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Anyone know what these bots do?

Phil Deakins

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They won't be land bots. They don't need to face in any particular direction. These ones appear (TP in from somewhere), then they rotate bit by bit before poofing. The rotation is like a clock's second hand but with bigger jumps. I haven't counted the jumps but imagine the 360 degrees divided by 10 and each segment is 36 degrees. They rotate one segment each second - jerky.but regularly timed. I can't imagine what a bot could be doing that needs to face a direction.

Maybe they are rented traffic bots that are sent to miscellaneous places when they aren't on a paid job. The idea being that, if they keep moving they won't attract attention as bots.

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I can't believe it was a paid service. Both of them were on my land and the first one was in quite a small area behind my cabin. There were high walls on two sides and the cabin wall on the third side. There was nothing worth taking a picture of there. The other was pretty much out in the open, again on my land, standing on the rock land texture and with nothing in sight that's worth a picture, let alone a 360 degree one..

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I can't imagine what a bot could be doing that needs to face a direction.

That's a good puzzle.  If they were snapping panoramic pictures, it would be a lot less laggy and more reliable to script the agent's cam to rotate instead of the agent itself.  Of course, the botrunner may not care, or may not be very smart.

Unless... heh... maybe it's like the travelling garden gnome, taking pictures of itself from every compass orientation and sending them back as souvenirs.

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it was free 2 years ago when i input my region to be imaged. Someone gives a slurl and the bot comes and then the pic is posted on the website. These could be anything including that service.

So I guess we need a parcel/estate access option to deny access to scripted agents. And LL to enforce the scripted agent policy vigorously.

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I was hoping that someone would be familiar with these bots and know what they do but apparently not. I like to think of them as traffic bots for hire, but those that are not currently 'working' tp into miscellaneous places, do their rotation, hoping to look like a normal av but don't, and tp away to some other miscellaneous location, instead of parking them where they might attract attention. Of course, the reason they are not likely to be that is because it's too easy to log out any bots that aren't actually working, and log in any as they are needed.

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Knutz Scorpio wrote:

Perhaps their sole purpose is to provoke "what the f***?!" responses, just like the forum post copybotters

I've no idea what the purpose of those is. Maybe it's one or two people merely having a laugh by getting people to reply to copied posts. If that's what it is, it works lol

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I used to get these on my land as well. I was renting a full homestead sim at the time so there were no shops/commercial areas such that it would have found my place in search. My friends thought I was insane when I described them saying how could I know they were bots. But they were always the same. I'd get some repeat visitors but most of the time they were different avatars. They would come in a random spot on the land (sometimes in the ocean where I had nothing rezzed), rotate in regular intervals, and then poof. Most of them had little or nothing in their profiles and many (not all) were dressed in default avatars. The one thing they all had in common was the regular rotations. And if you would try speak to them they would never respond. I didn't know what they were up to either so I started banning them. After a little over a year I had about 30 of them on my ban list and I wasn't even on my sim that much. Oo So... No ideas, just saying I've had them too. They never SEEMED to cause any trouble.. But I just didn't know what they were doing so I thought it would be safer to ban them.

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Probably related to Threadmap:


Which is similar to what Ann described. There was/is also a service that does a fully 360 screenshot - which might be exactly what Ann mentioned. But to do the 360 might take a few minutes of being there - taking at least 3 shots I would think.

If I dug around, I could find the URL of the 360 guys.

Threadmap on the other hand, is like slurls, only with pictures - and a neat way to find places to go an explore.


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There are third party search sites and information sites such as gridsurvey.com and mitsi's website. both of those use bots to gather region information "crawlers" I think they give the names of their bots so you dont ban them. there are also search sites that use bots to gather info for their search pages.

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