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  2. Since it's clearly something that worries you, why don't you make a such a request? If you're in the UK, here's a walk-through of how to do it. I imagine the process is similar for EU residents, but your local Information Commission office should be able to help.
  3. Rabbit and Squirrel is good. I can't say I've tried cat though or dog.. Maybe if times got really rough and it came down to it.. I'm sure cat or dog would sound pretty good. A lot say things like, I would never.. That's only because they probably never have been in a position to really know what they would and would not do.. hehehe I remember my old mother buying that powdered baby food to feed us, because it was that or not eat.. OMG that stuff tasted so terrible.. But we ate it.
  4. The legal context is specified, it's called the Terms of Service, and you agreed to it when you logged in. End of discussion. LL's way or the Highway.
  5. Using a "male" system shape to create a male avatar younger than the mid-teens will look like something out of a nightmare. (Yes, even worse than your regular nightmares about children.) All child avatars, male and female, use the "female" shape settings.
  6. One can even try to change the rules by discussing, sometimes even protesting. But one should pick the targets one wants to accomplish carefully and above all realistic. Just like the way of discussing and protesting. "I demand this, I demand that..." is not the best way 99.9% of the time.
  7. Sorry if other people including myself seem confused, at least "some of us" are used to seeing the GDPR mentioned mostly in conjunction with "privacy" (protecting your data), and "the right to be forgotten", etc. Anyway, good luck with your idea! 🙂
  8. I think it's related, because the means of testing the policy are critical, and were addressed explicitly. It's like trying to address the legality or otherwise of any activity, without specifying the legal context. Historically that sort of thing doesn't end well
  9. I wish others could understand that. It really is as easy as, "just follow the rules then there is no reason to worry about it".
  10. Hi again Zalificent. Yep - Not a lawyer, but I have hired a few to look at this specific topic - does that count? (Rhetorical obviously, since I already know your answer ) Regarding Linden Lab's right to judge users according to internal rules, I agree they have this prerogative. My point was simply that by publicly acknowledging the use of "internal tools" for investigations, they may open themselves up to increased scrutiny under data protection laws. It's a complex issue and "reasonable" minds may differ. On the question of whether avatar-related data constitutes "personal data" under GDPR, I maintain that there are real and substantive arguments for this in certain contexts. While an avatar identity is distinct from a real-world identity, data protection law is concerned with identifiability and linkability. If data associated with an avatar can be reasonably linked back to a specific individual - internally within Linden Lab if not externally, even indirectly, it may qualify as personal data. This could include IP addresses, unique identifiers, payment information, or behavioural patterns, depending on how they are collected and processed. Also sorry if my use of the term "metaverse" caused confusion. I was using it as a general term for immersive virtual worlds like Second Life, not referring to a specific platform or project. Regardless of terminology, my core arguments about the potential applicability of GDPR remain. At the very least we're still in the realms of an embryonic legal framework in all these areas, but cool heads and a gracious exchanging of opinion - a bit like ours - will definitely contribute to the discussion. All The Best Jackson.
  11. Not any more, the HALF of the less than 50 of those fanatics who are not on the ban list, have been scared off and trespass elsewhere. I wouldn't follow any suggestion of yours. Ye, that's what happened to 30 or so of your vehicle vagrant home invader friends. Sufficiently to know it does not apply to habitual repeat offending home invasion anti-privacy griefers, no matter how hard they try and claim that Criminal Trespass is "just being friendly". That's the "barely illegal" thing, you should take responsibility for that. Ah yes, bank to Radio Arielle's regular programming. Criminals are not to blame for crime, it's the pesky law abiding people who keep calling the police.
  12. I was about to say "OMG, this is a thing?" but it's SL so a) not gonna look, and b) nothing surprises me anymore. Yeah, just in my own feral search just now, most of what came back was sexy "feral human" outfits and skins, etc.
  13. There are always people who make it their goal to stretch the rules as much as possible. Everywhere, at schools, in sports, at work, in art, you name it. So I would be very surprised if SL eh SAL would not have a fair share of them too. So it really is best, to not tell all procedures.
  14. I was about to say "OMG, this is a thing?" but it's SL so a) not gonna look, and b) nothing surprises me anymore.
  15. Assuming some of the chatter is about "why won't LL tell us their process for handling AR's"? This actually comes up quite often. The general consensus is: If LL details the process of their AR's, it enables people to find ways to get around the rules. This is similar to my understanding of why discussing Forum "moderation" is mostly disallowed (besides Forum "moderation" being off-topic). If you disagree with this, I'm sorry! I think it is a reasonable theory. Plus, I do remember discussing it a lot in the past.
  16. Declare all avatars as being art.... and there you go. Then rename Second Life in Second Art Life. Done. 🤔
  17. perhaps i miss something, but what has the gdpr to do with this? It's not connected to any publication or privacy breach, just internal use. If you'r a client of a company they cán use your info for everything that you agreed on and is reasonable within the limits of normal use as required for their business.
  18. I'm sad because those shoes do not go with those pants at all.
  19. Does you brain go 90 miles and hour all the time like your posts? That must suck. Does anyone even pay attention to collars anymore? I wear one just for the neck and body line but its been a year or more since anyone tried anything with it. Sounds like you're exaggerating or stuck in the past. Mostly just you as by your postings it is quite obvious why you would get harassed. Tiny Tot haters are not high on the Nobel Peace Prize candidate list this year. Really? Do tell! Did I? To you? Did you follow my suggestion? Not seen anyone else have the same problems you claim to have. Wonder why that is? I'm not looking for Daddies, they seem to look for me. I go to certain clubs because I like seeing and chatting with people like me. Sort of like being "social" you know? Are you familiar with the term? And what are you pretending to be, the grid's reporter of ToS violators? With the way you go on about how many AR's you've put in, makes me wonder how true it is that the Lab penalizes those who are AR wh*ring. Do you get paid or get medals for everyone you can find to report? Poetic Justice is what happens to those who harass everyone else and then wonder why they get harassed back. Know anybody that happens to? Oh right, you're always claiming everyone is flying into your skybox! The reporters of course. The Lab hasn't the time or inclination for witch hunting, they leave that to the haters who enjoy that sort of thing.
  20. So, basically, you admit that being not only a self confessed recent interloper with apparently little or no knowledge of SL (your term), but NOT a lawyer, your wall of text opinion is essentially worthless. No, not really. They are perfectly entitled to judge users according to the platforms internal rules without exposing that process. You are correct, you can indeed do that, regarding "personal data" that is, data pertaining to your real world self. That has nothing to do with your avatar's status in world, if any. And LL can restrict your avatar in their system, your avatar is not "personal data". Identifying a person, yes, identifying an avatar, no. There is no such thing a the metaverse. Sorry. Wrong. IP addresses are not "personal data" as they can and do change, and can and are shared. Payment details are stored by tilla, not in your avatar. And every avatar (and asset in SSL) has a unique identifier, but that contains NO links to your real world self and again is not "personal data". There is no metaverse. Wrong again, an avatars actions in world are not connected directly to real world personal data. So, no, your teleport history, or you buying a sex toy on the MP isn't "personal data". Voice isn't logged at all, and local and IM chat is logged but again it can't be traced to a real world identity unless you give away your data your self, in which case its a you problem not an LL problem. If you want to waste money on two sets off lawyers, one in the UK/EU, and one in the US, to demand that LL erase your blank SSL profile, go for it. We really don't care. And all this pseudo-intellectual are waffle has exactly what to do with the topic of the thread? Nothing.
  21. I am looking forward to new threads on the Forum showing more clothing for furries, especially ferals! I see sweaters..no pants so far! Mostly items for anthros (not ferals). Getting anthros to wear clothes shouldn't be too hard.
  22. I'm pretty sure the serverdata shows times of replacing outfits or parts.
  23. If skin creators for the current adult bodies don't create skins with modesty layers, users who are roleplaying teenagers will have to switch to a child avatar and wear children's clothing. Females who are roleplaying ages 15-17 will look like they're 11 or 12 years old because the tween bodies don't really scale up well to the older ages, and because there are not many clothing options for that age group. Current creators of mesh bodies that are geared for tweens could make another body for teens, and clothing for teens as well but I know that they will be very busy creating new skins with the baked on modesty layers for users who are roleplaying infants, toddlers and tweens.
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