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Michely Blogger

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Everything posted by Michely Blogger

  1. Please read this TOPIC , is about it and not about the light sky. If you need more support, let me know, send me a IM inworld, Michely Blogger is my name
  2. How remove this topic ? I would like remove that
  3. I was need support and can not find option in marketplace web site to report my questions about a flags.
  4. Hi guys, 1 - in secondlife you need put this texture in the specular place, I think that you put it in the difuse 2 - You need enable the shadows and ambient occlusion 3 - To use some light orb to see you amazing effect Back and tell us about ❤️ *sorry for my english
  5. I want meet your avi inworld, so great and realist ♥
  6. Olá pessoal , sou Michely Blogger no Second Life e sempre gostei de compartilhar o que sei e aprender com outros residentes. Vamos usar mais o nosso forúm e ficarei feliz em conhecer mais pessoas. ▌Aqui você encontra mais sobre mim ➥ FLICKR https://www.flickr.com/photos/miblogger/ ➥ Blog em português sobre o SL desde 2010 http://www.toxxnews.blogspot.com/ ➥ Instagram www.instagram.com/miblogger/ ➥ Facebook www.facebook.com/mibloggersl/ ➥ Tutoriais em português Youtube www.youtube.com/c/ToxxNews
  7. Destination: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paris City/232/151/28 I'd posted a article talking about this challenge with more information about the reason of, take a look: https://toxxnews.blogspot.com/2022/08/meta-horizon-worlds-second-life.html
  8. Existe uma marca chamada TD Template que disponibiliza uma gratuita em seu pack starter. Só pode para 8 texturas máximo. Use o busca do SL para achar a loja com esse nome e lá procure a area dos designer starter, mais dúvidas procure pelo dono ele é bem gentil e sempre ajuda.
  9. Como assim não pode mais comprar lindens? A única forma agora desde 1 de agosto de 2015, é pelo Lindex, vc acesa ele no seu perfil no secondlife.com Vá em Buy e escolha a opcãode pagamento, cartão de crédito, Skirril algo assim, ou paypal Espero ter ajudado
  10. Interessante! É algum RPG? Qual a funcão de um fuzileiro naval no SL? O que se aprende ? Achei bem legal
  11. A melhor forma de resolver, é enviando um email para o suporte deles: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/?lang=pt Selecione encima nosso idioma português e depois preencha o formulário.
  12. Caso a Linden Lab perceba essa venda, você perde todos os avatares quais vc já se conectou como mesmo IP. Isso não é permitido segundo as regras deles.
  13. At the moment the following questions are the most important to us BRAZIL: 1 - Now with lindens resale canceled by third parties, the Brazilian generally only have option of buying illegally by bank transfer or no longer use SL. Many are desperate about it. You know this and plan to give some other extra option? * In Brazil up to have a bank account you have to have a job and prove your monthly gain, it's very difficult one person to have an international credit card to use Paypal, Lindex or otherwise. Have no job here does not mean having no money, it is that in Brazil there are many who work informally. There are many who buy weekly over 10000L. 2 - Formerly there were islands separated by language or region to receive new residents at the time of their first login, it helped a lot to increase the amount of residents in SL from Brazil and other countries such as Spain. You think of doing something similar in Sansar or in Second Life itself again? Thank You so much!
  14. Fico muito feliz em ajudar, agora tem uma informacão nova que vou adicionar a postagem hoje que é o seguinte. Ao preencher o cadastro para pagar com boleto, caso pareca uma menssagem entre em contato com a Confidence, vá até o final da mesma página pegue o número da Confidence e ligue. Para evitar fraudes, eles pedem scaner de CPF e RG somente issoe feito, rapidinho. hahhaahahaha , veradde, não podemos usar c cedilha aqui que não aceita
  15. Estou de acordo com muita coisa do que você disse. Espero que você leia a postagem do meu site Toxx News no link que deixei acima para que possa comprar mediante boleto bancário, que na verdade nada mais é que faze rum cartão de crédito (sem anuidade ) e carregar-lo pagando com o boleto. Beijo
  16. E agora quem poderá nos defender? Linden Lab Encerra (CANCELA) revendas de Lindens. Nenhuma empresa está permitida a revender Lindens, já não há autorizados no Brasil e no mundo a fazerem essa venda. Agora, você unicamente poderá comprar diretamente da Linden Lab (Lindex) em sua conta no secondlife.com com cartão de crédito internacional, Paypal ou Skrill. Em breve, até dia 19 de Junho, sexta-feira, postarei no blog brasileiro http://toxxnews.com como comprar pagando com boleto bancário ou cartão de débito diretamente com a Liden Lab. Aqui o tutorial de COMO COMPRAR COM BOLETO http://www.toxxnews.com/2015/06/lindens-como-comprar-com-boleto-e-outros.html Aqui a postagem oficial do Second Life Site Brasileiro TOXXNEWS
  17. :matte-motes-nerdy: Adorable people
  18. :matte-motes-nerdy: HI, Thank You for reply us, In Brazil, the new technologies are very expensive alternative and hope for all economy class have access to the new Second Life 2. Through the TPV that Brazilian financial conditions with less money could continue because they did viewers able to work on simpler computers , this is our fear when you speak in closed source to TPV:matte-motes-stress:
  19. Olá, Magic Box não funciona mais a um tempo, agora a opção de vendas para o Marketplace é na ferramenta. O link do tutorial em português está aqui: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Base-de-conhecimento/Vendendo-no-Marketplace/ta-p/1443511 :cattongue:
  20. Conclusion after 1 week of use. The Simple Inventory need: - Buttons icon Collapse / Expand - That already exist in all TPV option Copy / Paste / Cut, Crt + P ,Crt+ C , Crt + X - Option to remove the Library to Decrease the volume of items to improve the lag and stuff - In "Switch to folder view", there should be an option button also expand / collapse button for quick and does not list "Top Back to folder" - In "Switch to folder view" possible double-click to use the items - Open a single folder in a new window Agree with Irene's List too In this moment the best format of manage Inventory is of Phoenix Firestorm View, take look inthis exemple and SL V can use some options. Thanks again for the opportunity to users to do say they weigh. I wanted it to be so before moving to the 2.0 SL, the SL's worst mistake.
  21. Talking about Inventory, I think very important to mention about how organizers of inventories sold in shops and the marketplace, another suggestion is that this team try and see how working. Some bloggers have reported on this form to organize our stuff and we use most fashionistas, you can see how it works for add something to help in this project, if needed, I can send links to some examples.
  22. Hi Rhett, :matte-motes-kiss: No , I'm not thinking this, as i said before, is very good tests and search the better for all tools. I just took advantage of this opportunity, speaking of changes and testing to give them a hint of Second Life, but as a fashion model and fashionista in SL, I am glad we are surelylooking for tools as important improvements. And that i likee very much to blog and make tutorials i need and will go use this next days this beta for can coment more here Good see you here, kisses
  23. :womanhappy: Firstly I think the whole quest for improvement is valid, is positive, congratulations and thank you for this new idea, but Second Life is making so much changes in few time. SL think a lot of new users with many changes and always end up losing people who are here will be more than 3, 4, 5 years. This new propose for Simple Inventory not is so bad, maybe useful in some moment, but learn the simple and the old Inventory for a new user is the same. Well,as the two options are available, both the hierarchical as the old, not is a problem. I will continue to use and try and come back to say more things about this. Sugestion for Second Life in general: Who spent more is the old users, nobody join in SL and spent $$ in 1 month, so please, think more in veterans and give priority for fix, adjust the bugs and problems there is now, maybe this way ourselves bring new users
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