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Kathlen Onyx

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    BAN all short people!

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  1. I've seen a lot of profiles with some sick stuff in it however, I'm not triggered or upset or really anything at all. I just close the profile and move on. I don't even AR them. I think people worry a whole lot about getting AR'd. The OP was AR'd and suspended for a day while they changed their profile. I think that is reasonable. I do judge people on their profiles and groups though. LOL
  2. Well you don't know all the stories behind the supposed "abandoned" parcel. Would it satisfy your love of these parcels if they erected a sign with an explanation of the build?
  3. Well tbf only two people did this. One does it on purpose and yes, the other one is definitely getting all bent out of shape over a hypothetical idea. We all know this will never happen because this is a social platform, not a game.
  4. Well, this post insulted nearly everyone who posts on this forum. I didn't realize the collective IQ here was so low. Thanks!
  5. This is your thread. If you want to make an argument for it then links help out a lot. No one is going looking for that information. Did they pay for it at one time such as in "lifetime memberships" That would be the only reason I know of where land has been abandoned and the objects remain. As far as the lifetime memberships, well they could be dead. Hard to notify SL after that happens!
  6. So now you have a bunch of land with nothing on it scattered all over the mainland because if someone is paying for land they can't just take it away from them.
  7. That is the only Opensim grid that has that much because the owner created most of those regions. Not saying that his grid isn't a great place but I knew before I even clicked on it which one you were referring to. All the other grids are DOA with a few hundred daily logins, if that.
  8. As long as the land is generating revenue, in whatever way, then the land should be left untouched. Who is anyone to say something is ugly and should be removed? Even if it is ugly to most people, mainland is there as a sort of sandbox so people can be creative. You also have no idea what that structure represents to the land owner. Maybe it was the very first thing they built when they came to SL. Maybe their partner or a close friend, who has now died, helped them work on a project or it's in remembrance of them. If you don't like the looks of mainland there are plenty of other choices you can make such as getting a Linden home, renting from a private owner or purchasing your own sim from LL. Not everyone can build or create something beautiful but I guarantee that to them it's important.
  9. Angry and unlikely to buy from that store. Especially if you don't know it's a timed demo ahead of time. I have bought things in the past that had a timed demo and regretted it because after I purchased the full version I noticed the flaws. Most timed demo's I've seen are five minutes. I've never seen a 10 minute demo. There are things that need to be tested sometimes such as what hair you are going to wear. If you want to wear the item with a specific hair then you have to make sure the item doesn't clip into the collar or back as well.
  10. Then I would suggest that you submit a support ticket and ask whatever specific questions you need answered. This is a resident forum and you know this. That or you could go to a governance meeting and ask. There is just too much time that has been wasted on both you and @BilliJo Aldrin to try and assure you that whatever RP, height, choice of dress is ok for YOU. Use your common sense. This thread just needs to be closed.
  11. Well first I know that's BS because you stated over and over you don't DO RP. Whatever you do in SL is you. Second, that word shouldn't cross your lips whether it's RP, joking, serious or any other excuse you want to come up with. You are disgusting.
  12. I cannot even believe that you have the audacity to write this in the forum.
  13. For someone that is so worried about LL finding out what you do and are convinced that you will be banned you certainly do spell it all out here on the forum. At what point are you going to cease opening thread after thread about the TOS, pretending that you are SO nervous about being banned, while at the same time declaring you will do nothing different? 9 pages of the same crap in your other 2567 threads about the same thing. At this point they probably hired a Linden just to watch you.
  14. So it's not an update, you have to buy it specifically for Lara X?
  15. Of course everyone needs to follow the rules. I wasn't debating that. What I was trying to say is that the people that will need this type of safeguard aren't going to use it. Other people, you know the ones with common sense, don't need it.
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