my settings in Preferences back to Moderate every time I re-log. Don't re-log, just set your Preferences to Adult and then try setting Search to Adult, it works for me.
  4. Syo Emerals said: I find this question within this context odd. Renting a place and owning a home is a luxury in Second Life. Its not necessary in any way and does not influence the overall quality of ones experiance in such a drastic way that it would become important. Its the thing you do, if you already have done a lot of shopping for your avatar, but want to extend your shopping further. I disagree with part of your assessment of having a home in SL. The first part is true, owning a home is a luxury, but the second part I disagree with. I have had a place to live and I have been homeless, and being homeless is the pits. For a while I lived at the bottom of the Blake Sea, but having a home where you can open what you have purchased and try on your new clothes I find very VERY important. I have a Linden Home now and I love it, and I pay yearly so the cost is small. Just my 2L$ worth. And to the OP'er, yes you can play for free, but you will not experience SL at its best. IMHO
  5. I think I remember that in the past you could hide empty folders (system) in your inventory, a debug switch or something. Like Lost and Found would only show when something is in it. I can't find where to do this, is it still something that can be done, or am I just remembering wrong?
  6. Hey, you were looking in... Uh no, wait, why would anyone do something like that.
  7. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Teagan Tobias wrote: Ebbe has said that we can keep our names, but will I become TeaganTobias or Teagan.Tobias or Teagan_Tobias, because that is NOT my name. I don't care about brand names but I do care about my name, and if I can't keep it, I will not move to SL2, OpenSim is getting better and a big influx of people will make it that much more better. If there are no last names in SL2, its DOA. I have news for you... you already are teagan.tobias... https://my.secondlife.com/teagan.tobias ...Dres Very true, but that is not what you see in world or on the forums, or even on that web page once your logged in. You could say that Teagan Tobias is a display name with no one being able to see my account name, a nonchargeable display name, set it once and thats it. Although I think that would be a bad idea if it worked like the current display names where you can have any name, even one that is in use. People could see hundreds of Dresden Ceriano running around and not be able to tell one from the other. I think its save to say that SL2 names will continue to use the current system of display names, and if we can take our SL1 names to SL2 I hope that will be in the SL1 format.
  8. Ebbe has said that we can keep our names, but will I become TeaganTobias or Teagan.Tobias or Teagan_Tobias, because that is NOT my name. I don't care about brand names but I do care about my name, and if I can't keep it, I will not move to SL2, OpenSim is getting better and a big influx of people will make it that much more better. If there are no last names in SL2, its DOA.
  9. Qie Niangao wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Who ever told you life was fair had it wrong. It's not. To change this start with your state's legislature. Except that's exactly how it is fair. If the OP saved-up from not gambling, that could make a good campaign contribution towards throwing the bastards out of the statehouse. After all, the ten "forbidden" states are democracies. Well, okay, there's Louisana. Nine out of ten, then. Did you intend to say that the ten states are Democratic, if so, most of them are Republican. But what does that have to do with it?
  10. Wish we had a reply all... The only problem with the RLV is that all viewers do not support it, for one, the Linden Lab viewer does not. The best you can do is request that people turn the tags off saying they will have a better experience, but you will never know if they do or not.
  11. No, I'm not “p'd off by not being allowed to game”, that's not the point. And if I could play the games, I would not, I don't gamble, I think its stupid, but that is just me. But if the gaming is any kind of success, at all, there will be shops and entertainment available to draw more people in and keep them there to spend their winnings. I think its inevitable, and a lot of people will not have access to the entertainment and shops. But I guess that is thinking to far ahead for SL. But if the ONLY things your are allowed to do on a gaming region is gamble (no shops, no entertainment) then, this is pointless. But I don't know that.
  12. Tari Landar wrote: Teagan Tobias wrote: I find it interesting that they have cut off 1/5th of the US (ten states) from even entering the Skilled Gaming Regions. That's a lot of people to just tell, we don't want you here. And you can't go for entertainment or shopping or anything. That's not LL doing that, it is the laws within those states doing that. LL has no control over it whatsoever. LL could lock people out of playing the games, but they chose to lock people out of whole regions. There is a big difference. And me being on SL and not playing is no different than me being in the same region and not playing, no difference at all, none at all, no matter how you sugar coat it.
  13. I find it interesting that they have cut off 1/5th of the US (ten states) from even entering the Skilled Gaming Regions. That's a lot of people to just tell, we don't want you here. And you can't go for entertainment or shopping or anything.
  14. I think Premium Members should get a real e-mail address.
  15. LOL, “slipping behind the cultural curve” is what I excel at, thanks.
  16. This thread is not about social implications of Display Names, the OP made it very clear in the title of the thread, “I despise my username.” You can read social into it if you like but the OP is very clear in what the thread is about, hiding a user name they hate. And as far as display names being a standard, no, there is nothing standard about the ugly unreadable junk that I see when my alt is out to play. But, I guess I would start using display names if lucky chairs would use them, see something you like, change your name. I like it!
  17. Freya Mokusei wrote: Teagan Tobias wrote: I don't use display names because Lucky Chairs and the like don't use them. And that is a big part of my clothing resource. Nothing more to it than that. Smug, no, its just because of the way SL works. Display names are great for RP, but other than that they just get in the way. I don't understand this reasoning at all, sorry. Your Username begins with a T, and your Display Name matches. Old scripts don't limit your experience here. The usefulness of Display Names is not limited to RP. I guess you don't use the lucky chairs, you need to know the first letter of the User Name, not the display name, of the people around you to know how fast your going to need to be to get an item. If no one else there has a user name starting with T then I can take my time. Like I said, display names just get in the way. Linden Lab has made it this way and I just use what works best for me. To test this I made an alt several year ago, she uses only her display name, always has and always will, its a real pain in the tush not seeing the user name around you. And to display both is out of the question due to the amount of clutter on the screen, so I stick with just user names. And about being smug, the smug people are the ones that think you need to be like them, I don't care if you use your user name or display name, does not matter to me.
  18. Freya Mokusei wrote: People with a good understanding of social responses and who are grown up enough to respect the name people choose for themselves will typically honour Display Names. You can always discard people callling you by your Username as dumb, backward or socially inept. They're not a new feature and their purpose is obvious - anyone ignoring them is doing so to make themselves feel smug. As others have already said, you can't hide your Username. You can however use it as a litmus test for friend selection. I don't use display names because Lucky Chairs and the like don't use them. And that is a big part of my clothing resource. Nothing more to it than that. Smug, no, its just because of the way SL works. Display names are great for RP, but other than that they just get in the way.
  19. Almost everything I buy now days has a HUD, in fact I don't even look at it unless I see a HUD. And I also don't spend hundreds of lindens on anything in SL. There are many newer people selling that are here because they like the game, not to make a living. If it were not for them I would be naked all the time, or playing someplace else. Oh wait, could that be why there are so many avatars made daily yet the people that stick around are so few? And no, the HUD clothing is not script heavy.
  20. Changing Breast Buoyancy could help, adjusting size at the same time may help too. I'm not in world right now but I think that is what its called.
  21. KarraSue wrote: Currently the slider settings in "edit shape only go to 100. I'd like to see them increased, so those of us who want bigger breasts size, could easily go bigger without having to buy lolas,and would like to see a setting for biceps,and for butt roundness. I agree the sliders leave a lot to be desired, but the problem is only partly the sliders. The biggest problem is the avatar, we need a new and better avatar with out spending thousands on something that only some will use, and not a Frankenstein of pieces parts. The Lab needs to make a better avatar and better sliders to go with it. But don't hold your breath.
  22. Even the appliers will look bad in some lighting. Someone posted one of the name brand feet with different lighting and it looked really bad. The only real way that you and everyone else will see you correctly is to have a one piece avatar, no add on feet or hands, just a full avatar that has no seams. Midnight dreams.
  23. Your shoes should have a HUD to adjust the skin color of the feet in the shoes. If you look at the left foot at the band around your ankle, at the little round hole, you can see the line where your leg ends and the foot in the shoes starts. I don't think its the sun or lighting, you just need to adjust the skin color of the feet.
  24. Tari Landar wrote: Beauty Haramori wrote: I just saw the contest listed here on the SL page, not on FB. I don't even go to SL on FB. And I guess you are right, why post on FB when everyone doesn't even have a FB acct? My point is basically that it is wrong to try to tie our personal real life info in FB to our SL accts by hosting a contest on FB for SecondLifers. If they really want us to participate then it should be where all SLers can participate....IN WORLD! While I agree contests open for all residents would be fantastic, I have to look at it form more than just that point of view, personally. As a business owner(not talking about sl here, lol) I had a contest open to my customers before, but they had to participate on a specific forum(message boards back then) to enter the contest. I know some people didn't like that aspect, and I can udnerstand why. It was still my contest, my prize, my product, etc...So I couldn't possibly appeal to everyone, unfortunately. I held other contests too, giveaways, etc...that didn't have the same type of restriction. It still did not necessarily appeal to all of my customers, and some were more than willing to let me know this. ALl I could really say was "I'm sorry you're disappointed in the contest, unfortunately I cannot cater to each and every person to ensure each and every contest or giveaway, will be right up his or her alley. I enjoy hosting contests, and I enjoy when people are able to participate even more. Hopefully in the future you will find a contest that appeals to you." I mean, really, what exactly can I say? So, I liken contest, like this, to something like that. There are plenty of people who have both their FB and their Sl linked, in some fashion, so they will be the ones that participate in contests like this. Even if linking the two is not something you, individually, are willing to do. Those of us who do not, well, this is not a contest we can join. It certainly isn't the first contest LL has had that only some of the grid either knew about, or could participate in. It probably won't be the last either. It's not the end of the world, even if we don't liek it, or perhaps think of it as unfair. Their contest, their rules, our decision to participate or not. I don't care, like I said, I didn't even know about it. But I am a little surprised that a FB contest is not kept on FB. Why even advertise at SL if you must be on FB to participate, every one on FB that is in SL would know about it, wouldn’t they? Or is FB unable to connect people like that? I thought that is what FB was all about, connecting people, yet this is beyond them, how sad. Guess I'm not missing anything by not having an account.
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