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Self-Care September Promotion & SL Groups

Luna Bliss

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50 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

This thread seems, in my opinion, to be doing more harm than help to your apparent goal of getting people to go to inworld support groups...

I don't know if this is the thread's goal, or even if it's the goal of the social media marketing surrounding this topic (looking at the hashtags used...maybe?)...

Wait, I clicked on the link on the SL Twitter post (which is the same across Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and see that it does indeed lead to in-world support/mental health/wellness destinations. I had assumed they were more scenic/photographic places.

Yeah...so, apparently it is the goal of the social media posts to get people into these activities. Interesting.

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5 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:
1 hour ago, Persephone Emerald said:

This thread seems, in my opinion, to be doing more harm than help to your apparent goal of getting people to go to inworld support groups...

I don't know if this is the thread's goal, or even if it's the goal of the social media marketing surrounding this topic (looking at the hashtags used...maybe?)...

Wait, I clicked on the link on the SL Twitter post (which is the same across Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and see that it does indeed lead to in-world support/mental health/wellness destinations. I had assumed they were more scenic/photographic places.

Yeah...so, apparently it is the goal of the social media posts to get people into these activities. Interesting.

I think they started watching the forum a lot and knew some advertising was necessary.

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13 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

I only believe in 'Extra L$ For The Nagy' support groups in SL.
A shame that I didn't find one yet.

LOL you should start one!

I was in the class of 2004 group for awhile but left....not much going on in it and I needed space for other groups.

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38 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Wait, I clicked on the link on the SL Twitter post (which is the same across Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and see that it does indeed lead to in-world support/mental health/wellness destinations. I had assumed they were more scenic/photographic places.

Yeah...so, apparently it is the goal of the social media posts to get people into these activities. Interesting.

Doesn't all advertising have as a goal to help people become aware that something exists though, and hopefully participate in more of what 2nd life has to offer?

Destination guide, blog posts, announcements....for example.


Self–Care Awareness Month in September is a time to remind us that taking care of ourselves, first and foremost, is essential. Self-care is often neglected in our everyday lives. We all tend to put others’ needs before our own and it is crucial to remember, that we cannot fill another’s cup from our own empty vessel. While getting a massage or taking a walk are beautiful examples of taking time for our well-being, self-care can be more expansive than that.

Self-care knows no boundaries. It is something that everyone, without any exclusions, can benefit from practicing on a daily basis. True self-care is not self-centered nor selfish; it is simply keeping yourself the focus of your own life. It’s about paying attention to how you feel in each moment, communicating clearly, speaking up for yourself, and saying yes or no… guilt-free.


Edited by Luna Bliss
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1 minute ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Anyone know of any support groups for those who are/have been ostracized?


Sometimes abandonment issues are discussed in the relationship groups, as they are a big part of both being in relationships with people and the world in general.  One group I'm in has several people of color, and they have mentioned their particular issues pertaining to their ethnicity/color.

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7 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Doesn't all advertising have as a goal to help people become aware that something exists though, and hopefully participate in more of what 2nd life has to offer?

It's not about the advertising. I know what advertising is.


42 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I had assumed they were more scenic/photographic places.

The tweet, for reference:

Why it matters - no comment. I'll keep that to myself.

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29 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Anyone know of any support groups for those who are/have been ostracized?


I remember some of the SL punks and metalheads in the early 2010s were in groups called "BANNED FROM (NAME OF SL CLUB)" :) Rather than complain about it on the forums, they were really proud of it xD 

It's like if Sid started BANNED FROM MOTOWN and then all his friends went in and started saying "I can't dance to no music" and also got banned, just to join the group :)

Edited by Rat Luv
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2 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I remember some of the SL punks and metalheads in the early 2010s were in groups called "BANNED FROM (NAME OF SL CLUB)" :) Rather than complain about it on the forums, they were really proud of it xD 

Not what I meant but that is funny. 🤭

I was referring more to those who have been ostracized by society at large, RL and/or SL.

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4 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I think the above, Sam's perceptions, points to a very important point to clarify for the purpose of understanding the merit of self-care activities within SL -- is it true that most people in 2nd life are lying or roleplaying?  For me, this paints a very negative picture of 2nd life in general and I have not found it to be true, and so I want to confront it.  I realize though, that whether it's true or not very much depends on where someone spends their time in 2nd life.

My point was you don't get to determine whether or not I think most people are roleplaying or lying just as I don't have the right to determine that you have not had the same experience.  You can counter with YOUR own experience but don't tell me what I experience is not valid.  Also, my opinion is self help/therapy is dangerous with a bunch of strangers. That's MY opinion. You don't get to try and change that or dimmish what I've said.  

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11 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I remember some of the SL punks and metalheads in the early 2010s were in groups called "BANNED FROM (NAME OF SL CLUB)" :) Rather than complain about it on the forums, they were really proud of it xD 

It's like if Sid started BANNED FROM MOTOWN and then all his friends went in and started saying "I can't dance to no music" and also got banned, just to join the group :)

Only if everybody is willing to pay me a 2,000 L$ fee a month.  :)
Then there is no need to actually be banned at all.
Only reason to boot you is not paying on time.

Darn, I'm getting greedy. 💰


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2 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Only if everybody is willing to pay me a 2,000 L$ fee a month.  :)
Then there is no need to actually be banned at all.
Only reason to boot you is not paying on time.

Darn, I'm getting greedy. 💰


If you want $L2000 a month I'm going to need some references that it is beneficial for me to be in the group.

Also, what are the group perks?


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5 minutes ago, Sam Bellisserian said:

If you want $L2000 a month I'm going to need some references that it is beneficial for me to be in the group.

Also, what are the group perks?


You will be member of a very exclusive SL support group.
Supporting The Nagy financially.
That alone is worth more than the meager 2,000 L$ a month,  in my book.

How about an original Sid Nagy plywood sphere as the group perk?
Only for those who pay member fees one year in advance.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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3 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Maybe they should switch therapists, get one from the Virtual Psychotherapy group inworld. I joined the group, not as a therapist, but don't know much about it. There are actual psychotherapists in it from 1st life though.

I think I've seen that group. It has people in it, but I doubt they're active in SL. My guess is it's left over from SL's more popular days.

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On 9/10/2023 at 8:41 PM, Luna Bliss said:

Yet a few weeks ago you expressed on the forum how you wanted to have a romantic relationship in 2nd life where you could be assured of the person's gender and trust that they were being real with their feelings and description of their life, both 1st and 2nd life.

So how is this different from doing the same thing in a group?

I know you were responding to Sam here but, a while back you posted that someone you were very close to in sl lied to you for literally 8 years about their real sex. I'm surprised that now you are championing the idea of trusting any stranger on the internet for anything really. 

I guess it really depends on what level of risk you are comfortable with and when it comes to strangers online, many people are not willing to take that gamble for good reason.

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These forums may seem like a tight little group of friends and frienemies, but I think it's worth noting that they're actually open to the public, whereas an inworld group's chat is not. Too much mud-slinging and outing each other, and it risks becoming like that other forum for no-longer-secret secrets.

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20 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

These forums may seem like a tight little group of friends and frienemies, but I think it's worth noting that they're actually open to the public, whereas an inworld group's chat is not.

True, though I think this is better. Knowing you're posting to an open, public forum should (hopefully!) prevent some users from getting a bit too deep into the TMI zone. Sometimes. I've seen a whole bunch of TMI on another forum I used to visit years ago (mostly family related with real names) and...perhaps the person just didn't think about it buuuut, probably should've. I remember thinking a few times - oh man, I hope her relatives never find her forum posts in the future. 😂

On the other hand, some newer users may not realize that things they say in-world could potentially be stored on any random person's PC (I have no idea how long it took me to realize chat logs were even a thing). Also, in a closed environment like that, it's just too easy to forget about such things and just yap on and on a wee bit toooooo much, whereas here, I'm quick to remind myself - INDEXED BY GOOGLE, lol.

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
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2 hours ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

I know you were responding to Sam here but, a while back you posted that someone you were very close to in sl lied to you for literally 8 years about their real sex. I'm surprised that now you are championing the idea of trusting any stranger on the internet for anything really. 

I guess it really depends on what level of risk you are comfortable with and when it comes to strangers online, many people are not willing to take that gamble for good reason.

Well for me it's not a black and white issue, an all or nothing mindset of 'all trust on the internet' vs 'no trust on the internet'.
Instead, there are places and people I trust on the internet to a greater degree than others.
So I'm definitely not "championing the idea of trusting any stranger on the internet for anything", as you put it.

Again, I'm not advocating being wide open on the internet and having no boundaries! But it's also true that one can miss out on a lot of goodies by being totally closed. One has to explore & evaluate and determine where trust might be placed by being more open, and yet closed in other places that don't feel safe.
It's also fine if people want to totally not trust anything on the internet and not taking any "gamble", as you say -- I'm only speaking to what works for me, and pointing out if people are not trusting due to misunderstandings about what we actually share within these support groups.

I can see where you might wonder how I would trust anyone again after my experience with the 8-year-long liar!
It was a pretty big hurt for me...a very big deal, and not easy to get over.
But even though they were lying about something significant there were many good things about them and our experiences -- nobody is all bad. And I forgive more easily when someone is not trying to hurt me on purpose but is instead operating out of their own need for self-discovery.

Regarding trusting after being so lied to, I don't believe that just because one person is untruthful on the internet it means that all would be. That would not be fair to project onto another an experience from my past they had nothing to do with via thinking badly or suspiciously of them. Of course I know there are others out there who deceive and do all sorts of annoying behaviors, but I prefer to keep present in my mind that it's more likely I'll encounter people with integrity who value being truthful.

It's actually a core part of my spirituality to live in this way -- in the present, and not in the past. To treat each person as they are and not as some projection from my mind. For me it's wrong not to treat others as if they don't exist in their own right and would instead just be as I imagine them to be.
This doesn't preclude the notion however that in many aspects of relating to someone that trust has to be earned. Trust evolves with time in knowing anyone, but I just don't want to start from the position that they're likely a liar or out to hurt me.

Of course when speaking of truthfulness & trust I'm talking about the places in 2nd life or the internet that are not ONLY fantasy and roleplaying, and of course this all applies to 1st life as well.

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20 hours ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

I know you were responding to Sam here but, a while back you posted that someone you were very close to in sl lied to you for literally 8 years about their real sex. I'm surprised that now you are championing the idea of trusting any stranger on the internet for anything really. 

I need to point out, you were referencing something I disclosed in the past to make a point.

That's fine, it helps clarify things for you.

In no way did I think you were doing anything wrong or psychoanalyzing me, as some accused me of when I did the very same thing -- referenced thoughts someone voiced in the past to help clarify an issue.

@Ceka Cianci

@Sam Bellisserian

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3 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

True, though I think this is better. Knowing you're posting to an open, public forum should (hopefully!) prevent some users from getting a bit too deep into the TMI zone. Sometimes. I've seen a whole bunch of TMI on another forum I used to visit years ago (mostly family related with real names) and...perhaps the person just didn't think about it buuuut, probably should've. I remember thinking a few times - oh man, I hope her relatives never find her forum posts in the future. 😂

On the other hand, some newer users may not realize that things they say in-world could potentially be stored on any random person's PC (I have no idea how long it took me to realize chat logs were even a thing). Also, in a closed environment like that, it's just too easy to forget about such things and just yap on and on a wee bit toooooo much, whereas here, I'm quick to remind myself - INDEXED BY GOOGLE, lol.

Someone posted a reminder earlier that you can't see the Adult Forums if you're not logged in, so I assume Google can't see it either..?

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