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Meeting a Customer Inworld

Dana Enyo

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How many of you ever have the privilege of actually meeting a customer in your inworld shops?  I find it among the very best experiences I have in SL, and one of the best reasons I can think of not to just do Marketplace.

I had one such meeting this week; had the chance to talk about some items she had already purchased and discussed ideas for more.  Anyone else have experiences like that?

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Several times! Always enjoyable, because I learn what it is about art in general that excites them. I'm always happy to take anyone to my gallery if they ask me and tour it, answering any questions they have. I have a few in world folks I'd call patrons who love chatting with me. As you say, really the best experiences we can have as merchants.

I have also fan-girled when meeting a couple of my favourite clothing designers, and if I ever meet @Charlotte Bartlett of Scarlet Creative fame in world I just may die of giddy!

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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My experience is, that a lot of people get uncomfortable when someone is around and TP out ASAP.
So when I see someone on the map in my store, I stay away from it.
Customer contact can be fun, and has been for me too, but I never seek contact. The initiative has to come from the customer.

I have the same thing in RL myself. I hate it when a salesperson is circling me in a shop.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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My customers are creators, people with a lot on their minds and, I suppose, very short of time. I am doing my best so they can quickly find what they are searching for and return to their work. Even when I have things to do to in shops, I check which building they are in and wait until they teleport out so I can do what I need to do, staying out of their way. Most of my communication with customers is work-related, primarily via mailbox as I am not in world much. Some of them are my favorite furniture creators, and though I am tempted to greet them sometimes, I don't want to distract them, so I remain silent.

Edited by RohanaRaven Zerbino
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4 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

Customer contact can be fun, and has been for me too, but I never seek contact. The initiative has to come from the customer.

Seconding this. As a customer I feel pressured going into a store with the owner present. Same with land rentals that immediately bombard you with offers to help. I'd rather look at things in my own time without the presence or initiative from the owner. 

As a store owner myself I also stay out of customer's way for the reasons mentioned above. If they have questions they will inevitably reach out and I'll be very happy to help then but until then, no, I don't want to be that sales person that follows you around in the store making you think you *have* to buy something or worse, that you're a possible thief. x3

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I used to greet people when they would pop into my store. After realizing this made the majority of them instantly TP out I stopped doing it. I did a test for about a week and the results were doubtless. Almost 70% of the people I greeted instantly popped out without replying. In contrast 100% of the people I didn't greet, didn't pop out instantly. I have a couple CS people that hang out in the store sometimes and I've asked them to never greet first but always be ready to answer when they see a green dot appear.

That said, I do love interacting with customers when they want to.

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I avoid entering my shop if someone's visiting, so they don't feel crowded. But I run into people elsewhere, particularly at events like Fantasy Faire where people tend to walk around. Generally they mention things like favourite items, the colours they like, items from past hunts that aren't for sale yet, the stories in the story hunts, and stuff like that. Sometimes they ask me how the fungal invasion is going.

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I too avoid going into my store if I see someone is there. But I have met customers when I have been at venues, and they have IMed me to tell me they like my stuff, so that is very nice. Sometimes I will send them something for free if we chatted for a while, and one guy I kept bumping into regularly, I got to help me with testing something new.

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I'd say my experience is the opposite of Artorius'.  But maybe one factor is I sell clothing, and I make everything I wear. Sometimes, if I see someone standing in front of a vendor, I'll switch quickly into that outfit before I go in, making it a private modeling session. I come in, ask if I can help, and if not leave.  But that's rare; we're far more likely to start a conversation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found it very rare to meet the shop owner or anyone who might be working for them. I've met skybox rental folks before who were helping me find one back years ago. :) Was a fun experience and sometimes I'd get a cheaper option cause didn't want certain stuff. 

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Hi Nipah!  As a customer, I think it's happened to me exactly once (in 15 years).  It was a very special experience and I'd like others to have that too.

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That happens quite a lot.

My building platform is above the shop. Sometimes I'm already in the shop pfaffing about.

I don't go into the shop to meet them or ask if I can help if I see them, but leave them to wander about. Like others have said in this thread, shop assistants / merchants approaching me is something I don't like for myself and think a lot of people may feel similar.

If I am around and notice they made a purchase inworld I will send an IM thanking them. Sometimes that's how a conversation starts. Or they may ask me a question. Or I might warn them about the frogs...

I'll encourage them to try everything (I try not to just have things in boxes). Such a bonus if they have wacky sense of humour too.

Invariably it's a nice experience for me. People tend to be very complimentary (scared to death of me no doubt) - and I thoroughly enjoy that. I mean the compliments! I might give them something that I think they'll like from my shop (or inventory - not everything makes its way in to the shop as I'm lazy with making boxes and listings too). Especially if they like prank things that frequently explode in my hands...


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On 3/1/2024 at 8:33 AM, Dana Enyo said:

How many of you ever have the privilege of actually meeting a customer in your inworld shops?  I find it among the very best experiences I have in SL, and one of the best reasons I can think of not to just do Marketplace.

I had one such meeting this week; had the chance to talk about some items she had already purchased and discussed ideas for more.  Anyone else have experiences like that?

I always meet my customers in world at my store. I even walk them around the store to help them design their homes if they are looking for something specific. Customer service is so underestimated in SL these days. What is really cool is meeting them in clubs, out dancing or just walking about. I love hearing "oooh YOU are MYSA" LOL I love the conversations and never grow tired of hearing how my products have changed their lives and have brought couples closer.. I always say, I won't create something I won't put into my own home and use, and to sit and talk with others that are happy lets me know I am on the right path, there is nothing like it ♥ 

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I only have a tiny showroom in SL where I placed a demo pose stand for my offered fp animations on marketplace. Sometimes customers contacted me and asked me for custom animations. If our online time matches I usually invite them to my showroom to talk about their wishes. But when I am working at my building plattform above my showroom and recognize someone is trying out the demos, I dont disturb them. As others mentioned here already, some customers dont feel good, if the merchant starts an unwanted conversation. So I wait till they ask me for something. 

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