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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Well it is still the weekend and I just went to KAZZA and that bed is $555 (and very heavy mesh as would be suspected). The #60 weekend signs are out but they are for Easter pottery things and a planter --- NOT what is pictured above at all. This is what is pictured in the gallery. So something evidently changed along the way. I did get the potted palm which will look great on my new patio. Did you mean that the bed was part of the hunt? I think we need more info or clarification :D. Thanks.
  2. WHEW!!! I just spent the last five days moving the store over and reviewing and changing 250 plus Marketplace items. I used up 4400 prims and now have about 6000 to use on the ground level. Aside from the new Trompe Loeil that I put down the first day (yes, rezzing issues but a GORGEOUS house) I did some landscaping and plunked down my one no copy item from the take up of old house cause I really didn't want to lose it. Resting now along with Pearl who looks pretty pale in this EEP setting. Maybe she is being empathic with my tiredness. This is on one of the color sims where you can terraform more like a stand alone. And water on all sides so "almost" like having your own island and definitely cheaper.
  3. Much of the "brand name" items in Opensim are stolen. It is very easy to do and pass along. At the same time, I suspect that even if the items are NOT stolen, they may not be the same quality in OS. I went back to OS this week after a couple of years and uploaded two new houses plus two remakes of older ones. They new items had perfect physics models in SL, but there was no way that they would be exactly the same in in Opensim. That is why there is a caveated on the Firestorm blog telling folks NOT to use OS Firestorm to upload mesh. Realistically it doesn't matter for small things where physics isn't all that important, but for houses -- a big deal. Since I am semi-retired (if bored) and since I just finished a very complex steampunk building hopefully for SL 19B and certainly for Engine Room Sept LOL I have no great plans to work on buildings for awhile. When I do I can always grit my teeth and use the Linden viewer. So --- it is sometimes difficult to figure out what is a honest gift and what is a stolen product -- so far as Opensim goes. On the downside there is very little premium content there simply because it can be so easily stolen or even if purchased passed along as full perm. I have made my peace with that. Many times stolen items are uploaded incorrectly and so it is pretty much easy to detect the dishonestly. Now and then actual SL creators come and put their goods out for sale or older items as gifts. I left my 2022 version of OS Chic looking pretty good. I know that three parts of her are legal and I am guessing that two parts are not. I don't like that news and I wish there were a way to be completely honest there, but tipping when you know the actual creator seems to be the only option. Alas. I at least feel good that I am contributing to the legal part of the equation from time to time. I doubt things will change though.
  4. NOT new news. Always good to pay attention and research before jumping in. I agree that is a hefty fee but plenty of folks seem to be fine paying it. It all depends on the person.
  5. )K. Thanks to you both. Actually I HAVE been in Opensim this week (new FS viewer which seems to be working fine for both as long as I don't upload houses in SL *wink*). I am wearing the Athena ( and I may have that name off as it was very early or very late -- OR the person that repackaged got it wrong) body which I got last night but assumed it was stolen as so many things in OS are. My plan was to pay the creator in SL since I do want to use the body but don't agree with the "stolen" part of the equation. So I am VERY HAPPY to learn that news. It is simple and seems to work well. And I can send a tip for its use. I also have a most likely stolen head from Catwa and I plan to pay for it in SL - LOL. Giant applause to the folks that are actually making things for OS. It is definitely difficult to look good there and keep your morals in tact. I stop in every couple of years and add some legal things to the Kitely Market, but I don't do clothes or bodies. I do have a very nifty builder's toolbelt I made years ago so I look pretty good out there on the sandbox. Off to do some tipping.
  6. I am trying to find out about the Athena body but search isn't getting me there. Is it still around? A link would be great. Thanks.
  7. G with a capital rated event folks. Always has been. So no red light district. I thought the rules were even more strict than in the past but I didn't do last year. May have changed with new owners. So anyone applying be SURE and read what you are agreeing to. It is pretty in-depth.
  8. The application announcement just went out and from the info at the top of the form it looks like not everything will be steampunk. See underlined in red. To "me" this seems to say that the MOLES will be making steampunk builds. I just finished my new builds yesterday and they ARE oh so definitely steampunk LOL. Looking forward to the event.
  9. Just wanted to note that not ALL mesh buildings have this issue. It is a PHYSICS error when making the physics model and uploading the mesh. I honestly am puzzled why the Belli houses are STILL having this problem (my traditional did for sure). There is no reason for it, and with Belli "made" especially for new arrivals, it really should be addressed and fixed IMO :D.
  10. You don't. The test grid IS "the test grid". You paid no fees to upload there (only fake money use that they give you). You need to Import to the main grid in order to make ANY use of beta grid builds.
  11. I haven't installed but did you read the RELEASE NOTES? There are new settings now for you to tinker with that let you "reduce lag". My first thought was that the default of this was higher than your old settings. Did you use RESTORE to put your settings back to what they were previously? (Not sure if this would help but always a good starting place. ) Inara (Living in a Modem World) most likely has an easy to understand explanation of this. ALWAYS READ THE RELEASE NOTES!!!!!
  12. I joined to take a class at Harvard about virtual world economy. The class -- while it could have been good -- was very scattered and said very little. I did however enjoy Second Life and got some friends to join me. That's the story.
  13. Sorry. I know you don't make shapes. I was just giving you the hierarchy of creations in SL. In my view shapes are at the bottom. I would put well made clothing at the top really over mesh bodies but I guess there would be arguments there :D. What I meant was that MANY people can and do make what you are making, so it is difficult to stand out in the crowd. Hope that is more clear.
  14. Some things that might help. On the plus side your vendor photos are good and your avi cute. So points there. You are currently selling products at the "low end" of the creation curve (shapes are at the bottom in my book and cost nothing to make LOL). There is a LOT out there. So keep working on "niche" and making things that folks don't already have. Invest in a tiny store. I have found some for $25 a week or free even. Having an inworld store makes you look more legit. If you can find a fairly good looking mall that is cheap that would be best. You don't need a ton of prims so that is good. Even a 25 prim shop would work to start. Once you have a little store, give away things regularly (like monthly). They can be group gifts (free group) or free for all. You can advertise in your social media and on teleporthub.com and on seraphim (both free). Most all creators are having issues with lower income these days. Lots of reasons, so you are swimming up stream more than in the past and even then few folks make a lot of sales in the beginning. Look at your store as a hobby doing something you enjoy. Eventually it may make some money. Most SL creators do NOT make much if any profits. The ones with the highest skillsets typically make the most. Only fair. Lots of learning and practice involved. Good luck and happy creating.
  15. Well "acceptable" depends on the person as there are some super weighty items out there. What I really meant was testing and then looking at the number. So if it was over a hundred that would definitely not be good "for me". Honestly any land form over 50 at the 64 meter limit would definitely be a no-no for me. I recently made a spectacular looking roof, but because the uploader doesn't like small pieces on large objects it was going to upload in the hundreds. It would WORK in Opensim and I may make it into a cupola and upload there some day but it is obviously NOT suited ro the SL grid :D.
  16. Before you go forward I suggest just TRYING (not uploading just looking at ) the download and physics (assuming you want to be able to bump into your mountain) in the Linden uploader. You can easily tell if your model will have too much land impact for what you want. Make sure you have the correct SIZE designated when you test the numbers. Opensim isn't going to help you much with the land impact cost as the numbers are VERY different from Second Life ones -- and the physics is different also in many cases. OS is fine for testing textures. You can of course (maybe) use the Aditi beta grid if it is indeed open again for "new folks" (not sure where the line is drawn there and if you are new and haven't used it before ).
  17. Depending on who you rent from you may have a small "island" as a default area so it might seem smaller and would be LAND AREA WISE but as others have said they are the same size. You can likely terraform to make your land area larger. AND your friend may have had a hill surround enclosing their parcel and that would have made it look larger ---- OR they are a better "decorator" :D. All possibilities.
  18. When the Linden Homes first came out most of us were thrilled that we had 351 land impact to work with. The hefty LI house doesn't count against that after all. We shared a lot of tips on how to decorate and if you look WAY back in the Belli show me thread -- not the actual name but still very active you can get a lot of tips. The biggest one is to NOT use that "primmy" furniture. There is no reason a couch needs to be 15 land impact or a bed 22 (and there are many that are MORE). So part of the trick about not needing extra prims is to pay attention to the "cost" of each item. You can do this in area search. You can see that many things are just one land impact. The building is 56 and I have a statue and a linked table, 4 chairs and rug that are all a bit higher than need be. Still I am doing very well on my land impact which is just a bit over that 351 and WITHOUT a free house. So much is about choices. There is plenty of info on the forums about this as well as a blog post I did over a year ago when a bunch of us were doing a 50 LI decorating challenge (and that was both challenging and fun). So looking up that thread might be helpful. Here is an example of what folks did with only 50 land impact. Impressive. Note houses weren't counted. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2020/11/50-li-challenge-winners.html I am guessing someone can find that thread from 2020 (I think November). I am not at all good at finding old threads. Note that I haven't LINKED any objects as of yet. You can often link them to save land impact. It is a bit tedious and PLEASE PRACTICE before you start linking wildly if you do. Here is a blog post on that: https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2020/11/prim-magic-getting-more.html Here is one more example because I think it is REALLY important for folks to understand how to get more "decor" with less land impact (and still good LODs). The stools, table, rug and flying papers weigh in at 11 in total. I can actually link something to this and get "free" land impact but I don't do that typically unless I am really REALLY trying to be thrifty. The BIG bookcase in back with is beautifully made is only 2 land impact. The cabinet on the left is one land impact. The wall sconces are 2 but again, I can link certain items to them to get "bonus land impact". It is all about how you manage your decorating -- and shopping wisely of course.
  19. I got a bit lost on this thread but to the OP, I made a tutorial on this when I was making a backup of my Linden Home. It is here: https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2019/05/home-and-garden-backups.html I suggest everyone does this NOT just when they are moving LOL. I can't tell you how many times I retrieved "lost" items from one of these backup files. Apparently the database doesn't recognize the piece within the coalesced object. Hope that helps some.
  20. If you are using planes physic for you model, you could use CUBE physics instead. If you use double sided objects for your physics model they need small spaces between them and need to be ANALYZED in the uploader. You may already know that but others might not :D. I always use cube physics and have never found any issues.
  21. You need to read the instructions on The Arcade hud (as you walk in there is a place to get the hud (changes daily per person) and an explanation of how it works. You can come back once a day and see what is offered that day (per avatar). So you are NOT gambling. The "do" look similar though.
  22. Cute, small, low tri and good price. Good LODs unless you have a big kitchen :D. At Cosmopolitan which opens officially at midnight. RnR - turn left at doorway.
  23. Not that I know of. No clue as to why. Maybe someone complained I was "advertising". I know not.
  24. I haven't posted here for a very long while after getting my hand slapped for having a signature on my photos when others do and have no issues. That didn't sit well with me. But this turned out so great I am going through the extra steps and posting. Floating ... taken at my new spot at Babbage in the Canals district :D. I have always loved Babbage.
  25. While I agree both with the "narrow theme" comments as well as the "steampunk is vast" point of view ---- I was wondering just WHY LL decided on the genre. In my mind (not theirs of course) it may have been to add some COHESIVENESS to the event. In years past and I think I have been in maybe eight events - everything from a small plot for MOSP to a two sim performance stage build -- the one thing that the event can be is SCATTERED with builds so divergent next to one another it is sometimes painful -- well, to ME anyway. Since I have always been a big fan of steampunk, I am personally thrilled and will apply again this year even though I had no plans to do that :D. I am not convinced that the narrowness of the theme (over "crystals" let's say as mentioned will pull things together but it may weed out some folks who traditionally make NO attempt to keep to the theme. It would be nice if LL actually policed the event (other than for Adult rating stuff and sale items). I doubt that will happen though. Will be interesting. I am hoping the MOLE builds will be fun!
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