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Micromanaging? Or Rude Customer Service?

Amelia Luna

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Please post your opinions on the topic. Other than my name obviously, the buisness and it's customer service reps' name are going to be removed.

Before you read. I have copied this from SL wiki on disclosure rules ("Conversation" means text that originally came from Second Life chat or Second Life instant messages. If it's totally unattributed, then it isn't considered disclosure.)

If anyone feels that me censoring out names and locations isn't enough to consider it unattributed let me know and I will delete this post. I don't want trouble.

Here is the point.

It is advertised that when you spend a certain amount of lindens a week at this games center in they will give you 50/L a day camping as a incentive bonus. When I consistantly only got 49/L I decided to msg customer service as I do accounting irl and numbers are a big deal to me.

Notecarded msg:

Yesterday and today (first days as a *Censor*)
the 50/L Payout has only given me 49/L
Every little bit counts so could I please get the missing 2/L from 2/09 & 2/10 while the reason it is doing this is looked into?
Thankyou for your time!


The log:

[04:33] *censor*: its an sl bug, im sorry i will pay you this 2 lindens but i cant do this, the rewards here are already very generous
[04:33] Second Life: *censor* paid you L$2.
[04:35] Amelia Luna: should really say 49/L camping then -_-; Might not seem like much but if it's what everyone gets.. Love it when sl ruins even numbers.
[04:36] *censor*: im sorry i cant do this
[04:36] *censor*: if its not good enough for you, everyone else here is very happy even if sl pays out 1 linden less the percentage is higher than anywhere else
[04:37] Amelia Luna: Wow.. little rude there. I just want what you advertise. Sorry if I beileve what you advertise.
[04:38] *censor*: no its not false advertising, this is petty, sometimes it does this, its a timer with sl that does it
[04:38] *censor*: my place is more laid back, i cant deal with nitpicking
[04:39] *censor*: and you were paid the extra 2 lindens
[04:40] *censor*: and sometimes players get extra and i even give out double camping days, i dont ask for it back if the rewards pays them extra
[04:40] *censor*: i think if you want to be micromanaging , this is not the place for you
[04:41] *censor*: i am already very generous here as it is
[04:42] Amelia Luna: Look, I just wanted to point out your sign is incorrect is all. I'm not micromanaging. I get it. Thankyou for the 2/L and sorry about your luck with the sl timing. I don't want to argue with you which is why I stopped talking.


 So in my opinion. It wasn't about the amount of L that it didn't give out. It is the fact that it didn't give what it says. Now, I can understand it being a sl timing issue. Don't get me wrong everyone. I get that. But, after they explained that to me they promptly told me twice basically that this wasn't the place for me". 
Can you imagine working on comission, and your bonus money in dollars irl consistantly being off by a dollar or even less, then you go to accounting about it and they tell you that you are micromanaging and no one else mings being a dollar off and if you don't like it then quit?
I just feel like It was rude. Am I wrong? Please leave your comments either way here.  

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There is a fine line between being rude and telling it straight, and it is hard to see that line when we rely on text and cannot hear a voice or read body language.  I think it was rather good the person you contacted actually spoke with you and made up the extra linden dollars too.

Please remember though, that this is Second Life, not real life, and there are people in customer services roles who would never get/keep them in real life.

My advice would be to enjoy the place, if you do enjoy it.  I know that every little bit of cash does add up, but the linden dollars you get from camping go nowhere to paying for the wear and tear on your computer.

Do I sound like I'm being rude? I hope not. 

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  • 2 months later...

I script and can tell you that a scripted object pays what it is scripted to pay.  If it malfunctions, it doesn't pay or possibly pays in multiples of what it should, but it doesn't make up numbers on its own.  A timer is a script event that happens at specified intervals and has nothing to do with the amount paid.  Maybe the script pays a percentage and due to rounding it comes out to $49L but then they shouldn't advertise it as $50.  If $50 is a fixed amount, it would actually be easier to script it to pay $50L than a percentage.

Its easy to say that its a bug because most people don't know much about scripting,  However if they shave $1 off off each payment.  It can add up for them to a pretty large saving over time.  It also makes me wonder how honest their games are too.  Seems to me she was too quick to tell you to go else where, like she was afraid you'd find out more. You were polite about it and if it was an honest mistake or problem you did them a favor for calling it to their attention.




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Shelby Silverspar wrote:

Really? 2L? Not worth getting your toga in a twist. That's like 30 cents.

2L is not even a penny.

If someone wanted to waste my time to quibble over less than a penny, I would get the idea that person had very little respect for my time.


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Hello, i agree with Amethyst. How easy we blame software for our faults.

30 cents are not big deal ? Sorry for me every penny counts and this is a matter of principles not amount.

And if you do the math: 500 member 1 L$ off = 500 L$/per week. Still might be nothing to you but for me that´s alot.

I own a little shop in real and no matter how cheap the thing was a customer bought he gets the same amount of help and time like one who made a big deal. I hate putting customers in A B C D... boxes.

A penny is a penny and false advertising is just that.


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1 Lindens is pretty trivial. I don't feel this resident was rude, He was just straight forward.

I had a Host one time squabble with me over not getting 5 linden when she clocked out... 5 minutes before she clocked out I gave her 500L for a bonus and she still squabbled over the 5 lindens, she feels she was shorted on the time clock..


I paid her the 5 Lindens but it really made me a bit upset that this resident was not grateful for the generosity I have given and shown " She rather treated me like I was scamming her" . So I can see a little how the Resident may have felt at the time....

But he should make it a bit clearer on the payout methods

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Pay someone for work has nothing to do with generosity.

What if it says stay 2 hours and you get 50 L$ or 5000L$ doesnt matter and one leave 5 minutes early.

No payment. Come on it´s just bloody 5 minutes after 1.55 hours.

Try that with your boss at RL work. Leave a minute early and see what he says. Awww it´s just a minute don´t bother ? Well then you have a great boss.

I had to deal with SL DJs and Hosts who couldn´t be bothered about the last xxxx minutes of an event no matter if people loved them or where happy they left ;)

How if you start an event with an entry fee of 50L$ and people pay 49 ? The machine wouldn´t book them in. Now they IM you and say dont be picky it´s just one L$. Sure you could pay that 1 L$  for them and tell the script to let them in what would be tricky but possible, but still it´s kinda rude to me.

Generosity was the bonus you payd or if they payd her 51 instead 50. Still that 1 L$ but more than sayd.


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what we dont know is how the scriptt that pays out the 50L is written. can be a timing thing when is a pool. the amount transferred to the pool account can be off when the timing is not exact

like the offworld database says 54 people to pay, so 54 * 50L = 2700L is transferred from the bank account to the pool account. but the inworld pool has accepted another person in the meantime. can be out of synch for a few seconds, minutes even sometimes. so when it pays out then it equalises the payments to 55 people. so each gets 49L

pool accounts are used for these things rather than direct from a banker account bc as Amethyst says can total empty your account if the linden server borks

is ways you can script a pool payments system so that they do sync properly. seems like the venue owner doesnt have this tho


if was me and i got only 49L then i would usual just say to owner: seems like your system is broken bc i only got 49L two times. he would have paid me the 2L and would have said yes. is broken somehow. is some kinda timing problem. just like he did say

would have worked out a bit better for both this way. attitudewise. better than just jump to the "he wuz try rob me". clip him for false advertising and then post about teh evols of this

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LOl also She clocked in 10 minutes early also while she watched somone else work. I never said anything about the early clock ins and she did this for a long time lol .

My only reason for posting it was to show how he probably felt. lol I didnt want to get into the whole story because it gets too complicated lol There was quite a bit more to the story...I could have brout up all the early clock ins she did but no. It was trivial amounts... But those trivial amounts ad up like a mad dog But not worth getting worked up over and possibly have another drama frenzy lol


Not saying that the OP was doing anything wrong. But you can see where and how the attitudes were generated. cause I been there lol..

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First off camping is gaming traffic and a TOSS violation and this shouldn't even be happing.And before any one tries to correct me take it up with LL who came to our sim and gave us 24 hours to remove the camping or they would and include a 3 day ban on the island owner as well as take us out of search in 2009 and they choose to enforce traffic gaming.

Second  that is petty and I would have ban cannon the poster after he sat 59 mins and not paid him for it.....

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^^^ THIS

i was gonna say.. isnt camping a TOS violation?  Griping about 2L. "its the principle of the thing." you probably got screwed a hundred times more than this if you played a sploder, which is now against the TOS as well. i have yet to find one that pays out what was paid in. each one is short buy some amount.


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is a ladies nightclub. has 2 sploders. 1 is no pay. pays 3L and 1L every 15 mins. second sploder is 10L to play. is a no lose sploder. goes off when is 5 people in. owner auto puts in extra money. can win or get your money back. club also has a trivia game. pays 3L for correct answer. is a new question every 5 minutes 24/7

is another club. has a sploder. prize pool usual 300L every hour. costs nothing to play. club also has a vote contest. everyone on the board who gets at least 1 vote wins something. most votes wins main prize

is a dress shop. has a trivia game. plays at midnight every 3-5 minutes until the prize pool 200L (usually) is exhausted

is a helpy place. has a random prize giver. 3L every 15 mins

is another helpy place. has a money tree. 10L

is another ladies club. has a contest voting board. usual 3000L. one day it went off for 72,000L

is a million shops can sit and win prizes of clothes

is a million other shops can play the lucky chairs. if your letter comes up then you win

can say all these places are bad. i dont think they are. if argue that these are camping then so is linden realms. can get free money off them linden sims just by run round and round in circles


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Camping is NOT a ToS violation, and never has been.

Gaming traffic is a ToS violation. If your camping was on a parcel that showed in search (it sounds like it did from your post) then you were gaming traffic and that was the violation - not the camping.

I have camping in my store right now and it's not a violation because it's on its own parcel that doesn't show in search, so it's not an attempt to game traffic. I.e. anyone camping is not counting for the store's traffic.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Camping is
a ToS violation, and never has been.

Gaming traffic is a ToS violation.

Ah, I can still remember those "golden" times of gaming traffic.  There were lots of xploders in the grid luring people to come to a place.  Occasionally some xploders had crazy amounts of Linden dollars in them.  When one was lucky one could win hundreds of Linden dollars just by visiting few of those places.  My biggest win from one xploder was 585 L$.  There were few in the xploder who got over 900 L$.  In some xploder places one could even see interesting general chat going on. It was kind of fun to visit those places.

Those were the golden times of easy money ($_$) for those too lazy to get a job in SL. :smileytongue:

I checked recently and found out that there are still some xploders in the grid. They deliver only pennies compared to old days. And they are frequented by bots. Or avatars who are like dead zombies. No fun.

... me goes sailing to have fun, to see interesting amazing places and to meet interesting people ... :smileyhappy:

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I think the rudeness is on the part of the original poster of this thread, not the venue owner they were trying to muscle money out of.


Shelby Silverspar wrote:

Really? 2L? Not worth getting your toga in a twist. That's like 30 cents.


Actually its even more petty than that. 2L = 0.008. Or, less than 1 cent.
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Yep, LOTS and LOTS of bots gaming traffic for many of the shops, RP sims, clubs, etc.  that are at the top of search.

I do have to agree with the original poster that what is advertised should be what is paid out, and I can understand it being the "principle" of the thing.   However, to get upset over 2L, doesn't make sense to me.  The stress factor and drama alone is not worth 2L. I would simply go elsewhere, unless of course there is no elsewhere then I would put say $5.00 of my own RL money into SL and not have to deal with the hassle.

I forget there has been a paradiagm shift in those coming into SL over the past couple of years.  It use to be that camping and free things were for new folks 60 days or less to allow them time to get use to SL before deciding to invest In-World. While free is nice, most seem to want something for nothing...most think they are owed and expect it all for free.  Doesn't matter if a merchant, RP,  or club owners has to invest and spend there personal money so Freddie or Jayne Freeloader can have some nice things, some Ls they can spend elsewhere, or a have a good time. Few even say thank you...it is just expected you do it cause you owe them.  *rolls her eyes* 


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It's like 1/8th of a penny USD by indenx conversion.It's even less if the parties involved shop aroud for better deals on lindens.

Hmm, so how long do you have to stick around after you spent the minimum amount of linden in order to recieve the said 'bonus'? Someone else used 2 hours as an example but I didn't see where you indicated. You just said for camping and showed where they were claiming it was a timed thing.

So the total is roughly 16 cents USD to each person that already spent ?? amount and plus stayed on the sim to help traffic. Sounds like they have a very cheap promotional system in place! lol

So anyhow if they paid this out to 80 people a week, they would have saved one dime and in a year Two dollars and seventy five cents (approximately)

I can't see that it would be intentional, but I agree it adds up and should be fixed. In the end the campers are helping the owner far more than the other way around. Just take his own suggestion and find a better way to make 50L. Seems like there must be all sorts of ways. :)

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The whole camping industry is cheapskates on both sides...

Unless your name ends in 'resident' and your account is under a week old, its absolutely pathetic to be involved with it on -either- end. And if you are one of those hapless newbies - then whoever's taking advantage of your time this way should feel ashamed of themselves.


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No, they weren't being rude. They replied to you. They answered your questions. They paid you the missing money. They explained what  happened. They just didn't do everything you wanted them to do. That isn't rudeness. That's called having boundaries.

Are you upset about the numbers because of OCD?

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