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Should I put my real-life gender in my woman avatars' profiles?

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3 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:
5 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I've never gotten angry when asked to voice but I've had others get angry when I say I don't.   That may be why people eventually DO become angry when asked because they've had to deal with men (usually) who don't like hearing NO.

Yes they do sometimes get mad, because they (men) can't seem to wrap their head around even a single one of the dozens of valid reasons a woman—or anyone—might not wish to voice in SL.

Funny, it is the men too.

I have never had a woman ask me to voice when I am in my male avatar specifically to verify my RL sex or gender. However, before I stated clearly in my profile as Kat I am male in RL, I'd get almost a daily ask from a guy to voice verify that I was a woman.

Whether or not this somehow ties into another poster pointing out that some % of people really are using SL as a RL dating app, not sure. It could be that or outright homophobia or a result of "once bitten, twice shy". Not sure why people do use SL as a RL dating thing when there are other apps far more suited to RL relationships/hookups etc.

Yes, I agree Katherine...it could be that or outright homophobia or a result of "once bitten, twice shy".  We just don't know do we, and it varies from person to person.  But yes, homophobia is quite prevalent so you are wise to suspect this.

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27 minutes ago, Orwar said:
44 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Homophobia does, after all, exist.

   Well it's nice to know there's homophobia to blame the next time it rains. 

You're talking to someone who watched her lesbian partner in agony as her children were almost taken away from her forever due to the homophobia and general bigotry in this god-forsaken place where the courthouse looks like Wyatt Earp could walk out of it at any moment.

They didn't get the kids though!  We won!

Her pain, her agony, the whole freaking mess pretty much ruined her life and our relationship.

So don't you EVER talk to me about homophobia....something you know nothing about.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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11 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

Luna what does this mean to you:

"Before I stated clearly in my profile as Kat I am male in RL, I'd get almost a daily ask from a guy to voice verify that I was a woman. It could be outright homophobia"

It means Katherine is suggesting that anyone who wants to only interact, maybe in a sexual way, with someone of the opposite sex is homophobic. Is what it means. 

When you start policing people's human right to be attracted to whoever they are attracted to is where I draw the line and call anyone who does this completely selfish and entitled. 


It could be outright homophobia.  Homophobia exists -- it's not a crime to suggest this could be the case here.  I mean, she didn't even say for sure that it was...she simply suggested it could be for god's sake.

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1 minute ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:
9 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

 But yes, homophobia is quite prevalent so you are wise to suspect this.

Accusing anyone of transphobia simply because of their natural human sexual preferences is so wrong on so many levels. I can't believe I have to point that out. 

But nobody has done that, Ingrid.

She said:

Whether or not this somehow ties into another poster pointing out that some % of people really are using SL as a RL dating app, not sure. It could be that or outright homophobia or a result of "once bitten, twice shy". Not sure why people do use SL as a RL dating thing when there are other apps far more suited to RL relationships/hookups etc.

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6 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

But nobody has done that, Ingrid.

She said:

Whether or not this somehow ties into another poster pointing out that some % of people really are using SL as a RL dating app, not sure. It could be that or outright homophobia or a result of "once bitten, twice shy". Not sure why people do use SL as a RL dating thing when there are other apps far more suited to RL relationships/hookups etc.

Do you not see the "It could be that or outright homophobia " part? 

Katherine then goes on to judge people using sl as a dating app. They can use it anyway they want to. It's completely up to them.

Edited by Ingrid Ingersoll
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3 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Yes they do sometimes get mad, because they (men) can't seem to wrap their head around even a single one of the dozens of valid reasons a woman—or anyone—might not wish to voice in SL.

Funny, it is the men too.

I have never had a woman ask me to voice when I am in my male avatar specifically to verify my RL sex or gender. However, before I stated clearly in my profile as Kat I am male in RL, I'd get almost a daily ask from a guy to voice verify that I was a woman.

Whether or not this somehow ties into another poster pointing out that some % of people really are using SL as a RL dating app, not sure. It could be that or outright homophobia or a result of "once bitten, twice shy". Not sure why people do use SL as a RL dating thing when there are other apps far more suited to RL relationships/hookups etc.

I think this insistence on voice-verification may be a sign of male entitlement - which is not the same as denigrating women.

Most p0rn is made for the male gaze, even when it's labeled as lesbian or female POV. Hetero men who come into SL (especially younger and less experienced men) may view SL as just another porn site, with the females here (especially if their avatar is attractive) being potential conquests to satisfy their desires. Heaven forbid they might consider women to have minds or interests of their own. Women must get-off by seeing a d!ck-pic or being forced into a position that pleases their male partner, because that's how they behave in p0rn. I suspect the worst behaved males in SL don't actually have much experience with RL women, because if they behaved that way in RL, many women wouldn't put up with them for long.

Now add into this mix those RL males who enjoy playing a female avatar in order to act out their own little cartoon p0rn. When they're propositioned by a pushy "alpha male" they get-off on this, because it fits into their fantasy of males dominating and controlling women. Both parties are likely to be happy with this situation, until the "alpha male" character realizes his partner is also male in RL. Rather than then being suspicious of a certain type of female avatar, they become suspicious of all female avatars because they still haven't learned to appreciate that real women have other interests than their sorry a$$ avatar and neanderthal mindset. (Apologies to Neanderthals, since we don't really know much about their social behavior.)

Btw, not all RL males who play a female avatar are interested in SL sex. One of my gay male friends has both a male and a female avatar, and while his female avatar could be said to represent a feminine side, he has no interest in using her for SL sex. My RL hetero ex-boyfriend also has both a male and a female avatar, and has no interest in SL sex.


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10 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I think this insistence on voice-verification may be a sign of male entitlement - which is not the same as denigrating women.

I don't really know what I am talking about, but I have assumed that if a male insisted on voice-verification (which of course can be faked), it suggested that he feared the idea of participating in sex with another man due to his culture/socialization/religion telling him that this is sinful or deviant. This always seemed strange (and irrational) to me as what difference should it make if you are just SLexting. Weirdly, this reminds me of the scene in Home Alone where the mom is offering her wrist watch for plane tickets and the lady asks "Is that a real Rolex?" the mom replies "Do you think it is?"

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22 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Btw, not all RL males who play a female avatar are interested in SL sex. One of my gay male friends has both a male and a female avatar, and while his female avatar could be said to represent a feminine side, he has no interest in using her for SL sex. My RL hetero ex-boyfriend also has both a male and a female avatar, and has no interest in SL sex.

Agreed, my female alt seems completely uninterested in sex. So far as I can tell. 

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15 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

What would be the difference(s)?

Entitlement is assuming one has the right to stuff - attention, information, space (eg. man-spreading), food (as in cultures where the men are served first), preference for job placement, etc. Male entitlement assumes men are superior to women because those males have been taught this from childhood. They might not even realize that this mindset is denigrating to women, because they think women prefer a secondary, supportive position (such as Goreans who believe "real women" are naturally submissive). They may believe that women are naturally inclined to be caregivers, while men are not. They may believe many things subconsciously, without realizing that their beliefs are harmful to those who are not like them (eg. those are a different gender).

They might even think they're charming or that they put women on a pedestal. They might be someone who would hold a door open for a women or offer to carry her packages. It's just that they are so set in a gendered mindset that they don't understand when some of their behavior is actually limiting, paternalistic or self-entitled. An example is a man who tells a woman to smile, while he would never think to tell a man to do so.

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