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Coincidental "copying" of another avatar

BN Hawks

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So, I created an avatar with tools that are available to everyone. It is on a Sonic themed Sim. Coincidentally, another avatar approaches me, looking identical, saying that I copied his, when I did not. The materials are available to everyone and there is no sale or marketing of anything involved. Does this avatar have the right to tell me that I cannot have mine looking like his even though this was not intentional and nothing is for sale? He is telling me to not use this avatar because it is one he came up with. Thanks for your advice.

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I can see why the other guy is annoyed, but IMO we all have the right to make our avatars look however we want, and as long as you are not trying to pretend you are him by use of display name or whatever, I don't see why you would have to change (unless there is some rule on that particular sim about it).

Having said that, is there something you can change slightly to make the two of you not quite so identical, just to avoid confusion? 

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Once you have made your own avatar from scratch, then nobody can tell you to not use it.

Actually, there might have many similarities between both avatars, but certanly they are no the same, unless a copybot has been involved.

My advice is to ignore this person.

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I'm not sure, but I don't think there are any rules stating you can not look similar to someone else. At least not in the TOS. Perhaps RL rules and regulations apply, but I don't know.

But ask yourself this. Did the other one create the avatar first? Do they really look the same? Are you that set on keeping the exact look you created or is it possible you could make some changes - perhaps evenf or the better? How would you feel if you created a look first, and someone else came along looking exactly the same?

- Luc -

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BN Hawks wrote:

So, I created an avatar with tools that are available to everyone. It is on a Sonic themed Sim. Coincidentally, another avatar approaches me, looking identical, saying that I copied his, when I did not. The materials are available to everyone and there is no sale or marketing of anything involved. Does this avatar have the right to tell me that I cannot have mine looking like his even though this was not intentional and nothing is for sale? He is telling me to not use this avatar because it is one he came up with. Thanks for your advice.

Welcome to Second Life Forums, BN.

In my opinion, there are rather too many female avatars in Second Life that look like they have been cloned from one cell, but I don't hear them complaining that anyone has copied them.

On a Sonic-themed sim, if you have worked on looking like a particular character from the game, then you are bound to meet with someone who looks identical/almost identical.

If you know you didn't copy anyone else, then you also know that this person who is telling you not to use "his" avatar is talking out of his exit pipe. He sounds about 12 years old, and should just be totally ignored. Unfortunately, occasionally you will meet with people like this, attention seekers, griefers or bullies. Make full use of the "block" (or "mute") facility. They are not worth even responding to.



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Assuming that this tool kit comes with a full perm sample of the same prims, sculpt maps and textures - Yes, he has the right to 'acknowledged' that you two are twins. He does not have toheright to say that you should not make your avatar look like him nor prevent you from making an exact replica like his. Otherwise, I will report everyone that looked like me or my hair.

Or you could keep arguing who's copying whom:

Him: You copied mine. You look like me
You: No, You copied mine. You look like me
Him: No. You copied mine. You look lke me
You: No. You copied mine. You loke like me
Him: No! You!
You: No! You!
Him: You!
You: You!


eventually one will become tired and left. I had similar argument in a furry sandbox before ('except we were arguing who was the bigger idiot) and in the end the little puppy walked away defeated and  I won. I was the bigger idiot.

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Willow Danube wrote:

Assuming that this tool kit comes with a full perm sample of the same prims, sculpt maps and textures - Yes, he has the right to 'acknowledged' that you two are twins. He does not have toheright to say that you should not make your avatar look like him nor prevent you from making an exact replica like his. Otherwise, I will report everyone that looked like me or my hair.

Or you could keep arguing who's copying whom:

Him: You copied mine. You look like me

You: No, You copied mine. You look like me

Him: No. You copied mine. You look lke me

You: No. You copied mine. You loke like me

Him: No! You!

You: No! You!

Him: You!

You: You!


eventually one will become tired and left. I had similar argument in a furry sandbox before ('except we were arguing who was the bigger idiot) and in the end the little puppy walked away defeated and  I won. I was the bigger idiot.


I'm laughing out loud, Willow. So very funny you are (sometimes it's nice pretending to be 12!  I'm heading out for a water pistol)

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its actually a video game, Sonic the hedge hog. But either why that is a good point. The person that owns that trademark could throw a fit.

I mean seriously, its a themed sim eventually you are going to have people looking the same. If it was a disney themed sim you don't think you would end up with more than one mickey mouse or donald duck?

Tell this guy to never go to a Navatar sim, pretty much everyone looks the same lol.

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This other person has a right to rant all he/she wants, however he/she does not have a right to harass you for not being unique. Blocking him/her is a solution.

I would hate to see what this person is like if he/she met his/her identical twin on the street or a mall, would he/she harass or attack the person saying that he/she is a copy and needs to get plastic surgery?


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i wonder if people feel embarrassed later when they realise how silly they were acting about something like that..


it's like showing up to place with large amounts of people and seeing someone in the same dress or top..

Ceka: Omg honey we have to leave!!

Hubby: Why do we have to leave?

Ceka: What are you blind? Can't you see that she has MY top on !?

Hubby: Wha? Who?Oo

Ceka: That girl over there surrounded by those guys!!

Hubby: All i see is a big circle of guys..What do you have xray vision or something?

Ceka: Lets just get out of here before everyone notices!!!

Hubby:Notices? We're at a concert!!!

Ceka: You just don't understand..SHE HAS MY TOP ON!!!!! Now lets go!!!

Hubby: It's the lead singer of the band!!


(Hubby at work the next day)

Friend at work: Bro so how were those Flyleaf tickets i got you?

Hubby: Don't ask...................................





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Kicking the dialogue a bit more towards silliness....too much fun to pass up, Ceka.

Wife: OMG we need to leave right now!!

Hubby: Why?

Wife: Are you blind? Can't you see that she has MY top on?

Hubby: What? Wait a minute!

Wife: That girl over there has the same shirt as me!

Hubby: You are kidding right?

Wife: No, I am not!!!

Hubby: Hun, we're at a concert!!!

Wife: Look..SHE HAS MY TOP ON!!!!! Now lets go!!!

Hubby: Vendors outside were selling the same shirt to everyone here, bound to be more than one person wearing the same thing!!


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I rarely make any changes to my avatar.

If I saw that someone had duplicated it, I would not consider that to be possibly by accident.

But my response would consist mostly of immedaitely looking for ways to improve any and all aspects of my avatar.

Ifyou make your AV look like a character from a movie, TV show, video game, comic strip, etc., even subtle variations, you will will eventually find someone, somewhere, has also come up with.


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I Find this Funny & Weird at the Same time, If i were that guy I Wouldnt Really Mess About You copying my Avatar And Say Something Nice, Plus he Aint even the actual creator of the Outfit (Right?) But dont mind about it, I Suggest Dont Reply him with an Argue, Explain to him About the Item(s) are Available to everyone, Dont go like "THIS IS MY AVATAR, DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT I WANT TO WEAR' And stuffs..Or just Follow what he wants to do, Change your avatars Outfit, And As what you said.. Sonic themed sim.. What kind of Avatar are you wearing? If your Wearing An FC (Fan Character) Avatar Then i Suggest You Change your Avatar, But if your Wearing an Existing Character from Sonic X, Then dont mind about this Guy

If I'm wrong Forgive Me, I'm just 39 Days Old Here on SL

xoxo vLicious




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There's no rule against looking like someone else.  Just go to any arrival point and see how many avatars are twins, triplets, quadralooplets.  The only rule is against stealing content.  Make your own prims, use your own textures, and thumb your nose at any irate look-alikes.

Um, you say you used "tools available to everyone".  Those are the build tools, I hope.  If you mean you used an illegal copybot viewer (which is, theoretically, available to "everyone"), then shame on you!

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