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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. Isn't it true though that the "competitors" that are growing are in fact primarily games with a side-serving of virtual world aspects? Are we really surprised that games are popular? It doesn't necessarily translate to being able to switch that around to make a virtual world with a side-serving of games as popular. I don't see the two directly equivalent and clearly the mass market of gamers doesn't seem to be interested in SL. Has anybody else done better at growing the is-a-virtual-world-primarily market into mass market appeal? We should really only be examining any that have because services that are primarily games will always be popular amongst gamers.
  2. No disagreement here but again, the point was to show that while imperfect it's better than nothing.
  3. I wouldn't know. I could theorize that there are still magic box type systems though and scene rezzers but 10K does seem extreme. I just pulled that value from the SL limits wiki page. Why you would have that many items is wandering off the point though.
  4. There can be up to 10,000 items potentially in an object's contents too and yet the Contents tab still displays those. Not saying it would be ideal but at least it would be something useful and helpful for some.
  5. I imagined that Coffee's post was referring to something similar and just spelled out my spring-boarded version. That tab may have to have the values hidden if the person doesn't have permission to modify the object though.
  6. I would like to have another tab on the object properties that shows the key/values in a scrollable table, maybe allow each to be clicked on to show the full key name and value.
  7. So what I'm reading from the room is the belief that the an ideal metaverse just isn't viable until a social revolution happens. That's a valid point of view. So are we sticking a fork in it for now? It seems done to me or is there more to it?
  8. I think society has been heading down that road for a while now though and doesn't seem to want to turn back but is gunning the throttle.
  9. I could certainly live in that world quite happily but if that's what's required to make the metaverse work then I think we are a long way off.
  10. I'm hoping that not having places for sex wasn't coming through on my post. I absolutely think there should be all parts of life represented in the metaverse but I'm not convinced the protections that we have in SL will be acceptable by today's society en masse.
  11. Well, I didn't expect that to turn to insults so quickly. Getting kinda sick of people who seem to think their "world views" are "better than mine" but they have to resort to insults to bolster them up.
  12. There are protections already in those things you mentioned. In a 3D interactive environment it seems to me you would need those protections to be much better. Your idealised view of the world isn't our current reality. Unless the metaverse is something that will only happen after a huge social upheaval and change to what you are espousing then it will need to be acceptable to society we have today in order to work.
  13. The adult/non-adult aspect brings up an interesting question. Who do we imagine using the metaverse? Adults only or minors as well? Adult only is far easier but I think the ship has sailed on not letting in minors to online environments already. So it would seem a non-starter to discount them and who has been able to stop them gaining access anyway?. If they are to be allowed in then adult content would have to be separated off and inaccessible to minors. A robust content rating system would have to be in place for that and that's something that social media clearly struggles with and gets raked over the coals over continually politically. That makes having adult stuff really difficult. You cannot just wave your hands and say "All content would be reviewed" because at that scale it just wouldn't be possible and doesn't even work well for just social media posts. AI? Perhaps one day but not anytime soon I think. SL probably only really gets away with the system we have and it's huge imperfections in this area because it is niche, if it was used by the masses it would be grossly inadequate. As an adult, I wouldn't be interested in a place that was only minor-friendly even though my adult activities are extremely tame by most people's standards. I don't have solutions, I think conceptually there should be a place for it all but I have no idea how the metaverse could be all inclusive from the minors level to adult. I think this really needs to be figured out before we have more environments that cause harm to people.
  14. For the right type of item and the right quality I am happy to pay full price and I do buy a lot of great stuff. I do buy quite a lot at sales too but that's really tiny fraction of what's on offer for various reasons. I would say I buy more full price items just because of the style, uniqueness and quality. Some of the stuff you just don't see at the sales unless it's a theme. So no, for me it doesn't discourage at all.
  15. I've never seen a pink post either. Seems unpossible that I didn't trip anything ever if most folks have but there you go. It's possible I didn't notice I suppose.
  16. Came across this article by chance: https://www.coindesk.com/web3/2022/10/07/its-lonely-in-the-metaverse-decentralands-38-daily-active-users-in-a-13b-ecosystem/ SL's usage numbers don't look bad at all by comparison: Decentraland: 38 users in a 24 hour period The Sandbox: 522 users in the same 24 hour period Would be interesting to see what Meta's numbers are.
  17. If you are on Windows, have you tried turning off your anti-virus or excluding the viewer data folders from being scanned? False positives can sometimes quarantine files or stop them from being written to.
  18. Whatever, not interested. You believe what you want. Good luck with it though, nobody on the forums can help you or the creator at all. Only LL can.
  19. I've been in 15 years and I'm a scripter myself. No you cannot illegally duplicate scripts, they are never sent from the server to the viewer unless they are being edited. Never. You can accept this or not but nevertheless it is the truth.
  20. Nobody can make copies of scripts unless they are mod and/or trans permissions, nobody. There are no exploits that will allow this. Considering that games are useless without the scripts, it suggest strongly that no illegal copying will have taken place.
  21. It all depends on what you are calling theft. Objects if set to no transfer can still be ripped. That is copyright violation and can be pursued by the creator serving LL with a DMCA. Scripts if set to no-mod, no-transfer cannot be ripped at all. They are stored server-side and are never exposed to the viewer if you cannot modify them, so there cannot be any theft of those. If the permissions are set to allow someone to make copies of the objects and transfer them to other people then I'm not sure there would be anything they could do about it. A DMCA by the creator is still the only possible thing that might work. If the items are merely look-a-likes, use different mesh/prim models and different scripts then I doubt there is anything the creator could do. If they were using trademarks then the trademark holder could take them to court over a trademark dispute. If the items are using copyrighted textures made by the original creator then again a DMCA would be the way to go for them. There are no shortcuts to this. LL has to respond to a DMCA, they do not have to respond to anything else or investigate anything further than that should they decide not to. Any complaint to LL would have to come from the creator themselves.
  22. Yeah, it's a bit messed up really. It should all be consistent so it is kinda weird why that tab is called Contacts. I like that terminology better though and think that reflects a better metaphor than Friends.
  23. You have contacts on your phone though because you need to remember the telephone number and that is a list of people you may need to call. SL is different, the list isn't being used to remember a way to contact someone (i.e. their number) because if you can remember their name, you can "call" them. If you cannot remember their name then having their name on a list of any kind probably won't help.
  24. I'd kinda like some of those things in the OP in a light weight desktop client as well please, oh and for it to support Linux. I think it would help with low end laptops not being able to run SL properly but still allow people to maintain a user presence on a larger screen than a mobile phone and with a larger keyboard, mouse, etc.
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