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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. LL really needed to explain properly and specifically what it means to not have a Tilia account and what ramifications it has on your SL account and what the process is for closing an existing Tilia account. Also what happens to your SL account if Tilia terminates your account.
  2. According to a very reputable source which I also verified personally, if you unfriend someone, your calling card is put into their trash. Obviously they can fish it out again should they want to but a lot of people wouldn't notice and just empty it at some point. You are worrying about something unnecessarily though, any calling card can be turned into a calling card for anyone if you know how. On top of that there are scripted objects that if you put in the name of the person you knew, it will give you their new name and ones that if you give it the name of the person you suspect were someone you knew, it will give you their previous names. You cannot hide this public information from anyone.
  3. Yes and it's this behaviour that is abhorrent. Exerting pressure on or bullying anyone is not acceptable under any circumstances. Unfortunately it's difficult to get action against those kinds of behaviours. I see them as no better than groups like the JLU.
  4. I'm rarely over 60K, using between 25-50K and even though I know it's rather a useless metric. It's not so much a conscious effort except when I encounter an item that adds something like 40K in the demo for a top for example. No, it's more of a product of the fact newer items I find are much lower ARC these days for the most part. So either they are being made better (yeah right) or that vendors are gaming the metric better.
  5. If LL intended all water to be protected then they would have protected it by cutting it at the land either when originally sold, whenever a parcel came up for auction or by forced relocation for the purposes of protecting water. They haven't made any steps towards any of this, in fact in some places by adding extra water regions to provide access, they've cemented the decision to preserve the status quo. It's quite obvious they know the value of selling water parcels and enjoy the revenue they bring either through auction, premium memberships or the original sale to the residents. Nothing in LL's behaviour toward private water ownership on mainland has ever indicated anything differently. Believing anything else is just foolish pipe-dreaming for circumstances which do not and have never existed.
  6. I prefer the quietly fading away into the shadows plotting my revenge and internally vowing never to return only to be thwarted when someone posts Gabriele bait.
  7. One thing that occurred to me is that the response buttons leave very little scope to respond to them. Sometimes that is a good thing and can signal that someone has finished with a conversation without having to say so. I've observed that they generally work quite well in that regard. If we posted emoji, I'm not sure it would work as well that way. You'd certainly get a better range though. The response buttons are a pitiful selection.
  8. I agree mostly with the exception that it would have the unintended side-effect of removing the only participation that some do give and I genuinely feel it would be a shame to take away their voice. I do enjoy their contribution regardless of what side of the response buttons I end up on.
  9. I intended my response to be read in the voice of Laurence Fishburne from the first Matrix movie where he asks Neo "so you think that is air you are breathing? Hmmm". I probably should have used a meme image generator.
  10. This got me thinking about what effect it would have if people stopped using the reaction buttons for a week. Could everyone do their part? Would there actually be an effect? Perhaps less bum-hurt over scorn-laughs, etc. would change the dynamic a little even? Would there be more bum-hurt over the inevitable lowering of post/point ratios? Would people post less due to that? Of course getting any group of people to do a single thing is impossible and so this is just a thought exercise but somewhat related to the topic. To the OP, so you think these are good reputations we are gathering here? Hmmm...
  11. Read this topic and then you'll know why MOAP isn't ever going to be universal unless it become mandatory:
  12. I would like to have something clarified after reading these last few pages. Are we saying that a person who buys things inworld via CasperVend or on MP will have their purchases (past, present and future) not only directly associated with their avatar account but also with whatever real life identity has been provided to LL and this can be passed from LL to Tilia to JP Morgan-Chase Bank and to third-parties as outlined in the privacy policy?
  13. Yes, that part of the Lab Gab was strange. Europeans were really disadvantaged already.
  14. I'm not so sure the OP is talking about protected land encroachment. The phrase that they used could equally apply to private land owners building over the waterway they own and I don't see a clarification in this topic from the OP. Regardless it's all been said before: If there is protected land encroachment then AR it, otherwise there is nothing to be done. LL built the coastal areas the way they are and they are working as they expected them to. It's easy to inspect the land under the water for the parcel owner. If the owner isn't "Governor Linden" then it is private land.
  15. This was very timely. I would have renewed my premium subscription today but decided instead to downgrade to Basic and wait for Homesteads to be introduced on or around Nov 1st. If everything checks out, then for me, this is the Premium Plus feature that finally makes it worth upgrading for.
  16. Re: OP I'm one of the most ardent privacy advocates about SL related things and I don't see anything unusual here or anything to be concerned about.
  17. What are the key components of blockchain technology? Blockchain architecture has the following main components: <snip> Public key cryptography Public key cryptography is a security feature to uniquely identify participants in the blockchain network. This mechanism generates two sets of keys for network members. One key is a public key that is common to everyone in the network. The other is a private key that is unique to every member. The private and public keys work together to unlock the data in the ledger. For example, John and Jill are two members of the network. John records a transaction that is encrypted with his private key. Jill can decrypt it with her public key. This way, Jill is confident that John made the transaction. Jill's public key wouldn't have worked if John's private key had been tampered with. Ref: AWS What is Blockchain
  18. And some just come in to rubbish others. Classy.
  19. Don't know what some people are going on about. Nobody made any promises as far as I can see. There are no "weird hang-ups" unless imagined. All I see is everyone having an opinion about what they would like, would find useful and think others would also find useful. It's distasteful to have to read reductive b/s like that, it diminishes the contributions of others just because some disagree.
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