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Simple Inventory Project Viewer

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»Basic mode presented a less featured UI that provided users with a less complicated introduction to Second Life.« - Which is an exaggeration.
It presented a UI with no real features at all, and provided users with nothing more than a stupid 3D chatroom.

Why do they even feel the need to dumb down ANYTHING in the viewer? Do they want idiots as new residents?

And »presenting only one folder at a time« - are they NUTS?

Linden Lab, look at the TPV devs that already have bettered your own paid viewer devs, and learn from them.
There's a reason why so many many people have moved away from the official viewer asap and use TPVs instead.

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The solution to keep inventory from getting overrun from duplicate items.

The biggest problem I have in getting too much inventory when I delete something that is out, then if I don't go and remove things from the trash right away I might have many things I don't remember what they are.  When you delete seven it would be if when you delete something it would ask if you would like to move it to the trash or permanently delete.  As a builder I do a lot of deleting.  So this would save a lot of redundancy in deleting items

Also when you go to clear out your trash by rezzing items and then deleting them then you have to go back to the trash again.  And remove it from there also. 

Another future related to inventory overrun of duplicates is forgetting that I already took in an item especially when clearing the build or a party area.  If there is already an item of the same name in inventory it should ask me if I still want to save this item in inventory.  And at the same time should give me the choice to leave it, delete it or save it.  Sometimes you have two or more items of the same name because they are no copy and you bought another copy to have two or more available.  See you wouldn't just want to block copies from coming in.

And another feature would be have trash or permanently delete on the right click menu for items that are out.  That way you also don't have to wait for that verification.  New users will need the prompts to know these features, but both ways would be great.

Also when you do research for an item and you get 10 with the same name.  It would be nice to be able to do an advanced search.  It could include date created and created by who .  The created by who would automatically have your avatar name.  And then there'd be may be a drop down of friends and a place to type in.  Also may be a drop down of all creamers in your inventory.  And also have the special criteria showing in the search results that way you would be able to see you could differences.


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Interesting how no Linden has yet replied to the posting started by Linden's.   Even if just to say, "yes we have seen the comments and are considering them".   I guess that would be too much to have interaction in the manner of "Active Listening" but I did forget that they do not teach such things in school anymore.

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Conclusion after 1 week of use.
The Simple Inventory need:
- Buttons icon Collapse / Expand
- That already exist in all TPV option Copy / Paste / Cut, Crt + P ,Crt+ C , Crt + X
- Option to remove the Library to Decrease the volume of items to improve the lag and stuff
- In "Switch to folder view", there should be an option button also expand / collapse button for quick and does not list "Top Back to folder"
- In "Switch to folder view" possible double-click to use the items
- Open a single folder in a new window xD

Agree with Irene's List too
In this moment the best format of manage Inventory is of Phoenix Firestorm View, take look inthis exemple and SL V can use some options.
Thanks again for the opportunity to users to do say they weighI wanted it to be so before moving to the 2.0 SL, the SL's worst mistake.


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Okay. I see where you guys are going with this, (LL) But:


I know Rhett said otherwise, but I am really concerned that this will be the only view available down the road (as historically - and I've seen a LOT of LL history - LL does **NOT** like to support 'options'; the stated end goal seems to be "One Size Fits All".)

I'm also rather concerned that it will be foisted upon the population "as is".  Without functionality like property inspection and -- well, everything I use inventory for besides "wearing a thing" (which, as a content creator and vendor and sim operator is a whole lot of stuff ) - this would be the 'final straw' that pushed me to a TPV if it was indeed "forced on us" as the "only option" in the official viewer.  (I have my own reasons -- including security and lack of accountability -- as to why I don't use TPVs.)

HOWEVER: If What Rhett says is true, that this is only for user feedback, AND if the existing inventory view remains an option (Which Rhett did *NOT* mention, but, really, I know this may go in one ear and out the other but - PLEASE consider maintaining the existing inventory view!!!) - then I COULD see this as being an advantage for new users who DO get confused by inventory.


So, AS USUAL, this  is a potentially good idea by Linden Lab, but, has its biggest risk in "the implementation" versus the idea.  

Please, LL, -- Historically I know when pleas from the userbase like this happen, *the opposite* happens but, please, by all means follow through on this view, but do not remove the existing hierarchical view unless somehow the new view is made feature complete in comparison to the existing hierarchical view.  I know everyone gets antsy when a new 'project' like this shows up because there's apprehension that "this is how it's going to be, like it or not". 

I have a large inventory (out of neccessity; 8+ years of projects and extant products; not out of pack-rat-ism) and need to perform a whole lot of manipulation on those items.  (Which, by the way, if I ever had to pay something nominal to maintain such a large inventory on LL's servers -- i'd understand..)

I do NOT want to move to a TPV. And I am NOT in any way saying this view is bad in all ways --  I help a LOT of newbies and I can see where this would be a great simplification for them.

Just please don't make it a forced, only-option. 

I do hope this feedback is heard and considered....


-Michi Lumin / Luskwood Creatures

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Because I use Firestorm, I wasn't aware that the official viewer's inventory didn't have cut-and-paste. I don't know how people can get along without it!

In any case, one feature that would be lovely to have is to be able to put on prim items as easily as you can other types of clothes. I mean, if an item is highlighted, and you hit ENTER, it should go onto your body, whether it's a prim or not. Ditto for double-clicking an item. It would make inventory far more intuitive, since all items would behave the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I've tried it. First impression, I hate it. To me, it makes every single thing harder to do and to understand. To find anything, I have to search for it. Everything is in alphabetical order and that is not good at all. Folders are all over the place. No rightclick anything. I could go on and on.

No offense to the team working on this, but this would be going backwards. I understand it is not polished, but IMHO, it's not worth polishing. It took us 2 years to get our current inventory working right. How long is it going to take to get this new 1 even usable. Of all the problems in SL, inventory is the least important, no matter how you look at it. Every1 is always going to complain about inventory because it is always going to be a mess. As some1 who spends as much time in SL as just about any1, inventory is hardly something that frustrates me.

Nothing is wrong with the current inventory. If anything is wrong, it is that people don't understand how to use it. This problem is an information problem, not a coding problem. Please LL, spend your precious time coding things that matter, not breaking things that aren't broken.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We've heard nothing from Lindens since the initial posting here. My original concerns were posted one month ago -- and that's only two or so posts up. No replies from LL. If a Project Viewer is meant for feedback, then, here is feedback. Here, above, and in the JIRA i have created. I believe I am taking the proper path here as far as responding to LL on this project.

So, we have given feedback, and we have questions.


So, can we please know:


  • Will the 'Switch to hierarchy view' be going away? (The writing is probably on the wall, here.)
  • If so, WHEN and WHY will hierarchy view be going away? (Why can't we retain this option?)
  • If HV is going away, Will ALL functions we had in Hierarchy View be implemented in SINV/Folder View?


For example, when we make an avatar, often we will have, say, 17 varieties in one release. Each avatar has 30 parts or so.

I CANNOT see using SINV for sorting all of those items into their proper folders to get ready for packaging.

The problem is, people are viewing this from an "I've already got all my stuff" perspective. That's FINE for users who are mainling buying/wearing/using stuff in SL.  For folks who make things, and have ot keep large inventories and manipulate a lot of items, SINV is a non-starter, since you really can act on only one item at a time without even being able to see what is above and below it.


As a more detailed example, I may have a (2012 MESH UPDATED AVATARS) folder, and then beneath that, (CAT UPDATES), (LION UPDATES), etc, and in each one of those, (ARMS, HEADS, WINGS, SKINS, SCRIPTS).   Some of these scripts may be used across many avs. Others are specific.

When packaging an avatar for sale I have to pull from a lot of these different areas into cleanly pacakged folders such as (2012 BLACK CAT MESH UPDATE) which then goes into a box, the marketplace, or a vendor.

"Walking" each single item into place with SINV is going to multiply the amount of time it takes to complete this task several times. Another example would be, sometimes I have to multi-select a bunch of things several 'hierarchy levels' in, say, all of the parts for the (Purple Female Fox) avatar and move them into another location, to be updated/worked on/packaged/permissioned/whatever.  And I have a lot of nested folders for 'production' and 'distribution' such as (2012 AVATARS) -> (PERMISSIONED) (NOT PERMISSIONED) ---under each--> (CATS)(FOXES)(DOGS)(DRAGONS) ---under each--->(MALE)(FEMALE)---under each-->(SCRIPTED PARTS)(UNSCRIPTED PARTS)(SCRIPTS).

With SINV, this all becomes useless, and VERY hard to navigate.

.... Now, if Hierarchy View remains intact, all of this becomes moot, and we have a viewer that is

     A) more newbie friendly and
     B) still useable for content creators and power users.

So, LL: The userbase has given feedback after using the project viewer. Can LL PLEASE give us the verdict on whether or not this will be REPLACING Hierarchy View? Or simply supplementing it? A lot of us are pretty concerned here.


Note, I have created a JIRA, SINV-11, Here, about the 'optionality' of this, so hopefully we can get answers and get concerns voiced while the "Switch to Hierarchy View" option still exists. (https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SINV-11)




Michi Lumin / Luskwood Creatures



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First reactions:

I hate flying accordian dividers ...

Good grief. How do I backtrack? ...

Oh, beside New Folder ...

Damn, that went all the way back ...

(Tries again)

Oh, crumbs up there.... 

uh, they don't start at home.  Kinda stupid because when one step from top you can't just back up like you can when farther down.

Wow. This Simplified Inventory reminds me of navigating a directory tree at the command prompt in MS-DOS, just more cumbersome. And you can't cd .. to the root. Have to cd \ even when just one step away.

Navigating it is effing weird-stupid, kinda like the menus in Android if you were to remove the back button.  Down down down sideway sideways oops.  Missed.  Uhm, lost now.  What do I do?  Go home and start over?

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I agree with several of the points raised by Michi Lumin in this thread and I'm mostly concerned with if this feature is intended to be a mandatory change or not.  I would prefer the tree view remain an option.  As presented to us in the preview, it needs revision as many in this thread have indicated.  Traversing back to the root folder is not intuitive.

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When I first heard about this tonight, it was amidst a good deal of panic and grousing. From what I was hearing, I was astounded that Linden Labs would dare make such a huge business model mistake. Then I downloaded the Simple Inventory Project Viewer as a test to see what they were talking about.  At first, I didn't see the difference until someone pointed out that I had to click the 'Folder View' link in the inventory. Okay, here I was expecting something much different from the stock Heirarchy Inventory.

What I got was much much worse. Like, show-stopping worse. I don't know who thought this would be a good idea, but this is a potential disaster. It appears to me to be little more than the Heirarchy Inventory - Neutered SEVERAL functions that are not only useful, but ESSENTIAL. As a new user, sure, I could see how this could be handy to help keep things organized. As long as you never get any items EVER. As a seasoned user, with several items ALREADY organized into folders, I saw no difference from the first impression. All my items were still already in their current folders. Except that now I could no longer select the dropdown box to list their contents. Sure, click a folder, go into its contents. But wait.

What if, as Michi above says, you have to handle many different items of inventory? I'm sorry, Linden Labs, but we're not all using stock avatars with one or two items of clothing each. Some of us are wearing MULTIPLE items, and that's just avatars that aren't even wearing prims! That -requires- the ability to be able to select multiple items. CTRL, SHIFT, None of that is going to be in the SINV? That just left me dumbfounded. Who in the world thinks that being forced to only select one item at a time was a GOOD idea?

So I thought, maybe I'll just look it over a little more. Maybe I'm missing something. No, I got it all. LL didn't leave enough options in the SINV for me to even begin to think I was missing anything. What I saw was all I got. And what I got was just plain neutered. It's the Heirarchal Inventory system. Minus everything that makes it functional.

This is akin to offering me a car, but all you give me are wheels and a few axles. Sure, I can get around on them, but it won't be very long until all the other components (I.E. AN ENGINE) are going to be painfully missing. Add that in, and suddenly all the other things that are necessary (I.E, SEATS AND A STEERING MECHANISM) are going to be painfully missing.

But Linden Labs can prevent all of this from being a devestating tragedy. Offer the SINV to first-time users. But MAINTAIN the ability to use the Heirarchal Inventory. Make it an icon, a button, a more button, an option, whatever. But leave it in there. This mentality of imitating Apple and taking out more and more features and dumbing it down to make it 'easier' for users has to stop. You've reached the point of singularity where you are not only alienating your existing users, but you are at risk of turning off any prospective new users who might come in.

Bottom Line: The SINV is USELESS to anyone with more than one inventory object ever. It is going to cripple all of your users with the ability to generate content that generates you income. It's going to disenfranchise more of your user base and it's going to discourage your potential new users. If this is your new business model, may Wall Street have mercy on your Bank Accounts.

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  • 2 months later...

To me the functionality of your new system doesn't matter, because I can't log into it with my character with the most inventory. I have my main character with 130K of inventory...yes I know...I spend hours each day just deleting..problem is I can buy faster then I can delete...and I have an alt with 16k of inventory. The alt can get on this test system no problem but my main freezes just a 1/4 inch before the end during the downloading clothing phase. Even when I log her out in just a skin, shape and bald wig. 

I thought that this browser by it's name might make it easier for me to deal with my inventory  and perhaps faster to get rid of things, but if I can't get in on it, it  not going to help. 

By the way, this is not my first attempt at using the browser, this is an attempt after a new install of Windows, so there is no reason why it shouldn't work, my system is Windows XP, a 3.2 ghz dual AMD Processor, 4 gigs of ram, Nvidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1 Gig video card, so way above minimum system  requirements. 

Tapika Tomsen



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  • 2 months later...

All basic navigation should be doable with a single click. Right now, there are two significant actions that cannot: opening a folder (double click) and return to top-level folder (right-click and menu pick). So add a breadcrumb link for the top-level folder, and an 'open' button to each folder.

I'd also like single-key shortcuts for each navigation action. I'd suggest adapting the arrow keys and corresponding 'WASD' movement keys: up-arrow/W and down-arrow/S move up/down through the list, right-arrow/D opens a folder, left-arrow/A moves to the next higher-level folder. (You already have folder contents sliding in from left and right when moving from folder to folder, so using the left/right movement keys seems a natural extension of that.)

The same shortcuts could be applied in the hierarchy view too.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 years later...

Ok I know this thread is old as dirt, but I am actually going to revive this thread vs making a new one because I am curious why this project was closed. I learned about it here.


So what I was wondering because to my understanding this program would allow you to sort you inventory without actually loggin in to the grid. I been looking for something like this for ages. Why was this discontinued? Also is there and old copy of this that can be downloaded and that is usable or are there any programs or viewers that will let you access inventory with out logging in to the grid? I am just asking because most days I can't log in and even finish loading before someone messages me and something like this would help me out like ALOT. Lmao!!!! :D

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7 hours ago, Velk Kerang said:

 I can't log in and even finish loading before someone messages me

I doubt old copies will work,(íf you can find those) the code of SL did change a lot during nearly 6 years.


the solution for the problem you mention... simply ignore IM's and calls, respond at your time.

in my opinion it's a bit strange to jump up all the time when one insists to say hi. I'll respond when i'm ready. Even when it would be about business.

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10 hours ago, Velk Kerang said:

Ok I know this thread is old as dirt, but I am actually going to revive this thread vs making a new one because I am curious why this project was closed. I learned about it here.


So what I was wondering because to my understanding this program would allow you to sort you inventory without actually loggin in to the grid. I been looking for something like this for ages. Why was this discontinued? Also is there and old copy of this that can be downloaded and that is usable or are there any programs or viewers that will let you access inventory with out logging in to the grid? I am just asking because most days I can't log in and even finish loading before someone messages me and something like this would help me out like ALOT. Lmao!!!! :D

I don't know where you got that impression; the article doesn't say that nor has anything else I've ever seen about that project. A text-based viewer like Radegast may allow you to sort your inventory but you'll still technically be logged in.

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On 10/20/2017 at 3:55 AM, Alwin Alcott said:

I doubt old copies will work,(íf you can find those) the code of SL did change a lot during nearly 6 years.


the solution for the problem you mention... simply ignore IM's and calls, respond at your time.

in my opinion it's a bit strange to jump up all the time when one insists to say hi. I'll respond when i'm ready. Even when it would be about business.

I get what your saying and normally I'd be that way too, but when your doing the SL family thing on here and got kids on here I don't want to be ignoring them if I don't have to. I'd feel bad if I did mate. I don't know if that makes sense or not. lol :D

On 10/20/2017 at 7:09 AM, Theresa Tennyson said:

I don't know where you got that impression; the article doesn't say that nor has anything else I've ever seen about that project. A text-based viewer like Radegast may allow you to sort your inventory but you'll still technically be logged in.

Ok well maybe I misunderstood something then and if I did then I am sorry because when I did a search for inventory viewers only this program was at the top of the list along with 2 or 3 others that read inventory cache and let you just view inventory offline. This one seemed to do what I was looking for. I mean ya I know technically your logged in, but what I was referring to was being logged in to the inventory with out being logged in to the grid as showing online or connected to friends or any other communication aspects of SL which I know is absolutely possible.

I say that because the viewer you mentioned Radegast I've done it with that viewer before. About a year back I was late paying my internet bill and you know how some providers will allow you only partial access to the internet before shutting it off? Well while I was waiting for the payment to process I was able to log in to the inventory part only and work on my inventory some. Problem is I don't know how to duplicate that effect. I wish I did because I thought it was neat. My wife said I never registered once the whole time as being logged in to the gird. I am actually surprised no one has made a program geared towards this to be honest.

Anyway I am sorry if I misunderstood what this viewer was and what it did. I thought it was what it said it was on the page I originally pulled it up on under the specific search I ran it under and going by the name Simple Inventory Project Viewer well I thought it was exactly what it said it was that being a simple inventory viewer. lol My bad. lol :D


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