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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Happily it seems like things are working SO MUCH BETTER than last weekend. I have a small pool of reporters of course but even my friend with tons of things not working (no glytchs going into inventory all week and couldn't hunt at Tahoe for some reason) reported a major change mid afternoon during her hunting. She is now "reset" or whatever and everything is working as it was in the beginning. I didn't see any zombie glytchs on my travels. There are a few in a few places that seem to be slow to activate still. Not sure if it is the server code or what. Still, they do work eventually. The only comment that I heard a bunch lately was that pinks now seem to be even more rare. I can confirm that during several hours of hunting I garnered NO pinks --- pretty unusual for me. Might just be coincidence. So hopefully some major problems have been solved this week and the weekend will be fun and problem free. Fingers crossed.
  2. I did read that walk through and get them bit in one of the official reports (or wiki) and I did see folks trying to do that but it doesn't work as far as I can see. So maybe they just need to fix that part. It might have been PLANNED and then didn't happen.
  3. No pinks for me today. It is in theory "random" and of course if you don't CATCH the glytch you don't get the pink that might be there. I will say though that I also usually do better with pinks. You DO know that you have to pay (undisclosed amount until someone tells us) to get into the Bonus areas and then once inside you can "buy more time". So it isn't like a free pass in there. Beyond that, I know not. Good luck.
  4. Some landlords let you set your own stream and you can rent a 512 lot for around $125 a week. So fifty cents ish
  5. IF you don't remember to downgrade a month PRIOR to when premium is up --- you end up paying $5 (for a 512) or more for the month during your downgrade since land tier is for the previous month. So you did fine. You can always rent :D.
  6. There was a post in ANSWERS last night about someone losing half (45K) their inventory. I suspect that it is not "really" lost but just gone missing since that is a huge number and I don't remember seeing anything like that before. There is of course an official inventory loss help page but this morning the equivalent Firestorm page showed up on the login screen. I think it is much easier to understand and with Firestorm having the biggest by far piece of the viewer pie, I wanted to paste in the link here for others to hopefully find easily. My advice to the poster of last night was -- since she had apparently tried many tricks to get her inventory to appear -- to install a different viewer like the official Linden viewer if she was using a third party. That is at the bottom of the Firestorm list also. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory
  7. Did you try installing another viewer --- like the Linden viewer if you use a third party viewer or Firestorm (or another ) if you normally use the Linden viewer. If you inventory is still gone, then it is likely it is a database issue. Happens although honestly I have never heard of that many items disappearing -- 10K, yes. If it is really gone your chances aren't good getting it back. They do try but I haven't heard a lot of success stories -- actually any. Very sorry.
  8. Yes well. You could go to the non-premium one for 5. I didn't get any pink today either but I did get some glytchs and a friend got three of four pinks in like half an hour (he is really lucky with this). Another friend still gets non but it appears it is her hud and not the viewer as she tried the Linden viewer with the same non-delivery issue. Since she has plenty of glytchs she is really after gems so not a big deal except that she might not get any great goodies in the bonus area. She can SEE it anyway. Saw a gal that wasn't a Linden (at least last name wise) with a canon today. My only realistic scenario for her earning one in a bit over a week is that she got enough for five blue equivalents, went to the bonus round and picked up BETTER gems there (like maybe some blues). I don't KNOW that of course but can't see any way she could have possibly earned 25 blues but enough for the fly swatter (another blue - well 99 pinks plus one pink for the net). That seems pretty much impossible even if no one else was hunting. I didn't go that many places but I didn't see any zombie bots and that pausing lag thing wasn't happening as bad (assume it is a script initializing issue but I am NOT a scripts person). So WAY better than the weekend by today. Today was the first day that I got glytchs in inventory though. Good luck on your ten blue. Maybe by Thanksgiving !
  9. Just a note here. We cannot control how things look for others. So someone using a high to Ultra setting WILL see things differently than those on low settings. Sometime this IS problematic as in this case. It is more the settings than the viewer involved. Hareware skinning is also an option in the Linden Viewer (Graphics > Advanced) so it isn't a viewer specific issue.
  10. None as far as I know. I have one that old and it hasn't been able to run SL with any viewer in quite a few years.
  11. Actually I blog a lot of garments like that which fit perfectly so they ARE out there :D. Happily so. Stop by my blog some time and peruse. Quite a few folks in the events I am in are definitely doing it correctly. That's the GOOD news. There are some designers that you really CAN'T use alpha slots with LOL. Not my thing, that rigging, but some folks seem to really enjoy that part of the process.
  12. I think was a nicely done article for those gals (and guys as gals) who want giant breasts. I do not think that they are an issue for most people and I do not think that the preceived "flaw" negates the fact that Lara is the most supported and most used body (hence the most support LOL) in SL. Last figures that I saw were 75%. Not sure what they are currently. Also as mentioned there are OTHER sliders involved in the mix (several) that determine how your breasts look. Mine are set at 43 for size and I think they look perfect! Just saying LOL.
  13. Well wouldn't that be lovely. I still get clothes from some top name designers that in theory are rigged for Lara. They are not. Sometimes they don't even work with the alpha layers. I have the new Exmachina body WITH the alpha slots now so that helps. I found nothing on the Marketplace in the freebies that would work though. I did have a few items in my inventory from long ago that are fine. The body seems to take a smaller size (as in standard sizing) than you might expect. I guess Lara did that too as I had to switch to XS from S before the fitmesh started coming in. I did find some nice not free mens garments that fit very well though -- even without alpas (well they probably needed them if I would have moved much :D) so that is a big plus. Time will take care of the rest. The 10th Men's Only Hunt is in October so that is a great place for guys to find things INCLUDING the OP (although I think he came and went LOL).
  14. Obviously those of us that have BEEN here for awhile see the world in a completely different way. Troll or no troll LOL.
  15. Good to know and almost impossible to find things that don't poke through! As far as I can tell the FREE Exmachina avatar still has only one skin tone (medium). My friend just went and got one yesterday and that was what he found. Agree that alpha cuts are much needed most of the time.
  16. Wasn't trying to pick on you, just note that it is easy to make assumptions that are not valid. We all fall into that trap I think.
  17. Here is a scenario --- a person is perhaps in high school, perhaps not in the US and/or perhaps with Internet is not all that available let alone everyone having a computer. Said person with little money (no RL job and no RL "allowance" if they still do that these days LOL ) could make an account using a friend's computer -- a person that is more affluent. In THAT case, the person might be completely broke as in NADA. Giving up coffeeshop coffee is not an option because there IS no coffesshop coffee. They could still enjoy second life. Harder as a guy for sure. But realistically you can also look better as a guy in the legacy avatar mode as guys are usually wearing MORE CLOTHES and free things are still very available on the Marketplace and in some hunts. True, even hunts now are frequently body specific mesh items, but there are still standard sizing things around and of course boots and hair and all that is needed. But expecting to get a mesh body and maybe head for free is not realistic. Designers work hard and deserve some compensation. Better to spend your time on the Realms earning some lindens and taking it slow.
  18. I went through my Marketplace store a year or so ago and took off some things that were embarrassingly old. But I still have some old prim builds (very cheap) on the Marketplace and they still sell now and then. For some folks, those less than state of the art items are all that is needed and lindens might be hard to come by. I had someone give a one star review to one of those items that said "I hate it" -- and that was it LOL. I left it there as it was there right to hate it. It was maybe $50 or $100 lindens. Honestly? I do have some very old products that still sell well DESPITE the fact that I remade them in mesh and they did NOT sell LOL. So it is what it is.
  19. I have not had good luck removing reviews. For awhile "it seemed" like a competitor was buying my best selling product in order to give one star reviews. The reviews said very little and had the same speech pattern for the most part with some of the same complaints. Then, I made a DEMO item and there were STILL one star reviews. Eventually I put a note at the top of the item page. And I quote: ***Sadly I need to add this note*** Edited October 23rd, 2016. I can see no legitimate reason for people buying this item and then leaving a one star rating -- and sometimes a fairly nasty comment THERE IS A DEMO -- THERE IS A DEMO -- THERE IS A DEMO -- THERE IS A DEMO -- The demo has been available since August 31, 2015. I of course am not trying to cheat people. I have been in business as ChiC buildings since 2010. You can see a smaller demo of this surround inworld -- http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Swanbridge/194/88/1003 I invite you to PICK UP THE FREE DEMO and see how it looks in your environment. Pick up my competitor's demos if they have them and test those also. YOU are the customer. YOU make the choices. And if you want to make your own surround, I applaud you. As a previous member of the Linden Endowments for the Arts committee and designer and curator of LEA7 (Machinima Open Studio Project) I support (in caps) creativity!!!! PLEASE PICK UP A DEMO AND TRY BEFORE BUYING IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS. Questions - contact Chic Aeon. IMs go to email. That seems to have solved the issue. I hated to put that on my item page, but I was also royally P***ED at someone so blatantly using the system. I know of builders who have INSTANT five star reviews (several) on release of a new building. I also know that I have sold hundreds of items (many) with one or NO reviews at all. So that tells me something there. I really don't trust reviews that much. I want to see the product inworld or have a demo to try. That's pretty much my rule.
  20. Yes I had that long ago but that dress was the ONLY garment that readily fit for the gals body back then. Standard mesh didn't work and neither did fitmesh. It was nice that they included the dress for sure but not too many folks wanted to wander around in the very same dress -- LOL. It was certainly possible that there were a few outfits made using the TMP body weight that also fit -- if bought at the shop. The ones made by other designers would not work for those with the free lady body. At least none that I tried. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2014/06/the-mesh-project-full-body-mesh.html Hence it was mesh made expressly for that body much like some designers have the kits for Lara and others and they don't need (or can't have in many cases *wink*) any alpha slots. When made perfectly by someone who takes the time to copy over all the weights from the main body, that works. That however is the exception -- not the rule. What I meant was that it was very unlikely that clothes made for other mesh bodies (or fitmesh in general OR standard sizing) will work without alpha slots on the body. I have tried at least fifty, maybe many more and nothing actually FIT -- especially when moving -- which is understandable. IF the clothes made for Davide will actually ALSO fit the free mesh Davide, then they could possibly be used without alpha slots. ONLY though if actually made from the body weights using a creator kit from that body. That is the key.
  21. Note to the OP that there is a much nicer free mesh body (free group needed) from EXMACHINA (Egosime). I suspect it is at the main store somewhere but you can also pick it up at COSMOPOLITAN with a group tag on (the EXMACHINA tag). Much nicer than TMP IMHO. However, like TMP there are no alpha slots so finding clothes will be DEFINITELY hard. Great if you just want to be more or less naked. I am also wondering in that example of the TMP mesh body with clothing if the avatar can actually MOVE with those clothes on and not have issues. On the PLUS side, it might be that the free avatar has some well fitting clothes made by the same brand -- or might in the future. If they fit really well then there alpha slots aren't really needed. So checking that out would be a good plan ^^.
  22. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2011/12/cyber-suave.html We have come a long way since 2011 for sure :D.
  23. LOL. Yes I saw that and read the literature but since it NEVER worked, that wasn't my first thought to try. I know better now. Thank you! And I relog pretty quickly so not a big deal. Looking forward to the new improved version. Will check the blogger box tomorrow. I think your HUD (working of course :D) is VERY nicely done! Easy to see where things are. PS I was one of your bloggers in my extreme youth, long ago and far away before mesh. Made one of my first machinimas wearing chains from one of your male outfits. I wish you all the best!
  24. Yes, I got it working after I logged on again. And I updated my comment. Thanks. PLEASE update your blogger box also since the folks there are not in your list of customers. And you might want to let Corina know so that she can tell folks there was an update. I have no idea who the male bloggers are :D. Good luck. I know this was a lot of work. I look forward to experimenting more.
  25. This comes up often and I see that this isn't the newest of threads either but I just wanted to chime in (yet again). There are plenty of "top name" house builders who do not understand house physics at all. There are plenty that do not test to see if correct physics is in play before putting their new building on the market. Some happily FIX things when bloggers (usually the first to receive the item) or customers complain -- mostly about not being able to walk through the door. AND we ALL (even those that understand house physics) make mistakes. Forgetting to change the door frame to PRIM is my main error. There are some designers that excel in textures and never appear to walk into the buildings that they make. So they look great but are pretty much unusable. There are some who never set their LOD below 4 -- even to test for others. There are plenty who simply don't care because after all it is only pixels and the price of a cup of coffee or less. BUYERS need to demo as much as they can -- with houses as well as with mesh bodies *wink*. While buyers won't be able to test the rez on the floor issue (which is actually pretty easy to fix anyway) they can certainly walk through the building and see if they can navigate (size and scale are important too). But these issues are NOT INHERENT IN ALL MESH BUILDINGS (caps intended). It is important to remember that "top name" doesn't mean "well crafted" and not all the items from award winners are worthy of awards. Within our environment -- in this case Second Life -- we have rules that make the world work. We don't get to choose those rules and sometimes it would be great if the rule makers redid things :D, but we DO need to work around those rules to make competent items that actually work. Well some of us feel the need anyway.
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