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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. It means: "Stop playing with your computer. I need some attention too. Feed me, pet me." (^.^)
  2. I'm sitting or standing somewhere alone doing nothing, possibly even afk. There's an IM "Are you ok?" There might even be additional comment "I thought to ask because you looked so lonely and lost here." Ok thank you very much for your concern about my avatar's well being. Once I saw a rescue helicopter hovering over me, the pilot shouting: "Madam, are you ok down there?" Actually that was pretty funny and cool. About annoying: If somebody cannot chat with complete words, I usually ignore that one immediately. Immediate questions about age, location, time zone, wanna have fun, get ignored too.
  3. Viewer texture memory buffer max size limit: • On 32bit systems the limit is 512 MB. • On 64bit systems the limit is 2048 MB. It's like this in Firestorm viewer.
  4. Let's see how Theresa's text above would look in the way (as I suspect) Richardus would prefer to see it - "for easy reading": - - - Quoting and changing - - - There are two very different typesetting patterns that are commonly used. One is the system used for most books and written reports, which uses indented paragraph starts, line spacing of 1 1/2 or 2, and no empty line between paragraphs. The indentation makes paragraph starts clear enough and the wider spacing makes reading a bit more comfortable, but it tends to make a written work take up more paper or screen space. The other is the system typically used for business correspondence and web sites, which uses non-indented paragraphs, line spacing of 1 and an empty space between paragraphs. The single spacing and lack of indentation allows the overall writing to take up less space and therefore be a more efficient use of paper/screen space; the added line space is necessary to show where a paragraph ends and a new one begins. This is the format this forum and almost all text-heavy web content uses. Removing the extra line feed without adding automatic indenting and wider line-spacing will produce walls of texts; adding the wider spacing and indents will make the amount of space/scrolling greatly increase. So: Don't expect it to change. Sorry. - - - End of quoting and changing - - - Seriously Richardus, how could that be better for reading? To my eyes that looks like wall of text and hard to read - just because there is no space between paragraphs. The more text there is, the harder it will be to read. PS. Ancient Greek was written even without any spaces between words. Maybeyouwouldlikethatstyletoowhatdoyouthink?
  5. Maitreya body is compatible with the standard body template. So you can use it. Just place the tattoo where you want using that template. It will work great. Making appliers with Maitreya kit and with Omega kit are very similar processes. You don't need to know anything about scripts because there is script in the kit what you will use. You don't need alter it in any way. Just drop the script into the prim contents. Same with the notecard where you paste your tattoo texture's UUID. PS. If you want the tattoo image showing on the prim face too, you can place it there anywhere. It does not affect in any way where the tattoo is located on the mesh body.
  6. In the "Maitreya Mesh Body - Dev Kit Tattoo/Clothes" there is a notecard named "Instructions - Maitreya Mesh Body_Layers Kit" giving instructions how to use it. Did you read that notecard? I copy part of the instructions from the notecard here: 1. Make sure to set the script "Maitreya Applier Script - V2 0.10" to NO TRANSFER, If you plan on selling your appliers! 2. Drag the script "Maitreya Applier Script - V2 0.10" in to your prim. 3. Fill in your texture UUID in the notecard "Maitreya Texture Loader - Body Overlay V2", then drag the notecard in to the prim as well. In a few seconds the script will read the UUID and will delete the notecard from the prim (because it is not needed there any more). That's all. Now the prim applier is ready to use. You can make a HUD from it (if you know how to). Take the prim to your inventory. Wear it. Click it. It will apply the tattoo onto your mesh body.
  7. The other day we were kayaking with friend. Everything was nice and smooth. When we entered the next region it was immediate slide show, fps 4. There was nothing special on the surface. But when we looked under the water we saw that it was densely filled with all kinds plants and sea creatures. It was obvious that the terrible lag was caused by what was under there. Most likely there were tons of 1024 x 1024 textures - with alpha channel, to kill the region even more. One other thing which lag things badly are avatars and their accessories. I frequent in one popular dancing place. When there are under 20 avatars everything is quite ok. But then when there are over 50 avatars things really start to get slow. When you enter there when 50 are present, in your view it can take even 10 minutes before all bits of pieces of clothes and accessories have found their proper owners.
  8. I have seen in some dancing places (for example) a chat relay system being on. Some chat relay systems relay public chat for all to see region wide. Are those against TOS or not? Is that considered as "remotely monitoring" thing? I'm just wondering because all people in the region might not be aware that chat is being relayed region wide.
  9. (Maybe the hungry cat secretly ate a word or two on the way?)
  10. You haven't looked well. LibreOffice has also a setting to add spacing between paragraphs. The default is no spacing between paragraphs. A new paragraph even in LibreOffice is created by pressing the Enter-key. Shift+Enter combination creates new line but not new paragraph. The setting to add spacing between paragraphs is in the Properties window. Spacing: "Below Paragraph Spacing". Thus LibreOffice works just like any other word processor - the standard generally accepted way. Which is good way.
  11. Bad hacker of "Facebook & Microsoft" gave data to forgotten thread.
  12. I do agree what you say here. It's often a bit difficult to convey the message in writing so that people wouldn't make their own interpretation of it. Anyway, I personally feel that SL would be more beautiful if all content was consistently sized. Perhaps most everybody would feel the same way. In many places Second Life is a big mess. The good thing is that there are vast number of awesomely beautiful places too. Which is really great. However, I'm not trying to force anybody to do anything. I'm just telling what I see as nice and what works for me. (Perhaps in the future I should start every post with: "NOTE: This works the best for me personally, your mileage may vary.")
  13. When I click the link, this comes up: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. - <Error> <Code>AccessDenied</Code> <Message>Access Denied</Message> <RequestId>DF33FDA600DD86A3</RequestId> - <HostId> v9Ith0LimjAwquabuhJZA5wVh2ngwKQ+dnbmLj6pEh/5ITpLCocvXeCpQDJCeHiXsWWMXTcU9AQ= </HostId> </Error>
  14. I'm glad to hear that you have found what works best for you. So have I. The setting what I use is best suited for me and thus it definitely is a better camera position for me. Don't interpret the word "better" in my post to mean that I'm trying to force it to everybody. I'm not arrogantly telling that every body should use it. It is just that in my opinion it is a better view than the default view, that's all. Naturally all can use whatever they feel is the best for them. If you like the look of tilted "verticals" I have nothing against it (I just might wonder, why you like that kind of view?). Everybody's "best" can be different from anybody else's "best". All this debating came from: "RL sized content does not work in SL. - Yes it will work. - No it will not. - But it will. - Not... etc. etc. (It's weird, it's the same platform we are using, but still - for some RL sizing works well, for some it does not.)
  15. Yes, I need to alpha out some parts of the body too. But luckily they are hidden under the jacket, nobody knows.
  16. I went there and grabbed this "Military Retro Jacket Female (XS)". It comes in standard avatar XS size only. However I'm wearing it on Maitreya body and it works great. Beautiful jacket. It has also a HUD to colour some parts of the jacket.
  17. Of course I use it, always. Amazingly, my mouse has a scroll wheel. Guess what it does? Just by scrolling the wheel I can easily move the camera closer and further from the avatar. I can grab the avatar with left clicking and move the avatar, in what ever distance the camera might be from the avatar. The camera just stays in the distance where I have put it with the scroll wheel. It just returns to my preference setting location after I press once the ESC-key. I can look up and down sliding the mouse. I don't miss any information, close or far. All this works perfectly for me. And I'm sure it would do so for anybody else too if they cared to learn it. Which isn't difficult at all. Naturally provided that the person has two hands and well working fingers.
  18. Debug settings: CameraOffsetRearView X = -3.700 Y = 0.000 Z = -0.200 Might be needed a bit different depending on your avatar height (if you want to see the whole avatar).
  19. I have to disagree with that (the sentence I underlined in your post). Here I have an example snapshot inside a house. On the top with default camera view, at the bottom with better camera view. See how distorted the view is with the default camera location. All vertical lines are not actually vertical, they are tilted. On the better camera view the verticals are vertical. Even the avatar looks better there. I definitely prefer the better camera location. I have never ever encountered the "exchange one problem to another" thing you mentioned.
  20. Phil, I thought that you liked debating. I just tried to give you a chance to enjoy one. Maybe this didn't go the way you wanted it to go. So, I'll stop here. Anyway, it's useless to continue as I tell how I see things, and you tell how you see things. You speak about en-masse, how in your opinion most use and observe SL. I speak about my personal experience what works really well. A lot better than your "default". Our different views are so far apart that they will never meet and get into agreement.
  21. Why you keep repeating that we all are stuck to the default? Then you continue that all are not. You're just playing with words, going round and round. It has been explained to you already many times over that the requirement is to change the camera to better position. So why you keep always repeating that RL-sized things do not work in the default camera position? WE DO KNOW THAT. Anyway, the fact is that the default camera position does not work well for any content. It gives distorted perspective view. You can test it in RL with you camera. Raise it high, tilt it downwards to some degree and keep snapping photos. Not looking good? Weird, isn't it? It funny that you seem to think that the only normal way to move in SL is by using the arrow keys. You're wrong of course. The viewer provides a way to move by other means. They are normal too because they are a standard feature of the viewer. If you or somebody else does not use those other convenient ways to move does not make them in any way a non-normal way.
  22. I have learned that you are stuck with the default camera position, and possibly many others too. But many have also learned about the benefits of the better camera position. And RL sized content works perfectly for them. Categorically claiming that RL sized things do not work in SL due to the camera is plain wrong. Second Life is flexible, it suits well for many purposes. Content creation is not stuck to one specific default setting.
  23. Example, using method 1 when walking. Easy and great way to control the avatar and the camera.
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