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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Got my tool belt on. Building with mock up prims to export into Blender -- always fun and reminiscent of the olden days. I REALLY had to smile as the four beach front houses on my sim (Heathstone) all chose the same house. Well THAT isn't so unsual really but everyone but moi (including a neighboring house in the next sim down) chose WHITE - LOL. So funny. So I have been making a new front porch for watching the boats go by --- and so that my house looks a bit different. Enjoying the process.
  2. The {what next} summer flower box group gift looks great on my house. Beware though -- in order for the size to look correct the box turns to 6 land impact. I am leaving it (just one) for now though. Perks up the corner :D.
  3. I forgot the number of listings on the Marketplace but it is staggering so not surprising that you don't see your product come up at the top of search. Unless things have changed (and they certainly could have) one of the big metrics involved is the amount of sales you get from the number of viewings you have. So if people looked at your product 100 and you sold one thing --- the person who had a 100 look and sold TWO things would move ahead of you in the listings. If you want to accomplish better sales to view ratios it is important that your keywords reflect your product. It also takes some time to get a new product higher in the listings (unless of course people are searching with NEWEST turned on). So patience is important. Interestingly enough a friend who does backend work for some big companies found that Amazon uses (or used perhaps- who knows) this same method. So the more popular an item is, the more likely it will be shown at the beginning of a search and the more likely you will sell :D.
  4. They did talk about that at one time but it seems like it would be VERY difficult.There was mention of community areas and such and being close to friends (I think Ebbe but not crystal clear on that) -- and eventually that might come to pass, but not now. As the sims that are open get filled up, new ones open (I watched that happening this afternoon) so you could always TRY and get new spots. If you watch the map and see a trend in the dot pattern and then both go for new spots at the same time (within a couple of minutes) it seems like that would be your best bet. But best hurry :D.
  5. Well you still need mainland for commercial purposes OR if you want or need more room than a 1024. So while the new homes are very nice they aren't for everyone. Just like when the 1024s came into being and a lot of 612 lots disappeared (abandoned or merged with another 512) it seems likely that some of the 1024s will get joined to make larger parcels. AND, not everyone wants a "traditioinal home" or houseboat. So I doubt mainland will be impacted all that much. From all the dots it looks like the available areas may be almost half gone already and it hasn't even been half a day. So only so many folks CAN move.
  6. As far as I can tell there are no rez zones. I went to about a dozen spots that looked "likely" with no luck so perhaps you need a houseboat if you want to sail.
  7. This morning when things opened it was almost all beachfront :D. Watching the green dots the beachfront lots were given out first it seems, later some interior ones. It got VERY busy after "work" hours in the US. I was one of the first and got a very nice "beachy" lot. The plus side is mush less flora and only nine lots in my sim (a big plus) so the FPS should be better than some other spots. Glad you found a place finally. I think the waterfront lots were gone by around 2:30 judging by my message to a friend and what she found.
  8. and EXTERIOR (I don't really care about the interior LOL) @Patch Linden TY!!!!! The current texture packs just have bricks and cement and some road textures, no siding or roofing.
  9. I did a tour of all the places that "looked" like they should be rez zones and ran into someone else who had wondered. I couldn't find ANY rez zones, so if you want to rez your boat it seems like you will need to go for a houseboat and moor there.
  10. There are some very nice flower groupings at Cosmopolitan this round. Good LODs. Not cheap LOL but letting folks know. Forgot who the creator is but there aren't far from the entry so easy to spot.
  11. DELETED Just me I think.
  12. Heathstone. My "perfect place" was up north where there is grass and beachfront but it became obvious quickly that only some sims were "open" (mostly it seems beachfront :D) so beachy it will be. Have some plans for enlarging to take advantage of the boat lane view so that should keep me out of trouble. There are only NINE plots in this sim so that should help the FPS.
  13. FYI Texture pack doesn't include HOUSE textures, but does have concrete.
  14. First off as far as I know your private sim while it might look somewhat like SL will NOT be good for testing as so very many things are different from SL. So Aditi would make much more sense. If you are uploading mesh, "personal grids" have very different uploading rules than SL (a variety of choices really with only one being close to SL at all). So for example you could test the size and textures of a building but the land impact and physics would not be the same. You would STILL need to test on Aditi or the main SL grid. All that being said there are older tutorials here that might be helpful. I haven't been in Opensim for a couple of years so I have no idea how much (or if anything) has changed. But things don't change quickly there so these may work fine for you. https://www.slartist.com/browse-josh-boam-tutorials-videos-1-date.html
  15. Other than trying EEP when it first came out (like the first day) over on the beta grid I have left it alone. It is easy to see simply by reading the first couple of lines in post that show up in my forum listings that things are not happy. I can say on the plus side that "I" have had no issues with any of the old Windlight settings used under the current Firestorm. Others have it seems -- especially on heads and makeup layers -- but I have an OLD Lelutka head and it works "as always". I haven't stopped blogging and have plenty of photos in my Flickr feed since the server updates. BUT, should we actually GET this new enhancement rammed down our throats when it really isn't an improvement (to most folks it seems) I would sincerely hope that the third party viewers would make EEP and "option" and not a necessity. Since things are working fine under the current FS viewer it seems like that "could" be an possibility but of course I am not techie in that area. Personally I have loved the old Windlight for so many years I will hate to see it go and will probably just use the "adapted" Windlight settings from Firestorm and from my own records.
  16. While I have NO personal experience in this area LOL, the go to place for a very long time has been aeros http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aeros Island/99/48/21
  17. Note that MANY of those are not "game asset" (low poly) mesh. Some are even made for magazine aricle renders (oh my) so unless you know how to optimize the mesh OR get enough info from the site so you have an idea of a poly count ==== that isn't the best option. **************************** To the OP of a few months back @iamyourneighbour :D. I would suggest looking up full perm mesh creators on the marketplace. See what they make and if you like it look in their profiles to see if they do custom work. As said above, many creators do not (full perm or retailers) but some do. I would THINK you best bet would be the full perm guys. And re the Paypal thing. Lots of folks don't give out their Paypal info for privacy reason. While you CAN have an address for your avatar that goes to your real life Paypal account (I have one and it is legal as I talked through a customer rep who helped me set it up), most folks don't have that or want to go to the trouble of GETTING that LOL. So that part of your post isn't a surprise for me. Unless someone that advertises in the forums has an inworld store where you can check the LODs and poly count, I would steer clear.
  18. Ahhhh -- I didn't understand (no screenshot :D). For awhile in Sansar all newcomers came in a gray "doughboys" which was pretty bizarre from my point of view. Some folks like it. But when you saw a dozen gray doughboys (no features) all together there certainly wasn't any feeling of individualism. That didn't last too long.
  19. If that is so (I didn't go look) it is similar to the new avatar choices in Sansar --- the idea being I guess: SIMPLICTY.
  20. Agreed. Typically YOUR apparent issue is fixed by the last method on that page. Happened to my alt some time back. Very easy fix.
  21. What "I" see is that you have two BIG payouts to Paypal on one day. Almost $1450 US when your other cash outs were WAAAAAY smaller. There is a red flag automatically -- -from my point of view. IF it is an "exceeding your limit" as suggested you should have had a big and obvious warning about that. "I" certainly did and others also (as reported in the forums some time ago). SO it seems more likely that your cash out is under review of some kind. Did you send in a ticket or chat up support to find out what might be wrong? Did you check your "ticket history" (even if you didn't put in a ticket warnings show up there)?
  22. In general there are OH SO MANY reasons not to upload linksets and I am sure someone will come along and explain that :D. BUT to the title of your thread, here are the limits for Second Life. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits
  23. Chic Aeon


    Well "legit" is probably an odd term. Just newly private parties can auction off their land. I haven't kept up with all this and not interested but presumably all auctions run THROUGH the auction page would be "legit". The problems comes sometimes with how land is advertised. I have no idea if the lab is paying much attention to what is claimed and what is real. Typically they stay out of things. You CAN of course ONLY bid on Linden Lab land and NOT on private lands and that would (in theory) be completely safe. I have never purchased auction land so I can't speak personally. Note below there are LINDEN auctions and RESIDENT auctions. I suggest taking some time to understand better how all this works -- and by checking out other land sales. Sometimes it is cheaper to buy directly rather than at auction --- unless of course it is a specific parcel you are after.
  24. Chic Aeon


    "Protected Land" means land that is owned by Linden Lab and is slated to stay empty (such as beachfront areas or open water) or have Linden builds on it. It is NOT "Land under MAINTENANCE" which means the land has been abandoned by the owner and is just sitting there empty. Maintenance Land can be sold or auctioned off at any time so there is no reason to believe you will be "neighborless" (the main point of having protected land) and with a "view" should there be one. Land can be technically "protected" but with such a small border that it is more or less useless. So do not trust the seller 100 percent and do your research and look at the property lines in the viewer before purchasing. And sometimes people advertise land as protected when it is really maintenance land. So beware. EDIT: AFAIK there is not "unprotected designation but maintenance land could be considered "unprotected" I guess.
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